1-1     By:  Madla                                             S.B. No. 454
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed February 10, 1999; February 15, 1999,
 1-3     read first time and referred to Committee on Intergovernmental
 1-4     Relations; March 4, 1999, reported favorably by the following vote:
 1-5     Yeas 5, Nays 0; March 4, 1999, sent to printer.)
 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-7                                   AN ACT
 1-8     relating to a retirement health care plan for firefighters and
 1-9     police officers in certain municipalities.
1-11           SECTION 1.  Section 1.02, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
1-12     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
1-13     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
1-14           Sec. 1.02.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:
1-15                 (1)  "Active member" means a member of the fund who is
1-16     an active firefighter or police officer of the municipality.
1-17                 (2)  "Board" means the board of trustees of []a fund
1-18     established under Section 1.04 of [by][] this Act.
1-19                 (3)  "Beneficiary" means a retired police officer, a
1-20     retired firefighter, or the spouse or other eligible dependent of a
1-21     retired or deceased police officer or retired or deceased
1-22     firefighter who is entitled to receive retiree health benefits
1-23     under Section 5.01 of this Act.
1-24                 (4)  "Collective bargaining agreement" means a
1-25     collectively bargained agreement between a municipality to which
1-26     this Act applies and the exclusive bargaining agents of the
1-27     firefighters and police officers of the municipality under Chapter
1-28     174, Local Government Code.
1-29                 (5)  "Firefighter" means an employee of the fire
1-30     department who is classified as a firefighter by the personnel
1-31     department of a municipality to which this Act applies.
1-32                 (6) [(2)]  "Fund" means the firefighter's and police
1-33     officer's retiree health care fund of a municipality to which this
1-34     Act applies.
1-35                 (7)  "Police officer" means an employee of the police
1-36     department who is classified as a police officer by the personnel
1-37     department of a municipality to which this Act applies.
1-38                 (8)  "Retiree" means a member of the fund who was
1-39     formerly a firefighter or police officer of the municipality and
1-40     who has a right to retirement health benefits under Section 5.01 of
1-41     this Act.
1-42                 (9)  "Trustee" means a member of the board.
1-43           SECTION 2.  Section 1.04, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
1-44     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
1-45     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
1-46           Sec. 1.04.  FUND; STATUTORY TRUST.  (a)  The firefighters'
1-47     and police officers' retiree health care fund is established for
1-48     each municipality to which this Act applies.  The fund is a
1-49     statutory trust and is not a subdivision of government.
1-50           (b)  The board shall administer and hold in trust the assets
1-51     of the fund for the exclusive benefit of the beneficiaries of the
1-52     fund.  The board may pay from the fund reasonable administrative
1-53     expenses incurred in administering the fund [members and retirees
1-54     of the fund and their spouses in retirement].
1-55           (c)  The fund may not be diverted, transferred, or used for
1-56     any other purpose inconsistent with this Act and with the
1-57     instruments governing the fund.
1-58           (d)  A public or private agency, entity, or authority may not
1-59     alter or impair any contract made by the board or under the
1-60     authority or direction of the board.
1-61           SECTION 3.  Section 1.05, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
1-62     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
1-63     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
1-64           Sec. 1.05.  EXEMPTIONS.  The health benefits paid or payable
 2-1     by [of] the fund are exempt from garnishment, assignment,
 2-2     attachment, judgments, other legal processes, and inheritance or
 2-3     other taxes established by this state.
 2-4           SECTION 4.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 2.01, Chapter
 2-5     1332, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article
 2-6     6243q, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as
 2-7     follows:
 2-8           (a)  The firefighters' and police officers' retiree health
 2-9     care fund of a municipality is governed by a board of trustees
2-10     consisting of the following nine members:
2-11                 (1)  the mayor of the municipality;
2-12                 (2)  two members of the municipal governing body,
2-13     appointed by that governing body;
2-14                 (3)  two active members of the fund who are
2-15     firefighters below the rank of fire chief, elected by secret ballot
2-16     by a majority of the votes cast by the active members of the fund
2-17     [fire department] who are firefighters [contributing members of the
2-18     fund];
2-19                 (4)  two active members of the fund who are police
2-20     officers below the rank of police chief, elected by secret ballot
2-21     by a majority of the votes cast by the active members of the fund
2-22     [police department] who are police officers [contributing members
2-23     of the fund];
2-24                 (5)  a retiree [or beneficiary] representative of the
2-25     fire department, elected by secret ballot by a majority of the
2-26     votes cast by the retirees of the fire department who are
2-27     beneficiaries of the fund and the surviving spouses of deceased
2-28     firefighters who are beneficiaries of the fund [the retirees of the
2-29     fire department]; and
2-30                 (6)  a retiree [or beneficiary] representative of the
2-31     police department, elected by secret ballot by a majority of the
2-32     votes cast by the retirees of the police department who are
2-33     beneficiaries of the fund and the surviving spouses of deceased
2-34     police officers who are beneficiaries of the fund [the retirees of
2-35     the police department].
