By Madla                                               S.B. No. 464
         76R5650 CAG-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the creation of a consolidated municipal-county
 1-3     government in Bexar County.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Title 3, Local Government Code, is amended by
 1-6     adding Subtitle C to read as follows:
 1-9           Sec. 92.001.  APPOINTMENT OF CHARTER COMMISSION.  (a)  The
1-10     Commissioners Court of Bexar County shall appoint a charter
1-11     commission to draft the charter if the court is petitioned to do so
1-12     under Section 92.002.
1-13           (b)  The number of members of the charter commission shall be
1-14     determined by the commissioners court and shall be a number that
1-15     complies with the commission's composition requirements under
1-16     Section 92.005.
1-17           Sec. 92.002.  PETITION.  (a)  A petition for the
1-18     commissioners court to appoint a charter commission must:
1-19                 (1)  be filed with the office of the county clerk of
1-20     Bexar County;
1-21                 (2)  be signed by a number of registered voters in the
1-22     unincorporated area of Bexar County at least equal to 10 percent of
1-23     the number of votes received for governor in the unincorporated
1-24     area of the county in the most recent gubernatorial election;
 2-1                 (3)  be signed by a number of registered voters of San
 2-2     Antonio at least equal to 10 percent of the number of votes
 2-3     received for governor in San Antonio in the most recent
 2-4     gubernatorial election; and
 2-5                 (4)  comply with the applicable requirements of general
 2-6     law relating to a petition authorized or required to be filed in
 2-7     connection with an election.
 2-8           (b)  In compiling the necessary signatures under Subsection
 2-9     (a)(3), at least 10 percent of the necessary signatures must be
2-10     from the voters of each district that selects a member of the
2-11     municipality's governing body.
2-12           Sec. 92.003.  VERIFICATION OF PETITION.  (a)  Within 30 days
2-13     after the date the petition is filed with the county clerk, the
2-14     clerk shall determine whether the petition meets the requirements
2-15     of Section 92.002(a)(2) and shall certify in writing to the
2-16     commissioners court whether the petition is valid or invalid.
2-17           (b)  Within 30 days after the date the petition is filed with
2-18     the county clerk, the municipal clerk or secretary shall determine
2-19     whether the petition meets the requirements of Section 92.002(a)(3)
2-20     and shall certify in writing to the commissioners court whether the
2-21     petition is valid or invalid.
2-22           (c)  If the county clerk and the municipal clerk or secretary
2-23     certify that the petition is valid, the commissioners court shall
2-24     appoint a charter commission within 120 days after the date the
2-25     commissioners court receives the certifications.
2-26           (d)  If the petition is certified as invalid, the county
2-27     clerk or the municipal clerk or secretary shall state the reason
 3-1     for that determination.  A person circulating the petition has 60
 3-2     days after the date of certification to submit additional petitions
 3-3     or signatures to cure the determination of a deficiency, and the
 3-4     appropriate clerk or secretary, not later than the 21st day after
 3-5     the filing of the additional petitions or signatures, shall
 3-6     determine whether the additional petitions or signatures are
 3-7     sufficient to cure the deficiency and shall certify that
 3-8     determination to the commissioners court.
3-10     Not later than the 30th day after the date the commissioners court
3-11     receives the certifications under Section 92.003(c), the
3-12     commissioners court shall give notice to the governing body of each
3-13     municipality having any portion of its area in Bexar County of the
3-14     court's intention to appoint a charter commission.  The notice to
3-15     the governing body of San Antonio must specify the number of
3-16     charter commission members who are to be appointed to represent San
3-17     Antonio on the charter commission under Section 92.005.
