By Harris                                              S.B. No. 328
         76R3570 SMH-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the regulation of driver's training courses and the
 1-3     issuance of certain driver's licenses.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 2, Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
 1-6     Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
 1-7     as added by Chapter 835, Acts of the 72nd Legislature, Regular
 1-8     Session, 1991, is redesignated as Section 1A and amended to read as
 1-9     follows:
1-10           Sec. 1A [2].  PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES.  Traffic crashes in
1-11     Texas annually take the lives of thousands of people and cause
1-12     billions of dollars in economic losses.  These alarming facts make
1-13     safe driving a concern for all citizens of the state.  Deaths,
1-14     injuries, and property damage must be reduced.  The attitudes and
1-15     skills of drivers must be improved through effective driver
1-16     education and training.    It is a matter of vital public
1-17     importance to identify and implement all reasonable means to reduce
1-18     the toll in human suffering and property loss that is inflicted by
1-19     vehicle crashes.  The purpose of this Act is to improve driver
1-20     knowledge and skills through the licensing and regulation by the
1-21     Texas [Central] Education Agency of driver training schools and
1-22     driver training instructors in Texas.  It is additionally intended
1-23     that state agency rules affecting schools that qualify as small
1-24     businesses be established and administered so as to have the least
 2-1     possible adverse economic effect on those establishments.
 2-2           SECTION 2.  Section 3, Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
 2-3     Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
 2-4     is amended to read as follows:
 2-5           Sec. 3.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:
 2-6                 (1)  "Agency" means the Texas [Central] Education
 2-7     Agency, acting directly or through its authorized officers and
 2-8     agents.
 2-9                 (2)  ["Board" means the State Board of Education.]
2-10                 [(3)]  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of
2-11     education or a person knowledgeable in the administration of
2-12     regulating driver training schools and designated by the
2-13     commissioner to administer this Act.
2-14                 (3) [(4)]  "Driver education" means a nonvocational
2-15     course of instruction that provides the knowledge and hands-on
2-16     experience to prepare persons for written and practical driving
2-17     tests that lead to authorization to operate a vehicle.
2-18                 (4) [(5)]  "Driver training" means driver education
2-19     provided by a driver education school and driving safety training
2-20     provided by a driving safety school.
2-21                 (5) [(6)]  "Driving safety course" means a course of
2-22     instruction intended to improve a driver's knowledge, perceptions,
2-23     and attitudes about driving.
2-24                 (6) [(7)]  "School" means a driver education school or
2-25     driving safety school.
2-26                 (7) [(8)]  "Operator" means a person approved by a
2-27     driving safety course owner or consignee to conduct an approved
 3-1     driving safety course.
 3-2                 (8) [(9)]  "Owner" means:
 3-3                       (A)  in the case of a school owned by an
 3-4     individual, the individual;
 3-5                       (B)  in the case of a school owned by a
 3-6     partnership, all full, silent, or limited partners; or
 3-7                       (C)  in the case of a school owned by a
 3-8     corporation, the corporation, its directors, officers, and each
 3-9     shareholder owning at least 10 percent of the total of the issued
3-10     and outstanding shares.
3-11                 (9) [(10)]  "Person" means an individual, firm,
3-12     partnership, association, corporation, or other private entity or
3-13     combination of persons.
3-14                 (10) [(11)]  "School employee" means any person, other
3-15     than an owner, who directly or indirectly receives compensation
3-16     from the school for instructional or other services rendered.
3-17                 (11) [(12)]  "Support" means the primary source and
3-18     means by which a school derives revenue.
3-19                 (12) [(13)]  "Suspension of enrollment" means a ruling
3-20     by the commissioner that restricts a school from accepting
3-21     enrollments or reenrollments, advertising, soliciting, or directly
3-22     or indirectly advising prospective students of its program or
3-23     course offerings.
3-24                 (13) [(14)]  "Uniform certificate of completion" means
3-25     a document that is printed, administered, and supplied by the
3-26     agency to owners or primary consignees for issuance to students who
3-27     successfully complete an approved driving safety course and that
 4-1     meets the requirements of Subchapter B, Chapter 543, Transportation
 4-2     Code [Section 143A, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways
 4-3     (Article 6701d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)].
 4-4                 (14) [(15)]  "Instructor" means an individual who has
 4-5     been licensed by the agency for the type of instruction being
 4-6     given.
 4-7                 (15) [(16)]  "Approved driving safety course" means a
 4-8     driving safety course approved by the agency [board].
