1-1     relating to systems and programs administered by the Teacher
 1-2     Retirement System of Texas.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 822.201, Government Code, is amended by
 1-5     amending Subsection (b), as amended by Chapters 330 and 1035, Acts
 1-6     of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, and adding
 1-7     Subsection (e) to read as follows:
 1-8           (b)  "Salary and wages" as used in Subsection (a) means:
 1-9                 (1)  normal periodic payments of money for service the
1-10     right to which accrues on a regular basis in proportion to the
1-11     service performed;
1-12                 (2)  amounts by which the member's salary is reduced
1-13     under a salary reduction agreement authorized by Chapter 610;
1-14                 (3)  amounts that would otherwise qualify as salary and
1-15     wages under Subdivision (1) but are not received directly by the
1-16     member pursuant to a good faith, voluntary written salary reduction
1-17     agreement in order to finance payments to a deferred compensation
1-18     or tax sheltered annuity program specifically authorized by state
1-19     law or to finance benefit options under a cafeteria plan qualifying
1-20     under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C.
1-21     Section 125), if:
1-22                       (A)  the program or benefit options are made
1-23     available to all employees of the employer; and
1-24                       (B)  the benefit options in the cafeteria plan
 2-1     are limited to one or more options that provide deferred
 2-2     compensation, group health and disability insurance, group term
 2-3     life insurance, dependent care assistance programs, or group legal
 2-4     services plans; [and]
 2-5                 (4)  performance pay awarded to an employee by a school
 2-6     district as part of a total compensation plan approved by the board
 2-7     of trustees of the district and meeting the requirements of
 2-8     Subsection (e); and[.]
 2-9                 (5) [(4)]  the benefit replacement pay a person earns
2-10     under Subchapter H, Chapter 659, as added by Chapter 417, Acts of
2-11     the 74th Legislature, 1995, except as provided by Subsection (c).
2-12           (e)  For purposes of Subsection (b)(4), a total compensation
2-13     plan must:
2-14                 (1)  describe all elements of compensation received by
2-15     or available to all employees of the employer;
2-16                 (2)  provide for the availability of at least one type
2-17     of performance pay to classroom teachers employed by the employer;
2-18                 (3)  identify each type of performance pay, the
2-19     performance criteria for each type of performance pay, and the
2-20     classes of employees eligible for each type of performance pay;
2-21                 (4)  contain sufficient information concerning the plan
2-22     to ascertain the amount of each qualifying employee's pay under the
2-23     plan;
2-24                 (5)  contain performance criteria for earning
2-25     performance pay that preclude the exercise of discretion for
2-26     awarding the pay on any basis other than an evaluation of employee
 3-1     or group performance or availability of funding; and
 3-2                 (6)  satisfy any other requirements adopted by the
 3-3     retirement system.
 3-4           SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 823, Government Code, is
 3-5     amended by adding Section 823.006 to read as follows:
 3-7     (a)  In this section:
 3-8                 (1)  "Nonqualified service" means service for which
 3-9     permissive service credit is authorized by this subtitle, other
3-10     than:
3-11                       (A)  military service; and
3-12                       (B)  service for any agency or instrumentality of
3-13     this state, including a political subdivision of this state, or for
3-14     any public school supported by the United States or a state or
3-15     territory of the United States, if credit for the service would not
3-16     cause a person to receive a retirement benefit for the same service
3-17     from more than one retirement system or program.
3-18                 (2)  "Permissive service credit" means service credit:
3-19                       (A)  that is not membership credit authorized to
3-20     be reinstated;
3-21                       (B)  that is recognized under this subtitle for
3-22     purposes of computing a member's benefit under the retirement
3-23     system;
3-24                       (C)  for which the member has not received credit
3-25     with the retirement system; and
3-26                       (D)  that a member may receive only by making a
 4-1     voluntary additional contribution in an amount determined as
 4-2     provided by this subtitle that does not exceed the amount necessary
 4-3     to fund the benefit attributable to the service credit.
 4-4           (b)  The purchase of permissive service credit by a person
 4-5     who first becomes a member of the retirement system after August
 4-6     31, 2000, is subject to the restrictions and conditions of
 4-7     Subsection (d) in addition to all other requirements of this
 4-8     subtitle applicable to the purchase.
 4-9           (c)  The purchase by any person of permissive service credit
4-10     that was first made available under the retirement system after
4-11     December 31, 1997, is subject to the restrictions and conditions of
4-12     Subsection (d) in addition to all other requirements of this
4-13     subtitle applicable to the purchase.
