By:  Ratliff                                           S.B. No. 669
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                       AN ACT
 1-1     relating to certain contracting procedures for school districts and
 1-2     institutions of higher education.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subsections (a), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j),
 1-5     and (l), Section 44.031, Education Code, are amended to read as
 1-6     follows:
 1-7           (a)  Except as provided by this subchapter, all school
 1-8     district contracts, except contracts for the purchase of produce or
 1-9     vehicle fuel, valued at $25,000 or more in the aggregate for each
1-10     12-month period shall be made by the method, of the following
1-11     methods, that provides the best value for [to] the district:
1-12                 (1)  competitive bidding;
1-13                 (2)  competitive sealed proposals;
1-14                 (3)  a request for proposals, for services other than
1-15     construction services;
1-16                 (4)  a catalogue purchase as provided by Subchapter B,
1-17     Chapter 2157, Government Code;
1-18                 (5)  an interlocal contract;
1-19                 (6)  a design/build contract;
1-20                 (7)  a contract to construct, rehabilitate, alter, or
1-21     repair facilities that involves using a construction manager; or
1-22                 (8)  a job order contract for the minor construction,
1-23     repair, rehabilitation, or alteration of a facility.
1-24           (d)  The board of trustees of the district may adopt rules
 2-1     and procedures for the acquisition of goods or services.
 2-2           (f)  This section does not apply to contracts [fees received]
 2-3     for professional services [rendered, including architect's fees,
 2-4     attorney's fees, and fees for fiscal agents].
 2-5           (g)  Notice of the time by when and place where the bids or
 2-6     proposals, or the responses to a request for qualifications, will
 2-7     be received shall be published in the county in which the
 2-8     district's central administrative office is located, once a week
 2-9     for at least two weeks before the deadline for receiving bids,
2-10     proposals, or responses to a request for qualifications; except
2-11     that on contracts involving less than $25,000, the advertising may
2-12     be limited to two successive issues of any newspaper published in
2-13     the county in which the district's central administrative office is
2-14     located, and if there is not a newspaper in that county, the
2-15     advertising shall be published in a newspaper in the county nearest
2-16     the county seat of the county in which the district's central
2-17     administrative office is located.  In a two-step procurement
2-18     process, the time and place where the second-step bids, proposals,
2-19     or responses will be received are not required to be published
2-20     separately.
2-21           (h)  If school equipment or a part of a school facility is
2-22     destroyed or severely damaged or, as a result of an unforeseen
2-23     catastrophe or emergency, undergoes major operational or structural
2-24     failure, and the board of trustees determines that the delay posed
2-25     by the methods provided for in this section [competitive bidding
2-26     process] would prevent or substantially impair the conduct of
 3-1     classes or other essential school activities, then contracts for
 3-2     the replacement or repair of the equipment or the part of the
 3-3     school facility may be made by methods other than those [without
 3-4     competitive bidding as otherwise] required by this section.
 3-5           (i)  A [The board of trustees of a] school district may
 3-6     acquire computers and computer-related equipment, including
 3-7     computer software, through the General Services Commission under
 3-8     contracts entered into in accordance with Chapter 2157, Government
 3-9     Code.  Before issuing an invitation for bids, the commission shall
3-10     consult with the agency concerning the computer and
3-11     computer-related equipment needs of school districts.  To the
3-12     extent possible the resulting contract shall provide for such
3-13     needs.
3-14           (j)  Without complying with Subsection (a), [the board of
3-15     trustees of] a school district may purchase an item that is
3-16     available from only one source, including:
3-17                 (1)  an item for which competition is precluded because
3-18     of the existence of a patent, copyright, secret process, or
3-19     monopoly;
3-20                 (2)  a film, manuscript, or book;
3-21                 (3)  a utility service, including electricity, gas, or
3-22     water; and
3-23                 (4)  a captive replacement part or component for
3-24     equipment.
3-25           (l)  Each contract proposed to be made by [the board of
3-26     trustees of] a school district for the purchase or lease of one or
 4-1     more school buses, including a lease with an option to purchase,
 4-2     must be submitted to competitive bidding when the contract is
 4-3     valued at $20,000 or more.
 4-4           SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 44, Education Code, is
 4-5     amended by adding Section 44.0311 to read as follows:
 4-6           Sec. 44.0311.  DELEGATION.  (a)  The board of trustees of the
 4-7     district may, as appropriate, delegate its authority under this
 4-8     subchapter regarding an action authorized or required by this
 4-9     subchapter to be taken by a school district to a designated person,
4-10     representative, or committee.  The district shall provide notice of
4-11     the delegation and the limits of the delegation in the request for
4-12     bids, proposals, or qualifications or in an addendum to the
4-13     request.  If the district fails to provide that notice, a ranking,
4-14     selection, or evaluation of bids, proposals, or qualifications
4-15     other than by the board of trustees in an open public meeting is
4-16     advisory only.
4-17           (b)  The board may not delegate the authority to act
4-18     regarding an action authorized or required by this subchapter to be
4-19     taken by the board of trustees of a school district.
4-20           SECTION 3.  Subsection (f), Section 44.032, Education Code,
4-21     is amended to read as follows:
4-22           (f)  A court may enjoin performance of a contract made in
4-23     violation of this subchapter [Section 44.031(a) or (b)].  A county
4-24     attorney, a district attorney, a criminal district attorney, [or] a
4-25     citizen of the county in which the school district is located, or
4-26     any interested party may bring an action for an injunction.  A
 5-1     party [citizen] who prevails in an action brought under this
 5-2     subsection is entitled to reasonable attorney's fees as approved by
 5-3     the court.
 5-4           SECTION 4.  Section 44.035, Education Code, is amended to
 5-5     read as follows:
 5-7     PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES.  (a)  The board of trustees of
 5-8     a school district that is considering a construction contract using
 5-9     a method specified by Section 44.031(a) must, before advertising,
5-10     determine which method [Except as otherwise provided by this
5-11     subchapter, a school district using competitive sealed proposals to
5-12     select a contractor for construction services, to select a
5-13     construction manager, or to award a job order contract for
5-14     construction services shall base its selection or award on a
5-15     combination of price and other factors that the district
5-16     determines] provides the best value for [to] the district.
