1-1           BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State
 1-2     of Texas, 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, That House Rule
 1-3     13, Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule
 1-4     13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
 1-5     resolve the differences on House Bill No. 610, relating to health
 1-6     care providers under certain health benefit plans, to consider and
 1-7     take action on the following matter:
 1-8           1.  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1) is suspended to permit the
 1-9     committee to change the text of Section 18B(d), Texas Health
1-10     Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance
1-11     Code), in SECTION 1 of the bill, so that the subsection reads as
1-12     follows:
1-13           (d)  If a prescription benefit claim is electronically
1-14     adjudicated and electronically paid, and the health maintenance
1-15     organization or its designated agent authorizes treatment, the
1-16     claim must be paid not later than the 21st day after the treatment
1-17     is authorized.
1-18           Explanation:  This change is necessary to clarify that the
1-19     subsection applies to prescription benefit claims that are both
1-20     electronically adjudicated and paid and that payment of the claims
1-21     must be made not later than the 21st day after a specified date.
1-22           2.  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1) is suspended to permit the
1-23     committee to change the text of Section 3A(d), Article 3.70-3C,
1-24     Insurance Code, as added by Chapter 1024, Acts of the 75th
 2-1     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, in SECTION 2 of the bill, so
 2-2     that the subsection reads as follows:
 2-3           (d)  If a prescription benefit claim is electronically
 2-4     adjudicated and electronically paid, and the preferred provider or
 2-5     its designated agent authorizes treatment, the claim must be paid
 2-6     not later than the 21st day after the treatment is authorized.
 2-7           Explanation:  This change is necessary to clarify that the
 2-8     subsection applies to prescription benefit claims that are both
 2-9     electronically adjudicated and paid and that payment of the claims
2-10     must be made not later than the 21st day after a specified date.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1215 was adopted by the House on May
         26, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House