4-14           (d)  Under a circumstance described by Subsection (b) or (c),
4-15     a member may not purchase more than five years of permissive
4-16     service credit for nonqualified service, and a member may not
4-17     purchase service credit for nonqualified service before the member
4-18     has at least five years of membership service credit.
4-19           SECTION 3.  Subchapter C, Chapter 823, Government Code, is
4-20     amended by adding Section 823.203 to read as follows:
4-22     PROGRAM.  A member may not establish service credit in the
4-23     retirement system for any period when the member was participating
4-24     in the optional retirement program under Chapter 830.
4-25           SECTION 4.  Section 823.401, Government Code, is amended by
4-26     adding Subsection (j) to read as follows:
 5-1           (j)  The board of trustees may adopt rules providing for the
 5-2     adoption of a reciprocal agreement with a state or territory of a
 5-3     member's previous employment for the payment for service credit
 5-4     established under this section through the transfer from the state
 5-5     or territory to the retirement system of contributions made on
 5-6     behalf of the member in the form of an eligible rollover
 5-7     distribution as provided by Section 401(a)(31), Internal Revenue
 5-8     Code of 1986, and its subsequent amendments.
 5-9           SECTION 5.  Subsections (b) and (f), Section 823.501,
5-10     Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
5-11           (b)  A person eligible to reinstate service credit under this
5-12     section is one who is a [contributing] member of the retirement
5-13     system at the time the service is reinstated.
5-14           (f)  A [contributing] member may have an account that was
5-15     terminated by absence from service reactivated by requesting the
5-16     reactivation in writing.  The beneficiary of a decedent who was a
5-17     [contributing] member at the time of death may have an account that
5-18     was terminated by the decedent's absence from service reactivated
5-19     by requesting the reactivation in writing before the first payment
5-20     of a death benefit.
5-21           SECTION 6.  Subsection (c), Section 824.101, Government Code,
5-22     is amended to read as follows:
5-23           (c)  Only one person may be designated as beneficiary of an
5-24     optional retirement annuity under Section 824.204(c)(1), (c)(2), or
5-25     (c)(5), and a designation of beneficiary under any of those options
5-26     may not be made, changed, or revoked, except as provided by
 6-1     Sections 824.1011, [and] 824.1012, and 824.1013, after the later of
 6-2     the date on which the retirement system makes the first annuity
 6-3     payment to the retiree or the date the first payment becomes due.
 6-4     For purposes of this section, the term "makes payment" includes the
 6-5     depositing in the mail of a payment warrant or the crediting of an
 6-6     account with payment through electronic funds transfer.
 6-7           SECTION 7.  Subsection (a), Section 824.1011, Government
 6-8     Code, is amended to read as follows:
 6-9           (a)  A retiree who is receiving a standard service or
6-10     disability retirement annuity under Section 824.203 or 824.304(b)
6-11     and who marries after the date of the person's retirement may
6-12     replace the annuity by selecting an optional retirement annuity
6-13     under Section 824.204(c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(5) or under Section
6-14     824.308(c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(5), as applicable, and designating
6-15     the person's spouse as beneficiary before the second [first]
6-16     anniversary of the marriage in the same manner as an annuity
6-17     selection and designation of beneficiary may be made before
6-18     retirement.
6-19           SECTION 8.  Subsection (a), Section 824.1012, Government
6-20     Code, as added by Chapter 401, Acts of the 75th Legislature,
6-21     Regular Session, 1997, is amended to read as follows:
6-22           (a)  As an exception to Section 824.101(c), a retiree who
6-23     selected an optional service retirement annuity under Section
6-24     824.204(c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(5) or an optional disability
6-25     retirement annuity under Section 824.308(c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(5)
6-26     may revoke the designation of the beneficiary to receive the
 7-1     annuity on the death of the retiree, if a court in a divorce
 7-2     proceeding involving the retiree and beneficiary approves or orders
 7-3     the revocation in the divorce decree or acceptance of a property
 7-4     settlement or if the beneficiary is an adult child of the retiree
 7-5     and signs a notarized consent to the revocation.  The revocation
 7-6     takes effect when the retirement system receives it.
 7-7           SECTION 9.  Section 824.1012, Government Code, as added by
 7-8     Chapter 1416, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997,
 7-9     is redesignated as Section 824.1013 to read as follows:
7-10           Sec. 824.1013 [824.1012].  CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY AFTER
7-11     RETIREMENT.  (a)  A retiree receiving an optional retirement
7-12     annuity under Section 824.204(c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(5) or Section
7-13     824.308(c)(1), (c)(2), or (c)(5) may change the designated
7-14     beneficiary as provided by this section for the benefits payable
7-15     after the retiree's death under those sections.