 4-9                 (16) [(17)]  "Course provider" means an enterprise that
4-10     maintains a place of business or solicits business in this state,
4-11     that is operated by an individual, association, partnership, or
4-12     corporation, and that is a driving safety course owner or primary
4-13     consignee.
4-14                 (17) [(18)]  "Driver education school" means an
4-15     enterprise that maintains a place of business or solicits business
4-16     in this state, that is operated by an individual, association,
4-17     partnership, [or] corporation, or public school district for the
4-18     education and training of persons at a primary or branch location
4-19     in driver education or driver education instructor development, and
4-20     that is not specifically exempted by this Act.
4-21                 (18) [(19)]  "Driver education school owner" means a
4-22     person who has been approved by the commissioner to own and operate
4-23     a driver education school.
4-24                 (19) [(20)]  "Driving safety course owner" means an
4-25     enterprise that is operated by an individual, association,
4-26     partnership, or corporation that has received an approval for a
4-27     driving safety course from the agency [board].
 5-1                 (20) [(21)]  "Driving safety school" means an
 5-2     enterprise that maintains a place of business or solicits business
 5-3     in this state, that is operated by an individual, association,
 5-4     partnership, or corporation for the education and training of
 5-5     persons in driving safety, and that is not specifically exempted by
 5-6     this Act.  A driving safety school may use multiple classroom
 5-7     locations to teach a driving safety course if each location is
 5-8     approved by the parent school and the agency and bears the same
 5-9     name and has the same ownership as the parent school.
5-10                 (21) [(22)]  "Primary consignee" means any enterprise
5-11     that is operated by an individual, association, partnership, or
5-12     corporation that has been designated by a driving safety course
5-13     owner to conduct business and represent the course owner in this
5-14     state.
5-15           SECTION 3.  Section 4, Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
5-16     Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
5-17     is amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c) to
5-18     read as follows:
5-19           (b)  The agency shall enter into a memorandum of
5-20     understanding with the Texas Rehabilitation Commission and the
5-21     Department of Public Safety for the interagency development of
5-22     curricula and licensing criteria for hospital and rehabilitation
5-23     facilities that teach driver education.  The agency shall
5-24     administer comprehensive rules governing driver education courses
5-25     adopted by mutual agreement between the agency [board], the Texas
5-26     Rehabilitation Commission, and the Department of Public Safety.
5-27     The agency shall file the rules with the secretary of state.
 6-1           (c)  The agency may employ personnel as necessary to
 6-2     administer this Act.  The agency is exempt from the limitations
 6-3     created under Chapter 654, Government Code, and any other law
 6-4     providing for a limitation on the number of employees employed by
 6-5     the agency to the extent necessary to administer this Act.
 6-6           SECTION 4.  Sections 6, 8, 9, and 9A, Texas Driver and
 6-7     Traffic Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas
 6-8     Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
 6-9           Sec. 6.  DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER.  (a)  The commissioner shall
6-10     carry out the policies of this Act, adopt rules necessary to
6-11     implement this Act, enforce rules adopted by the commissioner or
6-12     agency [board], and certify those schools and course providers
6-13     meeting the requirements for a driver education school license,
6-14     driving safety school license, or both, or for a course provider
6-15     license.
6-16           (b)  The commissioner by rule shall establish the curriculum
6-17     [and designate the textbooks] that must be used in a driver
6-18     education course.  [In addition, the commissioner may adopt and
6-19     enforce temporary rules under this Act, but the temporary rules are
6-20     valid only until the next meeting of the board.]
6-21           Sec. 8.  COMPETITIVE BIDDING;  ADVERTISING.  (a)  The agency
6-22     [board] may not adopt rules to restrict competitive bidding or
6-23     advertising by a driver training school except to prohibit false,
6-24     misleading, or deceptive competitive bidding or advertising
6-25     practices.  Specifically, no rule may restrict:
6-26                 (1)  the use of an advertising medium;
6-27                 (2)  the outside dimensions of a printed advertisement
 7-1     or outdoor display;
 7-2                 (3)  the duration of an advertisement; or
 7-3                 (4)  advertisement under a trade name.
 7-4           (b)  The agency [board] may adopt rules to restrict
 7-5     advertising by a branch location of a school so that the branch
 7-6     location adequately identifies its primary driver training school
 7-7     in any solicitation.
