1-1     By:  Madla                                            S.B. No. 1029
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 9, 1999; March 10, 1999, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Economic Development;
 1-4     April 28, 1999, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
 1-5     Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 6, Nays 0; April 28, 1999,
 1-6     sent to printer.)
 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 1029                   By:  Madla
 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-9                                   AN ACT
1-10     relating to the right of a person entitled to coverage under
1-11     certain health and accident insurance policies to select certain
1-12     health care practitioners.
1-14           SECTION 1.  Subsection (B), Section 2, Chapter 397, Acts of
1-15     the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 3.70-2,
1-16     Vernon's Texas Insurance Code), as amended by Chapters 946 and
1-17     1260, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is
1-18     amended to read as follows:
1-19           (B)  No policy of accident and sickness insurance shall make
1-20     benefits contingent upon treatment or examination by a particular
1-21     practitioner or by particular practitioners of the healing arts
1-22     hereinafter designated unless such policy contains a provision
1-23     designating the practitioner or practitioners who will be
1-24     recognized by the insurer and those who will not be recognized by
1-25     the insurer.  Such provision may be located in the "Exceptions" or
1-26     "Exceptions and Reductions" provisions, or elsewhere in the policy,
1-27     or by endorsement attached to the policy, at the insurer's option.
1-28     In designating the practitioners who will and will not be
1-29     recognized, such provision shall use the following terms:  Doctor
1-30     of Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy, Doctor of Dentistry, Doctor of
1-31     Chiropractic, Doctor of Optometry, Doctor of Podiatry, Licensed
1-32     Audiologist, Licensed Speech-language Pathologist, Doctor in
1-33     Psychology, Licensed Master Social Worker--Advanced Clinical
1-34     Practitioner, Licensed Dietitian, Licensed Professional Counselor,
1-35     Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Chemical
1-36     Dependency Counselor, Licensed Hearing Instrument [Aid] Fitter and
1-37     Dispenser, Advanced Practice Nurse, Physician Assistant, Licensed
1-38     Occupational Therapist, Licensed Physical Therapist, Licensed
1-39     Acupuncturist, and Licensed Psychological Associate.
1-40           For purposes of this Act, such designations shall have the
1-41     following meanings:
1-42           Doctor of Medicine:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of
1-43     Medical Examiners on the basis of the degree "Doctor of Medicine";
1-44           Doctor of Osteopathy:  One licensed by the Texas State Board
1-45     of Medical Examiners on the basis of the degree of "Doctor of
1-46     Osteopathy";
1-47           Doctor of Dentistry:  One licensed by the State Board of
1-48     Dental Examiners;
1-49           Doctor of Chiropractic:  One licensed by the Texas Board of
1-50     Chiropractic Examiners;
1-51           Doctor of Optometry:  One licensed by the Texas Optometry
1-52     Board;
1-53           Doctor of Podiatry:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of
1-54     Podiatric Medical Examiners;
1-55           Licensed Audiologist:  One with a master's or doctorate
1-56     degree in audiology from an accredited college or university and
1-57     who is licensed as an audiologist by the State Board of Examiners
1-58     for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology;
1-59           Licensed Speech-language Pathologist:  One with a master's or
1-60     doctorate degree in speech pathology or speech-language pathology
1-61     from an accredited college or university and who is licensed as a
1-62     speech-language pathologist by the State Board of Examiners for
1-63     Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology;
1-64           Doctor in Psychology:  One licensed by the Texas State Board
 2-1     of Examiners of Psychologists and certified as a Health Service
 2-2     Provider;
 2-3           Licensed Master Social Worker--Advanced Clinical
 2-4     Practitioner: One licensed by the Texas State Board of Social
 2-5     Worker Examiners as a Licensed Master Social Worker with the order
 2-6     of recognition of Advanced Clinical Practitioner;
 2-7           Licensed Dietitian:  One licensed by the Texas State Board of
 2-8     Examiners of Dietitians;
 2-9           Licensed Professional Counselor:  One licensed by the Texas
2-10     State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors;
2-11           Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist:  One licensed by the
2-12     Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists;
2-13           Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor:  One licensed by the
2-14     Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse;
2-15           Licensed Hearing Instrument [Aid] Fitter and Dispenser:  One
2-16     licensed by the State [Texas] Committee of Examiners in the Fitting
2-17     and Dispensing of Hearing Instruments;
2-18           Advanced Practice Nurse:  One licensed by the Board of Nurse
2-19     Examiners as a registered nurse and recognized by that board as an
2-20     advanced practice nurse;
2-21           Physician Assistant: One licensed by the Texas State Board of
2-22     Physician Assistant Examiners;
2-23           Licensed Occupational Therapist:  One licensed by the Texas
2-24     Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners;
2-25           Licensed Physical Therapist:  One licensed by the Texas Board
2-26     of Physical Therapy Examiners;
2-27           Licensed Acupuncturist:  One licensed by the Texas State
2-28     Board of Medical Examiners as an acupuncturist; and
2-29           Licensed Psychological Associate:  One licensed by the Texas
2-30     State Board of Examiners of Psychologists and practicing under the
2-31     supervision of a licensed psychologist.