7-16           (b)  If the beneficiary designated at the time of the
7-17     retiree's retirement is the spouse or former spouse of the retiree:
7-18                 (1)  the spouse or former spouse must give written,
7-19     notarized consent to the change; or
7-20                 (2)  a court with jurisdiction over the marriage must
7-21     have ordered the change.
7-22           (c)  A beneficiary designated under this section is entitled
7-23     on the retiree's death to receive monthly payments of the
7-24     survivor's portion of the retiree's optional retirement annuity for
7-25     the shorter of:
7-26                 (1)  the remainder of the life expectancy of the
 8-1     beneficiary designated as of the effective date of the retiree's
 8-2     retirement; or
 8-3                 (2)  the remainder of the new beneficiary's life.
 8-4           (d)  A retiree may not change a beneficiary under this
 8-5     section after retirement if the retiree has previously changed or
 8-6     designated after retirement a beneficiary for optional retirement
 8-7     annuity payments under this subtitle.
 8-8           SECTION 10.  Subsections (a) and (e), Section 824.203,
 8-9     Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
8-10           (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (c), (d), and (e), the
8-11     standard service retirement annuity is an amount computed on the
8-12     basis of the member's average annual compensation for the three
8-13     years of service, whether or not consecutive, in which the member
8-14     received the highest annual compensation, times 2.2 [two] percent
8-15     for each year of service credit in the retirement system.
8-16           (e)  The annual standard service retirement annuity for a
8-17     person who immediately before retirement holds a position as a
8-18     classroom teacher or full-time librarian, or the annual death
8-19     benefit annuity based on the service of a member who at the time of
8-20     death held a position as a classroom teacher or full-time
8-21     librarian, may not be less than an amount computed on the basis of
8-22     the minimum annual salary provided by the Education Code for a
8-23     classroom teacher or full-time librarian, multiplied by 2.2 [two]
8-24     percent for each year of service credit in the retirement system.
8-25           SECTION 11.  Subchapter C, Chapter 824, Government Code, is
8-26     amended by adding Section 824.2045 to read as follows:
 9-1           Sec. 824.2045.  PARTIAL LUMP-SUM OPTION.  (a)  A member who
 9-2     is eligible for an unreduced service retirement annuity and is not
 9-3     participating in the deferred retirement option plan under
 9-4     Subchapter I may select a standard service retirement annuity or an
 9-5     optional service retirement annuity described by Section 824.204,
 9-6     together with a partial lump-sum distribution.
 9-7           (b)  The amount of the lump-sum distribution under this
 9-8     section may not exceed the sum of 36 months of a standard service
 9-9     retirement annuity computed without regard to this section.
9-10           (c)  The service retirement annuity selected by the member
9-11     shall be actuarially reduced to reflect the lump-sum option
9-12     selected by the member and shall be actuarially equivalent to a
9-13     standard or optional service retirement annuity, as applicable,
9-14     without the partial lump-sum distribution.  The annuity and lump
9-15     sum shall be computed to result in no actuarial loss to the
9-16     retirement system.
9-17           (d)  The retiring member may choose a lump sum equal to 12
9-18     months of a standard service retirement annuity and payable at the
9-19     same time that the first monthly payment of the annuity is paid, a
9-20     lump sum equal to 24 months of a standard annuity and payable in
9-21     one or two annual payments, or a lump sum equal to 36 months of a
9-22     standard annuity and payable in one, two, or three annual payments.
9-23     At the option of the member, a payment under this subsection may be
9-24     made as provided by Section 825.509.
9-25           (e)  The amount of the lump-sum distribution will be deducted
9-26     from any amounts otherwise payable under Section 824.503.
 10-1          (f)  The partial lump-sum option under this section may be
 10-2    elected only once by a member and may not be elected by a retiree.
 10-3    A member retiring under the proportionate retirement program under
 10-4    Chapter 803 is not eligible for the partial lump-sum option.
 10-5          (g)  Before a retiring member selects a partial lump-sum
 10-6    distribution under this section, the retirement system shall
 10-7    provide a written notice to the member of the amount by which the
 10-8    member's annuity will be reduced because of the selection.  The
 10-9    member shall be asked to sign a copy of or receipt for the notice,
10-10    and the retirement system shall maintain the signed copy or
10-11    receipt.
10-12          (h)  The board of trustees may adopt rules for the
10-13    implementation of this section.