 7-8           Sec. 9.  PROHIBITIONS.  A person may not:
 7-9                 (1)  operate a school that provides a driver education
7-10     course without a driver education school license issued by the
7-11     commissioner;
7-12                 (2)  operate a school that provides driving safety
7-13     courses without a driving safety school license issued by the
7-14     commissioner;
7-15                 (3)  operate as a course provider without a course
7-16     provider license issued by the commissioner;
7-17                 (4)  utilize advertising designed to mislead or deceive
7-18     a prospective student;
7-19                 (5)  fail to notify the commissioner of the
7-20     discontinuance of the operation of any school within three working
7-21     days after cessation of classes and make available accurate records
7-22     as required by this Act;
7-23                 (6)  issue, sell, trade, or transfer a uniform
7-24     certificate of completion or driver education certificate to any
7-25     person or school not authorized to possess it;
7-26                 (7)  issue, sell, trade, or transfer:
7-27                       (A)  a uniform certificate of completion to a
 8-1     person who has not successfully completed an approved, six-hour
 8-2     driving safety course; or
 8-3                       (B)  except as provided by Section 521.2225,
 8-4     Transportation Code, a driver education certificate to a person who
 8-5     has not successfully completed an agency-approved [a
 8-6     board-approved] driver education course;
 8-7                 (8)  negotiate any promissory instrument received as
 8-8     payment of tuition or other charge before completion of 75 percent
 8-9     of the course, except that before that time, the instrument may be
8-10     assigned to a purchaser who will be subject to all the defenses
8-11     available against the school named as payee;
8-12                 (9)  conduct any part of an approved driver education
8-13     or driving safety course without an instructor who is physically
8-14     present in appropriate proximity to the student for the type of
8-15     instruction being given; or
8-16                 (10)  violate any provision of this Act.
8-17           Sec. 9A.  DRIVER EDUCATION CERTIFICATES.  (a)  The agency
8-18     shall print and supply to licensed and exempt driver education
8-19     schools serially numbered driver education certificates to be used
8-20     for certifying completion of an approved driver education course
8-21     for the purposes of Section 521.204, Transportation Code [7(a),
8-22     Chapter 173, Acts of the 47th Legislature, Regular Session, 1941
8-23     (Article 6687b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)].  The agency by
8-24     rule shall provide for the design and distribution of the
8-25     certificates in a manner that to the greatest extent possible
8-26     prevents the unauthorized reproduction or misuse of the
8-27     certificates.  The agency may charge a fee of not more than $4 for
 9-1     each certificate.
 9-2           (b)  The agency shall establish a database that contains
 9-3     information pertinent to driver education certificates and shall
 9-4     make the database available electronically to the Department of
 9-5     Public Safety.  The information must include for each driver
 9-6     education certificate issued:
 9-7                 (1)  the control number and date of issuance of the
 9-8     certificate;
 9-9                 (2)  the name and identification number of the driver
9-10     education school;
9-11                 (3)  the name and agency license number of the driver
9-12     education instructor; and
9-13                 (4)  the name, date of birth, sex, and social security
9-14     number of the student to whom the certificate is issued.
9-15           (c)  Each driver education school shall submit electronically
9-16     to the agency, at the time and in the manner determined by the
9-17     agency, the information required by Subsection (b) of this section.
9-18           SECTION 5.  Section 12(a), Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
9-19     Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
9-20     is amended to read as follows:
9-21           (a)  To operate or do business in this state, a public school
9-22     district, driver education school, or driving safety school must
9-23     make written  application to the commissioner for a driver
9-24     education or driving safety school license.  The application must
9-25     be verified, be in the form prescribed by the agency [board], and
9-26     include all information required.  A driving safety school shall
9-27     obtain approval from the agency for any multiple classroom
 10-1    locations.
