1-1     By:  Zaffirini                                         S.B. No. 519
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed February 16, 1999; February 17, 1999,
 1-3     read first time and referred to Committee on Health Services;
 1-4     March 10, 1999, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 5,
 1-5     Nays 0; March 10, 1999, sent to printer.)
 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-7                                   AN ACT
 1-8     relating to testing for certain infections during pregnancy or on
 1-9     delivery of a child.
1-11           SECTION 1.  Subsections (a), (c), (k), (m), and (n), Section
1-12     81.090, Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
1-13           (a)  A physician or other person permitted by law to attend a
1-14     pregnant woman during gestation or at delivery of an infant shall:
1-15                 (1)  take or cause to be taken a sample of the woman's
1-16     blood at the first examination and visit;
1-17                 (2)  submit the sample to a laboratory approved under
1-18     this section for:
1-19                       (A)  a standard serologic test for syphilis
1-20     approved by the board; [and]
1-21                       (B)  a standard serologic test for HIV infection
1-22     approved by the board; and
1-23                       (C)  a standard serologic test for hepatitis B
1-24     infection approved by the board; and
1-25                 (3)  retain a report of each case for nine months and
1-26     deliver the report to any successor in the case.
1-27           (c)  A physician or other person in attendance at a delivery
1-28     shall:
1-29                 (1)  take or cause to be taken a sample of blood from
1-30     the mother on admission for [or from the umbilical cord of the
1-31     infant within 24 hours of] delivery; and
1-32                 (2)  submit the sample to a laboratory approved under
1-33     this section for:
1-34                       (A)  a standard serologic test for syphilis
1-35     approved by the board; [and]
1-36                       (B)  a standard serologic test for HIV infection
1-37     approved by the board; and
1-38                       (C)  a standard serologic test for hepatitis B
1-39     infection approved by the board.
1-40           (k)  Before the blood sample is taken, the health care
1-41     provider shall distribute to the patient printed materials about
1-42     AIDS, HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis.  A health care provider [and]
1-43     shall verbally notify the patient that an HIV test shall be
1-44     performed if the patient does not object.  If the patient objects,
1-45     the patient shall be referred to an anonymous testing facility or
1-46     instructed about anonymous testing methods.  The health care
1-47     provider shall note on the medical records that the distribution of
1-48     printed materials was made and that verbal notification was given.
1-49     The materials shall be provided to the health care provider by the
1-50     Texas Department of Health and shall be prepared and designed to
1-51     inform the patients about:
1-52                 (1)  the incidence and mode of transmission of AIDS,
1-53     HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis;
1-54                 (2)  how being infected with HIV, AIDS, hepatitis B, or
1-55     syphilis could affect the health of their child;
1-56                 (3)  the available cure for syphilis;
1-57                 (4)  the available treatment to prevent maternal-infant
1-58     HIV transmission; and
1-59                 (5)  methods to prevent the transmission of the HIV
1-60     virus, hepatitis B, and syphilis.
1-61           (m)  If a screening test and a confirmatory test conducted
1-62     under this section show that the woman is or may be infected with
1-63     HIV, hepatitis B, or syphilis, the physician or other person who
1-64     submitted the sample for the test shall provide or make available
 2-1     to the woman disease-specific information on the disease diagnosed,
 2-2     including:
 2-3                 (1)  information relating to treatment of HIV
 2-4     infection, [and] acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis B,
 2-5     or syphilis, which must be in another language, if needed, and must
 2-6     be presented, as necessary, in a manner and in terms understandable
 2-7     to a person who may be illiterate if resources permit; and
 2-8                 (2)  counseling under Section 81.109, if HIV infection
 2-9     or AIDS is diagnosed.
2-10           (n)  A physician or other person may comply with the
2-11     requirements of Subsection (m)(1) by referring the woman to an
2-12     entity that provides treatment for individuals infected with the
2-13     disease diagnosed [HIV or with acquired immune deficiency
2-14     syndrome].
2-15           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999, and
2-16     applies only to a physician or other person attending a pregnant
2-17     woman during gestation or at delivery of an infant on or after the
2-18     effective date of this Act.
2-19           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
2-20     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
2-21     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
2-22     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
2-23     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
2-24                                  * * * * *