1-1           WHEREAS, On July 3-4, 1999, descendants of Henry Pfluger,
 1-2     Sr., will gather in Pflugerville, Texas, and this year's reunion
 1-3     will be particularly significant in that it marks the family's
 1-4     150th anniversary in Texas; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Opportunities to socialize will abound during the
 1-6     two-day annual gathering, which will begin on Saturday morning with
 1-7     a tour of historic homes, followed by a luncheon at the Bohls' home
 1-8     in Bohls Heritage Park, games of dominoes in the afternoon, and
 1-9     old-fashioned reunion activities in Pfluger Park that evening; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Sunday's agenda starts with an early memorial
1-11     service at the Henry Pfluger, Sr., gravesite on Wilbarger Creek,
1-12     after which the group will gather at Pfluger Hall to view family
1-13     booths and to enjoy a barbecue luncheon, children's games, and a
1-14     program and business meeting; and
1-15           WHEREAS, The history of the Pfluger family in Texas began
1-16     with the arrival of Conrad and George Pfluger, the oldest sons of
1-17     Henry (Henrikus) Pfluger, Sr., at Port Indianola on Matagorda Bay
1-18     in the spring of 1849; the intrepid young men were en route from
1-19     Altenhausengen, Hessen, Germany, to the home of their uncle, John
1-20     Liese, who lived on a farm just east of Austin; and
1-21           WHEREAS, The rest of the family, including Henry, Sr., his
1-22     second wife, Anna Christina, and their children, Catherine
1-23     Elizabeth, Marie, Ludwig, William, and Henry, Jr., left Germany in
1-24     October 1849, traveled by sailboat for 13 weeks, and made port in
 2-1     Galveston in January 1850; they arrived in Austin after two more
 2-2     weeks of travel by oxcart; and
 2-3           WHEREAS, A successful farmer in Germany, Henry Pfluger, Sr.,
 2-4     arrived in Texas with $1,600, which he used to purchase a farm
 2-5     outside of Austin; and
 2-6           WHEREAS, Mr. Pfluger's brother-in-law, John Liese, had served
 2-7     in the Texas Army under General Sam Houston in 1836-1837 and had
 2-8     received a 960-acre bounty grant five miles east of the present
 2-9     town of Pflugerville; in 1853, Mr. Pfluger sold his Austin farm and
2-10     purchased this property, known today as the Liese tract; and
2-11           WHEREAS, The family of Henry Pfluger, Sr., and his wife,
2-12     Anna, expanded to include four more children, John, Charley,
2-13     August, and Elizabeth, all born in Texas; with the exception of
2-14     August, who died at the age of 24, all of the couple's children
2-15     married; the girls wed William Bohls (Catherine Elizabeth),
2-16     Frederick Franz  Schmidt (Marie), and August Braker (Elizabeth),
2-17     and the living descendants of Henry Pfluger, Sr., today number more
2-18     than 4,000; and
2-19           WHEREAS, The contributions made by Henry Pfluger, Sr., and
2-20     his descendants are interwoven in the rich, colorful, history of
2-21     the Lone Star State and it is indeed fitting that they be
2-22     acknowledged at this time; now, therefore, be it
2-23           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-24     Legislature hereby commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Henry
2-25     Pfluger, Sr., family in Texas and extend to all members of the
2-26     Pfluger family warmest best wishes for an enjoyable reunion; and,
2-27     be it further
 3-1           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 3-2     prepared for the Pfluger family as an expression of high regard by
 3-3     the Texas House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 381 was adopted by the House on March
         9, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House