10-14          SECTION 12.  Section 824.402, Government Code, is amended by
10-15    redesignating existing Subsection (b) as Subsection (c) and adding
10-16    new Subsection (b) to read as follows:
10-17          (b)  In addition to the benefits provided under Subsection
10-18    (a), the designated beneficiary of a member who is an employee of a
10-19    school district and who dies as the result of a physical assault
10-20    during the performance of the employee's regular duties is eligible
10-21    to receive a lump-sum death benefit payment in the amount of
10-22    $160,000.
10-23          (c)  The board of trustees by rule may prescribe the manner
10-24    of payment of benefits under this section.
10-25          SECTION 13.  Section 824.502, Government Code, is amended to
10-26    read as follows:
 11-1          Sec. 824.502.  BENEFITS ON DEATH OF DISABILITY RETIREE.  The
 11-2    designated beneficiary of a disability retiree who retires before
 11-3    September 1, 1992, who has not selected an optional annuity under
 11-4    Section 824.308, and who dies while receiving a retirement benefit
 11-5    may elect to receive, instead of survivor benefits provided by
 11-6    Section 824.501, a benefit available under Section 824.402,
 11-7    computed as if the decedent had been in service at the time of
 11-8    death.
 11-9          SECTION 14.  Subsections (a) and (d), Section 824.602,
11-10    Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
11-11          (a)  Subject to Section 825.506, the [The] retirement system
11-12    may not, under Section 824.601, withhold a monthly benefit payment
11-13    if the retiree is employed in a Texas public educational
11-14    institution:
11-15                (1)  as a substitute only with pay not more than the
11-16    daily rate of substitute pay established by the employer and, if
11-17    the retiree is a disability retiree, the employment has not
11-18    exceeded a total of 90 days in the school year;
11-19                (2)  in a position, other than as a substitute, on no
11-20    more than a one-half time basis for the month;
11-21                (3)  in one or more positions on as much as a full-time
11-22    basis, if[:]
11-23                      [(A)]  the work occurs in not more than six
11-24    months of a school year that begins after the retiree's effective
11-25    date of retirement;
11-26                      [(B)  the work occurs in no more than six months
 12-1    of the school year; and]
 12-2                      [(C)  the retiree executes on a form and within
 12-3    any deadline prescribed by the retirement system a written election
 12-4    to have this exception apply for the school year in determining
 12-5    whether benefits are to be suspended for employment after
 12-6    retirement; or]
 12-7                (4)  in a position, other than as a substitute, on no
 12-8    more than a one-half time basis for no more than 90 days in the
 12-9    school year, if the retiree is a disability retiree; or
12-10                (5)  in a position as a classroom teacher on as much as
12-11    a full-time basis, if the retiree has retired under Section
12-12    824.202(a) without reduction for retirement at an early age, is
12-13    certified under Subchapter B, Chapter 21, Education Code, to teach
12-14    the subjects assigned, is teaching in an acute shortage area as
12-15    defined by the commissioner of education, and has been separated
12-16    from service with all public schools for at least 12 months.
12-17          (d)  A retiree to whom [who has elected to avoid loss of
12-18    monthly benefits in a school year pursuant to] Subsection (a)(3)
12-19    applies is not eligible during that school year for any other
12-20    exceptions to loss of benefits provided in this section.  If a
12-21    retiree is employed under [elects] the exemption provided in
12-22    Subsection (a)(3) for a school year, the retirement system must
12-23    include any previous employment during the school year, including
12-24    any employment that relied upon the exemptions in Subsection (a)(1)
12-25    or (a)(2), in determining whether and when the retiree has exceeded
12-26    six months of employment in the school year.
 13-1          SECTION 15.  Subsections (a) and (d), Section 824.804,
 13-2    Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
 13-3          (a)  On the effective date of a member's participation in the
 13-4    plan, the retirement system shall make the transfers required by
 13-5    Section 825.309 to the retired reserve account as if the member had
 13-6    retired on that date.  The retirement system shall transfer
 13-7    monthly, during the period of the member's participation in the
 13-8    plan, from the retired reserve account to an account for the member
 13-9    in the deferred retirement option account an amount equal to:
13-10                (1)  60 percent of the amount the member would have
13-11    received that month under a standard service retirement annuity if
13-12    the member had retired under the multiplier currently in effect; or
13-13                (2)  if the member began participation in the plan
13-14    before September 1, 1999, 79 percent of the amount the member would
13-15    have received that month under a standard service retirement
13-16    annuity if the member had retired under the multiplier currently in
13-17    effect [on the effective date of plan participation].
