By Naishtat                                            H.R. No. 645
         76R9471 JBR-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, Older Texans are historians, providers of advice,
 1-2     and role models for younger generations, and the state's 94,650
 1-3     nursing facility residents represent a significant portion of this
 1-4     valued population; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, During their lifetimes, these citizens have
 1-6     contributed immensely to the heritage of the Lone Star State and
 1-7     have helped to shape the rich and unique culture for which Texas is
 1-8     renowned, exemplifying good morals, solid family values, and strong
 1-9     work ethics; and
1-10           WHEREAS, While honoring nursing home residents, it is also
1-11     important to recognize the staff of nursing homes, for they not
1-12     only provide quality health care for these citizens, but they also
1-13     contribute to residents' emotional and social well-being; and
1-14           WHEREAS, National Nursing Home Week is being commemorated May
1-15     9-15, 1999, and the theme for this year's observance is
1-16     "Celebration of Life"; this occasion offers an excellent
1-17     opportunity for the citizens of our state to visit these facilities
1-18     and to become more familiar with the many services provided for the
1-19     elderly, chronically ill, and convalescent of all ages; now,
1-20     therefore, be it
1-21           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
1-22     Legislature hereby recognize May 9-15, 1999, as Nursing Home Week
1-23     in Texas and encourage all Texans to visit one of the state's many
1-24     outstanding nursing facilities.