5-17           (b)  The [A school] district shall base its selection among
5-18     offerors on criteria authorized to be used under Section 44.031(b).
5-19     The district shall publish in the request for bids, proposals, or
5-20     qualifications the specific criteria that will be used to evaluate
5-21     the offerors and the relative weights, if any, given to the
5-22     criteria [using competitive sealed proposals may discuss proposals
5-23     with offerors after proposals have been opened to allow for
5-24     clarification and changes.  The district shall take adequate
5-25     precautions to ensure that information from competing proposals is
5-26     not disclosed to other offerors].
 6-1           (c)  The district shall document the basis of its selection
 6-2     and shall make the evaluations public on or before the award of the
 6-3     contract.
 6-4           SECTION 5.  Subdivision (3), Subsection (a), Section 44.036,
 6-5     Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
 6-6                 (3)  "Design criteria package" means a set of documents
 6-7     that provides sufficient information to permit a design-build firm
 6-8     to prepare a response to a school district's request for
 6-9     qualifications and any additional information requested, including
6-10     criteria for selection [proposals].  The design criteria package
6-11     must specify criteria the district considers necessary to describe
6-12     the project and may include, as appropriate, the legal description
6-13     of the site, survey information concerning the site, interior space
6-14     requirements, special material requirements, material quality
6-15     standards, conceptual criteria for the project, special equipment
6-16     requirements, cost or budget estimates, time schedules, quality
6-17     assurance and quality control requirements, site development
6-18     requirements, applicable codes and ordinances, provisions for
6-19     utilities, parking requirements, or any other requirement, as
6-20     applicable.
6-21           SECTION 6.  Subsections (e), (f), and (j), Section 44.036,
6-22     Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
6-23           (e)  The district shall evaluate statements of qualifications
6-24     [proposals] and select a design-build firm in two phases:
6-25                 (1)  In phase one, the district shall prepare a request
6-26     for qualifications and evaluate each offeror's experience,
 7-1     technical competence, and capability to perform, the past
 7-2     performance of the offeror's team and members of the team, and
 7-3     other appropriate factors submitted by the team or firm in response
 7-4     to the request for qualifications, except that cost-related or
 7-5     price-related evaluation factors are not permitted.  Each offeror
 7-6     must certify to the district that each engineer or architect that
 7-7     is a member of its team was selected based on demonstrated
 7-8     competence and qualifications.  The district shall qualify a
 7-9     maximum of five [potential] offerors to submit additional
7-10     information and, if the district chooses, to interview for final
7-11     selection [regarding technical proposals, implementation, and
7-12     costing methodologies in response to a formal request for proposals
7-13     based on the design criteria package].
7-14                 (2)  In phase two, the district shall evaluate the
7-15     information submitted by the offerors on the basis of the selection
7-16     criteria stated in the request for qualifications and the results
7-17     of any interview.  The district may request additional information
7-18     regarding demonstrated competence and qualifications,
7-19     considerations of the safety and long-term durability of the
7-20     project, the feasibility of implementing the project as proposed,
7-21     the ability of the offeror to meet schedules, costing methodology,
7-22     or other factors as appropriate.  The district may not require
7-23     offerors to submit detailed engineering or architectural designs as
7-24     part of the proposal.  The district shall rank each proposal
7-25     submitted on the basis of the criteria set forth in the request for
7-26     qualifications.  The district shall select the design-build firm
 8-1     that submits the proposal offering the best value for the district
 8-2     on the basis of the published selection criteria and on its ranking
 8-3     evaluations.  The district shall first attempt in good faith to
 8-4     negotiate with the selected offeror a contract on fair and
 8-5     reasonable terms.  If the district is unable to negotiate a
 8-6     satisfactory contract with the selected offeror, the district
 8-7     shall, formally and in writing, end negotiations with that offeror
 8-8     and proceed to negotiate with the next offeror in the order of the
 8-9     selection ranking until a contract is reached or negotiations with
8-10     all ranked offerors end.
8-11           (f)  Following selection of a design-build firm under
8-12     Subsection (e), that firm's engineers or architects shall complete
8-13     the design, submitting all design elements for review and
8-14     determination of scope compliance to [by] the district or
8-15     district's engineer or architect before or concurrently with
8-16     construction.
8-17           (j)  A payment or performance bond is not required for, and
8-18     may not provide coverage for, the portion of a design-build
8-19     contract under this section that includes design services only.  If
8-20     a fixed contract amount or guaranteed maximum price has not been
8-21     determined at the time a design-build contract is awarded, the
8-22     penal sums of the performance and payment bonds delivered to the
8-23     district must each be in an amount equal to the project budget, as
8-24     specified in the design criteria package.  The design-build firm
8-25     shall deliver the bonds not later than the 10th day after the date
8-26     the design-build firm executes the contract unless the design-build
 9-1     firm furnishes a bid bond or other financial security acceptable to
 9-2     the district to ensure that the design-build firm will furnish the
 9-3     required performance and payment bonds when a guaranteed maximum
 9-4     price is established.
 9-5           SECTION 7.  Subsections (b) and (c), Section 44.037,
 9-6     Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
 9-7           (b)  A construction manager-agent is a sole proprietorship,
 9-8     partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that provides
 9-9     consultation to the school district regarding construction,
9-10     rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility.  A district
9-11     using the construction manager-agent method may, under the contract
9-12     between the district and the construction manager-agent, require
9-13     the construction manager-agent to provide administrative personnel,
9-14     equipment necessary to perform duties under this section, and
9-15     on-site management and other services specified in the contract.  A
9-16     construction manager-agent represents the district in a fiduciary
9-17     capacity[, except that it may perform general conditions as
9-18     provided by the contract].
9-19           (c)  Before or concurrently with selecting a construction
9-20     manager-agent, the district shall select or designate an engineer
9-21     or architect who shall prepare the construction documents for the
9-22     project and who has full responsibility for complying with The
9-23     Texas Engineering Practice Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil
9-24     Statutes) or Chapter 478, Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular
9-25     Session, 1937 (Article 249a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as
9-26     applicable.  If the engineer or architect is not a full-time
 10-1    employee of the district, the district shall select the engineer or
 10-2    architect on the basis of demonstrated competence and
 10-3    qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code.