2-32           SECTION 2.  Section 1, Article 21.52, Insurance Code, is
2-33     amended to read as follows:
2-34           Sec. 1.  DEFINITIONS.  As used in this article:
2-35                 (a)  "health insurance policy" means any individual,
2-36     group, blanket, or franchise insurance policy, insurance agreement,
2-37     or group hospital service contract, providing benefits for medical
2-38     or surgical expenses incurred as a result of an accident or
2-39     sickness;
2-40                 (b)  "doctor of podiatric medicine" includes D.P.M.,
2-41     podiatrist, doctor of surgical chiropody, D.S.C. and chiropodist;
2-42                 (c)  "doctor of optometry" includes optometrist, doctor
2-43     of optometry, and O.D.;
2-44                 (d)  "doctor of chiropractic" means a person who is
2-45     licensed by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners to practice
2-46     chiropractic;
2-47                 (e)  "licensed dentist" means a person who is licensed
2-48     to practice dentistry by the State Board of Dental Examiners;
2-49                 (f)  "licensed audiologist" means a person who has
2-50     received a master's or doctorate degree in audiology from an
2-51     accredited college or university and is licensed as an audiologist
2-52     by the State Board [Committee] of Examiners for Speech-Language
2-53     Pathology and Audiology;
2-54                 (g)  "licensed speech-language pathologist" means a
2-55     person who has received a master's or doctorate degree in
2-56     speech-language pathology from an accredited college or university
2-57     and is licensed as a speech-language pathologist by the State Board
2-58     [Committee] of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and
2-59     Audiology;
2-60                 (h)  "licensed master social worker--advanced clinical
2-61     practitioner" means a person who is licensed by the Texas State
2-62     Board of Social Worker Examiners as a licensed master social worker
2-63     with the order of recognition of advanced clinical practitioner;
2-64                 (i)  "licensed dietitian" means a person who is
2-65     licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Dietitians;
2-66                 (j)  "licensed professional counselor" means a person
2-67     who is licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of
2-68     Professional Counselors;
2-69                 (k)  "psychologist" means a person licensed to practice
 3-1     psychology by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists;
 3-2                 (l)  "licensed marriage and family therapist" means a
 3-3     person who is licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of
 3-4     Marriage and Family Therapists;
 3-5                 (m)  "licensed chemical dependency counselor" means a
 3-6     person who is licensed by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug
 3-7     Abuse;
 3-8                 (n)  "licensed hearing instrument [aid] fitter and
 3-9     dispenser" means a person who is licensed by the State Committee
3-10     [Texas Board] of Examiners in the Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing
3-11     Instruments; [Aids]
3-12                 (o)  "licensed psychological associate" means a person
3-13     who is licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners of
3-14     Psychologists and who practices under the supervision of a licensed
3-15     psychologist;
3-16                 (p)  "occupational therapist" means a person who is
3-17     licensed to practice occupational therapy by the Texas Board of
3-18     Occupational Therapy Examiners; [and]
3-19                 (q)  "physical therapist" means a person who practices
3-20     physical therapy and is licensed by the Texas Board of Physical
3-21     Therapy Examiners; and
3-22                 (r)  "licensed acupuncturist" means a person licensed
3-23     to practice acupuncture by the Texas State Board of Medical
3-24     Examiners.
3-25           SECTION 3.  Section 3, Article 21.52, Insurance Code, as
3-26     amended by Chapter 541, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
3-27     Session, 1995, and as reenacted and amended by Chapter 946, Acts of
3-28     the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to read as
3-29     follows:
3-30           Sec. 3.  SELECTION OF PRACTITIONERS.  (a)  Any person who is
3-31     issued, who is a party to, or who is a beneficiary under any health
3-32     insurance policy delivered, renewed, or issued for delivery in this
3-33     state by any insurance company, association, or organization to
3-34     which this article applies may select:
3-35                 (1)  a licensed doctor of podiatric medicine, a
3-36     licensed dentist, or a doctor of chiropractic to perform the
3-37     medical or surgical services or procedures scheduled in the policy
3-38     which fall within the scope of the license of that practitioner;
3-39                 (2)  [,] a licensed doctor of optometry to perform the
3-40     services or procedures scheduled in the policy which fall within
3-41     the scope of the license of that doctor of optometry;
3-42                 (3)  [,] an occupational therapist to provide the
3-43     services scheduled in the policy which fall within the scope of the
3-44     license of that occupational therapist;
3-45                 (4)  [,] a physical therapist to provide the services
3-46     scheduled in the policy which fall within the scope of the license
3-47     of that physical therapist;
3-48                 (5)  [,] a licensed audiologist to measure hearing for
3-49     the purpose of determining the presence or extent of a hearing loss
3-50     and to provide aural rehabilitation services to a person with a
3-51     hearing loss if those services or procedures are scheduled in the
3-52     policy;
3-53                 (6)  [,] a licensed speech-language pathologist to
3-54     evaluate speech and language and to provide habilitative and
3-55     rehabilitative services to restore speech or language loss or to
3-56     correct a speech or language impairment if those services or
3-57     procedures are scheduled in the policy;
3-58                 (7)  [,] a licensed master social worker--advanced
3-59     clinical practitioner to provide the services that fall within the
3-60     scope of the license of such certified practitioner and which are