3-18           Sec. 92.005.  COMMISSION COMPOSITION.  (a)  The charter
3-19     commission must include the same number of members from San Antonio
3-20     and from the unincorporated areas of Bexar County. Each district
3-21     that selects a member of the municipality's governing body shall
3-22     have the same number of persons appointed to the commission. Each
3-23     precinct that selects a member of the commissioners court shall
3-24     have the same number of persons appointed to the commission to
3-25     represent the unincorporated areas of Bexar County. Members of the
3-26     charter commission representing San Antonio are appointed by the
3-27     governing body of San Antonio. If the governing body of San Antonio
 4-1     fails to appoint members within 60 days after the date of receiving
 4-2     notice of the commissioners court's intent to appoint a charter
 4-3     commission, the commissioners court shall appoint the appropriate
 4-4     number of residents of San Antonio to the commission.
 4-5           (b)  The charter commission also must include reasonable
 4-6     representation of the population of other incorporated areas within
 4-7     Bexar County.
 4-8           Sec. 92.006.  PREPARATION OF CHARTER.  (a)  The charter
 4-9     commission shall prepare the charter.  The charter commission shall
4-10     file its proposed charter with the commissioners court on or before
4-11     the second anniversary of the date the first appointment to the
4-12     commission is made.
4-13           (b)  When the proposed charter is filed with the
4-14     commissioners court, the commissioners court shall submit the
4-15     charter to the United States Department of Justice for preclearance
4-16     under the federal Voting Rights Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1973c et
4-17     seq.), as amended.  If the requirement for preclearance under the
4-18     Voting Rights Act is not applicable to the proposed charter, the
4-19     commissioners court shall submit the charter to the attorney
4-20     general.  The attorney general shall determine whether the adoption
4-21     of the proposed charter would result in any retrogression in the
4-22     effective voting strength of minority populations in the county,
4-23     under standards or analysis similar to the standards or analysis
4-24     applied to proposed local government charters under the federal
4-25     Voting Rights Act.
4-26           (c)  If the proposed charter is precleared or the attorney
4-27     general determines that no retrogression would occur, the
 5-1     commissioners court by order and the governing body of San Antonio
 5-2     by resolution shall jointly call an election to approve the
 5-3     proposed charter on the first authorized uniform election date
 5-4     prescribed by general law after the date the proposed charter is
 5-5     filed with the commissioners court and that allows sufficient time
 5-6     to comply with applicable requirements of general law.
 5-7           (d)  On the date of the election called under Subsection (c),
 5-8     the charter commission is dissolved.
 5-9           (e)  Not later than the seventh day and not earlier than the
5-10     10th day before the first day of voting on the adoption of the
5-11     charter under Section 92.007, the commissioners court and the
5-12     governing body of San Antonio shall publish in each newspaper of
5-13     general circulation published in Bexar County a public notice.  The
5-14     notice shall:
5-15                 (1)  contain a complete copy of the charter proposal;
5-16                 (2)  explain the estimated cost or savings to taxpayers
5-17     of the areas affected by the proposed charter, itemized by
5-18     governmental function; and
5-19                 (3)  describe the composition of the proposed governing
5-20     body under Section 92.008 and the disposition of any consolidated
5-21     governing body, including any board appointed by a governing body.
5-22           Sec. 92.007.  ADOPTION OF CHARTER.  (a)  The adoption of the
5-23     charter must be initially approved at the election by a majority of
5-24     the votes received from the voters of Bexar County.
5-25           (b)  If a majority of the votes received at an election under
5-26     Subsection (a) favor consolidation, the consolidated
5-27     municipal-county government is established under the terms of the
 6-1     charter.
 6-2           Sec. 92.008.  GOVERNING BODY OF CONSOLIDATED GOVERNMENT.  (a)
 6-3     A charter adopted under this section shall provide for a governing
 6-4     body that consists of:
 6-5                 (1)  a presiding officer elected at large;
 6-6                 (2)  four members elected from single-member districts
 6-7     that when placed together encompass the entire territory of the
 6-8     consolidated municipal-county government; and
 6-9                 (3)  a number of members elected from single-member
6-10     districts that when placed together encompass the territory of the
6-11     consolidated municipal-county government.