 10-4    The district's engineer or architect may not serve, alone or in
 10-5    combination with another person, as the construction manager-agent
 10-6    unless the engineer or architect is hired to serve as the
 10-7    construction manager-agent under a separate or concurrent
 10-8    procurement conducted in accordance with this subchapter.  This
 10-9    subsection does not prohibit the district's engineer or architect
10-10    from providing customary construction phase services under the
10-11    engineer's or architect's original professional service agreement
10-12    in accordance with applicable licensing laws.
10-13          SECTION 8.  Sections 44.038 and 44.039, Education Code, are
10-14    amended to read as follows:
10-16    MANAGER-AT-RISK.  (a)  A school district may use the construction
10-17    manager-at-risk method for the construction, rehabilitation,
10-18    alteration, or repair of a facility.  In using that method and in
10-19    entering into a contract for the services of a construction
10-20    manager-at-risk, a district shall follow the procedures prescribed
10-21    by this section.
10-22          (b)  A construction manager-at-risk is a sole proprietorship,
10-23    partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that assumes the
10-24    risk for construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of a
10-25    facility at the contracted price as a general contractor and
10-26    provides consultation to the school district regarding construction
 11-1    during and after the design of the facility.
 11-2          (c)  Before or concurrently with selecting a construction
 11-3    manager-at-risk, the district shall select or designate an engineer
 11-4    or architect who shall prepare the construction documents for the
 11-5    project and who has full responsibility for complying with The
 11-6    Texas Engineering Practice Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil
 11-7    Statutes) or Chapter 478, Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular
 11-8    Session, 1937 (Article 249a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as
 11-9    applicable.  If the engineer or architect is not a full-time
11-10    employee of the district, the district shall select the engineer or
11-11    architect on the basis of demonstrated competence and
11-12    qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code.
11-13    The district's engineer, architect, or construction manager-agent
11-14    for a project may not serve, alone or in combination with another,
11-15    as the construction manager-at-risk.
11-16          (d)  The district shall provide or contract for,
11-17    independently of the construction manager-at-risk, the inspection
11-18    services, the testing of construction materials engineering, and
11-19    the verification testing services necessary for acceptance of the
11-20    facility by the district.  The district shall select those services
11-21    for which it contracts in accordance with Section 2254.004,
11-22    Government Code.
11-23          (e)  The district shall select the construction
11-24    manager-at-risk in either a one-step or two-step process.  The
11-25    district shall prepare a request for [competitive sealed]
11-26    proposals, in the case of a one-step process, or a request for
 12-1    qualifications, in the case of a two-step process, that includes
 12-2    general information on the project site, project scope, schedule,
 12-3    selection criteria, estimated budget, and the time and place for
 12-4    receipt of proposals or qualifications, as applicable, a statement
 12-5    as to whether the selection process is a one-step or two-step
 12-6    process, and other information that may assist the district in its
 12-7    selection of a construction manager-at-risk.  The district shall
 12-8    state the selection criteria in the request for proposals or
 12-9    qualifications, as applicable.  The selection criteria may include
12-10    the offeror's experience, past performance, safety record, proposed
12-11    personnel and methodology, and other appropriate factors that
12-12    demonstrate the capability of the construction manager-at-risk.  If
12-13    a one-step process is used, the district may request, as part of
12-14    the offeror's proposal, proposed fees and prices for fulfilling the
12-15    general conditions.  If a two-step process is used, the district
12-16    may not request fees or prices in step one.  In step two, the [The]
12-17    district may request that five or fewer offerors, selected solely
12-18    on the basis of qualifications, provide additional information,
12-19    including [proposals provide] the construction manager-at-risk's
12-20    [manager's] proposed fee and its price for fulfilling the general
12-21    conditions.  [The district shall state the selection criteria in
12-22    the request for proposals.  The selection criteria may include the
12-23    offeror's experience, past performance, safety record, proposed
12-24    personnel and methodology, and other appropriate factors that
12-25    demonstrate the capability of the construction manager.]
12-26          (f)  At each step, the [The district may provide for
 13-1    prequalifying offerors before proposals are submitted.
 13-2    Prequalification may not be a conclusive determination that an
 13-3    offeror offers the best value to the district, and a prequalified
 13-4    offeror may be rejected on the basis of subsequently discovered
 13-5    information.  A failure to prequalify does not bar a subsequent
 13-6    determination that an offeror offers the best value to the district
 13-7    with respect to a given proposal.]
 13-8          [(g)  The] district shall receive, publicly open, and read
 13-9    aloud the names of the offerors.  At the appropriate step, the
13-10    district shall also read aloud all fees and  prices stated in [and
13-11    the monetary proposals, if any, for] each proposal.  Within 45 days
13-12    after the date of opening the proposals, the district shall
13-13    evaluate and rank each proposal submitted in relation to the
13-14    criteria set forth in the request for proposals.
13-15          (g) [(h)]  The district shall select the offeror that submits
13-16    the proposal that offers the best value for [to] the district based
13-17    on the published selection criteria and on its ranking evaluation.
13-18    The district shall first attempt in good faith to negotiate with
13-19    the selected offeror a contract on fair and reasonable terms.  If
13-20    the district is unable to negotiate [reach] a satisfactory contract
13-21    [agreement] with the selected offeror, the district shall, formally
13-22    and in writing, end negotiations with that offeror [terminate
13-23    further discussions] and proceed to negotiate with the next offeror
13-24    in the order of the selection ranking until a contract [agreement]
13-25    is reached or negotiations with all ranked offerors end [all
13-26    proposals are rejected].
