By Wohlgemuth                                         H.R. No. 1012
         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.
         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The Members of the Texas House of Representatives
 1-2     are proud to honor Ms. Diana Adamson for her exemplary service as a
 1-3     telecommunications operator and training officer at the City of
 1-4     Burleson Police Department; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, On November 2, 1998, Ms. Adamson, working the
 1-6     midnight to 8 A.M.  shift as a telecommunications operator with the
 1-7     City of Burleson Police Department, calmly and courageously guided
 1-8     medical and law enforcement personnel to a frightened young woman
 1-9     who had been brutally assaulted; and
1-10           WHEREAS, Throughout that tense and harrowing situation,
1-11     Ms. Adamson was able to enter the call into the Computer Aided
1-12     Dispatch system, dispatch police officers, and notify an ambulance,
1-13     while calming the victim of this horrible crime; and
1-14           WHEREAS, For her actions on November 2, 1998, Ms. Adamson was
1-15     awarded the 1998 Silent Hero Award; and furthermore, for her
1-16     service as a telecommunications operator, Ms. Adamson was honored
1-17     as the Texas "Telecommunicator of the Year" for the Texas Chapter
1-18     of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials
1-19     International; and
1-20           WHEREAS, When not operating as a telecommunications operator,
1-21     Ms. Adamson has been known to take on many tasks above and beyond
1-22     her job description at the City of Burleson Police Department and
 2-1     is still able to excel in her work as a training officer; and
 2-2           WHEREAS, During her time off as a telecommunications operator
 2-3     and training officer, Ms. Adamson finds time to work with
 2-4     underprivileged children at Child Protective Services and works to
 2-5     provide those children with gifts they would normally not receive
 2-6     during Christmas time; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, Ms. Adamson is also a certified teacher's aide for
 2-8     the mentally challenged and has spent many hours dedicated to
 2-9     helping the mentally handicapped learn necessary life skills; and
2-10           WHEREAS, Ms. Adamson, remains a devoted mother of three sons;
2-11     Joseph, Nathan, and Thomas Adamson, and is the loyal wife of former
2-12     naval aviator, Danny Adamson; now, therefore be it
2-13           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th
2-14     Legislature hereby commend Diana Adamson for her outstanding
2-15     service and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued success
2-16     and happiness; and, be it further
2-17           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-18     prepared for Ms. Adamson as an expression of high regard from the
2-19     Texas House of Representatives.