1-1           WHEREAS, June 12, 1999, will indeed be a special day in the
 1-2     lives of Peter A. Bourell and Amanda L. Carroll, for on that day
 1-3     they will be united in marriage and begin their new life together
 1-4     as husband and wife; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, High school sweethearts, Miss Carroll and
 1-6     Mr. Bourell met as members of the youth fellowship group at
 1-7     Manchaca United Methodist Church when they were just 15 years old;
 1-8     since that time, their strong Christian faith and devotion to one
 1-9     another have helped their relationship to grow in love as they have
1-10     shared both the joys and sorrows that have come their way on life's
1-11     journey; and
1-12           WHEREAS, The bride-to-be, Ms. Carroll, is a 1995 graduate of
1-13     Bowie High  School in Austin who continued her education at Blinn
1-14     College; now a student at Texas A&M University, this speech
1-15     communication major was recently accorded a well-deserved honor
1-16     when she was elected the 1999-2000 president of Kappa Phi, a
1-17     Christian organization for college women; and
1-18           WHEREAS, Mr. Bourell has also distinguished himself since his
1-19     graduation from Austin High School; a senior in Squadron 16 of the
1-20     corps at Texas A&M University, he is an electrical engineering
1-21     major who plans to pursue a master's degree following his
1-22     graduation from college in December 2000; and
1-23           WHEREAS, Blessed with each other's love, dedication to their
1-24     faith, and the support of their loved ones, Mr. Bourell and
 2-1     Ms. Carroll stand at the threshold of a future bright with promise,
 2-2     and it gives the members of this chamber great pleasure to honor
 2-3     these fine young Texans as they prepare to exchange their sacred
 2-4     vows; now, therefore, be it
 2-5           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
 2-6     Legislature hereby congratulate Amanda Carroll and Peter Bourell on
 2-7     the joyous occasion of their upcoming wedding and extend to them
 2-8     sincere best wishes for a lifetime of happiness together; and, be
 2-9     it further
2-10           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-11     prepared for the future Mr. and Mrs. Bourell as an expression of
2-12     highest regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
                                                             Jones of Brazos
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 809 was adopted by the House on May
         14, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House