 14-1          (h) [(i)]  A construction manager-at-risk shall publicly
 14-2    advertise, in accordance with Section 44.031(g), and receive bids
 14-3    or [and solicit either competitive bids or competitive sealed]
 14-4    proposals from trade contractors or subcontractors for the
 14-5    performance of all major elements of the work other than the minor
 14-6    work that may be included in the general conditions.  A
 14-7    construction manager-at-risk may seek to perform portions of the
 14-8    work itself if the construction manager-at-risk submits its bid or
 14-9    proposal for those portions of the work in the same manner as all
14-10    other trade contractors or subcontractors and if the district
14-11    determines that the construction manager-at-risk's bid or proposal
14-12    provides the best value for the district.
14-13          (i) [(j)]  The construction manager-at-risk and the district
14-14    or its representative shall review [receive and open] all trade
14-15    contractor or subcontractor bids or proposals in a manner that does
14-16    not disclose the contents of the bid or proposal during the
14-17    selection process to a person not employed by the construction
14-18    manager-at-risk, engineer, architect, or  district.  All bids or
14-19    proposals shall be made public within seven days after the date of
14-20    final selection.
14-21          (j) [(k)]  If the construction manager-at-risk reviews,
14-22    evaluates, and recommends to the district a bid or proposal from a
14-23    trade contractor or subcontractor but the district requires another
14-24    bid or proposal to be accepted, the district shall compensate the
14-25    construction manager-at-risk by a change in price, time, or
14-26    guaranteed maximum cost for any additional cost and risk that the
 15-1    construction manager-at-risk may incur because of the district's
 15-2    requirement that another bid or proposal be accepted.
 15-3          (k)  If a selected trade contractor or subcontractor defaults
 15-4    in the performance of its work or fails to execute a subcontract
 15-5    after being selected in accordance with this section, the
 15-6    construction manager-at-risk may, without advertising, itself
 15-7    fulfill the contract requirements or select a replacement trade
 15-8    contractor or subcontractor to fulfill the contract requirements.
 15-9          (l)  If a fixed contract amount or guaranteed maximum price
15-10    has not been determined at the time the contract is awarded, the
15-11    penal sums of the performance and payment bonds delivered to the
15-12    district must each be in an amount equal to the project budget, as
15-13    specified in the request for qualifications.  The construction
15-14    manager shall deliver the bonds not later than the 10th day after
15-15    the date the construction manager executes the contract unless the
15-16    construction manager furnishes a bid bond or other financial
15-17    security acceptable to the district to ensure that the construction
15-18    manager will furnish the required performance and payment bonds
15-19    when a guaranteed maximum price is established.
15-22    contractor for construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair
15-23    services for a facility through competitive sealed proposals, a
15-24    school district shall follow the procedures prescribed by this
15-25    section.
15-26          (b)  The district shall select or designate an engineer or
 16-1    architect to prepare construction documents for the project.  The
 16-2    selected or designated engineer or architect has full
 16-3    responsibility for complying with The Texas Engineering Practice
 16-4    Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) or Chapter 478,
 16-5    Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular Session, 1937 (Article 249a,
 16-6    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as applicable.  If the engineer or
 16-7    architect is not a full-time employee of the district, the district
 16-8    shall select the engineer or architect on the basis of demonstrated
 16-9    competence and qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004,
16-10    Government Code.
16-11          (c)  The district shall provide or contract for,
16-12    independently of the contractor, the inspection services, the
16-13    testing of construction materials engineering, and the verification
16-14    testing services necessary for acceptance of the facility by the
16-15    district.  The district shall select those services for which it
16-16    contracts in accordance with Section 2254.004, Government Code, and
16-17    shall identify them in the request for proposals.
16-18          (d)  The district shall prepare a request for competitive
16-19    sealed proposals that includes construction documents, selection
16-20    criteria, estimated budget, project scope, schedule, and other
16-21    information that contractors may require to respond to the request.
16-22    The district shall state in the request for proposals the selection
16-23    criteria that will be used in selecting the successful offeror [in
16-24    the request for proposals].  [The selection criteria may include
16-25    the offeror's experience, past performance, safety record, proposed
16-26    personnel and methodology, and other appropriate factors that
 17-1    demonstrate the capability of the contractor.]
 17-2          (e)  [The district may provide for prequalifying offerors
 17-3    before proposals are submitted.  Prequalification may not be a
 17-4    conclusive determination that an offeror offers the best value to
 17-5    the district, and a prequalified offeror may be rejected on the
 17-6    basis of subsequently discovered information.  A failure to
 17-7    prequalify does not bar a subsequent determination that an offeror
 17-8    offers the best value to the district with respect to a given
 17-9    proposal.]
17-10          [(f)]  The district shall receive, publicly open, and read
17-11    aloud the names of the offerors and, if any are required to be
17-12    stated, all prices [the monetary proposals, if any,] stated in each
17-13    proposal.  Within 45 days after the date of opening the proposals,
17-14    the district shall evaluate and rank each proposal submitted in
17-15    relation to the published selection criteria.
17-16          (f) [(g)]  The district shall select the offeror that offers
17-17    the best value for [to] the district based on the published
17-18    selection criteria and on its ranking evaluation.  The district
17-19    shall first attempt in good faith to negotiate with the selected
17-20    offeror a contract on fair and reasonable terms.  The district and
17-21    its engineer or architect may discuss with the selected offeror
17-22    options for a scope or time modification and any price change
17-23    associated with the modification [cost reduction].  If the district
17-24    is unable to negotiate [reach] a contract [agreement] with the
17-25    selected offeror, the district shall, formally and in writing, end
17-26    negotiations with that offeror [terminate further discussions] and
 18-1    proceed to the next offeror in the order of the selection ranking
 18-2    until a contract [agreement] is reached or all proposals are
 18-3    rejected.
 18-4          (g) [(h)]  In determining best value for the district, the
 18-5    district is not restricted to considering price alone, but may
 18-6    consider any other factor stated in the selection criteria.
 18-7          SECTION 9.  Subsection (b), Section 44.040, Education Code,
 18-8    is amended to read as follows:
 18-9          (b)  Sections 271.021, 271.022, 271.026, 271.027(a), and
18-10    271.0275-271.030, Local Government Code, apply to a competitive
18-11    bidding process under this section.  Section 271.027(b), Local
18-12    Government Code, does not apply to a bid or proposal submitted
18-13    under this section.
