1-1     By:  Fraser                                           S.B. No. 1063
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 9, 1999; March 11, 1999, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Economic Development;
 1-4     April 23, 1999, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
 1-5     Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0; April 23, 1999,
 1-6     sent to printer.)
 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 1063                  By:  Fraser
 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-9                                   AN ACT
1-10     relating to the operation of a statewide rural health care system.
1-12           SECTION 1.  (a)  GOALS OF SYSTEM.  The statewide rural health
1-13     care system established under Chapter 20C, Insurance Code, is
1-14     designed to incorporate consumer-oriented attributes considered
1-15     important to a successful health care organization.  These
1-16     attributes include consideration of patient rights, preservation of
1-17     patient rights, preservation of the physician-patient relationship,
1-18     emphasis on prevention and wellness, an appropriate credentialing
1-19     and peer review program, and emphasis on quality improvement,
1-20     including obtaining accreditation.
1-21           (b)  PATIENT RIGHTS POLICIES.  The statewide rural health
1-22     care system is intended to incorporate patient-focused
1-23     considerations that include:
1-24                 (1)  open communication;
1-25                 (2)  informed consent;
1-26                 (3)  protection of confidentiality and privacy;
1-27                 (4)  full disclosure of program policies and procedures
1-28     to patients and providers;
1-29                 (5)  coverage of emergency care;
1-30                 (6)  disclosure of compensation arrangements with
1-31     providers; and
1-32                 (7)  efficient appeal of coverage decisions.
1-33           (c)  PATIENT-PHYSICIAN RELATIONSHIP.  The statewide rural
1-34     health care system is intended to preserve significant traditional
1-35     and ethical relationships between a patient and the patient's
1-36     health care provider by ensuring that:
1-37                 (1)  medical management does not intrude on the
1-38     delivery of quality patient care;
1-39                 (2)  the process of making health care decisions
1-40     remains a matter between a patient and the patient's health care
1-41     provider; and
1-42                 (3)  nothing in the system will place a health care
1-43     provider in an adverse relationship with a patient.
1-44           (d)  PUBLIC HEALTH AND PREVENTION.  The statewide rural
1-45     health care system is intended to use incentives to promote healthy
1-46     communities and individuals by using a public health model that
1-47     focuses on health promotion, illness prevention, patient self-care
1-48     education, and incentives that encourage positive health behavior.
1-49           (e)  CREDENTIALS AND PEER REVIEW.  To ensure that enrollees
1-50     will receive quality health care, the statewide rural health care
1-51     system is intended to focus on processes for obtaining credentials
1-52     and performing peer review that take into consideration the unique
1-53     nature of rural communities and that track processes required under
1-54     federal and state law.  Local physicians and hospitals are intended
1-55     to retain responsibility for these processes.  These processes are
1-56     not intended to exclude otherwise qualified practitioners from
1-57     participating in the system.
1-58           (f)  QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND MANAGEMENT.  The statewide rural
1-59     health care system is intended to utilize standard guidelines
1-60     established by the National Committee on Quality Assurance and
1-61     other recognized accrediting organizations to ensure that the
1-62     program achieves its objectives of providing quality patient care
1-63     and to emphasize establishing benchmarks to measure program
1-64     outcomes that will be made available to the public through proper
 2-1     reporting procedures.
 2-2           SECTION 2.  Article 20C.02, Insurance Code, is amended to
 2-3     read as follows:
 2-4           Art. 20C.02.  DEFINITIONS. (a)  In this chapter:
 2-5                 (1)  "Board" means the board of directors of the
 2-6     system.
 2-7                 (2)  "Enrollee" means an individual entitled to receive
 2-8     health care services through a health care plan arranged for or
 2-9     provided by the system.
2-10                 (3)  "Health care services" has the meaning assigned by
2-11     Section 2, Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Article
2-12     20A.02, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).
2-13                 (4)  "Hospital provider" means a county hospital,
2-14     county hospital authority, hospital district, municipal hospital,
2-15     or municipal hospital authority.
2-16                 (5)  "Local health care provider" means:
2-17                       (A)  a person licensed, registered, or certified
2-18     as a health care practitioner in this state who resides in or
2-19     practices in a rural area in which the person provides health care
2-20     services; or
2-21                       (B)  a general or specialty hospital that is not
2-22     a hospital provider under this chapter.
