1-1           WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
 1-2     Heather Gilmore of El Paso for her prompt call to 9-1-1 that
 1-3     alerted emergency units and saved the life of her mother, Teresa
 1-4     Almengor; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, On January 29, 1999, Ms. Almengor lost consciousness
 1-6     after suffering an adverse reaction to medication and the only
 1-7     other person home at the time was her three-year-old daughter,
 1-8     Heather; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, This alert little girl saw her mother lying on the
1-10     floor and immediately called 9-1-1 to secure help; in talking to
1-11     emergency personnel, Heather relayed important information that led
1-12     authorities to the home, enabling Ms. Almengor to receive medical
1-13     treatment that led to her complete recovery; and
1-14           WHEREAS, Heather Gilmore stands as a true testament to the
1-15     assertion of the El Paso Police Department that even the youngest
1-16     of children can be taught to properly utilize the 9-1-1 system; and
1-17           WHEREAS, Any call to 9-1-1 that results in a saved life is an
1-18     occasion for celebration, but this situation especially warrants
1-19     recognition as Heather may be the youngest person ever to have
1-20     dialed 9-1-1 and saved a life in a true emergency, and her story
1-21     should encourage other parents to teach their children this
1-22     critical skill; and
1-23           WHEREAS, At this time, it is most fitting that this
1-24     remarkable little girl be honored for her praiseworthy deed; now,
 2-1     therefore, be it
 2-2           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
 2-3     Legislature hereby commend Heather Gilmore for her exceptional
 2-4     reaction to an emergency that resulted in saving the life of her
 2-5     mother; and, be it further
 2-6           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-7     prepared for Heather Gilmore as an expression of high regard by the
 2-8     Texas House of Representatives.
                                                           Moreno of El Paso
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 448 was adopted by the House on March
         22, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House