1-1           BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State
 1-2     of Texas, 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, That House Rule
 1-3     13, Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule
 1-4     13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
 1-5     resolve the differences between the house and senate versions of
 1-6     Senate Bill No. 441, relating to tax exemptions and credits, to
 1-7     consider and take action on the following matters:
 1-8           (1)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
 1-9     to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 10
1-10     of the bill, amending Section 171.002(d), Tax Code, to read as
1-11     follows:
1-12           SECTION 10.  Section 171.002(d), Tax Code, is amended to read
1-13     as follows:
1-14           (d)  A [If the amount of tax computed for a corporation is
1-15     less than $100, the] corporation is not required to pay any tax
1-16     [that amount] and is not considered to owe any tax for a [that]
1-17     period if:
1-18                 (1)  the amount of tax computed for the corporation is
1-19     less than $100; or
1-20                 (2)  the amount of the corporation's gross receipts:
1-21                       (A)  from its entire business under Section
1-22     171.105 is less than $150,000; and
1-23                       (B)  from its entire business under Section
1-24     171.1051, including the amount excepted under Section 171.1051(a),
 2-1     is less than $150,000.
 2-2           Explanation:  This change is necessary to provide an
 2-3     exemption for certain small corporations from the franchise tax.
 2-4           (2)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
 2-5     to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 11
 2-6     of the bill, amending Section 171.203(a), Tax Code, to read as
 2-7     follows:
 2-8           SECTION 11.  Section 171.203(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
 2-9     as follows:
2-10           (a)  A corporation on which the franchise tax is imposed,
2-11     regardless of whether the corporation is  required to pay any tax,
2-12     shall file a report with the comptroller containing:
2-13                 (1)  the name of each corporation in which the
2-14     corporation filing the report owns a 10 percent or greater interest
2-15     and the percentage owned by the corporation;
2-16                 (2)  the name of each corporation that owns a 10
2-17     percent or greater interest in the corporation filing the report;
2-18                 (3)  the name, title, and mailing address of each
2-19     person who is an officer or director of the corporation on the date
2-20     the report is filed and the expiration date of each person's term
2-21     as an officer or director, if any;
2-22                 (4)  the name and address of the agent of the
2-23     corporation designated under Section 171.354 of this code; and
2-24                 (5)  the address of the corporation's principal office
2-25     and principal place of business.
2-26           Explanation: This change is necessary to provide that certain
2-27     corporations exempt from the franchise tax are subject to a limited
 3-1     reporting requirement.
 3-2           (3)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
 3-3     to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 12
 3-4     of the bill, amending Section 171.204, Tax Code, to read as
 3-5     follows:
 3-6           SECTION 12.  Section 171.204, Tax Code, is amended to read as
 3-7     follows:
 3-8           Sec. 171.204.  INFORMATION REPORT.  (a)  Except as provided
 3-9     by Subsection (b), to [To] determine eligibility for the exemption
3-10     provided by Section 171.2022, or to determine the amount of the
3-11     franchise tax or the correctness of a franchise tax report, the
3-12     comptroller may require an officer of a corporation that may be
3-13     subject to the tax imposed under this chapter to file an
3-14     information report with the comptroller stating the amount of the
3-15     corporation's taxable capital and earned surplus, or any other
3-16     information the comptroller may request.
3-17           (b)  The comptroller may require an officer of a corporation
3-18     that does not owe any tax because of the application of Section
3-19     171.002(d)(2) to file an abbreviated information report with the
3-20     comptroller stating the amount of the corporation's gross receipts
3-21     from its entire business.  The comptroller may not require a
3-22     corporation described by this subsection to file an information
3-23     report that requires the corporation to report or compute its
3-24     earned surplus or taxable capital.
3-25           Explanation:  This change is necessary to provide that
3-26     certain corporations exempt from the franchise tax are subject to a
3-27     limited reporting requirement.
 4-1           (4)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
 4-2     to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 13
 4-3     of the bill, adding Subchapter N, Chapter 171, Tax Code, to read as
 4-4     follows:
 4-5           SECTION 13.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
 4-6     Subchapter N to read as follows:
 4-9           Sec. 171.701.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
4-10                 (1)  "Day-care center" has the meaning assigned by
4-11     Section 42.002, Human Resources Code.
4-12                 (2)  "Family home" has the meaning assigned by Section
4-13     42.002, Human Resources Code.
4-14           Sec. 171.702.  CREDIT.  A corporation that meets the
4-15     eligibility requirements under this subchapter is entitled to a
4-16     credit in the amount allowed by this subchapter against the tax
4-17     imposed under this chapter.
4-19     CARE.  (a)  A corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter
4-20     only for a qualifying expenditure relating to:
4-21                 (1)  the establishment and operation of a day-care
4-22     center primarily to provide care for the children of employees of
4-23     the corporation or of the corporation and one or more other
4-24     entities sharing the costs of establishing and operating the
4-25     center; or
4-26                 (2)  the purchase of child-care services that are
4-27     actually provided to children of employees of the corporation at a:
 5-1                       (A)  day-care center; or
 5-2                       (B)  family home that is registered or listed
 5-3     with the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services under
 5-4     Chapter 42, Human Resources Code.
