1-1           WHEREAS, The wedding anniversary of two Texas residents who
 1-2     have shared 55 happy and rewarding years of marriage is truly a
 1-3     memorable occasion worthy of special recognition; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Doris Fussell Gayle and John Phillip Gayle, Jr., of
 1-5     West Columbia commemorated one such memorable event in their lives
 1-6     on April 25, 1999, when they celebrated their 55 years of mutual
 1-7     affection and devotion; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, United in marriage on April 25, 1944, Mr. and
 1-9     Mrs. Gayle have enjoyed a relationship that has continued to grow
1-10     in love and respect with each passing year; and
1-11           WHEREAS, A former county commissioner, Mr. Gayle is employed
1-12     as a rancher and cattleman, while Mrs. Gayle devotes her time and
1-13     energy to maintaining their lovely home; and
1-14           WHEREAS, The Gayles were blessed with three children, Lavina
1-15     Gayle Sartwell, Regina Gayle Locke, and the late John Bantom Gayle,
1-16     and through the years they have joyfully welcomed six grandchildren
1-17     and one great-grandchild into their close-knit family; and
1-18           WHEREAS, For 55 years, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle have had a warm and
1-19     affectionate union filled with many joyful times and cherished
1-20     family memories; their marriage is a source of continuing pride to
1-21     their relatives and many friends, and it is indeed appropriate that
1-22     they be honored at this time; now, therefore, be it
1-23           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
1-24     Legislature hereby congratulate Doris Fussell Gayle and John
 2-1     Phillip Gayle, Jr., on their 55th wedding anniversary and extend to
 2-2     them sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it
 2-3     further
 2-4           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-5     prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Gayle as an expression of high regard by
 2-6     the Texas House of Representatives.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 847 was adopted by the House on May
         14, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House