2-36           (b)  The board, through its secretary, shall administer the
2-37     required elections of the active members and [firefighter, police
2-38     officer, and] retiree trustees [representative members].  The board
2-39     shall hold a runoff election between the two candidates receiving
2-40     the most votes if no candidate receives a majority of the votes
2-41     cast for a trustee position.
2-42           SECTION 5.  Section 2.02, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
2-43     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
2-44     Civil Statutes), is amended by amending the section heading to read
2-45     as follows:
2-46           Sec. 2.02.  TERMS OF TRUSTEES [BOARD MEMBERS].
2-47           SECTION 6.  Subsections (c), (d), and (e), Section 2.02,
2-48     Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997
2-49     (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read
2-50     as follows:
2-51           (c)  The two active members of the fund who are firefighters
2-52     below the rank of fire chief serve on the board for staggered
2-53     four-year terms, with one member's term expiring every two years.
2-54           (d)  The two active members of the fund who are police
2-55     officers below the rank of police chief serve on the board for
2-56     staggered four-year terms, with one member's term expiring every
2-57     two years.
2-58           (e)  The retiree [or beneficiary] representatives serve on
2-59     the board for staggered four-year terms, with one member's term
2-60     expiring every two years.
2-61           SECTION 7.  Section 2.03, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
2-62     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
2-63     Civil Statutes), is amended by amending the section heading to read
2-64     as follows:
2-66     MEMBERS].
2-67           SECTION 8.  Subsections (a), (c), and (d), Section 2.03,
2-68     Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997
2-69     (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read
 3-1     as follows:
 3-2           (a)  A trustee who is a retiree or an active member of the
 3-3     fund may resign or may be removed by a vote of the group eligible
 3-4     to elect the trustee [Certain members of the board may be removed
 3-5     in accordance with this section.  An active firefighter board
 3-6     member may be removed by the contributing members of the fire
 3-7     department.  An active police officer board member may be removed
 3-8     by the contributing members of the police department.  A retiree or
 3-9     beneficiary board member may be removed by the fund members
3-10     eligible to elect the member].
3-11           (c)  A removal election must be held within 30 days after the
3-12     date the board certifies that a proper petition for a removal
3-13     election has been signed by at least 20 percent of the persons
3-14     eligible to vote to elect the trustee [membership from which the
3-15     board member was elected].  A trustee's [board member's] term of
3-16     service ends on the entry of an order by the board declaring that a
3-17     majority of the votes cast in [the results of] a removal election
3-18     under this section favor removal.
3-19           (d)  On the date the board enters an order under Subsection
3-20     (c) of this section, the board shall call a special election to be
3-21     held not less than 20 and not more than 30 days after that date to
3-22     fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the trustee [board
3-23     member] who was  removed.  The trustee [board member] who was
3-24     removed is not eligible to run in the special election but is
3-25     eligible to run in all subsequent [board] elections [for the
3-26     category] in which the person is otherwise eligible to run  [a
3-27     member].
3-28           SECTION 9.  Section 2.04, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
3-29     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
3-30     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
3-31           Sec. 2.04.  OFFICERS.  (a)  The board shall elect a chair, a
3-32     vice chair, and a secretary from among the trustees [board
3-33     members].
3-34           (b)  The treasurer [finance director] of the municipality is
3-35     the treasurer of the board.
3-36           SECTION 10.  Section 2.06, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
3-37     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
3-38     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
3-39           Sec. 2.06.  MEETINGS; QUORUM.  (a)  The board shall hold
3-40     regular monthly meetings and special meetings at the call of the
3-41     chair or on written demand by a majority of the trustees [members
3-42     of the board].
3-43           (b)  Five trustees constitute a quorum.  The board may  act
3-44     with the consent of a majority of the trustees who are present at a
3-45     board meeting at which a quorum is present.
3-46           SECTION 11.  Subsections (b), (c), (f), and (h), Section
3-47     2.07, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session,
3-48     1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to
3-49     read as follows:
3-50           (b)  Only trustees [members of the board] may be appointed to
3-51     a committee under this section.
3-52           (c)  A committee must be composed of not fewer than three and
3-53     not more than four trustees [five members of the board], except as
3-54     otherwise specifically provided by the board.