 5-5           (b)  A qualifying expenditure includes an expenditure for:
 5-6                 (1)  planning the day-care center;
 5-7                 (2)  preparing a site to be used for the day-care
 5-8     center;
 5-9                 (3)  constructing the day-care center;
5-10                 (4)  renovating or remodeling a structure to be used
5-11     for the day-care center;
5-12                 (5)  purchasing equipment necessary in the use of the
5-13     day-care center and installed for permanent use in or immediately
5-14     adjacent to the day-care center, including kitchen appliances and
5-15     other food preparation equipment;
5-16                 (6)  expanding the day-care center;
5-17                 (7)  maintaining and operating the day-care center,
5-18     including paying direct administration and staff costs; or
5-19                 (8)  purchasing all or part of child-care services that
5-20     are actually provided to children of employees of the corporation
5-21     at a day-care center or registered or listed family home.
5-22           (c)  The amount of the credit is equal to the lesser of:
5-23                 (1)  $50,000;
5-24                 (2)  50 percent of the corporation's qualifying
5-25     expenditures; or
5-26                 (3)  the amount of the limitation provided by Section
5-27     171.705(b).
 6-1           (d)  If a corporation shares in the cost of establishing and
 6-2     operating a day-care center, the corporation is entitled to a
 6-3     credit for the qualifying expenditures made by that corporation,
 6-4     subject to the limitation prescribed by Subsection (c).
 6-5           Sec. 171.704.  APPLICATION FOR CREDIT.  (a)  A corporation
 6-6     must apply for a credit under this subchapter on or with the tax
 6-7     report for the period for which the credit is claimed.
 6-8           (b)  If the corporation is claiming a credit for a qualifying
 6-9     expenditure for purchasing child-care services, the corporation
6-10     must maintain proof that the services were actually provided to
6-11     children of employees of the corporation at a day-care center or
6-12     registered or listed family home.
6-13           (c)  The comptroller shall adopt a form for the application
6-14     for the credit.  A corporation must use this form in applying for
6-15     the credit.
6-16           Sec. 171.705.  PERIOD FOR WHICH CREDIT MAY BE CLAIMED.
6-17     (a)  A corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter for
6-18     qualifying expenditures made during an accounting period only
6-19     against the tax owed for the corresponding reporting period.
6-20           (b)  A corporation may not claim a credit in an amount that
6-21     exceeds 90 percent of the amount of tax due for the report.
6-22           Sec. 171.706.  ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED.  A corporation may not
6-23     convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this
6-24     subchapter  to another entity unless all of the assets of the
6-25     corporation are conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same
6-26     transaction.
6-27           Sec. 171.707.  BIENNIAL REPORT BY COMPTROLLER.  (a)  Before
 7-1     the beginning of each regular session of the legislature, the
 7-2     comptroller shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor,
 7-3     and the speaker of the house of representatives a report that
 7-4     states:
 7-5                 (1)  the total amount of qualifying expenditures
 7-6     incurred by corporations that claim a credit under this subchapter;
 7-7                 (2)  the total amount of credits applied against the
 7-8     tax under this chapter and the amount of unused credits including:
 7-9                       (A)  the total amount of franchise tax due by
7-10     corporations claiming a credit under this subchapter before and
7-11     after the application of the credit;
7-12                       (B)  the average percentage reduction in
7-13     franchise tax due by corporations claiming a credit under this
7-14     subchapter;
7-15                       (C)  the percentage of tax credits that were
7-16     awarded to corporations with fewer than 100 employees; and
7-17                       (D)  the two-digit standard industrial
7-18     classification of corporations claiming a credit under this
7-19     subchapter;
7-20                 (3)  the geographical distribution of qualifying
7-21     expenditures giving rise to a credit authorized by this subchapter;
7-22                 (4)  the impact of the credit provided by this
7-23     subchapter on promoting economic development in this state; and
7-24                 (5)  the impact of the credit provided under this
7-25     subchapter on state tax revenues.
7-26           (b)  The final report issued prior to the expiration of this
7-27     subchapter shall include historical information on the credit
 8-1     authorized under this subchapter.
 8-2           (c)  The comptroller may not include in the report
 8-3     information that is confidential by law.
 8-4           (d)  For purposes of this section, the comptroller may
 8-5     require a corporation that claims a credit under this subchapter to
 8-6     submit information, on a form provided by the comptroller, on the
 8-7     location of the corporation's qualifying expenditures and any other
 8-8     information necessary to complete the report required under this
 8-9     section.
8-10           Explanation: This change is necessary to provide a franchise
8-11     tax credit for establishing a day-care center or purchasing
8-12     child-care services.
8-13           (5)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
8-14     to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 14
8-15     of the bill, adding Subchapter O, Chapter 171, Tax Code, to read as
8-16     follows:
8-17           SECTION 14.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
8-18     Subchapter O to read as follows:
8-20                         AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES
8-21           Sec. 171.721.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
8-22                 (1)  "Base amount," "basic research payment," and
8-23     "qualified research expense" have the meanings assigned those terms
8-24     by Section 41, Internal Revenue Code, except that all such payments
8-25     and expenses must be for research conducted within this state.
8-26                 (2)  "Strategic investment area" means an area that is
8-27     determined by the comptroller under Section 171.726 that is:
 9-1                       (A)  a county within this state with above state
 9-2     average unemployment and below state average per capita income; or
 9-3                       (B)  an area within this state that is a
 9-4     federally designated urban enterprise community or an urban
 9-5     enhanced enterprise community.
 9-6           Sec. 171.722.  ELIGIBILITY.  (a)  A corporation is eligible
 9-7     for a credit against the tax imposed under this chapter in the
 9-8     amount and under the conditions and limitations provided by this
 9-9     subchapter.