18-14          SECTION 10.  Section 44.041, Education Code, is amended to
18-15    read as follows:
18-17    OR REPAIR.  (a)  A school district may award job order contracts
18-18    for the minor construction, repair, rehabilitation, or alteration
18-19    of a facility if the work is of a recurring nature but the delivery
18-20    times are indefinite and indefinite quantities and orders are
18-21    awarded substantially on the basis of predescribed and prepriced
18-22    tasks.
18-23          (b)  The school district may establish contractual unit
18-24    prices for a job order contract by:
18-25                (1)  specifying one or more published construction unit
18-26    price books and the applicable divisions or line items; or
 19-1                (2)  providing a list of work items and requiring the
 19-2    offerors to bid or propose one or more coefficients or multipliers
 19-3    to be applied to the price book or work items as the price
 19-4    proposal.
 19-5          (c)  The school district shall advertise for, receive, and
 19-6    publicly open [competitive] sealed proposals for job order
 19-7    contracts [based on time and material rates for various types and
 19-8    classifications of work.  The rates under a job order contract
 19-9    shall be in effect for at least six months and for not longer than
19-10    two years].
19-11          (d) [(c)]  The district may require offerors to submit
19-12    additional information besides rates, including experience, past
19-13    performance, and proposed personnel and methodology.
19-14          (e) [(d)]  The district may award job order contracts to one
19-15    or more job order contractors in connection with each solicitation
19-16    of bids or [based on price] proposals[, experience, past
19-17    performance, proposed personnel and methodology, safety record, and
19-18    other appropriate factors].
19-19          (f) [(e)]  An order for a job or project under the job order
19-20    contract must be signed by the district's representative and the
19-21    contractor.  The order may be a fixed price, lump-sum contract
19-22    based substantially on contractual unit pricing applied to
19-23    estimated quantities [a statement of work negotiated between the
19-24    district or its representative and the contractor,] or [the order]
19-25    may be a unit price order based on the [estimated] quantities and
19-26    line items delivered.
 20-1          (g)  The contractor shall provide payment and performance
 20-2    bonds, if required by law, based on the amount or estimated amount
 20-3    of any order.
 20-4          (h)  The base term of a job order contract is for the period
 20-5    and with any renewal option that the district sets forth in the
 20-6    request for proposals.  If the district fails to advertise that
 20-7    term, the base term may not exceed two years and is not renewable
 20-8    without further advertisement and solicitation of proposals.
 20-9          (i)  If a job order contract or an order issued under the
20-10    contract requires engineering or architectural services that
20-11    constitute the practice of engineering within the meaning of The
20-12    Texas Engineering Practice Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil
20-13    Statutes) or the practice of architecture within the meaning of
20-14    Chapter 478, Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular Session, 1937
20-15    (Article 249a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), those services shall
20-16    be provided in accordance with applicable law.
20-17          SECTION 11.  Section 51.779, Education Code, is amended to
20-18    read as follows:
20-20    PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES.  (a)  An institution that is
20-21    considering a construction contract using a method authorized by
20-22    this subchapter must, before advertising, determine which method
20-23    [Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, the board of an
20-24    institution using competitive sealed proposals to select a
20-25    contractor for construction services, to select a construction
20-26    manager, or to award a job order contract for construction services
 21-1    shall base its selection or award on a combination of price and
 21-2    other factors that the board determines] provides the best value
 21-3    for [to] the institution.
 21-4          (b)  The [An] institution shall base its selection among the
 21-5    offerors on criteria established by the institution.  The
 21-6    institution shall publish in the request for bids, proposals, or
 21-7    qualifications the specific criteria that will be used to evaluate
 21-8    the offerors and the relative weights, if any, given to the
 21-9    criteria [using competitive sealed proposals may discuss proposals
21-10    with offerors after proposals have been opened to allow for
21-11    clarification and changes.  The institution shall take adequate
21-12    precautions to ensure that information from competing proposals is
21-13    not disclosed to other offerors].
21-14          (c)  The institution shall document the basis of its
21-15    selection  and shall make the evaluations public on or before the
21-16    award of the contract.
21-17          SECTION 12.  Subdivision (3), Subsection (a), Section 51.780,
21-18    Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
21-19                (3)  "Design criteria package" means a set of documents
21-20    that provides sufficient information to permit a design-build firm
21-21    to prepare a response to an institution's request for
21-22    qualifications and any additional information requested, including
21-23    criteria for selection [proposals].  The design criteria package
21-24    must specify criteria the institution considers necessary to
21-25    describe the project and may include, as appropriate, the legal
21-26    description of the site, survey information concerning the site,
 22-1    interior space requirements, special material requirements,
 22-2    material quality standards, conceptual criteria for the project,
 22-3    special equipment requirements, cost or budget estimates, time
 22-4    schedules, quality assurance and quality control requirements, site
 22-5    development requirements, applicable codes and ordinances,
 22-6    provisions for utilities, parking requirements, or any other
 22-7    requirement, as applicable.
 22-8          SECTION 13.  Subsections (f) and (k), Section 51.780,
 22-9    Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
22-10          (f)  The board or its representative shall evaluate
22-11    statements of qualifications [proposals] and select a design-build
22-12    firm in two phases:
22-13                (1)  In phase one, the board or its representative
22-14    shall prepare a request for qualifications and evaluate each
22-15    offeror's experience, technical competence, and capability to
22-16    perform, the past performance of the offeror's team and members of
22-17    the team, and other appropriate factors submitted by the team or
22-18    firm in response to the request for qualifications, except that
22-19    cost-related or price-related evaluation factors are not permitted.
22-20    Each offeror must certify to the board that each engineer or
22-21    architect that is a member of its team was selected based on
22-22    demonstrated competence and qualifications.  The board or its
22-23    representative shall qualify a maximum of five [potential] offerors
22-24    to submit additional information and, if the board or its
22-25    representative chooses, to interview for final selection [regarding
22-26    technical proposals, implementation, and costing methodologies in
 23-1    response to a formal request for proposals based on the design
 23-2    criteria package].
