By Brown of Kaufman                                    H.R. No. 274
         76R6299 BE-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, Hunt County Days at the Capitol  on March 9 and 10,
 1-2     1999, provide an opportunity to welcome and recognize Hunt County
 1-3     citizens for their many contributions to this state; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Founded in 1846 and named for Memucan Hunt, the
 1-5     first Texas minister to Washington, Hunt County has always linked
 1-6     its  prosperity with this state's; from the earliest days of
 1-7     oxcarts hauling cotton to market to modern aeronautics
 1-8     manufacturers shipping worldwide, this link has indeed been a
 1-9     friendly and profitable one; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Hunt County's early success began with agriculture,
1-11     and advances in moving produce added to the area's growing
1-12     prosperity; in 1880 the East Line and Red River Railroad laid the
1-13     first track into downtown Greenville, the county seat, and by 1904
1-14     seven rail lines served the county and 11 railroad towns provided
1-15     farmers with the means to move their crops statewide and
1-16     nationwide; and
1-17           WHEREAS, Industry boosted Hunt County's fortunes as well,
1-18     through the advent of spinning mills, compressors, and a seed-oil
1-19     refinery for the area's cotton, sawmills for lumber felled from the
1-20     banks of the Sabine and Trinity rivers, and even a shoe factory;
1-21     and
1-22           WHEREAS, Hunt County and its citizens have always looked to
1-23     the future; Greenville was the first city in Texas with a
1-24     municipally owned electric generating plant, providing light and
 2-1     power to urban and rural homes alike; and
 2-2           WHEREAS, Churches, schools, and community groups have also
 2-3     benefited residents: Wesley Methodist Church was established in
 2-4     1852; Texas A&M University at Commerce had its beginning as East
 2-5     Texas Normal  College in 1889; and organizations as varied as the
 2-6     Masons, Woodmen of the World, and the Federation of Woman's Clubs
 2-7     have all contributed to the wealth, health, and happiness of the
 2-8     citizens of Hunt County; and
 2-9           WHEREAS, The devotion, civic pride, and patriotism encouraged
2-10     by these community groups are perhaps best exemplified by Hunt
2-11     County native Audie Murphy, one of America's most decorated World
2-12     War II soldiers, who has a memorial in Greenville and whose memory
2-13     continues to serve as an enduring model of Texas values; and
2-14           WHEREAS, The residents of Hunt County are not all work and no
2-15     play, however, as anyone who has ever attended the annual Bois
2-16     d'Arc Bash in Commerce or Greenville's Cotton Jubilee  can attest;
2-17     similarly, those familiar with the fishing and recreational
2-18     opportunities offered at Lake Tawakoni and other area lakes know
2-19     where to visit when it's time to unwind; and
2-20           WHEREAS, The history and success of Hunt County have
2-21     contributed mightily to the greatness of the Lone Star State, and
2-22     the members of this house are pleased to join in paying tribute to
2-23     this singular county at this time; now, therefore, be it
2-24           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-25     Legislature hereby recognize March 9 and 10, 1999, as Hunt County
2-26     Days at the Capitol and extend best wishes to the citizens of Hunt
2-27     County for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
 3-1           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 3-2     prepared for prominent display in Hunt County as an expression of
 3-3     high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.