3-55           (f)  All trustees [members of the board] may attend committee
3-56     meetings.
3-57           (h)  Permanent or standing committees may [not] be appointed.
3-58           SECTION 12.  Section 3.01, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
3-59     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
3-60     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
3-61           Sec. 3.01.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD.  (a)  The
3-62     board has complete authority and power to:
3-63                 (1)  administer the fund for the exclusive benefit of
3-64     the beneficiaries of the fund;
3-65                 (2)  order payments [to the treasurer] from the fund;
3-66     [as required by this Act; and]
3-67                 (3)  independently control the fund; and
3-68                 (4)  conduct all litigation on behalf of the fund.
3-69           (b)  The board may contract with a municipality or other
 4-1     entity to receive the following services:
 4-2                 (1)  the administration of benefit claims of
 4-3     beneficiaries, including payment of claims from money in the fund;
 4-4                 (2)  the administration of the board's administrative
 4-5     expenses, including payment of the expenses from money in the fund
 4-6     as approved in advance by the board; and
 4-7                 (3)  other administrative services approved by the
 4-8     board.
 4-9           (c)  The board shall adopt rules necessary for the board's
4-10     effective operation, including rules relating to:
4-11                 (1)  the disbursement of the fund's assets; and
4-12                 (2)  the name of the board and the fund.
4-13           (d)  The board shall take any action necessary to ensure that
4-14     contributions to the fund and benefits received from the fund are
4-15     exempt from federal taxes and excluded from a beneficiary's taxable
4-16     income.
4-17           (e) [(c)]  The board shall report annually to the governing
4-18     body of the[] municipality regarding the condition of the fund and
4-19     the receipts and disbursements of the fund.
4-20           SECTION 13.  Section 3.02, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
4-21     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
4-22     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
4-23           Sec. 3.02.  AUTHORITY OF MUNICIPALITY.  The municipality has
4-24     the authority and power to:
4-25                 (1)  contract with the board, as described in Section
4-26     3.01(b) of this Act; [process the claims that may be paid from the
4-27     fund, including the power to contract with a third party
4-28     administrator to process the claims; and]
4-29                 (2)  provide services through a subcontractor in a
4-30     contract under Section 3.01(b) of this Act;
4-31                 (3)  take any action necessary to ensure that
4-32     contributions to the fund and benefits received from the fund are
4-33     exempt from federal taxes and excluded from a beneficiary's taxable
4-34     income; and
4-35                 (4)  control the internal functions of the municipality
4-36     relating to the municipality's interactions with or activities on
4-37     behalf of the fund.
4-38           SECTION 14.  Article 3, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
4-39     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
4-40     Civil Statutes), is amended by adding Sections 3.04 and 3.05 to
4-41     read as follows:
4-42           Sec. 3.04.  INSURANCE.  (a)  The board may use fund assets to
4-43     purchase insurance from any insurer licensed to do business in this
4-44     state that provides for reimbursement of the fund and any trustee,
4-45     officer, or employee of the fund for:
4-46                 (1)  liability imposed or damages incurred because of
4-47     an alleged act, error, or omission committed in the capacity of a
4-48     fiduciary, officer, or employee; and
4-49                 (2)  costs and expenses incurred in defense of a claim
4-50     for an alleged act, error, or omission.
4-51           (b)  The board may not purchase insurance for reimbursement
4-52     of a trustee, officer, or employee of the fund for liability
4-53     imposed on the trustee, officer, or employee because of the
4-54     person's dishonesty, fraud, lack of good faith, or intentional
4-55     failure to act prudently.
4-56           Sec. 3.05.  INDEMNITY.  (a)  If insurance purchased by the
4-57     board under Section 3.04 of this Act is unavailable, insufficient,
4-58     inadequate, or otherwise not in effect, the board may indemnify a
4-59     trustee, officer, or employee of the fund for liability imposed as
4-60     damages because of an alleged act, error, or omission committed by
4-61     the person in the capacity of a fiduciary, officer, or employee and
4-62     for reasonable costs and expenses incurred in defense of a claim of
4-63     an alleged act, error, or omission.
4-64           (b)  The board may not indemnify a trustee, officer, or
4-65     employee of the fund for liability or expenses incurred because of
4-66     the person's personal dishonesty, fraud, lack of good faith, or
4-67     intentional failure to act prudently.
4-68           (c)  A trustee may not vote on a matter of the trustee's own
4-69     indemnification or be counted in determining whether a quorum is
 5-1     present for the vote.
