76R15222 PAM-F                          
         By Moncrief, et al.                                    S.B. No. 396
         Substitute the following for S.B. No. 396:
         By Krusee                                          C.S.S.B. No. 396
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to authorizing the conveyance of certain state property
 1-3     located in Howard and Tarrant counties.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  (a)  The Texas Department of Mental Health and
 1-6     Mental Retardation may convey, on behalf of the state, all or any
 1-7     portion of the state's interest in the real property, including the
 1-8     land and all improvements affixed to the land, described by
 1-9     Subsection (e) of this section to the West Texas Centers for Mental
1-10     Health and Mental Retardation for use as a facility to provide
1-11     community-based mental health and mental retardation services.
1-12           (b)  The reservations contained in the deed to the state
1-13     recorded at volume 642, page 480, of the Deed Records of Howard
1-14     County run with the land and are binding on the West Texas Centers
1-15     for Mental Health and Mental Retardation.
1-16           (c)  The West Texas Centers for Mental Health and Mental
1-17     Retardation may use the property conveyed under this section only
1-18     for the purpose of providing community-based mental health and
1-19     mental retardation services.  If the West Texas Centers for Mental
1-20     Health and Mental Retardation discontinues using the property for
1-21     the purpose of providing community-based mental health and mental
1-22     retardation services for more than 180 continuous days, ownership
1-23     of the property automatically reverts to the Texas Department of
 2-1     Mental Health and Mental Retardation.
 2-2           (d)  The Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
 2-3     Retardation shall convey the property by an appropriate instrument
 2-4     of conveyance.  The instrument of conveyance must include a
 2-5     provision that:
 2-6                 (1)  indicates that the reservations described by
 2-7     Subsection (b) of this section are binding on the West Texas
 2-8     Centers for Mental Health and Mental Retardation;
 2-9                 (2)  requires the West Texas Centers for Mental Health
2-10     and Mental Retardation to use the property only for the purpose of
2-11     providing community-based mental health and mental retardation
2-12     services; and
2-13                 (3)  indicates that ownership of the property
2-14     automatically reverts to the Texas Department of Mental Health and
2-15     Mental Retardation if the West Texas Centers for Mental Health and
2-16     Mental Retardation discontinues using the property for the purpose
2-17     of providing community-based mental health and mental retardation
2-18     services for more than 180 continuous days.
2-19           (e)  The real property referred to in Subsection (a) of this
2-20     section consists of an administrative office building and adjacent
2-21     parking lot described as Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 19, Original Town
2-22     Site, Big Spring, Howard County, Texas, and further described as a
2-23     +/- 0.48 acre tract in a deed to the state recorded at volume 642,
2-24     page 480, of the Deed Records of Howard County.
2-25           SECTION 2.  (a)  The Texas Department of Mental Health and
2-26     Mental Retardation may convey, on behalf of the state, all or any
2-27     portion of the state's interest in the real property, including the
 3-1     land and all improvements affixed to the land, described by
 3-2     Subsection (f) of this section to Tarrant County Mental Health and
 3-3     Mental Retardation Services for use as a facility to provide
 3-4     community-based mental health and mental retardation services or
 3-5     services for the treatment of alcohol and substance abuse.
 3-6           (b)  The conditions precedent and possibility of reverter
 3-7     established in the deed to the state recorded at volume 8528, page
 3-8     2057, of the Deed Records of Tarrant County run with the land and
 3-9     are binding on Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental Retardation
3-10     Services.
3-11           (c)  Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental Retardation
3-12     Services may use the property conveyed under this section only for
3-13     the purpose of providing community-based mental health and mental
3-14     retardation services or services for the treatment of alcohol and
3-15     substance abuse.  Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental
3-16     Retardation Services shall immediately notify the Texas Department
3-17     of Mental Health and Mental Retardation if Tarrant County Mental
3-18     Health and Mental Retardation Services determines that the property
3-19     will not be used to provide the services described by this
3-20     subsection for more than 60 continuous days.
3-21           (d)  Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental Retardation
3-22     Services may enter into a binding agreement to sell or otherwise
3-23     dispose of the property if Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental
3-24     Retardation Services:
3-25                 (1)  provides notice of the intent to sell or otherwise
3-26     dispose of the property to the Texas Department of Mental Health
3-27     and Mental Retardation no later than the 180th day before:
 4-1                       (A)  the 60th day after the date Tarrant County
 4-2     Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services discontinues using
 4-3     the property to provide the services described by Subsection (c) of
 4-4     this section; or
 4-5                       (B)  the date Tarrant County Mental Health and
 4-6     Mental Retardation Services enters into a binding agreement to sell
 4-7     or otherwise dispose of the property; and
 4-8                 (2)  obtains approval from the Texas Board of Mental
 4-9     Health and Mental Retardation regarding the use and allocation of
4-10     the proceeds of the sale or other disposition of the property.
4-11           (e)  The Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
4-12     Retardation shall convey the property by an appropriate instrument
4-13     of conveyance.  The instrument of conveyance must include a
4-14     provision that:
4-15                 (1)  indicates that the conditions precedent and
4-16     possibility of reverter described by Subsection (b) of this section
4-17     are binding on Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental Retardation
4-18     Services;
4-19                 (2)  requires Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental
4-20     Retardation Services to use the property only for the purpose of
4-21     providing community-based mental health and mental retardation
4-22     services or services for the treatment of alcohol and substance
4-23     abuse; and
4-24                 (3)  requires Tarrant County Mental Health and Mental
4-25     Retardation Services to immediately notify the Texas Department of
4-26     Mental Health and Mental Retardation if Tarrant County Mental
4-27     Health and Mental Retardation Services determines that the property
 5-1     will not be used to provide the services described by Subdivision
 5-2     (2) of this subsection for more than 60 continuous days.
 5-3           (f)  The real property referred to in Subsection (a) of this
 5-4     section consists of the former site of the Tarrant County
 5-5     Psychiatric Hospital situated at 1527 Hemphill Street in Fort
 5-6     Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and further described as a +/- 3.98
 5-7     acre tract in a deed to the state recorded at volume 8528, page
 5-8     2057, of the Deed Records of Tarrant County.
 5-9           SECTION 3.   The state reserves its property interest in  all
5-10     oil, gas, and other minerals in and under the land conveyed as
5-11     authorized by this Act and the right and power to remove any or all
5-12     of the oil, gas, or other minerals, including any right and power
5-13     to grant oil, gas, and mineral leases held by the state before the
5-14     conveyance of the property described by this Act.
5-15           SECTION 4.  Sections 31.1571 and 31.158, Natural Resources
5-16     Code, and Sections 533.084 and 533.087, Health and Safety Code, do
5-17     not apply to the conveyances authorized by this Act.
5-18           SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
5-19     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
5-20     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
5-21     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
5-22     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
5-23     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
5-24     passage, and it is so enacted.