 10-2          SECTION 6.  Sections 13(a), (a-1), and (a-2), Texas Driver
 10-3    and Traffic Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas
 10-4    Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
 10-5          (a)  The commissioner shall approve the application of a
 10-6    driver education school when the school is found, on investigation
 10-7    at the premises of the school, to meet the following criteria:
 10-8                (1)  the courses, curriculum, and instruction are of
 10-9    such quality, content, and length as may reasonably and adequately
10-10    achieve the stated objective for which the courses, curriculum, and
10-11    instruction are offered;
10-12                (2)  there are in the school, and in the provision for
10-13    behind-the-wheel instruction, adequate space, equipment,
10-14    instructional material, and instructors to provide training of good
10-15    quality;
10-16                (3)  educational and experience qualifications of
10-17    directors, instructors, and administrators are adequate;
10-18                (4)  a copy of the schedule of tuition, fees, refund
10-19    policy, and other charges, regulations pertaining to absence,
10-20    grading policy, and rules of operation and conduct, and the name,
10-21    mailing address, and telephone number of the agency for the purpose
10-22    of directing complaints to the agency is furnished to each student
10-23    before enrollment;
10-24                (5)  on completion of training, each student is given a
10-25    certificate by the school indicating the course name and
10-26    satisfactory completion;
10-27                (6)  adequate records as prescribed by the commissioner
 11-1    are kept to show attendance and progress or grades, and
 11-2    satisfactory standards relating to attendance, progress, and
 11-3    conduct are enforced;
 11-4                (7)  the school complies with all county, municipal,
 11-5    state, and federal regulations, including fire, building, and
 11-6    sanitation codes and assumed name registration;
 11-7                (8)  the school is financially sound and capable of
 11-8    fulfilling its commitments for training;
 11-9                (9)  the school's administrators, directors, owners,
11-10    and instructors are of good reputation and character;
11-11                (10)  the school has, maintains, and publishes as part
11-12    of its student enrollment contract the proper policy for the refund
11-13    of the unused portion of tuition, fees, and other charges if a
11-14    student enrolled by the school fails to take the course or
11-15    withdraws or is discontinued from the school at any time before
11-16    completion;
11-17                (11)  the school does not use erroneous or misleading
11-18    advertising, either by actual statement, omission, or intimation,
11-19    as determined by the agency [board];
11-20                (12)  the school does not use a name like or similar to
11-21    the name of another existing school or tax-supported educational
11-22    establishment in this state, unless specifically approved in
11-23    writing by the commissioner;
11-24                (13)  the school submits to the agency for approval the
11-25    applicable course hour lengths and curriculum content for each
11-26    course offered by the school;
11-27                (14)  the school does not owe a civil penalty under
 12-1    this Act; and
 12-2                (15)  additional criteria as may be required by the
 12-3    agency.
 12-4          (a-1)  The commissioner shall approve the application of a
 12-5    driving safety school if on investigation the agency finds that:
 12-6                (1)  the school presents the driving safety course,
 12-7    curriculum, and instruction in a quality, content, and length that
 12-8    reasonably and adequately achieve the stated objective for which
 12-9    the course, curriculum, and instruction are developed by the course
12-10    provider;
12-11                (2)  the school has adequate space, equipment,
12-12    instructional material, and instructors to provide training of good
12-13    quality;
12-14                (3)  the school's instructors and administrators have
12-15    adequate educational and experience qualifications;
12-16                (4)  the school keeps and maintains adequate records as
12-17    prescribed by the commissioner to show attendance and progress of
12-18    grades and that satisfactory standards relating to attendance,
12-19    progress, and conduct are enforced;
12-20                (5)  the school complies with all county, municipal,
12-21    state, and federal law, including fire, building, and sanitation
12-22    codes and assumed name registration;
12-23                (6)  the school's administrators, owners, and
12-24    instructors are of good reputation and character;
12-25                (7)  the school does not use erroneous or misleading
12-26    advertising, either by actual statement, omission, or intimation,
12-27    as determined by the agency [board];
 13-1                (8)  the school does not use a name like or similar to
 13-2    the name of another existing school or tax-supported educational
 13-3    establishment in this state unless specifically approved in writing
 13-4    by the commissioner;
 13-5                (9)  the school has, maintains, and uses the approved
 13-6    contract and policies developed by the course provider;
 13-7                (10)  the school does not owe a civil penalty under
 13-8    this Act;
 13-9                (11)  the school will not provide a driving safety
13-10    course to any person for a cost less than $25; and
13-11                (12)  the school meets additional criteria required by
13-12    the agency [board].