9-10           (b)  A corporation may claim a credit under Section
9-11     171.723(d) or take a carryforward credit without regard to whether
9-12     the strategic investment area in which it made qualified research
9-13     expenses and basic research payments subsequently loses its
9-14     designation as a strategic investment area.
9-15           Sec. 171.723.  CALCULATION OF CREDIT.  (a)  The credit for
9-16     any report equals five percent of the sum of:
9-17                 (1)  the excess of qualified research expenses incurred
9-18     in this state during the period upon which the tax is based over
9-19     the base amount for this state; and
9-20                 (2)  the basic research payments determined under
9-21     Section 41(e)(1)(A), Internal Revenue Code, for this state during
9-22     the period upon which the tax is based.
9-23           (b)  A corporation may elect to compute the credit for
9-24     qualified research expenses incurred in this state in a manner
9-25     consistent with the alternative incremental credit described in
9-26     Section 41(c)(4), Internal Revenue Code, only if for the
9-27     corresponding federal tax period:
 10-1                (1)  a federal election was made to compute the federal
 10-2    credit under Section 41(c)(4), Internal Revenue Code;
 10-3                (2)  the corporation was a member of a consolidated
 10-4    group for which a federal election was made under Section 41(c)(4),
 10-5    Internal Revenue Code; or
 10-6                (3)  the corporation did not claim the federal credit
 10-7    under Section 41(a)(1), Internal Revenue Code.
 10-8          (c)  For purposes of the alternate credit computation method
 10-9    in Subsection (b), the credit percentages applicable to qualified
10-10    research expenses described in Sections 41(c)(4)(A)(i), (ii), and
10-11    (iii), Internal Revenue Code, are 0.41 percent, 0.55 percent, and
10-12    0.69 percent, respectively.
10-13          (d)  In computing the credit under this section, a
10-14    corporation may multiply by two the amount of any qualified
10-15    research expenses and basic research payments made in a strategic
10-16    investment area.
10-17          (e)  The burden of establishing entitlement to and the value
10-18    of the credit is on the corporation.
10-19          (f)  For the purposes of this section, "gross receipts" as
10-20    used in Section 41, Internal Revenue Code, means gross receipts as
10-21    determined under Section 171.1032.
10-22          Sec. 171.724.  LIMITATIONS.  (a)  The total credit claimed
10-23    under this subchapter for a report, including the amount of any
10-24    carryforward credit under Section 171.725, may not exceed 50
10-25    percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the report before
10-26    any other applicable tax credits.
10-27          (b)  The total credit claimed under this subchapter and
 11-1    Subchapters P and Q for a report, including the amount of any
 11-2    carryforward credits, may not exceed the amount of franchise tax
 11-3    due for the report after any other applicable credits.
 11-4          (c)  A corporation that establishes its eligibility for a
 11-5    credit under this subchapter is not eligible to establish a credit
 11-6    under Subchapter P.
 11-7          Sec. 171.725.  CARRYFORWARD.  If a corporation is eligible
 11-8    for a credit that exceeds the limitation under Section 171.724(a)
 11-9    or (b), the corporation may carry the unused credit forward for not
11-10    more than 20 consecutive reports.  A credit carryforward from a
11-11    previous report is considered to be utilized before the current
11-12    year credit.
11-14    (a)  Not later than September 1 each year, the comptroller shall
11-15    determine areas that qualify as strategic investment areas using
11-16    the most recently completed full calendar year data available on
11-17    that date and, not later than October 1, shall publish a list and
11-18    map of the designated areas.
11-19          (b)  The designation is effective for the following calendar
11-20    year for purposes of credits available under this subchapter.
11-21          Sec. 171.727.  BIENNIAL REPORT BY COMPTROLLER.  (a)  Before
11-22    the beginning of each regular session of the legislature, the
11-23    comptroller shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor,
11-24    and the speaker of the house of representatives a report that
11-25    states:
11-26                (1)  the total amount of expenses and payments incurred
11-27    by corporations that claim a credit under this subchapter;
 12-1                (2)  the total amount of credits applied against the
 12-2    tax under this chapter and the amount of unused credits including:
 12-3                      (A)  the total amount of franchise tax due by
 12-4    corporations claiming a credit under this subchapter before and
 12-5    after the application of the credit;
 12-6                      (B)  the average percentage reduction in
 12-7    franchise tax due by corporations claiming a credit under this
 12-8    subchapter;
 12-9                      (C)  the percentage of tax credits that were
12-10    awarded to corporations with fewer than 100 employees; and
12-11                      (D)  the two-digit standard industrial
12-12    classification of corporations claiming a credit under this
12-13    subchapter;
12-14                (3)  the geographical distribution of expenses and
12-15    payments giving rise to a credit authorized by this subchapter;
12-16                (4)  the impact of the credit provided by this
12-17    subchapter on the amount of research and development performed in
12-18    this state and employment in research and development in this
12-19    state; and
12-20                (5)  the impact of the credit provided under this
12-21    subchapter on employment, capital investment, and personal income
12-22    in this state and on state tax revenues.
12-23          (b)  The final report issued prior to the expiration of this
12-24    subchapter shall include historical information on the credit
12-25    authorized under this subchapter.
12-26          (c)  The comptroller may not include in the report
12-27    information that is confidential by law.
 13-1          (d)  For purposes of this section, the comptroller may
 13-2    require a corporation that claims a credit under this subchapter to
 13-3    submit information, on a form provided by the comptroller, on the
 13-4    location of the corporation's research expenses and payments in
 13-5    this state and any other information necessary to complete the
 13-6    report required under this section.