13-18          (d)  Payment of the benefit provided under the plan is in
13-19    addition to any annuity otherwise payable under this subtitle.  The
13-20    retiring member may choose a DROP payment in accordance with the
13-21    provisions of Section 825.509.
13-22          SECTION 16.  Section 824.805, Government Code, is amended to
13-23    read as follows:
13-24          Sec. 824.805.  TERMINATION OF PARTICIPATION IN PLAN.
13-25    (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), a [A] member terminates
13-26    participation in the plan by:
 14-1                (1)  retirement;
 14-2                (2)  death; or
 14-3                (3)  expiration of the period for which participation
 14-4    was approved.
 14-5          (b)  A member participating in the plan on September 1, 1999,
 14-6    may, before September 1, 2000, elect to discontinue participation
 14-7    in the plan on a form prescribed by and filed with the retirement
 14-8    system.  The retirement system shall make account transfers and
 14-9    change records for a member who elects under this subsection to
14-10    discontinue participation in the plan as if the member had never
14-11    participated in the plan.
14-12          SECTION 17.  Section 825.301, Government Code, is amended by
14-13    amending Subsection (a)  and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as
14-14    follows:
14-15          (a)  The board of trustees shall invest and reinvest assets
14-16    of the retirement system without distinction as to their source in
14-17    accordance with Section 67, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.  For
14-18    purposes of the investment authority of the board of trustees under
14-19    Section 67, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, "securities" means any
14-20    investment instrument within the meaning of the term as defined by
14-21    Section 4, The Securities Act (Article 581-4, Vernon's Texas Civil
14-22    Statutes), 15 U.S.C. Section 77b(a)(1), or 15 U.S.C. Section
14-23    78c(a)(10).  An interest in a limited partnership or investment
14-24    contract is considered a security without regard to the number of
14-25    investors or the control, access to information, or rights granted
14-26    to or retained by the retirement system.  Any instrument or
 15-1    contract intended to manage transaction or currency exchange risk
 15-2    in purchasing, selling, or holding securities is considered to be a
 15-3    security.  Investment decisions are subject to the standard
 15-4    provided in the Texas Trust Code by Section 113.056(a), Property
 15-5    Code.
 15-6          (a-1)  The legislative audit committee shall select an
 15-7    independent firm during the biennium beginning September 1, 1999,
 15-8    to evaluate the retirement system's investment practices and
 15-9    performance under Subsection (a)  as provided by Section 825.512.
15-10    This subsection expires January 1, 2001.
15-11          SECTION 18.  The heading of Section 825.303, Government Code,
15-12    is amended to read as follows:
15-14          SECTION 19.  Subsection (a), Section 825.303, Government
15-15    Code, is amended to read as follows:
15-16          (a)  The retirement system may, in the exercise of its
15-17    constitutional discretion to manage the assets of the retirement
15-18    system, select one or more commercial banks, depository trust
15-19    companies, or other entities to serve as custodian or custodians of
15-20    the system's securities and to lend the securities under rules
15-21    adopted by the board of trustees and as required by this section.
15-22    The retirement system may select one or more commercial banks,
15-23    depository trust companies, or other entities to act independently
15-24    of the custodian and lend the securities under board rules and as
15-25    required by this section.
15-26          SECTION 20.  Subsection (c), Section 825.405, Government
 16-1    Code, is amended to read as follows:
 16-2          (c)  Monthly, employers shall:
 16-3                (1)  report to the retirement system in a form
 16-4    prescribed by the system a certification of the total amount of
 16-5    salary paid above the statutory minimum salary and the total amount
 16-6    of employer contributions due under this section for the payroll
 16-7    period; and
 16-8                (2)  retain information, as determined by the
 16-9    retirement system, sufficient to allow administration of this
16-10    section [The employer's form showing deductions and certification
16-11    of earnings must provide the retirement system with information
16-12    sufficient to administer this section, as determined by the
16-13    system], including information for each employee showing the
16-14    applicable minimum salary as well as aggregate annual compensation.
16-15          SECTION 21.  Subsection (c), Section 825.406, Government
16-16    Code, is amended to read as follows:
16-17          (c)  Monthly, employers shall:
16-18                (1)  report to the retirement system in a form
16-19    prescribed by the system a certification of the total amount of
16-20    salary paid from federal funds and private grants and the total
16-21    amounts provided by the funds and grants for state contributions
16-22    for the employees; and
16-23                (2)  retain the following information:
16-24                      (A) [(1)]  the name of each employee paid in
16-25    whole or part from a grant;
16-26                      (B) [(2)]  the source of the grant;
 17-1                      (C) [(3)]  the amount of the employee's salary
 17-2    paid from the grant;
 17-3                      (D) [(4)]  the amount of the money provided by
 17-4    the grant for state contributions for the employee; and
 17-5                      (E) [(5)]  any other information the retirement
 17-6    system determines is necessary to enforce this section.
