By McClendon                                           H.R. No. 746
         76R11044 BE-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, Renowned San Antonio vocalist Beverly Houston has
 1-2     contributed greatly to her community through her many hours of
 1-3     community service and through her remarkable talent; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Ms. Houston has dedicated countless hours to lifting
 1-5     the spirits of the city's less fortunate as a volunteer at the
 1-6     Southeast Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and Trinity Care Center,
 1-7     facilities specializing in the care of elderly residents; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, In addition, this committed Texan has served for 10
 1-9     years as a respected and energetic coordinator for the United Way
1-10     of Bexar County, helping to implement the agency's fund-raising
1-11     events; and
1-12           WHEREAS, She regularly volunteers with the Harris Chapel
1-13     United Methodist Church as an organist and organizes special
1-14     projects and performances for the church; and
1-15           WHEREAS, Her singing ability has earned Ms. Houston much
1-16     acclaim, and she has performed with some of this country's
1-17     preeminent musical stars, including John Lee Hooker, Etta James,
1-18     B. B. King, and Junior Walker; and
1-19           WHEREAS, An exceptional voice and entertaining style have
1-20     garnered Ms. Houston many prestigious performances; she has sung
1-21     the national anthem at a number of the city's professional sports
1-22     events and performed  at the San Antonio Women's Celebration & Hall
1-23     of Fame; and
1-24           WHEREAS, In 1998, Ms. Houston was presented with a Model
 2-1     Community Leaders Award from the Miss Black San Antonio Scholarship
 2-2     Board and she has also been recognized by the Texas Folklife
 2-3     Festival; and
 2-4           WHEREAS, A woman of exceptional talent and tremendous
 2-5     integrity, Ms. Houston remains deeply committed to serving her
 2-6     fellow citizens, and in light of her many accomplishments, it is
 2-7     indeed appropriate to honor her efforts at this time; now,
 2-8     therefore, be it
 2-9           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-10     Legislature hereby commend Beverly Houston for her many
2-11     contributions to the city of San Antonio and extend to her warmest
2-12     best wishes for continued happiness and success; and, be it further
2-13           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-14     prepared for Ms. Houston as an expression of high regard by the
2-15     Texas House of Representatives.