 13-7          Sec. 171.728.  COMPTROLLER POWERS AND DUTIES.  The
 13-8    comptroller shall adopt rules and forms necessary to implement this
 13-9    subchapter.
13-10          Sec. 171.729.  EXPIRATION.  (a)  This subchapter expires
13-11    December 31, 2009.
13-12          (b)  The expiration of this subchapter does not affect the
13-13    carryforward of a credit under Section 171.725 for those credits to
13-14    which a corporation is eligible before the date this subchapter
13-15    expires.
13-16          Sec. 171.730.  TEMPORARY CREDIT RATES AND LIMITATIONS.  (a)
13-17    Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, this
13-18    section applies to a report originally due before January 1, 2002.
13-19          (b)  For purposes of computing the credit under Section
13-20    171.723(a) for a report described by Subsection (a), the credit
13-21    equals four percent of the sum of:
13-22                (1)  the excess of qualified research expenses incurred
13-23    in this state during the period upon which the tax is based over
13-24    the base amount for this state; and
13-25                (2)  the basic research payments determined under
13-26    Section 41(e)(1)(A), Internal Revenue Code, for this state during
13-27    the period upon which the tax is based.
 14-1          (c)  For purposes of computing the credit under Section
 14-2    171.723(d) for a report described by Subsection (a), a corporation
 14-3    may multiply by 1.5 the amount of any qualified research expenses
 14-4    and basic research payments made in a strategic investment area.
 14-5          (d)  The total credit claimed under this subchapter for a
 14-6    report described by Subsection (a), including the amount of any
 14-7    carryforward credit under Section 171.725, may not exceed 25
 14-8    percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the report before
 14-9    any other applicable tax credits.
14-10          (e)  For purposes of the alternate credit computation method
14-11    in Section 171.723(b), the credit percentages applicable to
14-12    qualified research expenses described in Sections 41(c)(4)(A)(i),
14-13    (ii), and (iii), Internal Revenue Code, are 0.33 percent, 0.44
14-14    percent, and 0.55 percent, respectively.
14-15          (f)  This section expires January 1, 2002.
14-16          (g)  The expiration of this section does not affect the
14-17    carryforward of a credit under Section 171.725 for those credits to
14-18    which a corporation is eligible before the date this section
14-19    expires.
14-20          Explanation: This change is necessary to provide a franchise
14-21    tax credit for certain research and development activities.
14-22          (6)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
14-23    to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 15
14-24    of the bill, adding Subchapter P, Chapter 171, Tax Code, to read as
14-25    follows:
14-26          SECTION 15.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
14-27    Subchapter P to read as follows:
 15-2          Sec. 171.751.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
 15-3                (1)  "Agricultural processing" means an establishment
 15-4    primarily engaged in activities described in categories 2011-2099,
 15-5    2211, 2231, or 3111-3199 of the 1987 Standard Industrial
 15-6    Classification Manual published by the federal Office of Management
 15-7    and Budget.
 15-8                (2)  "Central administrative offices" means an
 15-9    establishment primarily engaged in performing management or support
15-10    services for other establishments of the same enterprise.  An
15-11    enterprise consists of all establishments having more than 50
15-12    percent common direct or indirect ownership.
15-13                (3)  "County average weekly wage" means the average
15-14    weekly wage for all covered employment in the county as computed by
15-15    the Texas Workforce Commission.
15-16                (4)  "Data processing" means an establishment primarily
15-17    engaged in activities described in categories 7371-7379 of the 1987
15-18    Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the federal
15-19    Office of Management and Budget.
15-20                (5)  "Distribution" means an establishment primarily
15-21    engaged in activities described in categories 5012-5199 of the 1987
15-22    Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the federal
15-23    Office of Management and Budget.
15-24                (6)  "Group health benefit plan" means:
15-25                      (A)  a health plan provided by a health
15-26    maintenance organization established under the Texas Health
15-27    Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance
 16-1    Code);
 16-2                      (B)  a health benefit plan approved by the
 16-3    commissioner of insurance; or
 16-4                      (C)  a self-funded or self-insured employee
 16-5    welfare benefit plan that provides health benefits and is
 16-6    established in accordance with the Employee Retirement Income
 16-7    Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. Section 1001 et seq.), as amended.
 16-8                (7)  "Manufacturing" means an establishment primarily
 16-9    engaged in activities described in categories 2011-3999 of the 1987
16-10    Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the federal
16-11    Office of Management and Budget.
16-12                (8)  "Qualified business" means an establishment
16-13    primarily engaged in agricultural processing, central
16-14    administrative offices, distribution, data processing,
16-15    manufacturing, research and development, or warehousing.
16-16                (9)  "Qualifying job" means a new permanent full-time
16-17    job that:
16-18                      (A)  is located in:
16-19                            (i)  a strategic investment area; or
16-20                            (ii)  a county within this state with a
16-21    population of less than 50,000, if the job is created by a business
16-22    primarily engaged in agricultural processing;
16-23                      (B)  requires at least 1,600 hours of work a
16-24    year;
16-25                      (C)  pays at least 110 percent of the county
16-26    average weekly wage for the county where the job is located;
16-27                      (D)  is covered by a group health benefit plan
 17-1    for which the business pays at least 80 percent of the premiums or
 17-2    other charges assessed under the plan for the employee;
 17-3                      (E)  is not transferred from one area in this
 17-4    state to another area in this state; and
 17-5                      (F)  is not created to replace a previous
 17-6    employee.