2-23                 (6)  "Participating provider" means a hospital provider
2-24     that participates in the system.
2-25                 (7)  "Person" means an individual, professional
2-26     association, professional corporation, partnership, limited
2-27     liability corporation, limited liability partnership, or nonprofit
2-28     corporation, including a nonprofit corporation created under
2-29     Section 5.01(a), Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's
2-30     Texas Civil Statutes).
2-31                 (8)  "Rural area" means:
2-32                       (A)  a county with a population of 50,000 or
2-33     less;
2-34                       (B)  an area that is not delineated as an
2-35     urbanized area by the federal census bureau; or
2-36                       (C)  any other area designated as rural by rules
2-37     adopted by the commissioner, subject to Subsection (b) of this
2-38     article.
2-39                 (9)  "System" means the statewide rural health care
2-40     system established by this chapter.
2-41                 (10)  "Territorial jurisdiction" means the geographical
2-42     area in which a participating provider is obligated by law to
2-43     provide health care services.
2-44           (b)  In designating rural areas under Subsection (a)(8) of
2-45     this article, the commissioner shall consider any area that is
2-46     delineated as an urbanized area by the federal census bureau and:
2-47                 (1)  is contiguous with and not more than 10 miles away
2-48     from a rural area described by Subsection (a)(8)(A) or (B) of this
2-49     article;
2-50                 (2)  is sparsely populated,  compared to areas within a
2-51     10-mile radius that are delineated as urbanized areas by the
2-52     federal census bureau;
2-53                 (3)  has not increased in population in any single
2-54     calendar year in the seven years before the commissioner makes the
2-55     designation; and
2-56                 (4)  in which emergency or primary care services are
2-57     limited or unavailable in accordance with network access standards
2-58     imposed by the commissioner under the Texas Health Maintenance
2-59     Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code) and
2-60     in which those services would be made materially more accessible by
2-61     allowing access to care in a contiguous area that is eligible to
2-62     participate in the system.
2-63           SECTION 3.  Article 20C.03, Insurance Code, is amended to
2-64     read as follows:
2-65           Art. 20C.03.  ESTABLISHMENT OF SYSTEM. The statewide rural
2-66     health care system is established to arrange for or provide health
2-67     care services [on a prepaid basis] to enrollees who reside in rural
2-68     areas.
2-69           SECTION 4.  Article 20C.04, Insurance Code, is amended to
 3-1     read as follows:
 3-3     (a)  The commissioner shall designate as the system one
 3-4     organization created under Article 20C.05 of this code.
 3-5           (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) [(b)] of this
 3-6     article, if the system arranges for or provides health care
 3-7     services to enrollees in exchange for a predetermined payment per
 3-8     enrollee on a prepaid basis, the system must obtain a certificate
 3-9     of authority under, and [to be eligible for designation as the
3-10     system, the organization must] meet each requirement imposed by,
3-11     the Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A,
3-12     Vernon's Texas Insurance Code), as if the organization were a
3-13     person under the Act.
3-14           (c)  If the system seeks a certificate of authority under the
3-15     Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's
3-16     Texas Insurance Code), the commissioner by rule may provide
3-17     exceptions to the application of provisions of the Texas Health
3-18     Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance
3-19     Code) relating to mileage, distance, and network adequacy and
3-20     scope.
3-21           (d)  If the system seeks a certificate of authority under the
3-22     Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's
3-23     Texas Insurance Code), the [(b)  The] system shall meet all reserve
3-24     requirements required by the commissioner under the Texas Health
3-25     Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance
3-26     Code).  The system may fulfill the requirements of this subsection
3-27     through the purchase of reinsurance from insurance companies
3-28     approved for that purpose by the commissioner.
3-29           SECTION 5.  Subsection (a), Article 20C.07, Insurance Code,
3-30     is amended to read as follows:
3-31           (a)  The members of the board serve staggered six-year terms,
3-32     with the terms of six members expiring December 1 of each
3-33     even-numbered year [February 1 of each odd-numbered year].
