By Wise                                                H.R. No. 422
         76R9357 GMW-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, Bill Summers and the Rio Grande Valley Partnership
 1-2     conducted the highly successful "Legislative Visit to the Valley"
 1-3     on February 11-14, 1999, and he and all the members of this
 1-4     distinguished organization are truly worthy of special recognition;
 1-5     and
 1-6           WHEREAS, A Valley native, Mr. Summers has served as president
 1-7     and CEO of the Rio Grande Valley Partnership since November 1987,
 1-8     and through his guidance the organization has directed numerous
 1-9     projects that have substantially benefitted all the residents of
1-10     the Valley region, greatly improving the area's economy and quality
1-11     of life; and
1-12           WHEREAS, The "Legislative Visit to the Valley" is an event
1-13     that has been held since the mid-1970s, and through the
1-14     contributions of the many Valley businesses and hosts it affords
1-15     members of the Texas Legislature the chance to get acquainted with
1-16     Valley citizens and to witness firsthand both the invaluable assets
1-17     of the region and its unlimited opportunities for development and
1-18     advancement; and
1-19           WHEREAS, Other major activities of the partnership include
1-20     securing funding for the Highways to the Future project, which will
1-21     designate U.S. 281 and U.S.  77 as a portion of the future I-69
1-22     highway, which will stretch from Mexico to Canada, and the One MSA
1-23     for the Valley project, which is working to combine the two Valley
1-24     Metropolitan Statistical Areas; in addition, on January 29, 1999,
 2-1     the organization opened its second office in Mexico to further
 2-2     enhance business development and promote dialogue with state
 2-3     officials and agencies; and
 2-4           WHEREAS, The civic leadership provided by Bill Summers and
 2-5     the Rio Grande Valley Partnership throughout the years has been
 2-6     truly invaluable to the betterment of the Rio Grande Valley, and it
 2-7     is indeed a privilege to honor them at this time; now, therefore,
 2-8     be it
 2-9           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-10     Legislature  hereby honor Bill Summers and the Rio Grande Valley
2-11     Partnership for conducting the "Legislative Visit to the Valley"
2-12     and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued success and
2-13     happiness; and, be it further
2-14           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-15     prepared for Bill Summers and the Rio Grande Valley Partnership as
2-16     an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.