 5-2           (d)  The board may adopt a policy establishing a method for
 5-3     presentation, approval, and payment of claims for indemnification.
 5-4           (e)  If insurance purchased by the board under Section 3.04
 5-5     of this Act is unavailable, insufficient, inadequate, or otherwise
 5-6     not in effect, the board may indemnify a former trustee, officer,
 5-7     or employee of the fund under this section for an alleged act,
 5-8     error, or omission committed by the person in the capacity of a
 5-9     fiduciary, officer, or employee and for reasonable costs and
5-10     expenses incurred in defense of a claim of an alleged act, error,
5-11     or omission.
5-12           (f)  The board may authorize indemnification of a trustee,
5-13     officer, or employee of the fund, or a former trustee, officer, or
5-14     employee of the fund under this section regardless of when the
5-15     alleged act, error, or omission occurred, provided that the person
5-16     is considered liable for the alleged act, error, or omission in
5-17     relation to the person's capacity as a current or former trustee,
5-18     officer, or employee of the fund.
5-19           SECTION 15.  Section 4.01, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
5-20     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
5-21     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
5-22           Sec. 4.01.  MEMBERSHIP.  Membership in the fund shall be
5-23     determined by the [exclusive] collective bargaining agreements
5-24     [agents of the firefighters and police officers recognized under
5-25     Subchapter D, Chapter 174, Local Government Code].
5-26           SECTION 16.  Section 4.02, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
5-27     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
5-28     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
5-29           Sec. 4.02.  CONTRIBUTIONS.  (a)  Contributions to the fund
5-30     shall be determined in accordance with the collective bargaining
5-31     agreements [collectively bargained agreements between the
5-32     municipality and the exclusive bargaining agents of the
5-33     firefighters and police officers under Chapter 174, Local
5-34     Government Code].
5-35           (b)  [Contributions shall be treated as employer's
5-36     contributions in accordance with Section 414(h)(2), Internal
5-37     Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 414(h)(2)), as amended, for
5-38     the purpose of determining tax treatment under the Internal Revenue
5-39     Code of 1986.]
5-40           [(c)]  Any donations made to the fund and all money received
5-41     from any source for the fund shall be deposited in the fund at the
5-42     earliest opportunity.
5-43           (c) [(d)]  The municipal contribution to and health benefits
5-44     paid from the fund are a part of the compensation for services
5-45     rendered to the municipality.  This Act is considered part of the
5-46     contract of employment and appointment of the firefighters and
5-47     police officers of a municipality to which this Act applies.
5-48           SECTION 17.  Section 4.03, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
5-49     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
5-50     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
5-52     [AND ASSOCIATIONS].  (a)  Beneficiaries and members [A member] of
5-53     the fund are [is] entitled to all rights otherwise provided to the
5-54     beneficiaries or members [member] under [the federal Employee
5-55     Retirement Income and Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. Section 1001
5-56     et seq.), as amended, or] any [other] state or federal statute.
5-57           (b)  This fund is intended to be a [A] voluntary employee's
5-58     beneficiary association as described by Section 501(c), Internal
5-59     Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)), as amended, and
5-60     the board may take any action necessary to ensure that the fund is
5-61     classified as such [is entitled to all rights otherwise provided to
5-62     it under any state or federal statute].
5-63           SECTION 18.  Section 5.01, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
5-64     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
5-65     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
5-66           Sec. 5.01.  RETIREMENT HEALTH BENEFITS.  Retirement health
5-67     benefits shall be determined in accordance with the collective
5-68     bargaining agreements [collectively bargained agreements between
5-69     the municipality and the exclusive bargaining agents of the
 6-1     firefighters and police officers under Chapter 174, Local
 6-2     Government Code].
 6-3           SECTION 19.  Section 6.01, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
 6-4     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
 6-5     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 6-6           Sec. 6.01.  TREASURER'S DUTIES.  (a)  All money of the fund
 6-7     is payable to the treasurer of the fund for the use of the fund.
 6-8           (b)  The treasurer shall submit monthly reports to the board
 6-9     showing all fund receipts and disbursements.
6-10           (c)  The duties imposed on the treasurer of the fund under
6-11     this Act and any services provided to or on behalf of the fund by
6-12     the treasurer under a contract with a municipality are considered
6-13     additional duties for which the treasurer is liable under oath and
6-14     bond as the treasurer [finance director] of the municipality.
6-15           (d) [(c)]  The treasurer [finance director] is not entitled
6-16     to compensation for serving as the treasurer of the fund.