 17-7                (10)  "Research and development" means an establishment
 17-8    primarily engaged in activities described in category 8731 of the
 17-9    1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the
17-10    federal Office of Management and Budget.
17-11                (11)  "Strategic investment area" has the meaning
17-12    assigned that term by Section 171.721.
17-13                (12)  "Warehousing" means an establishment primarily
17-14    engaged in activities described in categories 4221-4226 of the 1987
17-15    Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the federal
17-16    Office of Management and Budget.
17-17          Sec. 171.752.  ELIGIBILITY.  (a)  A corporation is eligible
17-18    for a credit against the tax imposed under this chapter if the
17-19    corporation:
17-20                (1)  is a qualified business as defined in Section
17-21    171.751;
17-22                (2)  creates a minimum of 10 qualifying jobs; and
17-23                (3)  pays an average weekly wage, for the year in which
17-24    credits are claimed, of at least 110 percent of the county average
17-25    weekly wage for the county where the qualifying jobs are located.
17-26          (b)  A corporation may claim a credit or take a carryforward
17-27    credit without regard to whether the strategic investment area in
 18-1    which it created the qualifying jobs subsequently loses its
 18-2    designation as a strategic investment area, if applicable.
 18-3          Sec. 171.753.  CALCULATION OF CREDIT.  A corporation may
 18-4    establish a credit equal to 25 percent of the total wages and
 18-5    salaries paid by the corporation for qualifying jobs during the
 18-6    period upon which the tax is based.
 18-7          Sec. 171.754.  LENGTH OF CREDIT.  The credit established
 18-8    shall be claimed in five equal installments of one-fifth the credit
 18-9    amount over the five consecutive reports beginning with the report
18-10    based upon the period during which the qualifying jobs were
18-11    created.
18-12          Sec. 171.755.  LIMITATIONS.  (a)  The total credit claimed
18-13    under this subchapter for a report, including the amount of any
18-14    carryforward credit under Section 171.756, may not exceed 50
18-15    percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the report before
18-16    any other applicable tax credits.
18-17          (b)  The total credit claimed under this subchapter and
18-18    Subchapters O and Q for a report, including the amount of any
18-19    carryforward credits, may not exceed the amount of franchise tax
18-20    due for the report after any other applicable credits.
18-21          (c)  A corporation that establishes its eligibility for a
18-22    credit under this subchapter is not eligible to establish a credit
18-23    under Subchapter O.
18-24          Sec. 171.756.  CARRYFORWARD.  (a)  If a corporation is
18-25    eligible for a credit from an installment that exceeds the
18-26    limitations under Section 171.755(a) or (b), the corporation may
18-27    carry the unused credit forward for not more than five consecutive
 19-1    reports.
 19-2          (b)  A carryforward is considered the remaining portion of an
 19-3    installment that cannot be claimed in the current year because of
 19-4    the tax limitation under Section 171.755.  A carryforward is added
 19-5    to the next year's installment of the credit in determining the tax
 19-6    limitation for that year.  A credit carryforward from a previous
 19-7    report is considered to be utilized before the current year
 19-8    installment.
 19-9          Sec. 171.757.  CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY.  (a)  For the
19-10    initial and each succeeding report in which a credit is claimed
19-11    under this subchapter, the corporation shall file with its report,
19-12    on a form provided by the comptroller, information that
19-13    sufficiently demonstrates that the corporation is eligible for the
19-14    credit and is in compliance with Section 171.752.
19-15          (b)  The burden of establishing entitlement to and the value
19-16    of the credit is on the corporation.
19-17          (c)  If, in one of the five years in which the installment of
19-18    a credit accrues, the number of the corporation's full-time
19-19    employees falls below the number of full-time employees the
19-20    corporation had in the year in which the corporation qualified for
19-21    the credit, the credit expires and the corporation may not take any
19-22    remaining installment of the credit.
19-23          (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), the corporation may,
19-24    however, take the portion of an installment that accrued in a
19-25    previous year and was carried forward to the extent permitted under
19-26    Section 171.756.
19-27          Sec. 171.758.  ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED.  A corporation may not
 20-1    convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this
 20-2    subchapter to another entity unless all of the assets of the
 20-3    corporation are conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same
 20-4    transaction.
 20-5          Sec. 171.759.  BIENNIAL REPORT BY COMPTROLLER.  (a)  Before
 20-6    the beginning of each regular session of the legislature, the
 20-7    comptroller shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor,
 20-8    and the speaker of the house of representatives a report that
 20-9    states:
20-10                (1)  the total number of jobs created by corporations
20-11    that claim a credit under this subchapter and the average and
20-12    median annual wage of those jobs;
20-13                (2)  the total amount of credits applied against the
20-14    tax under this chapter and the amount of unused credits including:
20-15                      (A)  the total amount of franchise tax due by
20-16    corporations claiming a credit under this subchapter before and
20-17    after the application of the credit;
20-18                      (B)  the average percentage reduction in
20-19    franchise tax due by corporations claiming a credit under this
20-20    subchapter; and
20-21                      (C)  the percentage of tax credits that were
20-22    awarded to corporations with fewer than 100 employees;
20-23                (3)  a breakdown of the two-digit standard industrial
20-24    classification of businesses claiming a credit under this
20-25    subchapter;
20-26                (4)  the geographical distribution of the credits
20-27    claimed under this subchapter; and
 21-1                (5)  the impact of the credit provided under this
 21-2    subchapter on employment, personal income, and capital investment
 21-3    in this state and on state tax revenues.