13-13          (a-2)  The commissioner shall approve the application of a
13-14    person to be a course provider if on investigation the agency finds
13-15    that:
13-16                (1)  the course provider has an approved course;
13-17                (2)  the course provider can show evidence that there
13-18    is at least one licensed driving safety school that is willing to
13-19    offer the course;
13-20                (3)  the course provider has adequate educational and
13-21    experience qualifications;
13-22                (4)  the course provider will develop and provide to
13-23    driving safety schools that offer the approved course a refund
13-24    policy, regulations pertaining to absence, grading policy, rules of
13-25    operation, and conduct, and the name, mailing address, and
13-26    telephone number of the agency for the purpose of directing
13-27    complaints to the agency and that copies of these will be furnished
 14-1    to each student by the schools before enrollment;
 14-2                (5)  not later than the 15th working day after the date
 14-3    of completion of the course by a person, the course provider mails
 14-4    a uniform certificate of completion to the person indicating the
 14-5    course name and successful completion;
 14-6                (6)  the course provider keeps and maintains adequate
 14-7    records as prescribed by the commissioner to show attendance and
 14-8    progress or grades and that satisfactory standards relating to
 14-9    attendance, progress, and conduct are enforced;
14-10                (7)  the course provider complies with all county,
14-11    municipal, state, and federal law, including assumed name
14-12    registration and other applicable requirements;
14-13                (8)  the course provider is financially sound and
14-14    capable of fulfilling its commitments for training;
14-15                (9)  the course provider is of good reputation and
14-16    character;
14-17                (10)  the course provider has, maintains, and publishes
14-18    as a part of its student enrollment contract the proper policy for
14-19    the refund of the unused portion of tuition, fees, and other
14-20    charges if a person enrolled by the school fails to take the course
14-21    or withdraws or is discontinued from the school at any time before
14-22    completion;
14-23                (11)  the course provider does not use erroneous or
14-24    misleading advertising, either by actual statement, omission, or
14-25    intimation, as determined by the agency [board];
14-26                (12)  the course provider does not use a name like or
14-27    similar to the name of another existing school or tax-supported
 15-1    educational establishment in this state unless specifically
 15-2    approved in writing by the commissioner;
 15-3                (13)  the course provider does not owe a civil penalty
 15-4    under this Act; and
 15-5                (14)  the course provider meets additional criteria
 15-6    required by the agency [board].
 15-7          SECTION 7.  Section 13(b), Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
 15-8    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
 15-9    is amended by amending Subdivisions (1), (3), (4), and (7) and
15-10    adding Subdivision (8) to read as follows:
15-11                (1)  License, application, and registration fees shall
15-12    be collected by the commissioner and deposited with the
15-13    comptroller.  Fees shall be sufficient to cover administrative
15-14    costs and may not be subject to refund.  Fees shall be as follows:
15-15                      (A)(i)  the initial fee for a driver education
15-16    school license is $1,000 plus $850 for each branch location;
15-17                            (ii)  the initial fee for a driving safety
15-18    school license is an appropriate amount established by the agency
15-19    [board] not to exceed $200; and
15-20                            (iii)  the initial fee for a course
15-21    provider license is an appropriate amount established by the agency
15-22    [board] not to exceed $2,000, except that this fee may be waived by
15-23    the agency if revenue received by the agency from the course
15-24    provider is sufficient to fund the cost of licensing the course
15-25    provider;
15-26                      (B)  the annual renewal fee for a course
15-27    provider, driving safety school, driver education school, and
 16-1    branch school is an appropriate amount established by the agency
 16-2    [board] not to exceed $200, but may be waived by the agency if
 16-3    revenue generated by the issuance of uniform certificates of
 16-4    completion and driver education certificates is sufficient to fund
 16-5    the cost of administering this Act and Subchapter B, Chapter 543,
 16-6    Transportation Code;
 16-7                      (C)  the fee for a change of address of a driver
 16-8    education school is $180 and of a driving safety school or course
 16-9    provider is $50;
16-10                      (D)  the fee for a change of name of:
16-11                            (i)  a driver education school or course
16-12    provider or an owner of a driver education school or course
16-13    provider is $100; and
16-14                            (ii)  a driving safety school or owner of a
16-15    driving safety school is $50;
16-16                      (E)  the application fee for each additional
16-17    driver education or driving safety course at a school is $25;
16-18                      (F)  the application fee for each director is
16-19    $30, and for each assistant director, or administrative staff
16-20    member is $15;
16-21                      (G)  each application for approval of a driving
16-22    safety course that has not been evaluated by the agency [board]
16-23    shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $9,000;
16-24                      (H)  each application for an original driver
16-25    education or driving safety instructor's license shall be
16-26    accompanied by a processing fee of $50 and an annual license fee of
16-27    $25, except that the commissioner may not collect the processing
 17-1    fee from an applicant for a driver education instructor license who
 17-2    is currently teaching a driver education course in a public school
 17-3    in this state; and
 17-4                      (I)  the fee for a duplicate license, which may
 17-5    be issued if the original is lost or destroyed and an affidavit of
 17-6    that fact is filed with the agency, shall be set by the agency
 17-7    [board].
 17-8                (3)  The commissioner shall periodically review and
 17-9    recommend adjustments in the level of fees to the agency [board]
17-10    and legislature.