 17-7          SECTION 22.  Subsection (c), Section 825.407, Government
 17-8    Code, is amended to read as follows:
 17-9          (c)  The designated disbursing officer of each general
17-10    academic teaching institution and the designated disbursing officer
17-11    of each medical and dental unit shall:
17-12                (1)  submit to the retirement system, at a time and in
17-13    the manner prescribed by the retirement system, a monthly report
17-14    containing a certification of the total amount of salary paid from
17-15    noneducational and general funds and the total amount of employer
17-16    contributions due under this section for the payroll period; and
17-17                (2)  maintain and retain the following information:
17-18                      (A) [(1)]  the name of each member employed by
17-19    the institution or unit who, for the most recent payroll period,
17-20    was paid wholly or partly from noneducational and general funds;
17-21                      (B) [(2)]  the amount of the employee's salary
17-22    for the most recent payroll period that was paid from
17-23    noneducational and general funds;
17-24                [(3)  a certification of the total amount of employer
17-25    contributions due under this section for the payroll period;] and
17-26                      (C) [(4)]  any other information the retirement
 18-1    system determines is necessary to administer this section.
 18-2          SECTION 23.  Subsection (a), Section 825.408, Government
 18-3    Code, is amended to read as follows:
 18-4          (a)  An employing district that fails to remit, before the
 18-5    11th day after the last day of a month, all member and employer
 18-6    deposits and documentation of the deposits required by this
 18-7    subchapter to be remitted by the district for the month shall pay
 18-8    to the retirement system, in addition to the deposits, interest on
 18-9    the unpaid or undocumented amounts at an annual rate compounded
18-10    monthly.  The rate of interest is the rate established under
18-11    Section 825.313(b)(2), plus two percent.  Interest required under
18-12    this section is creditable to the interest account.
18-13          SECTION 24.  Section 825.515, Government Code, is amended to
18-14    read as follows:
18-15          Sec. 825.515.  INFORMATION ABOUT MEMBER POSITIONS.  (a)  At
18-16    least annually, the [The] retirement system shall acquire and
18-17    maintain records identifying members and the types of positions
18-18    they hold [have held] as members[, the length of service in each
18-19    type of position, and whether service in each type of position is
18-20    or was as a full-time employee].  The type of position shall be
18-21    identified as Administrative/Professional, Teacher/Full-Time
18-22    Librarian, Support, or Bus Driver.  [The retirement system shall
18-23    cooperate with the commissioner of education in maintaining
18-24    information about the employment status of members of the
18-25    retirement system.]
18-26          (b)  [Each school year, the retirement system shall provide
 19-1    to the commissioner of education information, of a type and in a
 19-2    form determined by the commissioner, that allows contributing
 19-3    members of the retirement system to be identified in information
 19-4    submitted to the commissioner by school districts under the
 19-5    Education Code.]
 19-6          [(c)]  Information contained in records of the retirement
 19-7    system maintained under this section is confidential within the
 19-8    limits prescribed by Section 825.507.
 19-9          SECTION 25.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 825.516,
19-10    Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
19-11          (a)  A retiree who is receiving an annuity from the
19-12    retirement system may request the system to withhold from the
19-13    retiree's monthly annuity payment membership dues for a nonprofit
19-14    association of retired school employees in this state, if the
19-15    association is statewide and its membership includes at least five
19-16    percent of all retirees of the retirement system.  The request for
19-17    withholding must be on a form provided by the retirement system.
19-18          (b)  After the retirement system receives a request
19-19    authorized by this section, the system may [shall] make the
19-20    requested deductions until the earlier of:
19-21                (1)  the date the annuity is terminated; or
19-22                (2)  the first payment of the annuity after the date
19-23    the system receives a written request signed by the retiree
19-24    canceling the request for the withholding.