 21-4          (b)  The final report issued prior to the expiration of this
 21-5    subchapter shall include historical information on the credit
 21-6    authorized under this subchapter.
 21-7          (c)  The comptroller may not include in the report
 21-8    information that is confidential by law.
 21-9          (d)  For purposes of this section, the comptroller may
21-10    require a corporation that claims a credit under this subchapter to
21-11    submit information, on a form provided by the comptroller, on the
21-12    location of the corporation's job creation in this state and any
21-13    other information necessary to complete the report required under
21-14    this section.
21-15          (e)  The comptroller shall provide notice to the members of
21-16    the legislature that the report required under this section is
21-17    available on request.
21-18          Sec. 171.760.  COMPTROLLER POWERS AND DUTIES.  The
21-19    comptroller shall adopt rules and forms necessary to implement this
21-20    subchapter.
21-21          Sec. 171.761.  EXPIRATION.  (a)  This subchapter expires
21-22    December 31, 2009.
21-23          (b)  The expiration of this subchapter does not affect the
21-24    carryforward of a credit under Section 171.756 or those credits for
21-25    which a corporation is eligible before the date this subchapter
21-26    expires.
21-27          Explanation:  This change is necessary to provide a franchise
 22-1    tax credit for certain job creation activities.
 22-2          (7)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
 22-3    to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 16
 22-4    of the bill, adding Subchapter Q, Chapter 171, Tax Code, to read as
 22-5    follows:
 22-6          SECTION 16.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
 22-7    Subchapter Q to read as follows:
 22-9          Sec. 171.801.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
22-10                (1)  "Agricultural processing," "central administrative
22-11    offices," "county average weekly wage," "data processing,"
22-12    "distribution," "manufacturing," "qualified business," "research
22-13    and development," and "warehousing" have the meanings assigned
22-14    those terms by Section 171.751.
22-15                (2)  "Qualified capital investment" means tangible
22-16    personal property first placed in service in a strategic investment
22-17    area, or first placed in service in a county with a population of
22-18    less than 50,000 by a corporation primarily engaged in agricultural
22-19    processing, and that is described in Section 1245(a), Internal
22-20    Revenue Code, such as engines, machinery, tools, and implements
22-21    used in a trade or business or held for investment and subject to
22-22    an allowance for depreciation, cost recovery under the accelerated
22-23    cost recovery system, or amortization.  The term does not include
22-24    real property or buildings and their structural components.
22-25    Property that is leased under a capitalized lease is considered a
22-26    "qualified capital investment," but property that is leased under
22-27    an operating lease is not considered a "qualified capital
 23-1    investment."  Property expensed under Section 179, Internal Revenue
 23-2    Code, is not considered a "qualified capital investment."
 23-3                (3)  "Strategic investment area" has the meaning
 23-4    assigned that term by Section 171.721.
 23-5          Sec. 171.802.  ELIGIBILITY.  (a)  A qualified business is
 23-6    eligible for a credit against the tax imposed under this chapter in
 23-7    the amount and under the conditions and limitations provided by
 23-8    this subchapter.
 23-9          (b)  To qualify for the credit authorized under this
23-10    subchapter, a qualified business must:
23-11                (1)  pay an average weekly wage, at the location with
23-12    respect to which the credit is claimed, that is at least 110
23-13    percent of the county average weekly wage;
23-14                (2)  offer coverage to all full-time employees at the
23-15    location with respect to which the credit is claimed by a group
23-16    health benefit plan, as defined by Section 171.751, for which the
23-17    business pays at least 80 percent of the premiums or other charges
23-18    assessed under the plan for the employees; and
23-19                (3)  make a minimum $500,000 qualified capital
23-20    investment.
23-21          (c)  A corporation may claim a credit or take a carryforward
23-22    credit without regard to whether the strategic investment area in
23-23    which it made the qualified capital investment subsequently loses
23-24    its designation as a strategic investment area, if applicable.
23-25          Sec. 171.803.  CALCULATION OF CREDIT.  A corporation may
23-26    establish a credit equal to 7.5 percent of the qualified capital
23-27    investment during the period upon which the tax is based.
 24-1          Sec. 171.804.  LENGTH OF CREDIT.  The credit established
 24-2    shall be claimed in five equal installments of one-fifth the credit
 24-3    amount over the five consecutive reports beginning with the report
 24-4    based upon the period during which the qualified capital investment
 24-5    was made.
 24-6          Sec. 171.805.  LIMITATIONS.  (a)  The total credit claimed
 24-7    under this subchapter for a report, including the amount of any
 24-8    carryforward credit under Section 171.806, may not exceed 50
 24-9    percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the report before
24-10    any other applicable tax credits.
24-11          (b)  The total credit claimed under this subchapter and
24-12    Subchapters O and P for a report, including the amount of any
24-13    carryforward credits, may not exceed the amount of franchise tax
24-14    due for the report after any other applicable tax credits.
24-15          (c)  A corporation that establishes its eligibility for a
24-16    credit under this subchapter is not eligible to claim a franchise
24-17    tax reduction authorized under Section 171.1015.
24-18          Sec. 171.806.  CARRYFORWARD.  (a)  If a corporation is
24-19    eligible for a credit from an installment that exceeds the
24-20    limitation under Section 171.805(a) or (b), the corporation may
24-21    carry the unused credit forward for not more than five consecutive
24-22    reports.