17-11                (4)  The fee for an investigation of a school or course
17-12    provider to resolve a complaint filed against the school or course
17-13    provider shall be set by the commissioner [and approved by the
17-14    board].  The complaint investigation fee may be charged only if:
17-15                      (A)  the complaint could not have been resolved
17-16    solely by telephone or written correspondence;
17-17                      (B)  a representative of the agency visited the
17-18    school or course provider as a part of the complaint resolution
17-19    process; and
17-20                      (C)  the school or course provider is found to be
17-21    at fault.
17-22                (7)  Duplicate uniform certificates of completion shall
17-23    be issued by the agency.  An appropriate fee for issuing duplicate
17-24    certificates shall be determined by agency [board] rule.
17-25                (8)  A public school district is exempt from license,
17-26    application, and registration fees.
17-27          SECTION 8.  Section 13(c), Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
 18-1    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
 18-2    is amended to read as follows:
 18-3          (c)  The cost of administration of this Act shall be included
 18-4    in the state budget allowance for the agency [board].
 18-5          SECTION 9.  Sections 13(d)(1) and (4), Texas Driver and
 18-6    Traffic Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas
 18-7    Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
 18-8                (1)  The commissioner, on review of an application for
 18-9    a driver education school, driving safety school, or course
18-10    provider license that is submitted in accordance with this Act and
18-11    that meets the requirements of this Act, shall issue a license to
18-12    the applicant.  Each license shall be in a form determined by the
18-13    commissioner [and approved by the board] and shall show in a clear
18-14    and conspicuous manner at least the following:
18-15                      (A)  the date of issuance, effective date, and
18-16    term of approval;
18-17                      (B)  the name and address of the school or course
18-18    provider;
18-19                      (C)  the authority for approval and conditions of
18-20    approval;
18-21                      (D)  the signature of the commissioner; and
18-22                      (E)  any other fair and reasonable
18-23    representations that are consistent with this Act and considered
18-24    necessary by the commissioner.
18-25                (4)  At least 30 days before the expiration of a driver
18-26    education school, driving safety school, or course provider
18-27    license, the school or course provider shall forward to the
 19-1    commissioner an application for renewal.  The commissioner may
 19-2    reexamine a driver education school's premises.  The commissioner
 19-3    shall renew or cancel the driver education school, driving safety
 19-4    school, or course provider license.  If a school or course provider
 19-5    fails to file a complete application for renewal at least 30 days
 19-6    before the expiration date of the driver education school, driving
 19-7    safety school, or course provider license, the school or course
 19-8    provider shall pay as a condition of renewal and in addition to any
 19-9    annual renewal fee a late renewal fee in an amount established by
19-10    agency [board] rule of at least $100, subject to Subsection (b) of
19-11    this  section.
19-12          SECTION 10.  Section 13(g)(2), Texas Driver and Traffic
19-13    Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil
19-14    Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
19-15                (2)  A driving safety school, or a public school
19-16    district that teaches driver education, is not required to post a
19-17    surety bond.
19-18          SECTION 11.  Section 13A(e), Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
19-19    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
19-20    is amended to read as follows:
19-21          (e)  The agency [board] may adopt additional rules to ensure
19-22    integrity of the course and enhance program quality.
19-23          SECTION 12.  Section 15(c), Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
19-24    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
19-25    is amended to read as follows:
19-26          (c)  A driver education instructor license shall be carried
19-27    by the instructor at all times while instructing driver education
 20-1    courses.  A driving safety instructor license shall be carried by
 20-2    the instructor at all times while instructing driving safety
 20-3    courses.  Each license shall be signed by the commissioner and
 20-4    issued under the seal of the agency [board].
 20-5          SECTION 13.  Sections 15A(a), (b), (c), and (d), Texas Driver
 20-6    and Traffic Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas
 20-7    Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
 20-8          (a)  The [With approval of the board, the] commissioner shall
 20-9    establish standards for certification of professional and
20-10    paraprofessional personnel who conduct driver education programs in
20-11    driver education schools.
20-12          (b)  A driver education instructor license may not be issued
20-13    authorizing a person to teach or give driver education in-car
20-14    training unless the person has successfully completed six semester
20-15    hours of driver and traffic safety education or a program of study
20-16    in driver education approved by the agency [board] from an approved
20-17    driver education school.  A person holding a driver education
20-18    instructor license authorizing in-car training may be approved to
20-19    assist classroom instructors, or in an emergency may be approved to
20-20    substitute for classroom instructors under rules established by the
20-21    agency, in the classroom  phase of driver education if the person
20-22    successfully completes the additional three semester hours of
20-23    training required for a classroom instructor or a program of study
20-24    in driver education approved by the agency [board].
