1-1           WHEREAS, The Lake Travis High School Cavalette Dance Team has
 1-2     achieved the pinnacle of success by winning the American
 1-3     Dance/Drill Team Class 4A national championship; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Proudly representing their school, the Cavalette
 1-5     dance team was distinguished by its sportsmanlike yet highly
 1-6     competitive manner and was justly rewarded with the championship
 1-7     trophy; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, Director Debbie Mendez demonstrated superb skill and
 1-9     leadership in guiding her team to its first-place win, and her
1-10     efforts were instrumental in the Cavalettes claiming not only the
1-11     national title but also 11 officer and team awards in the
1-12     ensemble's first year of competition at the 4A level; and
1-13           WHEREAS, This national championship would not have been
1-14     possible without the contributions of all the talented Cavalette
1-15     members, including officers Captain Kim Cabe, Junior Lieutenant
1-16     Cecily Hardin, Junior Lieutenant Andrea Hempel, Junior Lieutenant
1-17     Laura Horn, and Junior Lieutenant Nichole Polivka, and team members
1-18     Jennifer Agee, Jennifer Anderson, D'Andrea Archuleta, Brook
1-19     Bonnema, Melissa Boone, Jessica Burke, Meri Campbell, Allison
1-20     Damron, Chelsea Daniel, Sandy Davis, Tricia Davis, Jennifer Edgar,
1-21     Kate Goodin, Amanda Hollrah, Amanda Jones, Melissa Jurrens, Tara
1-22     Kohler, Laura Levy, Carrie Love, Jennifer McKim, Sonja Nunez,
1-23     Caroline Ormiston, Tara Polivka, Carolyn Price, Kit Ryan, Abby
1-24     Schooler, Julie Schwenk, Sirena Sims, Sophia Somers, Ashley
 2-1     Stoetzner, Lauren Thigpen, Erin Thomson, Meghan Thomson, Jenny
 2-2     Werdenberg, and Brittny West; and
 2-3           WHEREAS, Invaluable support was also provided by managers
 2-4     Jessica Nading and Kristin Wharry, Lake Travis High School
 2-5     principal James Claypool, superintendent Gloria Berry, and athletic
 2-6     director Jim Taylor; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, The dedication to excellence and competitive spirit
 2-8     demonstrated by the young women of the Lake Travis High School
 2-9     Cavalette Dance Team are truly commendable, and it is fitting that
2-10     they be honored for their remarkable accomplishment; now,
2-11     therefore, be it
2-12           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-13     Legislature hereby congratulate the members of the Lake Travis High
2-14     School Cavalette Dance Team on winning the American Dance/Drill
2-15     Team Class 4A national championship and extend to them sincere best
2-16     wishes for continued success and happiness; and, be it further
2-17           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-18     prepared for the Lake Travis High School Cavalettes as an
2-19     expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 810 was adopted by the House on May
         5, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House