 23-3                (2)  In phase two, the board or its representative
 23-4    shall evaluate the information submitted by the offerors on the
 23-5    basis of the selection criteria stated in the request for
 23-6    qualifications and the results of any interview.  The board or its
 23-7    representative may request additional information regarding
 23-8    demonstrated competence and qualifications, considerations of the
 23-9    safety and long-term durability of the project, the feasibility of
23-10    implementing the project as proposed, the ability of the offeror to
23-11    meet schedules, costing methodology, or other factors as
23-12    appropriate.  The board or its representative [institution] may not
23-13    require offerors to submit detailed engineering or architectural
23-14    designs [design] as part of the proposal.  The board or its
23-15    representative shall rank each proposal submitted on the basis of
23-16    the criteria specified in the request for qualifications.  The
23-17    board or its representative shall select the design-build firm that
23-18    submits the proposal offering the best value for the institution on
23-19    the basis of the published selection criteria and on its ranking
23-20    evaluations.  The board or its representative shall first attempt
23-21    in good faith to negotiate with the selected offeror a contract on
23-22    fair and reasonable terms.  If the board or its representative is
23-23    unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the selected
23-24    offeror, the institution shall, formally and in writing, end all
23-25    negotiations with that offeror and proceed to negotiate with the
23-26    next offeror in the order of the selection ranking until a contract
 24-1    is reached or negotiations with all ranked offerors end.
 24-2          (k)  A payment or performance bond is not required for, and
 24-3    may not provide coverage for, the portion of a design-build
 24-4    contract under this section that includes design services only.  If
 24-5    a fixed contract amount or guaranteed maximum price has not been
 24-6    determined at the time a design-build contract is awarded, the
 24-7    penal sums of the performance and payment bonds delivered to the
 24-8    institution shall each be in an amount equal to the project budget,
 24-9    as specified in the design criteria package.  The design-build firm
24-10    shall deliver the bonds not later than the 10th day after the date
24-11    the design-build firm executes the contract unless the design-build
24-12    firm furnishes a bid bond or other financial security acceptable to
24-13    the institution to ensure that the design-build firm will furnish
24-14    the required performance and payment bonds when a guaranteed
24-15    maximum price is established.
24-16          SECTION 14.  Subsections (b) and (c), Section 51.781,
24-17    Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
24-18          (b)  A construction manager-agent is a sole proprietorship,
24-19    partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that provides
24-20    consultation to the institution regarding construction,
24-21    rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility.  An
24-22    institution using the construction manager-agent method may, under
24-23    the contract between the institution and the construction
24-24    manager-agent, require the construction manager-agent to provide
24-25    administrative personnel, equipment necessary to perform duties
24-26    under this section, and on-site management and other services
 25-1    specified in the contract.  A construction manager-agent represents
 25-2    the institution in a fiduciary capacity[, except that it may
 25-3    perform general conditions as provided by the contract].
 25-4          (c)  Before or concurrently with selecting a construction
 25-5    manager-agent, the board shall select or designate an engineer or
 25-6    architect who shall prepare the construction documents for the
 25-7    project and who has full responsibility for complying with The
 25-8    Texas Engineering Practice Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil
 25-9    Statutes) or Chapter 478, Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular
25-10    Session, 1937 (Article 249a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as
25-11    applicable.  If the engineer or architect is not a full-time
25-12    employee of the institution, the board shall select the engineer or
25-13    architect on the basis of demonstrated competence and
25-14    qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code.
25-15    The institution's engineer or architect may not serve, alone or in
25-16    combination with another person, as the construction manager-agent
25-17    unless the engineer or architect is hired to serve as the
25-18    construction manager-agent under a separate or concurrent
25-19    procurement conducted in accordance with this subchapter.  This
25-20    subsection does not prohibit the institution's engineer or
25-21    architect from providing customary construction phase services
25-22    under the engineer's or architect's original professional service
25-23    agreement in accordance with applicable licensing laws.
25-24          SECTION 15.  Sections 51.782, 51.783, and 51.784, Education
25-25    Code, are amended to read as follows:
 26-1    MANAGER-AT-RISK.  (a)  An institution may use the construction
 26-2    manager-at-risk method for the construction, rehabilitation,
 26-3    alteration, or repair of a facility.  In using that method and in
 26-4    entering into a contract for the services of a construction
 26-5    manager-at-risk, a board shall follow the procedures prescribed by
 26-6    this section.
 26-7          (b)  A construction manager-at-risk is a sole proprietorship,
 26-8    partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that assumes the
 26-9    risk for construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of a
26-10    facility at the contracted price as a general contractor and
26-11    provides consultation to the institution regarding construction
26-12    during and after the design of the facility.
26-13          (c)  Before or concurrently with selecting a construction
26-14    manager-at-risk, the board shall select or designate an engineer or
26-15    architect who shall prepare the construction documents for the
26-16    project and who has full responsibility for complying with The
26-17    Texas Engineering Practice Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil
26-18    Statutes) or Chapter 478, Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular
26-19    Session, 1937 (Article 249a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as
26-20    applicable.  If the engineer or architect is not a full-time
26-21    employee of the institution, the board shall select the engineer or
26-22    architect on the basis of demonstrated competence and
26-23    qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code.
26-24    The institution's engineer, architect, or construction
26-25    manager-agent for a project may not serve, alone or in combination
26-26    with another, as the construction manager-at-risk.
 27-1          (d)  The board shall provide or contract for, independently
 27-2    of the construction manager-at-risk, the inspection services, the
 27-3    testing of construction materials engineering, and the verification
 27-4    testing services necessary for acceptance of the facility by the
 27-5    institution.  The board shall select those services for which it
 27-6    contracts in accordance with Section 2254.004, Government Code.
