By Giddings                                            H.R. No. 951
         76R16099 MDM-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, On May 15, 1999, residents of Joppa will mark a
 1-2     momentous occasion in the history of their community when they
 1-3     dedicate a street as Foster's Crossing in memory of renowned civic
 1-4     leaders P. H. and Laura Belle Foster; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Highly respected for their leadership and commitment
 1-6     to their fellow citizens, the Fosters devoted much time and energy
 1-7     during their lifetime to the betterment of their close-knit
 1-8     community; Foster's Crossing and the bronze markers that will be
 1-9     unveiled at the dedication will be visible reminders of the
1-10     couple's dedication to the South Central Dallas community where
1-11     they lived and raised their family; and
1-12           WHEREAS, Mrs. Foster organized the South Central Civic League
1-13     in 1948, under the auspices of the Dallas Negro Chamber of
1-14     Commerce, to improve living conditions for local families;
1-15     Mr. Foster served as vice president of the organization and was
1-16     instrumental in the completion of many projects that benefited the
1-17     neighborhood, including the addition of paved streets, better
1-18     schools, the installation of street lights, and sewer line
1-19     extensions; and
1-20           WHEREAS, Founded by former slave Henry Hines, Joppa was
1-21     settled in the late 1800s and is considered one of the country's
1-22     most historic African-American freedmen's towns; it was named for
1-23     the biblical city of Joppa, meaning "beautiful" or "the beginning,"
1-24     according to local ministers; and
 2-1           WHEREAS, The Fosters demonstrated great determination and
 2-2     perseverance in improving the community they called home, and it is
 2-3     most appropriate that we pay tribute to their myriad achievements
 2-4     at this time; now, therefore, be it
 2-5           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
 2-6     Legislature hereby commemorate the dedication of Foster's Crossing
 2-7     and honor the memory of P. H. and Laura Belle Foster for their
 2-8     myriad contributions to the community of Joppa.