6-12           (b)  The number of districts adopted under Subsection (a)(3)
6-13     must be sufficient to ensure that, in the first election following
6-14     the consolidation, the average population of each district is less
6-15     than the average population of a single-member district of the
6-16     governing body of San Antonio preceding the date of the
6-17     consolidation and provide for equal representation from both
6-18     incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county.
6-19           Sec. 92.009.  SERVICE DISTRICTS.  The charter shall provide
6-20     that the consolidated municipal-county government provides equal
6-21     services and may only establish and charge taxes that are uniform
6-22     throughout the consolidated municipal-county government.
6-23           Sec. 92.010.  AD VALOREM TAXES.  The charter shall provide
6-24     that an ad valorem tax levied for debt service of the general
6-25     obligation debt that was authorized or issued by any consolidated
6-26     municipality, any special district or authority, or any other
6-27     political subdivision that is a part of the consolidated
 7-1     municipal-county government shall continue to be levied by the
 7-2     consolidated government.
 7-3           Sec. 92.011.  CONSOLIDATION OF EMPLOYEES.  (a)  The charter
 7-4     shall provide that every employee, other than elected officials, of
 7-5     the county or a municipality, special district or authority, or
 7-6     other political subdivision that is part of the consolidated
 7-7     municipal-county government and whose position is eliminated or
 7-8     abolished as a result of the consolidation or within two years
 7-9     after the date of the adoption of the charter, by a reduction in
7-10     force or by administrative reorganization, must be offered
7-11     alternative employment by the consolidated municipal-county
7-12     government at a salary equal to the salary of the abolished
7-13     position and with substantially equal employee or retirement
7-14     benefits.
7-15           (b)  Any employee whose position is eliminated or abolished
7-16     and who would have been eligible to retire not later than the fifth
7-17     year after the abolition or elimination of the position shall be
7-18     offered an early retirement package equal to the benefits that
7-19     would have been received on attaining full retirement benefits.  An
7-20     employee has three months to decide to accept an offer of
7-21     alternative employment or the early retirement package.
7-22           Sec. 92.012.  RETIREMENT BENEFITS.  (a)  The charter shall
7-23     provide for the continuation of a pension fund or the retirement
7-24     system contributions by both the consolidated municipal-county
7-25     government and the employees of the consolidated municipal-county
7-26     government that would have been made by the former county
7-27     government or the municipalities, special districts or authorities,
 8-1     or other political subdivisions before the adoption of the charter.
 8-2           (b)  Employees of the consolidated municipal-county
 8-3     government hired after the adoption of the charter shall be placed
 8-4     in an appropriate pension fund or retirement system.
 8-5           Sec. 92.013.  COLLECTIVE BARGAINING.  The charter may not
 8-6     diminish the right of employees of the consolidated
 8-7     municipal-county government to organize, to meet and confer, and to
 8-8     bargain collectively with the officials of the consolidated
 8-9     municipal-county government over wages, hours of work, and other
8-10     terms of employment as provided by state law.
8-11           Sec. 92.014.  ANNEXATION.  (a)  The charter shall, within
8-12     Bexar County, establish procedures for the progressive territorial
8-13     expansion of the consolidated government to reflect the growth of
8-14     the urbanized area of the consolidated government.
8-15           (b)  The boundaries of the consolidated municipal-county
8-16     government may not extend beyond the boundaries of Bexar County as
8-17     those boundaries exist on the day before the effective date of the
8-18     consolidated municipal-county charter.
8-19           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect on the date on which the
8-20     constitutional amendment proposed by the 76th Legislature, Regular
8-21     Session, 1999, that provides for the consolidation of county
8-22     government and local governments, takes effect.  If that amendment
8-23     is not approved by the voters, this Act has no effect.
8-24           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
8-25     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
8-26     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
8-27     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 9-1     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.