 27-7          (e)  The board shall select the construction manager-at-risk
 27-8    in either a one-step or two-step process.  The board shall prepare
 27-9    a request for [competitive sealed] proposals, in the case of a
27-10    one-step process, or a request for qualifications, in the case of a
27-11    two-step process, that includes general information on the project
27-12    site, project scope, schedule, selection criteria, estimated
27-13    budget, and the time and place for receipt of proposals or
27-14    qualifications, as applicable, a statement as to whether the
27-15    selection process is a one-step or two-step process, and other
27-16    information that may assist the board in its selection of a
27-17    construction manager-at-risk.  The board shall state the selection
27-18    criteria in the request for proposals or qualifications, as
27-19    applicable.  The selection criteria may include the offeror's
27-20    experience, past performance, safety record, proposed personnel and
27-21    methodology, and other appropriate factors that demonstrate the
27-22    capability of the construction manager-at-risk.  If a one-step
27-23    process is used, the board may request, as part of the offeror's
27-24    proposal, proposed fees and prices for fulfilling the general
27-25    conditions.  If a two-step process is used, the board may not
27-26    request fees or prices in step one.  In step two, the  [The] board
 28-1    may request that five or fewer offerors, selected solely on the
 28-2    basis of qualifications, provide additional information, including
 28-3    [proposals provide] the construction manager-at-risk's [manager's]
 28-4    proposed fee and its price for fulfilling the general conditions.
 28-5    [The board shall state the selection criteria in the request for
 28-6    proposals.  The selection criteria may include the offeror's
 28-7    experience, past performance, safety record, proposed personnel and
 28-8    methodology, and other appropriate factors that demonstrate the
 28-9    capability of the construction manager.]
28-10          (f)  The board shall publish the request for qualifications
28-11    [proposals] in a manner prescribed by the board.
28-12          (g)  At each step, the [The board may provide for
28-13    prequalifying offerors before proposals are submitted.
28-14    Prequalification may not be a conclusive determination that an
28-15    offeror offers the best value to the institution, and a
28-16    prequalified offeror may be rejected on the basis of subsequently
28-17    discovered information.  A failure to prequalify does not bar a
28-18    subsequent determination that an offeror offers the best value to
28-19    the institution with respect to a given proposal.]
28-20          [(h)  The] board shall receive, publicly open, and read aloud
28-21    the names of the offerors.  At the appropriate step, the board
28-22    shall also read aloud all fees and prices stated in [and the
28-23    monetary proposals, if any, for] each proposal.  Within 45 days
28-24    after the date of opening the proposals, the board or its
28-25    representative shall evaluate and rank each proposal submitted in
28-26    relation to the criteria set forth in the request for proposals.
 29-1          (h) [(i)]  The board or its representative shall select the
 29-2    offeror that submits the proposal that offers the best value for
 29-3    [to] the institution based on the published selection criteria and
 29-4    on its ranking evaluation.  The board or its representative shall
 29-5    first attempt in good faith to negotiate with the selected offeror
 29-6    a contract on fair and reasonable terms.  If the board or its
 29-7    representative is unable to negotiate [reach] a satisfactory
 29-8    contract [agreement] with the selected offeror, the board or its
 29-9    representative shall, formally and in writing, end negotiations
29-10    with that offeror [terminate further discussions] and proceed to
29-11    negotiate with the next offeror in the order of the selection
29-12    ranking until a contract [agreement] is reached or negotiations
29-13    with all ranked offerors end [all proposals are rejected].
29-14          (i) [(j)]  A construction manager-at-risk shall publicly
29-15    advertise, in the manner prescribed by the institution, and receive
29-16    bids or [and solicit either competitive bids or competitive sealed]
29-17    proposals from trade contractors or subcontractors for the
29-18    performance of all major elements of the work other than the minor
29-19    work that may be included in the general conditions.  A
29-20    construction manager-at-risk may seek to perform portions of the
29-21    work itself if the construction manager-at-risk submits its bid or
29-22    proposal for those portions of the work in the same manner as all
29-23    other trade contractors or subcontractors and if the board
29-24    determines that the construction manager-at-risk's bid or proposal
29-25    provides the best value for the institution.
29-26          (j) [(k)]  The construction manager-at-risk and the board or
 30-1    its representative shall review [receive and open] all trade
 30-2    contractor or subcontractor bids or proposals in a manner that does
 30-3    not disclose the contents of the bid or proposal during the
 30-4    selection process to a person not employed by the construction
 30-5    manager-at-risk, engineer, architect, or institution.  All bids or
 30-6    proposals shall be made public within seven days after the date of
 30-7    final selection.
 30-8          (k) [(l)]  If the construction manager-at-risk reviews,
 30-9    evaluates, and recommends to the board a bid or proposal from a
30-10    trade contractor or subcontractor but the board requires another
30-11    bid or proposal to be accepted, the institution shall compensate
30-12    the construction manager-at-risk by a change in price, time, or
30-13    guaranteed maximum cost for any additional cost and risk that the
30-14    construction manager-at-risk may incur because of the board's
30-15    requirement that another bid or proposal be accepted.
30-16          (l)  If a selected trade contractor or subcontractor defaults
30-17    in the performance of its work or fails to execute a subcontract
30-18    after being selected in accordance with this section, the
30-19    construction manager-at-risk may, without advertising, itself
30-20    fulfill the contract requirements or select a replacement trade
30-21    contractor or subcontractor to fulfill the contract requirements.
30-22          (m)  If a fixed contract amount or guaranteed maximum price
30-23    has not been determined at the time the contract is awarded, the
30-24    penal sums of the performance and payment bonds delivered to the
30-25    institution must each be in an amount equal to the project budget,
30-26    as set forth in the request for qualifications.  The construction
 31-1    manager shall deliver the bonds not later than the 10th day after
 31-2    the date the construction manager executes the contract unless the
 31-3    construction manager furnishes a bid bond or other financial
 31-4    security acceptable to the institution to ensure that the
 31-5    construction manager will furnish the required performance and
 31-6    payment bonds when a guaranteed maximum price is established.
 31-9    contractor for construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair
31-10    services for a facility through competitive sealed proposals, a
31-11    board shall follow the procedures prescribed by this section.