24-23          (b)  A carryforward is considered the remaining portion of an
24-24    installment that cannot be claimed in the current year because of
24-25    the tax limitation under Section 171.805.  A carryforward is added
24-26    to the next year's installment of the credit in determining the tax
24-27    limitation for that year.  A credit carryforward from a previous
 25-1    report is considered to be utilized before the current year
 25-2    installment.
 25-3          Sec. 171.807.  CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY.  (a)  For the
 25-4    initial and each succeeding report in which a credit is claimed
 25-5    under this subchapter, the corporation shall file with its report,
 25-6    on a form provided by the comptroller, information that
 25-7    sufficiently demonstrates that the corporation is eligible for the
 25-8    credit and is in compliance with Section 171.802.
 25-9          (b)  The burden of establishing entitlement to and the value
25-10    of the credit is on the qualified business.
25-11          (c)  A credit expires under this subchapter and the
25-12    corporation may not take any remaining installment of the credit if
25-13    in one of the five years in which the installment of a credit
25-14    accrues, the qualified business:
25-15                (1)  disposes of the qualified capital investment;
25-16                (2)  takes the qualified capital investment out of
25-17    service;
25-18                (3)  moves the qualified capital investment out of this
25-19    state; or
25-20                (4)  fails to pay an average weekly wage as required by
25-21    Section 171.802.
25-22          (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), the corporation may take
25-23    the portion of an installment that accrued in a previous year and
25-24    was carried forward to the extent permitted under Section 171.806.
25-25          Sec. 171.808.  ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED.  A corporation may not
25-26    convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this
25-27    subchapter to another entity unless all of the assets of the
 26-1    corporation are conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same
 26-2    transaction.
 26-3          Sec. 171.809.  BIENNIAL REPORT BY COMPTROLLER.  (a)  Before
 26-4    the beginning of each regular session of the legislature, the
 26-5    comptroller shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor,
 26-6    and the speaker of the house of representatives a report that
 26-7    states:
 26-8                (1)  the total amount of qualified capital investments
 26-9    made by corporations that claim a credit under this subchapter and
26-10    the average and median wages paid by those corporations;
26-11                (2)  the total amount of credits applied against the
26-12    tax under this chapter and the amount of unused credits, including:
26-13                      (A)  the total amount of franchise tax due by
26-14    corporations claiming a credit under this subchapter before and
26-15    after the application of the credit;
26-16                      (B)  the average percentage reduction in
26-17    franchise tax due by corporations claiming a credit under this
26-18    subchapter;
26-19                      (C)  the percentage of tax credits that were
26-20    awarded to corporations with fewer than 100 employees; and
26-21                      (D)  the two-digit standard industrial
26-22    classification of corporations claiming a credit under this
26-23    subchapter;
26-24                (3)  the geographical distribution of the qualified
26-25    capital investments on which tax credit claims are made under this
26-26    subchapter; and
26-27                (4)  the impact of the credit provided under this
 27-1    subchapter on employment, capital investment, personal income, and
 27-2    state tax revenues.
 27-3          (b)  The final report issued before the expiration of this
 27-4    subchapter shall include historical information on the credit
 27-5    authorized under this subchapter.
 27-6          (c)  The comptroller may not include in the report
 27-7    information that is confidential by law.
 27-8          (d)  For purposes of this section, the comptroller may
 27-9    require a corporation that claims a credit under this subchapter to
27-10    submit information, on a form provided by the comptroller, on the
27-11    location of the corporation's capital investment in this state and
27-12    any other information necessary to complete the report required
27-13    under this section.
27-14          (e)  The comptroller shall provide notice to the members of
27-15    the legislature that the report required under this section is
27-16    available on request.
27-17          Sec. 171.810.  COMPTROLLER POWERS AND DUTIES.  The
27-18    comptroller shall adopt rules and forms necessary to implement this
27-19    subchapter.
27-20          Sec. 171.811.  EXPIRATION.  (a)  This subchapter expires
27-21    December 31, 2009.
27-22          (b)  The expiration of this subchapter does not affect the
27-23    carryforward of a credit under Section 171.806 or those credits for
27-24    which a corporation is eligible before the date this subchapter
27-25    expires.
27-26          Explanation: This change is necessary to provide a franchise
27-27    tax credit for certain capital investments.
 28-1          (8)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
 28-2    to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 17
 28-3    of the bill, adding Subchapter R, Chapter 171, Tax Code, to read as
 28-4    follows:
 28-5          SECTION 17.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
 28-6    Subchapter R to read as follows:
 28-8                     BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS
 28-9          Sec. 171.831.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "school-age
28-10    child care" means care provided before and after school and during
28-11    the summer and holidays for children who are at least five years of
28-12    age but younger than 14 years of age.
28-13          Sec. 171.832.  CREDIT.  A corporation that meets the
28-14    eligibility requirements under this subchapter is entitled to a
28-15    credit in the amount allowed by this subchapter against the tax
28-16    imposed under this chapter.