19-25          SECTION 26.  Subsection (d), Section 16A, Article 3.50-4,
19-26    Insurance Code, is amended to read as follows:
 20-1          (d)  Monthly, employers shall:
 20-2                (1)  report to the trustee in a form prescribed by the
 20-3    trustee a certification of the total amount of salary paid from
 20-4    federal funds and private grants and the total amounts provided by
 20-5    the funds and grants for state contributions for the employees; and
 20-6                (2)  maintain and retain the following information:
 20-7                      (A) [(1)]  the name of each [active] employee
 20-8    paid in whole or part from a grant;
 20-9                      (B) [(2)]  the source of the grant;
20-10                      (C) [(3)]  the amount of the [active] employee's
20-11    salary paid from the grant;
20-12                      (D) [(4)]  the amount of the money provided by
20-13    the grant for state contributions for the [active] employee; and
20-14                      (E) [(5)]  any other information the trustee
20-15    determines is necessary to enforce this section.
20-16          SECTION 27.  Subchapter E, Chapter 3, Insurance Code, is
20-17    amended by adding Article 3.50-4A to read as follows:
20-19    RETIREES
20-20          Sec. 1.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:
20-21                (1)  "Employee" means a person who is a participating
20-22    member of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and is not
20-23    participating in a group insurance program under the Texas
20-24    Employees Uniform Group Insurance Benefits Act (Article 3.50-2,
20-25    Vernon's Texas Insurance Code) or the Texas State College and
20-26    University Employees Uniform Insurance Benefits Act (Article
 21-1    3.50-3, Vernon's Texas Insurance Code).
 21-2                (2)  "Retiree" means a person who:
 21-3                      (A)  has retired under the Teacher Retirement
 21-4    System of Texas with at least 10 years of credit for service in
 21-5    public schools of this state or has retired under that system for
 21-6    disability and is entitled to receive an annuity from the system
 21-7    based on the person's service; and
 21-8                      (B)  is not eligible to participate in the group
 21-9    insurance program provided under the Texas Employees Uniform Group
21-10    Insurance Benefits Act (Article 3.50-2, Vernon's Texas Insurance
21-11    Code) or the Texas State College and University Employees Uniform
21-12    Insurance Benefits Act (Article 3.50-3, Vernon's Texas Insurance
21-13    Code).
21-14                (3)  "Trustee" means the Teacher Retirement System of
21-15    Texas.
21-16          Sec. 2.  INSURANCE COVERAGE.  (a)  The trustee shall contract
21-17    with one or more carriers authorized to provide life insurance in
21-18    this state to offer employees and retirees optional permanent life
21-19    insurance coverage.
21-20          (b)  The trustee shall contract with one or more carriers
21-21    authorized to provide long-term care insurance in this state to
21-22    offer employees and retirees optional long-term care insurance
21-23    coverage.  The long-term care insurance coverage shall include
21-24    home, community, and institutional care.
21-25          (c)  The trustee shall contract with one or more carriers
21-26    authorized to provide disability insurance in this state to offer
 22-1    employees optional insurance against short-term or long-term loss
 22-2    of salary because of disability.
 22-3          (d)  In contracting for any benefits under this article,
 22-4    competitive bidding shall be required under rules adopted by the
 22-5    trustee.  The rules may provide criteria to determine qualified
 22-6    carriers.  The trustee is not required to select the lowest bid but
 22-7    also may consider ability to service contracts, past experiences,
 22-8    financial stability, and other relevant criteria.  If the trustee
 22-9    awards a contract to an entity whose bid deviates from that
22-10    advertised, the deviation shall be recorded and the reasons for the
22-11    deviation shall be fully justified in the minutes of the next
22-12    meeting of the trustee.
22-13          (e)  Insurance coverage provided under this section shall be
22-14    made available periodically during open enrollment periods
22-15    determined by the trustee.
22-16          Sec. 3.  ADMINISTRATION.  (a)  The trustee shall adopt rules
22-17    for the selection of contractors under this article.  The rules
22-18    must require the contractors to administer enrollment, adjudication
22-19    of claims, and coordination of services under the insurance
22-20    coverages and require the contractors to account for premiums
22-21    collected and disbursed under the coverages.
22-22          (b)  The trustee may adopt other rules necessary to
22-23    administer the program provided under this article.
22-24          Sec. 4.  PARTICIPATION IN COVERAGE.  (a)  The trustee shall
22-25    offer the coverages provided under this article to employees
22-26    through their employers and to retirees through the trustee's
 23-1    administration of the retirement system.
 23-2          (b)  The full cost of premiums in a plan of insurance
 23-3    coverage provided under this article is the responsibility of the
 23-4    enrollees.
 23-5          (c)  An employee participating in a plan of insurance
 23-6    coverage provided under this article shall pay premiums by payroll
 23-7    deduction remitted by the employee's employer at the times and in
 23-8    the manner provided by the trustee.