3-61     specified as services within the terms of the policy of insurance,
3-62     including the provision of direct, diagnostic, preventive, or
3-63     clinical services to individuals, families, and groups whose
3-64     functioning is threatened or affected by social or psychological
3-65     stress or health impairment, if those services or procedures are
3-66     scheduled in the policy;
3-67                 (8)  [,] a licensed dietitian including a provisional
3-68     licensed dietitian under a licensed dietitian's supervision to
3-69     provide the services that fall within the scope of the license of
 4-1     that dietitian if those services are scheduled in the policy;
 4-2                 (9)  [,] a licensed professional counselor to provide
 4-3     the services that fall within the scope of the license of that
 4-4     professional if those services are scheduled in the policy;
 4-5                 (10)  [,] a licensed marriage and family therapist to
 4-6     provide the services that fall within the scope of the license of
 4-7     that professional if those services are scheduled in the policy;
 4-8                 (11)  [,] a psychologist to perform the services or
 4-9     procedures scheduled in the policy that fall within the scope of
4-10     the license of that psychologist;
4-11                 (12)  a licensed acupuncturist to perform the services
4-12     or procedures scheduled in the policy that fall within the scope of
4-13     the license of that practitioner;
4-14                 (13)  [,] a licensed hearing instrument [aid] fitter
4-15     and dispenser to provide the services or procedures scheduled in
4-16     the policy that fall within the scope of the license of that
4-17     practitioner; [,] or
4-18                 (14)  a licensed psychological associate to provide the
4-19     services that fall within the scope of the license of that
4-20     professional if those services are scheduled in the policy.
4-21           (b)  The services of a licensed master social
4-22     worker--advanced clinical practitioner, licensed professional
4-23     counselor, or licensed marriage and family therapist that are
4-24     included in this Act may require a professional recommendation by a
4-25     doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy unless the health
4-26     insurance policy terms do not require such a recommendation.
4-27           (c)  The payment or reimbursement by the insurance company,
4-28     association, or organization for [those] services or procedures in
4-29     accordance with the payment schedule or the payment provisions in
4-30     the policy shall not be denied because the same were performed by a
4-31     licensed doctor of podiatric medicine, a licensed doctor of
4-32     optometry, a licensed doctor of chiropractic, a licensed dentist,
4-33     an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a licensed
4-34     audiologist, a licensed speech-language pathologist, a licensed
4-35     master social worker--advanced clinical practitioner, a licensed
4-36     dietitian, a licensed professional counselor, a licensed marriage
4-37     and family therapist, a psychologist, a licensed psychological
4-38     associate, a licensed acupuncturist, or a licensed hearing
4-39     instrument [aid] fitter and dispenser.
4-40           (d)  There shall not be any classification, differentiation,
4-41     or other discrimination in the payment schedule or the payment
4-42     provisions in a health insurance policy, nor in the amount or
4-43     manner of payment or reimbursement thereunder, between scheduled
4-44     services or procedures when performed by a doctor of podiatric
4-45     medicine, a doctor of optometry, a doctor of chiropractic, a
4-46     licensed dentist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist,
4-47     a licensed audiologist, a licensed speech-language pathologist, a
4-48     licensed master social worker--advanced clinical practitioner, a
4-49     licensed dietitian, a licensed professional counselor, a licensed
4-50     marriage and family therapist, a psychologist, a licensed
4-51     psychological associate, a licensed acupuncturist, or a licensed
4-52     hearing instrument [aid] fitter and dispenser which fall within the
4-53     scope of that practitioner's [his] license or certification and the
4-54     same services or procedures when performed by any other
4-55     practitioner of the healing arts whose services or procedures are
4-56     covered by the policy.
4-57           (e)  Any provision in a health insurance policy contrary to
4-58     or in conflict with the provisions of this article shall, to the
4-59     extent of the conflict, be void, but such invalidity shall not
4-60     affect the validity of the other provisions of this policy.  Any
4-61     presently approved policy form containing any provision in conflict
4-62     with the requirements of this Act shall be brought into compliance
4-63     with this Act by the use of riders and endorsements which have been
4-64     approved by the commissioner [State Board of Insurance] or by the
4-65     filing of new or revised policy forms for approval by the
4-66     commissioner [State Board of Insurance].
4-67           SECTION 4.  Section 3, Article 21.52, Insurance Code, as
4-68     amended by Chapter 429, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
4-69     Session, 1995, and as reenacted and amended by Chapter 946, Acts of
 5-1     the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is repealed.
 5-2           SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999, and
 5-3     applies only to a health insurance policy that is delivered, issued
 5-4     for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2000.  A health
 5-5     insurance policy that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed
 5-6     before January 1, 2000, is governed by the law as it existed
 5-7     immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
 5-8     continued in effect for that purpose.
 5-9           SECTION 6.  The importance of this legislation and the
5-10     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
5-11     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
5-12     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
5-13     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
5-14                                  * * * * *