1-1           BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State
 1-2     of Texas, 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, That House Rule
 1-3     13, Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule
 1-4     13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
 1-5     resolve the differences on S.B. No. 840, relating to the automatic
 1-6     expunction of certain arrest records, to consider and take action
 1-7     on the following matters:
 1-8           (1)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(2), is suspended to permit
 1-9     the committee to omit the following text, which is not in
1-10     disagreement:
1-11           SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect only if a specific
1-12     appropriation for the implementation of this Act is provided in
1-13     H.B. No. 1 (General Appropriations Act), Acts of the 76th
1-14     Legislature, Regular Session, 1999.  If no specific appropriation
1-15     is provided in H.B. No. 1, the General Appropriations Act, this Act
1-16     has no effect.
1-17           Explanation:  This change is necessary to ensure that S.B.
1-18     No.  840 takes effect by its own terms, rather than taking effect
1-19     contingent on the existence of certain provisions in the General
1-20     Appropriations Act.
1-21           (2)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
1-22     to permit the committee to add additional text not included in
1-23     either the house or senate version of the bill to read as follows:
1-24           SECTION 6.  The Texas Department of Public Safety shall
 2-1     implement the provisions of Chapter 55, Code of Criminal Procedure,
 2-2     as amended by this Act, imposing duties on the department, from
 2-3     funds made available to the department in the General
 2-4     Appropriations Act.
 2-5           Explanation:  This change is necessary to ensure that the
 2-6     Texas Department of Public Safety implements certain changes in law
 2-7     made by Senate Bill No. 840 using funds appropriated to the
 2-8     department in the General Appropriations Act.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1305 was adopted by the House on May
         29, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House