By Siebert                                             H.R. No. 570
         76R10405 JHS-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Antoinette McCracken has been
 1-2     selected as the 1998 Chief of Naval Air Training George M. Skurla
 1-3     Naval Flight Officer Instructor of the Year, and it is indeed an
 1-4     honor to pay tribute to this exemplary individual at this time; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Lieutenant McCracken has demonstrated excellence and
 1-6     dedication in the performance of her duties as Instructor Navigator
 1-7     and Flight Commander, 562nd Flying Training Squadron, for the year
 1-8     1998; she ranks in the top 10 percent of student contact hours and
 1-9     has been named Chief of Instructor Training School; and
1-10           WHEREAS, This noteworthy officer has distinguished herself as
1-11     an exceptional primary global phase instructor, and her selection
1-12     as instructor and mentor for struggling students is illustrative of
1-13     her competence as both a leader and a teacher and the faith she has
1-14     earned from her superior officers; and
1-15           WHEREAS, Lieutenant McCracken's hard work and commitment to
1-16     duty resulted in the on-time graduation of the more than 45
1-17     students and 20 instructors in her charge, and this 100 percent
1-18     graduation rate can be directly attributed to her peerless
1-19     performance and unparalleled professionalism; now, therefore, be it
1-20           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
1-21     Legislature hereby congratulate Lieutenant Antoinette McCracken on
1-22     being named the 1998 Naval Flight Instructor of the Year and
1-23     commend her for her dutiful service as a member of the U.S. Navy;
1-24     and, be it further
 2-1           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-2     prepared for Lieutenant McCracken as an expression of high regard
 2-3     by the Texas House of Representatives.