1-1           WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
 1-2     Clyde Drexler for his dedication to his alma mater and his loyalty
 1-3     to the city of Houston; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, A highly recruited high school player at Houston
 1-5     Ross Sterling, Mr. Drexler pursued his collegiate career in his
 1-6     hometown when he joined the University of Houston Cougars and
 1-7     became the highest flyer in "Phi Slamma Jamma," Texas' tallest
 1-8     fraternity; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, Nicknamed Clyde "The Glide" for his silky-smooth,
1-10     acrobatic moves to the hoop, Mr. Drexler led the Cougars to two
1-11     Final Four appearances in 1982 and 1983 and earned individual
1-12     distinction as a first team All-American and the United States
1-13     Basketball Writer's Association District VI Player of the Year in
1-14     1983; and
1-15           WHEREAS, Mr. Drexler amassed a number of records while at the
1-16     University of Houston and remains the school's all-time career
1-17     steal leader with 268 steals; in addition, he is the only Cougar
1-18     ever to accumulate 1,000 points, 900 rebounds, 300 assists, and 250
1-19     steals; and
1-20           WHEREAS, The 14th player taken in the 1983 NBA draft, he
1-21     joined the Portland Trailblazers and quickly became one of the
1-22     league's dominant forces; over the next 15 seasons he was selected
1-23     to 10 NBA All-Star teams and in 1992 he was named All-NBA First
1-24     Team and was runner-up for the NBA's most valuable player award;
 2-1     and
 2-2           WHEREAS, Although he carried the Trailblazers to the NBA
 2-3     Finals in 1990 and 1992, Mr. Drexler did not claim the coveted
 2-4     championship ring until he returned to Houston to join the Rockets;
 2-5     together with former Cougar teammate Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon,
 2-6     Drexler helped the Rockets claim their second consecutive NBA title
 2-7     in 1995; and
 2-8           WHEREAS, Retiring from the Rockets in 1998, Clyde "The Glide"
 2-9     completed his storied NBA career as the league's 17th all-time
2-10     scorer and was fourth all-time in steals; he also joined legendary
2-11     hoops heroes Oscar Robertson and John Havlicek as the only NBA
2-12     players to amass 20,000 points, 6,000 rebounds, and 6,000 assists
2-13     in their careers; and
2-14           WHEREAS, Mr. Drexler's rightful place in the pantheon of
2-15     basketball superstars was assured when he was named one of the
2-16     NBA's 50 greatest players, and he was also selected to represent
2-17     his country as a member of America's "Dream Team" at the 1992
2-18     Olympics in Barcelona, Spain; and
2-19           WHEREAS, On completing his years as a professional player, he
2-20     became the head basketball coach at his alma mater, and under his
2-21     able leadership the Houston Cougars will no doubt emerge as one of
2-22     college basketball's elite teams; and
2-23           WHEREAS, By returning to Houston to share the fruits of his
2-24     success with the community where his athletic career began,
2-25     Mr. Drexler has set an inspirational example that has made his
2-26     fellow Texans proud; and
2-27           WHEREAS, Clyde Drexler has achieved a level of success in the
 3-1     sport of basketball to which all may aspire but that only a select
 3-2     few will attain, and it is indeed appropriate that he be honored
 3-3     for his extraordinary contributions at this time; now, therefore,
 3-4     be it
 3-5           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
 3-6     Legislature hereby commend Clyde Drexler for his decision to coach
 3-7     at the University of Houston and extend to him sincere best wishes
 3-8     for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
 3-9           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
3-10     prepared for Mr. Drexler as an expression of highest regard by the
3-11     Texas House of Representatives.
         Laney                   Glaze                    Moreno of El Paso
         Alexander               Goodman                  Morrison
         Allen                   Goolsby                  Mowery
         Alvarado                Gray                     Naishtat
         Averitt                 Green                    Najera
         Bailey                  Greenberg                Nixon
         Berman                  Grusendorf               Noriega
         Bonnen                  Gutierrez                Oliveira
         Bosse                   Haggerty                 Olivo
         Brimer                  Hamric                   Palmer
         Brown of Kaufman        Hardcastle               Pickett
         Brown of Brazos         Hartnett                 Pitts
         Burnam                  Hawley                   Puente
         Capelo                  Heflin                   Ramsay
         Carter                  Hilbert                  Rangel
         Chavez                  Hilderbran               Reyna of Bexar
         Chisum                  Hill                     Reyna of Dallas
         Christian               Hinojosa                 Ritter
         Clark                   Hochberg                 Sadler
         Coleman                 Hodge                    Salinas
         Cook                    Homer                    Seaman
         Corte                   Hope                     Shields
         Counts                  Howard                   Siebert
         Crabb                   Hunter                   Smith
         Craddick                Hupp                     Smithee
         Crownover               Isett                    Solis of Cameron
         Cuellar                 Janek                    Solis of Bexar
         Culberson               Jones of Brazos          Solomons
         Danburg                 Jones of Lubbock         Staples
         Davis of Harris         Jones of Dallas          Swinford
         Davis of Dallas         Junell                   Talton
         Delisi                  Keel                     Telford
         Denny                   Keffer                   Thompson
         Deshotel                King of Parker           Tillery
         Driver                  King of Uvalde           Truitt
         Dukes                   Krusee                   Turner of Coleman
         Dunnam                  Kuempel                  Turner of Harris
         Dutton                  Lengefeld                Uher
         Edwards                 Lewis of Tarrant         Uresti
         Ehrhardt                Lewis of Orange          Van de Putte
         Eiland                  Longoria                 Walker
         Elkins                  Luna                     West
         Ellis                   McCall                   Williams
         Farabee                 McClendon                Wilson
         Farrar                  McReynolds               Wise
         Flores                  Madden                   Wohlgemuth
         Gallego                 Marchant                 Wolens
         Garcia                  Maxey                    Woolley
         George                  Merritt                  Yarbrough
         Giddings                Moreno of Harris         Zbranek
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 696 was adopted by the House on April
         22, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House