1-1           WHEREAS, Hunt County Days at the Capitol  on March 9 and 10,
 1-2     1999, provide an opportunity to welcome and recognize Hunt County
 1-3     citizens for their many contributions to this state; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Founded in 1846 and named for Memucan Hunt, the
 1-5     first Texas minister to Washington, Hunt County has always linked
 1-6     its  prosperity with this state's; from the earliest days of
 1-7     oxcarts hauling cotton to market to modern aeronautics
 1-8     manufacturers shipping worldwide, this link has indeed been a
 1-9     friendly and profitable one; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Hunt County's early success began with agriculture,
1-11     and advances in moving produce added to the area's growing
1-12     prosperity; in 1880 the East Line and Red River Railroad laid the
1-13     first track into downtown Greenville, the county seat, and by 1904
1-14     seven rail lines served the county and 11 railroad towns provided
1-15     farmers with the means to move their crops statewide and
1-16     nationwide; and
1-17           WHEREAS, Industry boosted Hunt County's fortunes as well,
1-18     through the advent of spinning mills, compressors, and a seed-oil
1-19     refinery for the area's cotton, sawmills for lumber felled from the
1-20     banks of the Sabine and Trinity rivers, and even a shoe factory;
1-21     and
1-22           WHEREAS, Hunt County and its citizens have always looked to
1-23     the future; Greenville was the first city in Texas with a
1-24     municipally owned electric generating plant, providing light and
 2-1     power to urban and rural homes alike; and
 2-2           WHEREAS, Churches, schools, and community groups have also
 2-3     benefited residents: Wesley Methodist Church was established in
 2-4     1852; Texas A&M University at Commerce had its beginning as East
 2-5     Texas Normal  College in 1889; and organizations as varied as the
 2-6     Masons, Woodmen of the World, and the Federation of Woman's Clubs
 2-7     have all contributed to the wealth, health, and happiness of the
 2-8     citizens of Hunt County; and
 2-9           WHEREAS, The devotion, civic pride, and patriotism encouraged
2-10     by these community groups are perhaps best exemplified by Hunt
2-11     County native Audie Murphy, one of America's most decorated World
2-12     War II soldiers, who has a memorial in Greenville and whose memory
2-13     continues to serve as an enduring model of Texas values; and
2-14           WHEREAS, The residents of Hunt County are not all work and no
2-15     play, however, as anyone who has ever attended the annual Bois
2-16     d'Arc Bash in Commerce or Greenville's Cotton Jubilee  can attest;
2-17     similarly, those familiar with the fishing and recreational
2-18     opportunities offered at Lake Tawakoni and other area lakes know
2-19     where to visit when it's time to unwind; and
2-20           WHEREAS, The history and success of Hunt County have
2-21     contributed mightily to the greatness of the Lone Star State, and
2-22     the members of this house are pleased to join in paying tribute to
2-23     this singular county at this time; now, therefore, be it
2-24           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-25     Legislature hereby recognize March 9 and 10, 1999, as Hunt County
2-26     Days at the Capitol and extend best wishes to the citizens of Hunt
2-27     County for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
 3-1           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 3-2     prepared for prominent display in Hunt County as an expression of
 3-3     high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
                                                            Brown of Kaufman
         Laney                   Glaze                    Moreno of El Paso
         Alexander               Goodman                  Morrison
         Allen                   Goolsby                  Mowery
         Alvarado                Gray                     Naishtat
         Averitt                 Green                    Najera
         Bailey                  Greenberg                Nixon
         Berman                  Grusendorf               Noriega
         Bonnen                  Gutierrez                Oliveira
         Bosse                   Haggerty                 Olivo
         Brimer                  Hamric                   Palmer
         Brown of Kaufman        Hardcastle               Pickett
         Brown of Brazos         Hartnett                 Pitts
         Burnam                  Hawley                   Puente
         Capelo                  Heflin                   Ramsay
         Carter                  Hilbert                  Rangel
         Chavez                  Hilderbran               Reyna of Bexar
         Chisum                  Hill                     Reyna of Dallas
         Christian               Hinojosa                 Ritter
         Clark                   Hochberg                 Sadler
         Coleman                 Hodge                    Salinas
         Cook                    Homer                    Seaman
         Corte                   Hope                     Shields
         Counts                  Howard                   Siebert
         Crabb                   Hunter                   Smith
         Craddick                Hupp                     Smithee
         Crownover               Isett                    Solis of Cameron
         Cuellar                 Janek                    Solis of Bexar
         Culberson               Jones of Brazos          Solomons
         Danburg                 Jones of Lubbock         Staples
         Davis of Harris         Jones of Dallas          Swinford
         Davis of Dallas         Junell                   Talton
         Delisi                  Keel                     Telford
         Denny                   Keffer                   Thompson
         Deshotel                King of Parker           Tillery
         Driver                  King of Uvalde           Truitt
         Dukes                   Krusee                   Turner of Coleman
         Dunnam                  Kuempel                  Turner of Harris
         Dutton                  Lengefeld                Uher
         Edwards                 Lewis of Tarrant         Uresti
         Ehrhardt                Lewis of Orange          Van de Putte
         Eiland                  Longoria                 Walker
         Elkins                  Luna                     West
         Ellis                   McCall                   Williams
         Farabee                 McClendon                Wilson
         Farrar                  McReynolds               Wise
         Flores                  Madden                   Wohlgemuth
         Gallego                 Marchant                 Wolens
         Garcia                  Maxey                    Woolley
         George                  Merritt                  Yarbrough
         Giddings                Moreno of Harris         Zbranek
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 274 was adopted by the House on March
         10, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House