By Cain                                                S.B. No. 520
         76R3548 DWS-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to discharge of a lien on a motor vehicle.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 501.115, Transportation Code, is amended
 1-5     to read as follows:
 1-6           Sec. 501.115.  DISCHARGE OF LIEN.  (a)  When a debt or claim
 1-7     secured by a lien has been satisfied, the lienholder shall, within
 1-8     a reasonable time not to exceed 21 days from receipt of the final
 1-9     payment, execute and deliver to the assessor-collector of the
1-10     county in which the owner resides:
1-11                 (1) [owner, or the owner's designee,]  a discharge of
1-12     the lien on a form prescribed by the department;
1-13                 (2)  an application for a new title in the name of the
1-14     owner of the vehicle; and
1-15                 (3)  the fee required by Section 501.138(a).
1-16           (b)  On delivery of the discharge, application, and fee under
1-17     Subsection (a), [The owner may present the discharge and
1-18     certificate of title to the county assessor-collector with an
1-19     application for a new certificate of title and] the department
1-20     shall issue a new certificate of title.
1-21           SECTION 2.  Section 348.005, Finance Code, is amended to read
1-22     as follows:
1-23           Sec. 348.005.  ITEMIZED CHARGE.  An amount in a retail
1-24     installment contract is an itemized charge if the amount is not
 2-1     included in the cash price and is the amount of:
 2-2                 (1)  fees for registration, certificate of title, and
 2-3     license, including:
 2-4                       (A) [and]  any additional registration fees
 2-5     charged by a full service deputy under Section 502.114,
 2-6     Transportation Code; and
 2-7                       (B)  fees for issuance of a new certificate of
 2-8     title on discharge of a lien as provided by Section 501.115,
 2-9     Transportation Code, if  a lien is to be recorded on a certificate
2-10     of title under Chapter 501, Transportation Code;
2-11                 (2)  any taxes;
2-12                 (3)  fees or charges prescribed by law and connected
2-13     with the sale or inspection of the motor vehicle; and
2-14                 (4)  charges authorized for insurance, service
2-15     contracts, or warranties by Subchapter C.
2-16           SECTION 3.  Section 342.502, Finance Code, is amended by
2-17     adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
2-18           (d)  On a loan subject to Subchapter E a lender may assess
2-19     and collect from the borrower an amount for a fee for issuance of a
2-20     new certificate of title on discharge of a lien as provided by
2-21     Section 501.115, Transportation Code, if  a lien is to be recorded
2-22     on a certificate of title under Chapter 501, Transportation Code.
2-23           SECTION 4.  Section 3A.852, Title 79, Revised Statutes
2-24     (Article 5069-3A.852, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by
2-25     adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
2-26           (c)  On a loan subject to Subchapter E a lender may assess
2-27     and collect from the borrower an amount for a fee for issuance of a
 3-1     new certificate of title on discharge of a lien as provided by
 3-2     Section 501.115, Transportation Code, if  a lien is to be recorded
 3-3     on a certificate of title under Chapter 501, Transportation Code.
 3-4           SECTION 5.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
 3-5     a lien established on or after the effective date of this Act.  A
 3-6     lien  established before the effective date of this Act is governed
 3-7     by the law in effect when the lien was established, and that law is
 3-8     continued in effect for that purpose.
 3-9           SECTION 6.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b) and
3-10     (c) of this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
3-11           (b)  Section 3 of this Act takes effect only if the Act of
3-12     the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, relating to
3-13     nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes takes
3-14     effect.
3-15           (c)  Section 4 of this Act takes effect only if the Act of
3-16     the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, relating to
3-17     nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes does
3-18     not take effect.
3-19           SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
3-20     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
3-21     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
3-22     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
3-23     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.