28-17          Sec. 171.833.  EXPENDITURES ELIGIBLE FOR CREDIT.  (a)  A
28-18    corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter only for a
28-19    qualifying expenditure relating to the operation of a school-age
28-20    child care program that is operated by:
28-21                (1)  a nonprofit organization licensed under Chapter
28-22    42, Human Resources Code;
28-23                (2)  a nonprofit, accredited educational facility or by
28-24    another nonprofit entity under contract with the educational
28-25    facility, if the Texas Education Agency or Southern Association of
28-26    Colleges and Schools has approved the curriculum content of the
28-27    program operated under the contract; or
 29-1                (3)  a county or municipality, if the governing body of
 29-2    the county or municipality annually adopts standards of care by
 29-3    order or ordinance that include minimum child-to-staff ratios,
 29-4    staff qualifications, facility, health, and safety standards, and
 29-5    mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the standards.
 29-6          (b)  A qualifying expenditure includes an expenditure for:
 29-7                (1)  constructing, renovating, or remodeling a facility
 29-8    or structure to be used by the program;
 29-9                (2)  purchasing necessary equipment, supplies, or food
29-10    to be used in the program; or
29-11                (3)  operating the program, including administrative
29-12    and staff costs.
29-13          Sec. 171.834.  AMOUNT; LIMITATIONS.  (a)  The amount of the
29-14    credit is equal to 30 percent of a corporation's qualifying
29-15    expenditures.
29-16          (b)  A corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter
29-17    for a qualifying expenditure during an accounting period only
29-18    against the tax owed for the corresponding reporting period.
29-19          (c)  A corporation may not claim a credit in an amount that
29-20    exceeds 50 percent of the amount of net franchise tax due, after
29-21    applying any other credits, for the reporting period.
29-22          Sec. 171.835.  APPLICATION FOR CREDIT.  (a)  A corporation
29-23    must apply for a credit under this subchapter on or with the tax
29-24    report for the period for which the credit is claimed.
29-25          (b)  The comptroller shall adopt a form for the application
29-26    for the credit. A corporation must use this form in applying for
29-27    the credit.
 30-1          Sec. 171.836.  ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED.  A corporation may not
 30-2    convey, assign, or transfer a credit allowed under this subchapter
 30-3    to another entity unless all of the assets of the corporation are
 30-4    conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same transaction.
 30-5          Explanation:  This change is necessary to provide a franchise
 30-6    tax credit for contributions to before and after school programs.
 30-7          (9)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
 30-8    to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 18
 30-9    of the bill to read as follows:
30-10          SECTION 18.  The comptroller may combine the reports required
30-11    under Subchapters N, O, P, and Q, Chapter 171, Tax Code, as added
30-12    by this Act, into a single report.
30-13          Explanation: This change is necessary to allow the
30-14    comptroller to combine certain required franchise tax reports into
30-15    a single report.
30-16          (10)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
30-17    to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 19
30-18    of the bill to read as follows:
30-19          SECTION 19.  (a)  Before the beginning of the 79th
30-20    Legislature, Regular Session, the comptroller of public accounts
30-21    shall report to the legislature and the governor on the effect that
30-22    exempting small corporations from the franchise tax under Section
30-23    171.002, Tax Code, as amended by this Act, has had on the economy
30-24    of this state, including on the creation of new jobs in this state.
30-25          (b)  The report must include:
30-26                (1)  an assessment of the intended purposes of the
30-27    exemptions and whether the exemptions are achieving those
 31-1    objectives;
 31-2                (2)  an assessment of whether the exemptions have
 31-3    created any problems in the administration of the franchise tax;
 31-4    and
 31-5                (3)  a recommendation for retaining, eliminating, or
 31-6    amending the exemptions.
 31-7          (c)  The comptroller of public accounts may include the
 31-8    report in any other report made to the legislature.
 31-9          Explanation:  This change is necessary to require the
31-10    comptroller to prepare a report on the effect of the change in the
31-11    exemption for small corporations from the franchise tax.
31-12          (11)  House Rule 13, Sections 9(a)(3) and (4), are suspended
31-13    to permit the committee to add text incorporating a new Section 20
31-14    of the bill, providing effective date and transitional provisions,
31-15    to read as follows:
31-16          SECTION 20.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this
31-17    section, this Act takes effect October 1, 1999.
31-18          (b)  The changes in law made by this Act by amending Section
31-19    151.3111(b), Tax Code, and adding Section 151.326, Tax Code, take
31-20    effect on the earliest day that they may take effect under Section
31-21    39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  The comptroller of public
31-22    accounts may adopt emergency rules for the implementation of those
31-23    provisions.
31-24          (c)  The changes in law made by this Act by amending Section
31-25    151.313(a), Tax Code, take effect April 1, 2000.
31-26          (d)  The changes in law made by this Act by amending Sections
31-27    171.002(d), 171.203(a), and 171.204, Tax Code, and adding
 32-1    Subchapters N, O, P, Q, and R, Chapter 171, Tax Code, take effect
 32-2    January 1, 2000, and apply only to a report originally due on or
 32-3    after that date.
 32-4          (e)  A corporation may claim a credit under Subchapters N, O,
 32-5    P, Q, and R, Chapter 171, Tax Code, as added by this Act, only for
 32-6    expenses and payments incurred, qualified investments or
 32-7    expenditures made, or new jobs created on or after January 1, 2000.
 32-8          (f)  The changes in law made by this Act do not affect taxes
 32-9    imposed before the effective date of those changes, and the law in
32-10    effect before the effective date of those changes is continued in
32-11    effect for purposes of the liability for and collection of those
32-12    taxes.
32-13          Explanation: This change is necessary to provide for the
32-14    effective date of certain changes to law made by the bill and to
32-15    provide transition provisions for certain changes to law made by
32-16    the bill.
                                                   Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.R. No. 1341 was adopted by the House on May
         30, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House