20-25          (c)  A driver education instructor license may not be issued
20-26    authorizing a person to teach or give classroom driver education
20-27    training unless the person:
 21-1                (1)  has completed nine semester hours of driver and
 21-2    traffic safety education or a program of study in driver education
 21-3    approved by the agency [board] from an approved driver education
 21-4    school; and
 21-5                (2)  holds a bachelor's degree [teaching certificate
 21-6    and any additional certification required to teach driver
 21-7    education].
 21-8          (d)  A driver education instructor who has completed the
 21-9    educational requirements for a classroom driver education
21-10    instructor under Subsection (c)(1) of this section may be approved
21-11    to teach instructor training classes after successfully completing
21-12    a supervising instructor development program consisting of at least
21-13    six additional semester hours or a program of study in driver
21-14    education approved by the agency [board] that includes
21-15    administering driver education programs and supervising and
21-16    administering traffic safety education.
21-17          SECTION 14.  The Texas Driver and Traffic Safety Education
21-18    Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended
21-19    by adding Section 16A to read as follows:
21-20          Sec. 16A.  SUBPOENAS.  (a)  The commissioner may issue a
21-21    subpoena or subpoena duces tecum for purposes of:
21-22                (1)  conducting an investigation or contested
21-23    proceeding related to:
21-24                      (A)  alleged misconduct by a person or school
21-25    regulated by this Act; or
21-26                      (B)  an alleged violation of this Act or another
21-27    law related to driver education, driver training, or driving safety
 22-1    education;
 22-2                (2)  issuing, suspending, restricting, revoking, or
 22-3    canceling a license authorized by this Act; or
 22-4                (3)  denying or granting an application for a license
 22-5    under this Act.
 22-6          (b)  Failure to timely comply with a subpoena issued under
 22-7    this section is a ground for:
 22-8                (1)  disciplinary action by the agency; and
 22-9                (2)  the denial of a license application.
22-10          SECTION 15.  Section 18(c), Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
22-11    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
22-12    is amended to read as follows:
22-13          (c)  On filing of the lawsuit, citation shall be served on
22-14    the commissioner, who shall cause to be made a complete record of
22-15    all proceedings had before the commissioner and certify a copy of
22-16    the proceedings to the court.  Trial before the court shall be on
22-17    the basis of the record made before the commissioner, and the court
22-18    shall make its decision based on the record.  The commissioner's
22-19    decision shall be affirmed by the court if the court finds
22-20    substantial evidence in the record to justify the decision, unless
22-21    the court finds the denial of the license to be:
22-22                (1)  arbitrary and capricious;
22-23                (2)  in violation of the constitution or laws of the
22-24    United States or this state; or
22-25                (3)  in violation of rules adopted by the agency
22-26    [board] under this Act.
22-27          SECTION 16.  Section 29.902, Education Code, is amended to
 23-1    read as follows:
 23-2          Sec. 29.902.  DRIVER EDUCATION.  (a) The agency shall develop
 23-3    a program of organized instruction in driver education and traffic
 23-4    safety for public school students consistent with the Texas Driver
 23-5    and Traffic Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas
 23-6    Civil Statutes).  A student who will be 15 years of age or older
 23-7    before a driver education and traffic safety course ends may enroll
 23-8    in the course.
 23-9          (b)  The agency shall establish standards for the
23-10    certification of professional and paraprofessional personnel who
23-11    conduct the programs in the public schools consistent with the
23-12    Texas Driver and Traffic Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c),
23-13    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
23-14          SECTION 17.  Section 521.204, Transportation Code, is amended
23-15    to read as follows:
23-16          Sec. 521.204.  RESTRICTIONS ON MINOR.  The department may
23-17    issue a Class C driver's license to an applicant under 18 years of
23-18    age only if the applicant:
23-19                (1)  is 16 years of age or older;
23-20                (2)  has submitted to the department a driver education
23-21    certificate issued under Section 9A, Texas Driver and Traffic
23-22    Safety Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil
23-23    Statutes), that states that the person has completed and passed a
23-24    driver education course approved by the department under Section
23-25    521.205 or by the Texas Education Agency;
23-26                (3)  has obtained a high school diploma or its
23-27    equivalent or is a student:
 24-1                      (A)  enrolled in a public school, home school, or
 24-2    private school who attended school for at least 90 percent of the
 24-3    [80] days classes were offered at the school in the fall or spring
 24-4    semester preceding the date of the driver's license application; or
 24-5                      (B)  who has been enrolled for at least 45 days,
 24-6    and is enrolled as of the date of the application, in a program to
 24-7    prepare persons to pass the high school equivalency exam; and
 24-8                (4)  has passed the examination required by Section
 24-9    521.161.
