1-1           WHEREAS, Section 9, Article III, Texas Constitution, requires
 1-2     that the house of representatives elect a speaker of the house from
 1-3     its own membership; now, therefore, be it
 1-4           RESOLVED, That the secretary of state shall call for
 1-5     nominations from the floor for the election of speaker of the house
 1-6     of representatives for the 76th Legislature and shall recognize
 1-7     every member who desires to make a nomination; that each person
 1-8     recognized shall immediately advance to the front microphone to
 1-9     make his or her nomination in a nominating speech not to exceed
1-10     five minutes in length; and, be it further
1-11           RESOLVED, That after all nominations have been made,
1-12     nominations shall be closed; whereupon seconding speeches shall be
1-13     allowed, one for each nomination, in the order in which the
1-14     nominations were made; and then other seconding speeches shall be
1-15     allowed in rotation, with speeches in each round made in the order
1-16     in which the nominations were made; provided that each nominee
1-17     shall be allowed a maximum of five seconding speeches, none to
1-18     exceed three minutes in length, and no person shall be considered a
1-19     nominee unless his or her nomination is seconded by at least one
1-20     member; and, be it further
1-21           RESOLVED, That all votes taken for election of speaker shall
1-22     be record votes and entered in the House Journal; and, be it
1-23     further
1-24           RESOLVED, That the secretary of state shall announce the
 2-1     results of the election; and if one nominee has received a majority
 2-2     of the votes cast, the secretary of state shall declare him or her
 2-3     to be elected to the office of speaker of the house of
 2-4     representatives; but if no nominee has received such a majority,
 2-5     the two nominees receiving the largest number of votes in the first
 2-6     ballot shall be in a runoff election and the procedure shall be
 2-7     repeated a second time with votes being cast for one or the other
 2-8     of the two nominees, the member receiving the higher vote being
 2-9     declared elected; and, be it further
2-10           RESOLVED, That after the election, the oath of office shall
2-11     be administered under the direction of the secretary of state to
2-12     the speaker-elect, and the speaker shall thereupon take the chair.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 2 was adopted by the House on January
         12, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House