31-12          (b)  The board shall select or designate an engineer or
31-13    architect to prepare construction documents for the project.  The
31-14    selected or designated engineer or architect has full
31-15    responsibility for complying with The Texas Engineering Practice
31-16    Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) or Chapter 478,
31-17    Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular Session, 1937 (Article 249a,
31-18    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as applicable.  If the engineer or
31-19    architect is not a full-time employee of the institution, the board
31-20    shall select the engineer or architect on the basis of demonstrated
31-21    competence and qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004,
31-22    Government Code.
31-23          (c)  The board shall provide or contract for, independently
31-24    of the contractor, the inspection services, the testing of
31-25    construction materials engineering, and the verification testing
31-26    services necessary for acceptance of the facility by the
 32-1    institution.  The board shall select those services for which it
 32-2    contracts in accordance with Section 2254.004, Government Code, and
 32-3    shall identify them in the request for proposals.
 32-4          (d)  The board shall prepare a request for competitive sealed
 32-5    proposals that includes construction documents, selection criteria,
 32-6    estimated budget, project scope, schedule, and other information
 32-7    that contractors may require to respond to the request.  The board
 32-8    shall state in the request for proposals the selection criteria
 32-9    that will be used in selecting the successful offeror [in the
32-10    request for proposals].  [The selection criteria may include the
32-11    offeror's experience, past performance, safety record, proposed
32-12    personnel and methodology, and other appropriate factors that
32-13    demonstrate the capability of the contractor.]
32-14          (e)  The board shall publish notice of the request for
32-15    proposals in a manner prescribed by the board.
32-16          (f)  [The board may provide for prequalifying offerors before
32-17    proposals are submitted.  Prequalification may not be a conclusive
32-18    determination that an offeror offers the best value to the
32-19    institution, and a prequalified offeror may be rejected on the
32-20    basis of subsequently discovered information.  A failure to
32-21    prequalify does not bar a subsequent determination that an offeror
32-22    offers the best value to the institution with respect to a given
32-23    proposal.]
32-24          [(g)]  The board shall receive, publicly open, and read aloud
32-25    the names of the offerors and, if any are required to be stated,
32-26    all prices [the monetary proposals, if any,] stated in each
 33-1    proposal.  Within 45 days after the date of opening the proposals
 33-2    the board shall evaluate and rank each proposal submitted in
 33-3    relation to the published selection criteria.
 33-4          (g) [(h)]  The board shall select the offeror that offers the
 33-5    best value for [to] the institution based on the published
 33-6    selection criteria and on its ranking evaluation.  The board shall
 33-7    first attempt in good faith to negotiate with the selected offeror
 33-8    a contract on fair and reasonable terms.  The board and its
 33-9    engineer or architect may discuss with the selected offeror options
33-10    for a scope or time modification and any price change associated
33-11    with the modification [cost reduction].  If the board is unable to
33-12    reach a contract [agreement] with the selected offeror, the board
33-13    shall, formally and in writing, end negotiations with that offeror
33-14    [terminate further discussions] and proceed to the next offeror in
33-15    the order of the selection ranking until a contract [agreement] is
33-16    reached or all proposals are rejected.
33-17          (h) [(i)]  In determining best value for the institution, the
33-18    board is not restricted to considering price alone but may consider
33-19    any other factor stated in the selection criteria.
33-21    OR REPAIR.  (a)  An institution may award job order contracts for
33-22    the minor construction, repair, rehabilitation, or alteration of a
33-23    facility if the work is of a recurring nature but the delivery
33-24    times are indefinite and indefinite quantities and orders are
33-25    awarded substantially on the basis of predescribed and prepriced
33-26    tasks.
 34-1          (b)  The institution may establish contractual unit prices
 34-2    for a job order contract by:
 34-3                (1)  specifying one or more published construction unit
 34-4    price books and the applicable divisions or line items; or
 34-5                (2)  providing a list of work items and requiring the
 34-6    offerors to bid or propose one or more coefficients or multipliers
 34-7    to be applied to the price book or work items as the price
 34-8    proposal.
 34-9          (c)  The board shall advertise for, receive, and publicly
34-10    open [competitive] sealed proposals for job order contracts [based
34-11    on time and material rates for various types and classifications of
34-12    work.  The rates under a job order contract shall be in effect for
34-13    at least six months and for not longer than two years].
34-14          (d) [(c)]  The board may require offerors to submit
34-15    additional information besides rates, including experience, past
34-16    performance, and proposed personnel and methodology.
34-17          (e) [(d)]  The board may award job order contracts to one or
34-18    more job order contractors in connection with each solicitation of
34-19    bids or [based on price] proposals[, experience, past performance,
34-20    proposed personnel and methodology, safety record, and other
34-21    appropriate factors].
34-22          (f) [(e)]  An order for a job or project under the job order
34-23    contract must be signed by the board's representative and the
34-24    contractor.  The order may be a fixed price, lump-sum contract
34-25    based substantially on contractual unit pricing applied to
34-26    estimated quantities [a statement of work negotiated between the
 35-1    board or its representative and the contractor,] or [the order] may
 35-2    be a unit price order based on the [estimated] quantities and line
 35-3    items delivered.
 35-4          (g)  The contractor shall provide payment and performance
 35-5    bonds, if required by law, based on the amount or estimated amount
 35-6    of any order.
 35-7          (h)  The base term of a job order contract is for the period
 35-8    and with any renewal options that the institution sets forth in the
 35-9    request for proposals.  If the institution fails to advertise that
35-10    term, the base term may not exceed two years and is not renewable
35-11    without further advertisement and solicitation of proposals.
35-12          (i)  If a job order contract or an order issued under the
35-13    contract requires engineering or architectural services that
35-14    constitute the practice of engineering within the meaning of The
35-15    Texas Engineering Practice Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Texas Civil
35-16    Statutes) or the practice of architecture within the meaning of
35-17    Chapter 478, Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular Session, 1937
35-18    (Article 249a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), those services shall
35-19    be provided in accordance with applicable law.
35-20          SECTION 16.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.  The
35-21    changes in law made by this Act apply only to a contract for which
35-22    requests for bids, proposals, or qualifications are published or
35-23    distributed on or after that date.
35-24          SECTION 17.  The importance of this legislation and the
35-25    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
35-26    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 36-1    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 36-2    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.