3-34           SECTION 6.  Subsection (f), Article 20C.08, Insurance Code,
3-35     is amended to read as follows:
3-36           (f)  The board may [shall] appoint an advisory committee to
3-37     represent health care services, including representatives of rural,
3-38     urban, and  educational groups and organizations.  The advisory
3-39     committee shall meet at the will of the board and advise the board
3-40     on any matters as directed by the board [composed of:]
3-41                 [(1)  hospital administrators who represent nonprofit
3-42     and investor-owned facilities;]
3-43                 [(2)  representatives of hospital districts located in
3-44     urban areas;]
3-45                 [(3)  representatives of health care teaching
3-46     facilities;]
3-47                 [(4)  representatives of health care specialty
3-48     facilities;]
3-49                 [(5)  representatives of medical residency programs in
3-50     family practice; and]
3-51                 [(6)  representatives of rural health clinics,
3-52     federally qualified health centers, and ambulatory surgical
3-53     centers].
3-54           SECTION 7.  Article 20C.14, Insurance Code, is amended to
3-55     read as follows:
3-56           Art. 20C.14.  MANDATED PROVIDER[; EXCEPTION].  (a)  To the
3-57     extent consistent with federal law, the state shall award to the
3-58     system at least one of any state managed care contracts awarded to
3-59     provide health care services to beneficiaries of the Texas Medical
3-60     Assistance Program under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code, in the
3-61     rural areas within the territorial jurisdiction of the
3-62     participating providers.
3-63           (b)  [This article does not apply to a contract that expands
3-64     coverage of the Texas Medical Assistance Program under Chapter 32,
3-65     Human Resources Code, to certain children that is implemented
3-66     during the 1997-1998 state fiscal biennium, except that the system
3-67     shall receive a subcontract from the funding entity to provide
3-68     services to those children if the system elects to receive a
3-69     subcontract not later than November 1, 1997, the system provides
 4-1     the state share of matching funds for the entire population covered
 4-2     by the subcontract, and the subcontract does not cover an area that
 4-3     is included in the statutory territorial jurisdiction of a hospital
 4-4     district.  If the system elects not to receive a subcontract or to
 4-5     provide the state share of matching funds, then any entity that is
 4-6     selected by the state Medicaid contracting entity to provide health
 4-7     care to those children shall use local health care providers and
 4-8     hospital providers in establishing its provider network.]
 4-9           [(c)]  As a requirement of participation in any state
4-10     contract, the system must satisfactorily address the qualifications
4-11     for arranging to provide health care services to beneficiaries of
4-12     certain governmental health care programs as delineated in the
4-13     contractor's request for proposal, including:
4-14                 (1)  readiness reviews and adequacy of credentialing,
4-15     medical management, quality assurance, claims payment, information
4-16     management, provider and patient education, and complaint and
4-17     grievance procedures; and
4-18                 (2)  adequacy of physician and provider networks,
4-19     including such factors as diversity, geographic accessibility,
4-20     inclusion of physicians and other providers that have furnished a
4-21     significant amount of Medicaid or charity care to beneficiaries,
4-22     and tertiary and subspecialty services.
4-23           (c)  To the extent the system operates under a certificate of
4-24     authority issued under the Texas Health Maintenance Organization
4-25     Act (Chapter 20A, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code), the [(d) The]
4-26     system shall be reimbursed by the Medicaid contracting agency at
4-27     the state-defined capitation rate for each service area in which
4-28     the system operates.
4-29           (d) [(e)]  It is not a condition of participation for the
4-30     system to accept from the Medicaid contracting agency a capitation
4-31     rate which is lower than the state-defined capitation rate for each
4-32     service area in which the system operates.
4-33           (e) [(f)]  The state retains the right to cancel a contract
4-34     awarded under this article if the system is sold or dissolved.
4-35           SECTION 8.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
4-36           (b)  The term of a member of the board of directors of the
4-37     statewide rural health care system appointed before the effective
4-38     date of this Act expires December 1 of the year before the year the
4-39     term was to expire under Chapter 20C, Insurance Code, as that
4-40     chapter existed before amendment by this Act.
4-41           SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the
4-42     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
4-43     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
4-44     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
4-45     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
4-46                                  * * * * *