24-10          SECTION 18.  Section 521.222(a), Transportation Code, is
24-11    amended to read as follows:
24-12          (a)  The department or a driver education school licensed
24-13    under the Texas Driver and Traffic Safety Education Act (Article
24-14    4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) may issue an instruction
24-15    permit, including a Class A or Class B driver's license instruction
24-16    permit, to a person who:
24-17                (1)  is 15 years of age or older but under 18 years of
24-18    age;
24-19                (2)  has, with regard to [satisfactorily completed and
24-20    passed the classroom phase of] an approved driver education course,
24-21    which may be a course approved under Section 521.205:
24-22                      (A)  satisfactorily completed and passed the
24-23    classroom phase of the course if the classroom and laboratory
24-24    phases of the course are conducted successively; or
24-25                      (B)  satisfactorily completed six hours of
24-26    classroom instruction regarding driving laws and procedures if the
24-27    classroom and laboratory phases of the course are conducted
 25-1    concurrently;
 25-2                (3)  meets the requirements imposed under Section
 25-3    521.204(3); and
 25-4                (4)  has passed each examination required under Section
 25-5    521.161 other than the driving test.
 25-6          SECTION 19.  Subchapter K, Chapter 522, Transportation Code,
 25-7    is amended by adding Section 521.2225 to read as follows:
 25-8          Sec. 521.2225.  TEMPORARY INSTRUCTION PERMIT.  (a)  A driver
 25-9    education school licensed under the Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
25-10    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)
25-11    may issue, as an instruction permit under Section 521.222, the
25-12    instruction permit portion of a driver education certificate
25-13    issued under Section 9A, Texas Driver and Traffic Safety Education
25-14    Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), to a person
25-15    who:
25-16                (1)  is 15 years of age or older but under 18 years of
25-17    age;
25-18                (2)  has satisfactorily completed and passed the
25-19    classroom phase of an approved driver education course or has
25-20    enrolled in an approved driver education course of at least 32
25-21    hours in which the classroom and laboratory phases are conducted
25-22    concurrently;
25-23                (3)  has obtained a high school diploma or its
25-24    equivalent or is a student:
25-25                      (A)  enrolled in a public school, home school, or
25-26    private school who attended school for at least 90 percent of the
25-27    days classes were offered at the school in the fall or spring
 26-1    semester preceding the date of application; or
 26-2                      (B)  who has been enrolled for at least 45 days
 26-3    and is enrolled as of the date of the application in a program to
 26-4    prepare persons to pass the high school equivalency exam; and
 26-5                (4)  has passed each examination required under Section
 26-6    521.161 other than the driving test.
 26-7          (b)  Notwithstanding Section 521.271, an instruction permit
 26-8    issued under this section expires on the 45th day after the date of
 26-9    issuance.
26-10          (c)  A driver education school that issues, as an instruction
26-11    permit under Section 521.222, the instruction permit portion of a
26-12    driver education certificate shall notify the Texas Education
26-13    Agency.  The agency shall maintain the information in the database
26-14    required by Section 9A(b), Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
26-15    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
26-16          SECTION 20.  Section 543.111(a), Transportation Code, is
26-17    amended to read as follows:
26-18          (a)  The commissioner of education [State Board of Education]
26-19    shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Texas
26-20    Department of Insurance for the interagency development of a
26-21    curriculum for driving safety courses.
26-22          SECTION 21.  Section 543.112(c), Transportation Code, is
26-23    amended to read as follows:
26-24          (c)  The Texas Education Agency shall issue duplicate uniform
26-25    certificates of course completion.  The agency [State Board of
26-26    Education] by rule shall determine the amount of the fee to be
26-27    charged for issuance of a duplicate certificate.
 27-1          SECTION 22.  Section 5, Texas Driver and Traffic Safety
 27-2    Education Act (Article 4413(29c), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
 27-3    is repealed.
 27-4          SECTION 23.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
 27-5          SECTION 24.  The importance of this legislation and the
 27-6    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 27-7    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 27-8    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 27-9    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.