1-1 BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State
1-2 of Texas, 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, That House Rule
1-3 13, Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule
1-4 13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
1-5 resolve the differences on Senate Bill No. 4, relating to public
1-6 school finance, property tax relief, and public education, and
1-7 making an appropriation, to consider and take action on the
1-8 following matters:
1-9 (1) House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(2), is suspended to permit
1-10 the committee to omit language making Section 42.158, Education
1-11 Code, as added by the Act, take effect September 1, 2000.
1-12 Explanation: This change is necessary to provide for the
1-13 instructional facilities allotment under Section 42.158, Education
1-14 Code, as added by the Act, to take effect September 1, 1999, rather
1-15 than September 1, 2000.
1-16 (2) House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
1-17 the committee to change text in added Section 42.158, Education
1-18 Code, to read as follows:
1-20 school district is entitled to an additional allotment as provided
1-21 by this section for operational expenses associated with opening a
1-22 new instructional facility.
1-23 (b) For the first school year in which students attend a new
1-24 instructional facility, a school district is entitled to an
2-1 allotment of $250 for each student in average daily attendance at
2-2 the facility. For the second school year in which students attend
2-3 that instructional facility, a school district is entitled to an
2-4 allotment of $250 for each additional student in average daily
2-5 attendance at the facility.
2-6 (c) For purposes of this section, the number of additional
2-7 students in average daily attendance at a facility is the
2-8 difference between the number of students in average daily
2-9 attendance in the current year at that facility and the number of
2-10 students in average daily attendance at that facility in the
2-11 preceding year.
2-12 (d) The amount appropriated for allotments under this
2-13 section may not exceed $25 million in a school year. If the total
2-14 amount of allotments to which districts are entitled under this
2-15 section for a school year exceeds the amount appropriated for
2-16 allotments under this section, the commissioner shall reduce each
2-17 district's allotment under this section in the manner provided by
2-18 Section 42.253(h).
2-19 (e) A school district that is required to take action under
2-20 Chapter 41 to reduce its wealth per student to the equalized wealth
2-21 level is entitled to a credit, in the amount of the allotments to
2-22 which the district is entitled under this section, against the
2-23 total amount required under Section 41.093 for the district to
2-24 purchase attendance credits. A school district that is otherwise
2-25 ineligible for state aid under this chapter is entitled to receive
2-26 allotments under this section.
2-27 (f) The commissioner may adopt rules necessary to implement
3-1 this section.
3-2 (g) In this section, "instructional facility" has the
3-3 meaning assigned by Section 46.001.
3-4 Explanation: This change is necessary to provide for an
3-5 instructional facilities allotment under Section 42.158, Education
3-6 Code, at an amount lower than the amount in either the senate or
3-7 house version of the bill.
3-8 (3) House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
3-9 the committee to amend the definition of "GL" under Section
3-10 42.302(a), Education Code, to read as follows:
3-11 "GL" is the dollar amount guaranteed level of state and local
3-12 funds per weighted student per cent of tax effort, which is $24.99
3-13 [$21] or a greater amount for any year provided by appropriation;
3-14 Explanation: This change is necessary to provide for a
3-15 guaranteed level of state and local funds per weighted student per
3-16 cent of tax effort under Section 42.302, Education Code, at an
3-17 amount higher than the amount in either the senate or house version
3-18 of the bill.
3-19 (4) House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
3-20 the committee to amend Section 21.402(c), Education Code, to read
3-21 as follows:
3-22 (c) The salary factors per step are as follows:
3-23 Years Experience 0 1 2 3 4
3-24 Salary Factor .5596 .5728 .5861 .5993 .6272
3-25 [.8470] [.8699] [.8928] [.9156] [.9639]
4-1 Years Experience 5 6 7 8 9
4-2 Salary Factor .6552 .6831 .7091 .7336 .7569
4-3 [1.0122] [1.0605] [1.1054] [1.1477] [1.1879]
4-4 Years Experience 10 11 12 13 14
4-5 Salary Factor .7787 .7996 .8192 .8376 .8552
4-6 [1.2256] [1.2616] [1.2955] [1.3273] [1.3578]
4-7 Years Experience 15 16 17 18 19
4-8 Salary Factor .8717 .8874 .9021 .9160 .9293
4-9 [1.3862] [1.4133] [1.4387] [1.4628] [1.4857]
4-10 Years Experience 20 and over
4-11 Salary Factor .9418
4-12 [1.5073]
4-13 Explanation: This change is necessary to permit setting the
4-14 salary factors for the minimum salary schedule for teachers,
4-15 librarians, counselors, and nurses at a lower level than the level
4-16 in either the senate or house version of the bill to reflect the
4-17 higher guaranteed level of state and local funds per weighted
4-18 student per cent of tax effort under Section 42.302, Education
4-19 Code.
4-20 (5) House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
4-21 the committee to add SECTION 1.44 to read as follows:
4-22 SECTION 1.44. In addition to other amounts appropriated for
4-23 the fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, the sum of $60 million
4-24 is appropriated, for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2000, from
4-25 the general revenue fund to the Texas Education Agency for purposes
4-26 of the foundation school program, and the unexpended balance of
4-27 that appropriation is appropriated, for the fiscal year ending
5-1 August 31, 2000, from the general revenue fund to the Texas
5-2 Education Agency for the same purposes.
5-3 Explanation: This change is necessary to appropriate
5-4 additional money for purposes of the foundation school program to
5-5 cover the increased allotments under Chapters 42 and 46, Education
5-6 Code.
Speaker of the House
I certify that H.R. No. 1357 was adopted by the House on May
30, 1999, by a non-record vote.
Chief Clerk of the House