By Ellis                                               S.B. No. 442
         76R403 JSA-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to student loan repayment assistance for certain
 1-3     child-care workers.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding
 1-6     Subchapter T to read as follows:
 1-8                       STUDENT LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM
 1-9           Sec. 61.871.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
1-10                 (1)  "Child-care facility" has the meaning assigned by
1-11     Section 42.002, Human Resources Code.
1-12                 (2)  "Eligible child-care facility" means a child-care
1-13     facility at which at least one-half of the children served are from
1-14     low-income families, as determined by the board, to whom child-care
1-15     services are provided at no cost or at reduced cost according to
1-16     each family's ability to pay.
1-17                 (3)  "Eligible child-care worker" means a person who
1-18     works full-time, as determined by the board, in an eligible
1-19     child-care facility, whether as an employee, owner, or volunteer,
1-20     and whose duties consist primarily of providing child care or
1-21     education to children less than four years of age.
1-22           Sec. 61.872.  LOAN REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZED.  The
1-23     board shall provide, in accordance with this subchapter and board
1-24     rules, assistance in the repayment of eligible student loans for
 2-1     persons who apply and qualify for the assistance.
 2-2           Sec. 61.873.  ELIGIBILITY FOR ASSISTANCE.  To be eligible to
 2-3     receive loan repayment assistance under this subchapter, a person
 2-4     must:
 2-5                 (1)  hold an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate
 2-6     degree in early childhood development or the equivalent from a
 2-7     public or private institution of higher education accredited by a
 2-8     recognized accrediting agency; and
 2-9                 (2)  enter into an agreement to serve as a child-care
2-10     worker as provided by Section 61.875.
2-11           Sec. 61.874.  ELIGIBLE LOANS.  (a) A person may receive loan
2-12     repayment assistance under this subchapter for the repayment of any
2-13     student loan for education at an institution of higher education
2-14     through any lender.  If the loan is not a state or federal
2-15     guaranteed student loan, the note or other writing governing the
2-16     terms of the loan must require the loan proceeds to be used for
2-17     expenses incurred by a person attending an institution of higher
2-18     education.
2-19           (b)  The board may not provide repayment assistance for a
2-20     student loan that is in default at the time of the person's
2-21     application.
2-22           Sec. 61.875.  AGREEMENT.  (a) To qualify for loan repayment
2-23     assistance under this subchapter, a person must enter into a
2-24     written agreement with the board as provided by this section.  The
2-25     agreement must specify the conditions the person must satisfy to
2-26     receive repayment assistance.
2-27           (b)  The agreement must require the person to serve two years
 3-1     as an eligible child-care worker in this state not later than the
 3-2     third anniversary of the date the person enters into the agreement,
 3-3     and must specify a number of additional years of service as an
 3-4     eligible child-care worker in this state for which the person may
 3-5     receive repayment assistance and the period within which the person
 3-6     must complete those years of additional service.  Only service as
 3-7     an eligible child-care worker after the date the person enters into
 3-8     the agreement may be used to satisfy the service requirement under
 3-9     the agreement.
3-10           (c)  The agreement must provide that the repayment assistance
3-11     the person receives before the person has served the first two full
3-12     years as an eligible child-care worker under the agreement and any
3-13     repayment assistance the person receives after the first two years
3-14     of service but before completing each additional full year of
3-15     service constitutes a loan until the person completes that two
3-16     years or additional year of service, as applicable, and satisfies
3-17     any other applicable conditions of the agreement.  The agreement
3-18     must require the person to sign a promissory note acknowledging the
3-19     conditional nature of the repayment assistance received and
3-20     promising to repay the amount of that assistance received plus
3-21     applicable interest and reasonable collection costs if the person
3-22     does not satisfy the applicable conditions.  The board shall
3-23     determine the terms of the promissory note.  To the extent
3-24     practicable, the terms must be the same as those applicable to
3-25     state or federally guaranteed student loans made at the same time.
3-26     All amounts collected in repayment of a loan under this subsection,
3-27     including interest, but excluding collection costs paid by the
 4-1     board to another person to collect or assist in collecting the
 4-2     amount, shall be deposited to the credit of the trust fund
 4-3     established by Section 61.878.
 4-5     (a) For each year that a qualified person serves as an eligible
 4-6     child-care worker in this state under an agreement under Section
 4-7     61.875, the person may receive loan repayment assistance in an
 4-8     amount not to exceed 15 percent of the total amount of the person's
 4-9     outstanding student loans, including scheduled interest payments
4-10     that would become due if the loan is not prepaid, when the person
4-11     enters into the agreement.  The amount of repayment assistance paid
4-12     for a year may not exceed the actual amount of the loan payments
4-13     the person receiving the assistance is required to make for that
4-14     year.
4-15           (b)  The board may enter into an agreement to provide loan
4-16     repayment assistance under Section 61.875 only to the extent money
4-17     in the trust fund established by Section 61.878 or money
4-18     appropriated to the trust fund for future deposit to the trust fund
4-19     will be sufficient to provide the repayment assistance as it
4-20     becomes payable.  If that money will not be sufficient to provide
4-21     repayment assistance to each eligible applicant, the board shall
4-22     select persons to receive repayment assistance from the eligible
4-23     applicants according to financial need or on another basis the
4-24     board considers reasonable to further the purposes of this
4-25     subchapter.
4-26           Sec. 61.877.  ADMINISTRATION; RULES.  (a) The board shall
4-27     adopt rules necessary for the administration of  this subchapter.
 5-1           (b)  The board shall distribute a copy of the rules adopted
 5-2     under this section and pertinent information in this subchapter to
 5-3     each public or private institution of higher education in this
 5-4     state that offers a degree program in early childhood development
 5-5     or an equivalent degree.
 5-6           Sec. 61.878.  FUNDING.  (a) The loan repayment assistance
 5-7     program established by this subchapter is funded from the
 5-8     child-care worker student loan assistance trust fund.  The trust
 5-9     fund is established outside the treasury and is administered by the
5-10     comptroller.  Money in the trust fund may be spent without
5-11     appropriation and only to fund the program.  Interest and income
5-12     from the assets of the trust fund shall be credited to and
5-13     deposited in the trust fund.
5-14           (b)  The board may solicit and accept gifts, grants, and
5-15     donations from any public or private source for the purposes of
5-16     this chapter, and shall deposit money accepted under this
5-17     subsection to the credit of the trust fund.
5-18           (c)  The legislature may appropriate money to the trust fund.
5-19           SECTION 2.  This Act applies beginning with the 1999 fall
5-20     semester.
5-21           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
5-22     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
5-23     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
5-24     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
5-25     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
5-26     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
5-27     passage, and it is so enacted.