By Gallego                                             H.R. No. 994
         76R14918 MDM-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
 1-2     Irene Cardenas Cardwell for her outstanding commitment to education
 1-3     and to her community and state, and the members of this chamber
 1-4     join with the citizens of Del Rio in celebrating the dedication of
 1-5     the Irene C. Cardwell Elementary School in her honor; and
 1-6           WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Val Verde County,
 1-7     Mrs. Cardwell graduated from Del Rio High School in 1927; she then
 1-8     earned a three-year teaching certificate from Sul Ross State
 1-9     University and started her teaching career in the San Felipe
1-10     Independent School District; and
1-11           WHEREAS, In 1932, she married Ernest Cardwell, and the couple
1-12     enjoyed a warm and happy relationship until his passing; they were
1-13     blessed with four children, and Mrs. Cardwell has welcomed the
1-14     addition of 10 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren into her
1-15     close-knit family; and
1-16           WHEREAS, Mrs. Cardwell graduated from Sul Ross State
1-17     University with a bachelor of arts degree in 1940 and a master of
1-18     arts degree in 1955; during more than four decades of service with
1-19     the San Felipe Independent School District, she taught first grade
1-20     for 31 years, served as an elementary school principal for 14
1-21     years, and supervised the district's bilingual elementary education
1-22     program for three years before retiring in 1972; and
1-23           WHEREAS, The first principal of Travis Elementary School,
1-24     which is being renamed in her honor, Mrs. Cardwell organized one of
 2-1     the strongest PTAs in the San Felipe district; to alleviate campus
 2-2     overcrowding, she and Travis Elementary School parents built
 2-3     classrooms and sidewalks and landscaped the campus, using funds
 2-4     raised through PTA  activities without asking for school district
 2-5     money; she also shared her time and energy as a member of the
 2-6     planning committee for the Sul Ross State University Reading
 2-7     Conference and with the Texas Association for the Improvement of
 2-8     Reading; and
 2-9           WHEREAS, The organizer of HAND (Help A Neighbor Directly),
2-10     which built and remodeled homes for the poor, Mrs. Cardwell's
2-11     admirable civic involvement includes two decades as a captain in
2-12     the Mother's March of Dimes campaign and participation with the
2-13     American Cancer Society, the United Fund, and the Val Verde County
2-14     Tuberculosis Association, as well as membership in the Val Verde
2-15     Memorial Hospital Women's Auxiliary; and
2-16           WHEREAS, She was instrumental in developing free citizenship
2-17     classes under the auspices of the local League of United Latin
2-18     American Citizens council and served as the first president of the
2-19     LULAC Women's Auxiliary; this tireless community supporter has also
2-20     devoted her talents to the Girl Scouts, county library funding, the
2-21     Civic Music Association, and Boots and Bows Square Dance Club, a
2-22     social organization she founded; and
2-23           WHEREAS, Mrs. Cardwell has been accorded many well-deserved
2-24     accolades for her charitable efforts; in 1974, President Richard M.
2-25     Nixon presented a plaque to her from the National Advisory Council
2-26     on the Education of Disadvantaged Children for three years of work
2-27     with underprivileged children, and he also appointed her to a
 3-1     15-member council on the recommendation of Senator John Tower; and
 3-2           WHEREAS, In 1975, Governor Dolph Briscoe commissioned
 3-3     Mrs. Cardwell a "Yellow Rose of Texas" for outstanding service to
 3-4     the community, and that same year she was awarded the Archbishop
 3-5     Francis Furey Bronze Medal for "exceptional service to the church
 3-6     and community"; she was also honored by the Laughlin Air Force Base
 3-7     Hispanic Heritage Committee and the San Felipe Lions Club, and she
 3-8     was guest of honor at a Knights of Columbus Independence Eve Ball;
 3-9     and
3-10           WHEREAS, The federal Immigration and Naturalization Service
3-11     recognized Mrs. Cardwell in 1990 for her "dedication and untiring
3-12     efforts" in assisting Del Rio area residents to become United
3-13     States citizens; her commitment and energetic spirit were applauded
3-14     by Governor Ann Richards in 1993, and at the Casa De La Cultura's
3-15     10th Annual International Woman's Day Conference in 1996, she was
3-16     celebrated for her leadership and community service; and
3-17           WHEREAS, Mrs. Cardwell's contributions to the field of
3-18     education were lauded by the San Felipe Exes Association in San
3-19     Jose, California, and by the ex-students' organization in San
3-20     Antonio; she is a member of Zelta Delta Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi,
3-21     an honorary society for educators, and a life member of the Texas
3-22     Congress of Parents and Teachers; and
3-23           WHEREAS, Throughout her life, Irene Cardenas Cardwell has
3-24     aspired to the highest level of professionalism and accomplishment,
3-25     and her significant efforts in behalf of her fellow citizens are
3-26     truly exemplary; now, therefore, be it
3-27           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
 4-1     Legislature hereby commend Irene Cardenas Cardwell for her
 4-2     distinguished service to the citizens of her community and state
 4-3     and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success and
 4-4     happiness; and, be it further
 4-5           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 4-6     prepared for Mrs. Cardwell as an expression of high regard by the
 4-7     Texas House of Representatives.