1-1           WHEREAS, The passing of Anton J. "Tony" Rozance of San
 1-2     Antonio on May 4, 1999, at the age of 84, has brought a great loss
 1-3     to the many friends and relatives of this beloved gentleman; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Born on August 3, 1914, Mr. Rozance served his
 1-5     country with distinction during World War II as a member of the
 1-6     United States Army and participated with the cavalry, glider corps,
 1-7     infantry, and special services; he also organized an orchestra at
 1-8     Randolph Field in 1943; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, The roots of his distinguished music career as an
1-10     accomplished accordion player began in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
1-11     where Mr. Rozance played with many well-known leaders of the
1-12     entertainment business; he moved to San Antonio after the war and
1-13     embarked on a long and successful career as a member of the staff
1-14     orchestras of KTSA-radio and WOAI-TV, and during the 1950s, he and
1-15     his staff taught more than 400 students a week at the Rozance
1-16     School of Accordion; and
1-17           WHEREAS, A pioneer during the "Golden Age of the Accordion,"
1-18     this delightful entertainer was a favorite with audiences as well
1-19     as other professional musicians and he was invited to perform
1-20     several times as guest artist with the San Antonio Symphony; in
1-21     addition, a three-day booking at the St. Anthony Club evolved into
1-22     a 10-year engagement; and
1-23           WHEREAS, Mr. Rozance was affiliated with a number of
1-24     professional organizations and won many well-deserved honors and
 2-1     accolades; he was a charter member of the Texas Accordion
 2-2     Association, which later named him a life member, and he served the
 2-3     San Antonio Accordionnaire's Club as president and in 1996 he was
 2-4     appointed an honorary life president; and
 2-5           WHEREAS, In 1976 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame
 2-6     Musician's Society of San Antonio; he also served as president of
 2-7     the Accordion Teacher's Guild International and as president and
 2-8     board member of the San Antonio Musicians' Society; and
 2-9           WHEREAS, Those who were privileged to enjoy the friendship
2-10     and talent of Anton J.  Rozance will long miss his presence, and he
2-11     will surely be remembered with great affection and admiration for
2-12     many years to come; now, therefore, be it
2-13           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-14     Legislature hereby honor the memory of Anton J. "Tony" Rozance and
2-15     extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family:  to his wife,
2-16     Trudy Rozance; to his brothers, Harry and Vallie Rozance; and to
2-17     the many other friends and relatives of this fine man; and, be it
2-18     further
2-19           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-20     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
2-21     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
2-22     Anton J. Rozance.
                                                                Van de Putte
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 916 was unanimously adopted by a
         rising vote of the House on May 22, 1999.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House