By Smithee                                            H.R. No. 1206
         76R14591 JBR-D                           
                                 R E S O L U T I O N
 1-1           WHEREAS, The passing of Dr. Hugh Sticksel, Jr., on January
 1-2     28, 1999, at the age of 58, brought a great loss to the family,
 1-3     friends, and community of this esteemed Amarillo resident; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, A native Texan, Dr. Sticksel graduated from Amarillo
 1-5     High School and furthered his education at the University of
 1-6     Houston, where he received a bachelor of science degree in
 1-7     optometry in 1962, a certificate of optometry in 1963, and a
 1-8     doctorate of optometry in 1965; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, Dr. Sticksel began his career in practice with his
1-10     father, Dr. Hugh Sticksel, Sr., until the latter's passing in 1969,
1-11     at which time he was joined in practice by Dr. W. Ken McCarty and
1-12     in 1974 merged practices with Dr. William A. Sansing and Dr.
1-13     Stephen Cowan; he recently had the pleasure of welcoming his
1-14     daughter, Dr. Heidi Sticksel Hawkins, to his practice; and
1-15           WHEREAS, Devoted to his profession, Dr. Sticksel was a fellow
1-16     of the American Academy of Optometry and a member of the American
1-17     and Texas optometric associations, the Panhandle Optometric
1-18     Society, the Optometric Extension Program, and the American
1-19     Optometric Foundation; and
1-20           WHEREAS, The recipient of a number of prestigious accolades,
1-21     this noteworthy gentleman was named Optometrist of the Year by the
1-22     Texas Optometric Association, which also honored him with a
1-23     Distinguished Service Award; he and his wife, Pan Sticksel, were
1-24     honored as "Parents of the Year" by the University of Houston, and
 2-1     he received the Distinguished Service Award from the Panhandle
 2-2     Sports Hall of Fame for his spirit and dedication to Tascosa High
 2-3     School, and the University of Houston College of Optometry honored
 2-4     him with the Distinguished Alumnus Award; and
 2-5           WHEREAS, An active member and elder of the First Presbyterian
 2-6     Church, Dr. Sticksel co-taught a New Testament class and was on the
 2-7     church nominating committee; his involvement as a troop and council
 2-8     member with the Boy Scouts of America earned this longtime Eagle
 2-9     Scout the Vigil Honor and the Silver Beaver Award; his dedication
2-10     to quality education for all students resulted in his cofounding
2-11     with his wife the Tascosa High School Excellence Council and in his
2-12     cochairing the citywide school bond election; and
2-13           WHEREAS, Dr. Sticksel dedicated himself to his family and
2-14     community, and though his leadership and guidance will surely be
2-15     missed, his commitment to Tascosa High School, the field of
2-16     optometry, and the Amarillo community will not soon be forgotten;
2-17     now, therefore, be it
2-18           RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 76th Texas
2-19     Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Dr. Hugh Sticksel,
2-20     Jr., and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family:  to
2-21     his wife, Pan Sticksel; to his children, Scott Sticksel and Dr.
2-22     Heidi Hawkins; to his sister, Mary Nell Lemert; to his brothers,
2-23     Bill Sticksel and J. C.  Sticksel; to his granddaughter, Shelby;
2-24     and to the many other relatives and friends of this fine man; and,
2-25     be it further
2-26           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-27     prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
 3-1     House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
 3-2     Dr. Hugh Sticksel, Jr.