6-17           SECTION 20.  Subsection (a), Section 6.03, Chapter 1332, Acts
6-18     of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q,
6-19     Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
6-20           (a)  The board shall determine a reasonably safe amount of
6-21     surplus [assets] necessary to defray reasonable expenses of the
6-22     fund.
6-23           SECTION 21.  Subsection (c), Section 6.04, Chapter 1332, Acts
6-24     of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q,
6-25     Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
6-26           (c)  The board may directly manage investments of the reserve
6-27     funds or may choose to contract for professional management
6-28     services.  If the funds own real estate, the board may, at its
6-29     discretion, establish an organization [a corporation] described by
6-30     Section 501(c)(25), Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C.
6-31     Section 501(c)(25)), as amended, to hold title to the real estate.
6-32           SECTION 22.  Section 6.05, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
6-33     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
6-34     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
6-35           Sec. 6.05.  PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS.  (a)  The board may
6-36     contract for professional investment management services, financial
6-37     consultants, independent auditors, attorneys, and actuaries.  Only
6-38     the board may enter into those contracts.  The board may establish
6-39     a reasonable fee for compensation under those contracts.
6-40           (b)  The board may designate its own custodian or master
6-41     custodian to perform the customary duties involving the safekeeping
6-42     of the assets and the execution of transactions of either domestic
6-43     or foreign securities.  The board may engage in a securities
6-44     lending program consistent with the benefits payable to [plan
6-45     participants and their] beneficiaries.
6-46           SECTION 23.  Section 7.01, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
6-47     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
6-48     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
6-49           Sec. 7.01.  ETHICS POLICY.  (a)  A trustee, [member of the
6-50     board or] the executive director, or any employee of the fund may
6-51     not:
6-52                 (1)  buy, sell, or exchange any property to or from the
6-53     fund;
6-54                 (2)  deal with the assets of the fund in the person's
6-55     own interest or for the person's own account; or
6-56                 (3)  receive any consideration from any person dealing
6-57     with the fund [have a direct or indirect financial or other
6-58     interest, engage in a business transaction or professional
6-59     activity, or incur any obligation of any nature that is in
6-60     substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the member's or
6-61     the executive director's fiduciary duties].
6-62           (b)  To implement Subsection (a) of this section and to
6-63     strengthen the faith and confidence of the members and
6-64     beneficiaries of the fund, the board shall develop standards of
6-65     conduct and financial disclosure requirements to be observed by
6-66     each trustee [member of the board] and by the executive director in
6-67     the performance of the board's and executive director's official
6-68     duties.
6-69           [(c)  The standards of conduct and financial disclosure
 7-1     requirements must provide for:]
 7-2                 [(1)  establishing general definitions;]
 7-3                 [(2)  determining when there is substantial conflict;]
 7-4                 [(3)  determining who is considered a dependent child
 7-5     of a board member or the executive director;]
 7-6                 [(4)  requiring each member of the board and the
 7-7     executive director to file a financial disclosure statement;]
 7-8                 [(5)  appointing a review board;]
 7-9                 [(6)  establishing the composition of the review board;]
7-10                 [(7)  designating a custodian of records;]
7-11                 [(8)  establishing the manner in which records must be
7-12     retained;]
7-13                 [(9)  establishing which information, generally, must
7-14     be included in a financial statement;]
7-15                 [(10)  establishing the time for filing a financial
7-16     statement;]
7-17                 [(11)  establishing the form in which a financial
7-18     statement must be presented;]
7-19                 [(12)  determining compliance with this section;]
7-20                 [(13)  allowing public access to financial statements
7-21     when required by law or when appropriate;]
7-22                 [(14)  establishing sanctions for a violation of this
7-23     section that include removal of a member of the board or the
7-24     executive director in the case of a serious violation;]
7-25                 [(15)  establishing standards of conduct for board
7-26     members and the executive director; and]
7-27                 [(16)  identifying other matters relating to conduct of
7-28     board members and the executive director and to financial
7-29     disclosure that the board considers appropriate.]
7-30           SECTION 24.  (a)  Article 8, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
7-31     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
7-32     Civil Statutes), is repealed.
7-33           (b)  Section 3.03, Chapter 1332, Acts of the 75th
7-34     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997 (Article 6243q, Vernon's Texas
7-35     Civil Statutes), is repealed.
7-36           SECTION 25.  This Act takes effect October 1, 1999.
7-37           SECTION 26.  The changes in law made by this Act have no
7-38     effect on the terms of a contract entered into before the effective
7-39     date of this Act.
7-40           SECTION 27.  The importance of this legislation and the
7-41     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
7-42     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
7-43     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
7-44     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
7-45                                  * * * * *