By Uher                                                H.R. No. 300
         76R7971 JHS-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The untimely passing of the Honorable Daniel James
 1-2     Kubiak on August 30, 1998, at the age of 60, brought a tragic loss
 1-3     to his family and friends, as well as to the people of Texas; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, A veteran lawmaker, Representative Kubiak served his
 1-5     constituents for more than 20 years, participating in 11 meetings
 1-6     of the state legislature from 1969 to 1997 and capably serving the
 1-7     residents of Districts 27, 36, and 13, respectively, over the
 1-8     course of his illustrious career; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, Born in Reagan on March 19, 1938, he attended Marlin
1-10     High School, where he was class president and lettered in football,
1-11     basketball, baseball, and track; he earned an associate of arts
1-12     degree from Blinn College in 1959, and three years later he
1-13     received his bachelor's degree in business administration from The
1-14     University of Texas at Austin; and
1-15           WHEREAS, While pursuing a master's degree in education from
1-16     Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Representative Kubiak
1-17     worked as a teacher and coach for Vernon and Cypress-Fairbanks
1-18     schools and was named "Teacher of the Year" during his tenure; he
1-19     later attended graduate school at Georgetown University and earned
1-20     his doctorate in education from UT-Austin; and
1-21           WHEREAS, After his election to the Texas House of
1-22     Representatives in 1968, Representative Kubiak began a legislative
1-23     career characterized by his staunch advocacy of education issues,
1-24     with particular emphasis on youth-related programs and projects, as
 2-1     epitomized by his initiatives in support of the Texas Buffalo
 2-2     Soldier Program; he was also known for his strong support of state
 2-3     employees' causes and his expertise in budgetary matters, and he
 2-4     recently helped lead the initiative to tackle the state's Y2K
 2-5     computer problems and to heighten Year 2000 awareness throughout
 2-6     the state's public and private businesses; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, At the time of his passing, he was serving as vice
 2-8     chairman of the licensing and administrative procedures committee
 2-9     and as a member of the appropriations and redistricting committees;
2-10     he had previously led committees on public and higher education and
2-11     subcommittees of the agriculture and livestock committee, and
2-12     served on numerous vital legislative committees throughout his
2-13     years as a member of the house; and
2-14           WHEREAS, Representative Kubiak was recognized for his
2-15     outstanding leadership and dedicated public service by many groups
2-16     and organizations; in 1973, this remarkable gentleman was named one
2-17     of the "Ten Best Legislators" by Texas Monthly magazine, which drew
2-18     attention to his fine work as chairman of the education committee,
2-19     and he was also known for his efforts to promote cooperation and
2-20     compromise within the house of representatives; and
2-21           WHEREAS, In 1981, the Texas County Agents Association
2-22     selected him as "Man of the Year" in agriculture, and he was named
2-23     "Legislator of the Year" by the Texas Classroom Teachers
2-24     Association, the Texas Public Employees Association and State
2-25     Employees, and the Texas 4-H Alumni; he was also the author of
2-26     several books, including Ten Tall Texans and Monument to a Black
2-27     Man; and
 3-1           WHEREAS, A devoted father and son, Representative Kubiak was
 3-2     supported in his political endeavors by his children and his
 3-3     parents, particularly his mother, Connie, whose recent passing has
 3-4     further saddened the Kubiaks and their extended family; and
 3-5           WHERAS, Dan Kubiak earned the respect and admiration of his
 3-6     fellow legislators during his long and productive career as a state
 3-7     representative, and although his presence and guidance will be
 3-8     missed by his family, friends, and colleagues, his legacy of
 3-9     dedicated service and commitment to the citizens of Texas will
3-10     ensure that he is remembered for many years to come; now,
3-11     therefore, be it
3-12           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
3-13     Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable Daniel
3-14     James Kubiak and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his
3-15     family: to his sons, Kelly Dan Kubiak and Kody Earl Kubiak; to his
3-16     daughter, Alyssa Lea Kubiak; to his father, John T. Kubiak; to his
3-17     brothers, Leonard P. Kubiak, L. B.  Kubiak, and Richard Kubiak; to
3-18     his sister, Shirley Ann Stewart; and to the many other relatives
3-19     and friends of this beloved and respected public servant; and, be
3-20     it further
3-21           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
3-22     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
3-23     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
3-24     the Honorable Daniel James Kubiak.