By Greenberg                                           H.R. No. 389
         76R8992 JHS-F                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The National Society Daughters of the American
 1-2     Revolution was organized in 1890 and for the ensuing 100 years has
 1-3     distinguished itself as the premier patriotic organization in the
 1-4     United States; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, The members of the National Society Daughters of the
 1-6     American Revolution is limited to American women who are lineal
 1-7     blood descendants of an ancestor who aided in achieving America's
 1-8     independence; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, The commitment of the National Society Daughters of
1-10     the American Revolution was at its founding and remains today "to
1-11     perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who archived
1-12     American independence; to promote the development of an enlightened
1-13     public opinion; and to foster patriotic citizenship"; and
1-14           WHEREAS, Those high and valued ideals were greeted with great
1-15     favor by patriotic Texas women who sought to join and further those
1-16     aims by founding local chapters of the National Society Daughters
1-17     of the American Revolution in the Lone Star State; and
1-18           WHEREAS, On January 24, 1899, Florence Anderson Clark
1-19     organized the first National Society Daughters of the American
1-20     Revolution chapter in Austin, and that chapter was chartered by the
1-21     national organization on February 28, 1899, as the Thankful Hubbard
1-22     Chapter; and
1-23           WHEREAS, The Thankful Hubbard Chapter was named for
1-24     Mrs. Clark's great-grandmother, a gracious colonial lady of the
 2-1     State of Connecticut who bore  four sons who fought with valor in
 2-2     the American Revolution; and
 2-3           WHEREAS, The Thankful Hubbard Chapter then became one of the
 2-4     five founding chapters of the Texas Society Daughters of the
 2-5     American Revolution, and Mrs. Clark received just honors as the
 2-6     first state regent of the Texas Society; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, The first organizational meeting of the Thankful
 2-8     Hubbard Chapter was held in the stately West Austin home of Frances
 2-9     Hurlbut Evans, and that site today is the home of the Austin
2-10     Woman's Club and continues to be the meeting place of the Thankful
2-11     Hubbard Chapter; and
2-12           WHEREAS, Mrs. Evans served as the first chapter regent of
2-13     Thankful Hubbard and went on to be honored as a vice president
2-14     general of the National Society, one of many Thankful Hubbard
2-15     Chapter members who have served with distinction in offices of high
2-16     responsibility in the state and national societies; and
2-17           WHEREAS, Throughout their organization's long and glorious
2-18     history, members of the Thankful Hubbard Chapter have ensured the
2-19     permanent recognition of their group's founders and of Texas
2-20     patriots by placing historic markers on the graves of deceased
2-21     chapter members, on the grave of American and Texas revolutionary
2-22     soldier Stephen Williams in the Texas State Cemetery, under the
2-23     Washington elm tree on the State Capitol grounds, on the site at
2-24     The University of Texas at Austin where a statue honoring George
2-25     Washington now stands, and at the Nike Hercules missile base near
2-26     Austin; and
2-27           WHEREAS, The Thankful Hubbard Chapter has contributed
 3-1     generously to restoration projects in the Capital City including
 3-2     the beautiful Austin Woman's Club, the historic Hinrich home, and
 3-3     the home of writer O. Henry; and
 3-4           WHEREAS, The chapter annually recognizes outstanding young
 3-5     Americans by means of awarding Daughters of the American Revolution
 3-6     good citizen honors to area high school students, by sponsoring a
 3-7     scholarship to a graduating high school student, and by recognizing
 3-8     an outstanding University of Texas Reserve Officers Training Corps
 3-9     cadet; and
3-10           WHEREAS, Members of Thankful Hubbard generously provide
3-11     comfort items to hospitalized veterans, support Daughters of the
3-12     American Revolution schools for young people, and annually join
3-13     other Austin area Daughters of the American Revolution chapters and
3-14     the Sons of the American Revolution in moving ceremonies
3-15     celebrating Constitution Day and Washington's Birthday; and
3-16           WHEREAS, The chapter membership has included many prominent
3-17     and accomplished women of Austin and the state, among them
3-18     Mrs. Julia Bremond, Mrs. Ben Powell, Mrs. Sterling Fulmore,
3-19     Mrs. Walter Prescott Webb, Mrs. Price Daniel, Dr. Jean Andrews, and
3-20     Mrs. Bob Bullock; and
3-21           WHEREAS, The mantle of leadership of the Thankful Hubbard
3-22     Chapter is vested in Laurie Fisher Dodson as chapter regent in this
3-23     very special year of the chapter's centennial anniversary; and
3-24           WHEREAS, The occasion of this centennial celebration inspires
3-25     the chapter not only to preserve and revere its heritage but
3-26     equally to commit with fervor to a future filled with patriotism
3-27     and pride in America; now, therefore, be it
 4-1           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
 4-2     Legislature hereby recognize with deep appreciation the past
 4-3     century of patriotic works and high-minded community gifts bestowed
 4-4     in Austin by the Thankful Hubbard Chapter of the National Society
 4-5     Daughters of the American Revolution; and, be it further
 4-6           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 4-7     prepared for the members of the Thankful Hubbard Chapter in honor
 4-8     of the organization's 100th anniversary and as an expression of
 4-9     high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.