 23-9          (d)  A retiree participating in a plan of insurance coverage
23-10    provided under this article shall pay premiums by deduction from
23-11    the retiree's monthly retirement annuity.
23-13    INSURANCE TRUST FUND.  (a)  The school district employees and
23-14    retirees optional insurance trust fund is created as a trust fund
23-15    with the comptroller and shall be administered by the trustee on
23-16    behalf of the participants in the plans of insurance coverage
23-17    provided under this article.
23-18          (b)  Premiums paid by enrollees, amounts recovered under
23-19    contracts for the implementation of the program provided by this
23-20    article, and investment and depository income of the fund shall be
23-21    credited to the fund.
23-22          (c)  Money in the fund may be used only for the purpose of
23-23    providing the program of insurance coverage provided under this
23-24    article, including the expenses of administering the program.
23-25          (d)  The trustee may invest the fund in the manner provided
23-26    by Section 67(a)(3), Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
 24-1          SECTION 28.  Subsections (c) and (d), Section 22.004,
 24-2    Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
 24-3          (c)  Each district shall report the district's compliance
 24-4    with this subsection to the executive director of the Teacher
 24-5    Retirement System of Texas not later than March [November] 1 of
 24-6    each even-numbered year in the manner required by the board of
 24-7    trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.  The report
 24-8    must be based on the district group health coverage plan in effect
 24-9    during the current plan year [on November 1] and must include:
24-10                (1)  appropriate documentation of:
24-11                      (A)  the district's contract for group health
24-12    coverage with a provider licensed to do business in this state by
24-13    the Texas Department of Insurance or a risk pool authorized under
24-14    Chapter 172, Local Government Code; or
24-15                      (B)  a resolution of the board of trustees of the
24-16    district authorizing a self-insurance plan for district employees
24-17    and of the district's review of district ability to cover the
24-18    liability assumed;
24-19                (2)  the schedule of benefits;
24-20                (3)  the premium rate sheet, including the amount paid
24-21    by the district and employee;
24-22                (4)  the number of employees covered by each health
24-23    coverage plan offered by the district; and
24-24                (5)  any other information considered appropriate by
24-25    the executive director of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
24-26          (d)  Based on the criteria prescribed by Subsection (a), the
 25-1    executive director of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas shall
 25-2    certify whether a district's coverage is comparable to the basic
 25-3    health coverage provided under the Texas Employees Uniform Group
 25-4    Insurance Benefits Act (Article 3.50-2, Vernon's Texas Insurance
 25-5    Code).  If the executive director of the Teacher Retirement System
 25-6    of Texas determines that the group health coverage offered by a
 25-7    district is not comparable, the executive director shall report
 25-8    that information to the district and to the Legislative Budget
 25-9    Board.  The executive director shall submit a report to the
25-10    legislature not later than September [January] 1 of each
25-11    even-numbered [odd numbered] year describing the status of each
25-12    district's group health coverage program based on the information
25-13    contained in the report required by Subsection (c) and the
25-14    certification required by this subsection.
25-15          SECTION 29.  (a)  Monthly payments of a death or retirement
25-16    benefit annuity by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas are
25-17    increased beginning with the payment due at the end of September
25-18    1999.
25-19          (b)  The increase does not apply to payments under Subsection
25-20    (a), Section 824.304, Section 824.404, or Section 824.501,
25-21    Government Code.
25-22          (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d) of this section,
25-23    the amount of the monthly increase is computed by multiplying the
25-24    previous monthly benefit by a percentage determined in accordance
25-25    with the following table:
 26-1    IF APPLICABLE, DATE OF DEATH                               INCREASE
 26-2    Before September 1, 1973                                         5%
 26-3    On or after September 1, 1973, but before September 1, 1974      6%
 26-4    On or after September 1, 1974, but before September 1, 1979      5%
 26-5    On or after September 1, 1979, but before September 1, 1981      6%
 26-6    On or after September 1, 1981, but before September 1, 1982      7%
 26-7    On or after September 1, 1982, but before September 1, 1983      6%
 26-8    On or after September 1, 1983, but before September 1, 1990      7%
 26-9    On or after September 1, 1990, but before September 1, 1991      6%
26-10    On or after September 1, 1991, but before September 1, 1992      7%
26-11    On or after September 1, 1992, but before September 1, 1995      6%
26-12    On or after September 1, 1995, but before September 1, 1997      5%
26-13    On or after September 1, 1997, but before September 1, 1998      2%
26-14          (d)  After making the computations required by Subsection (c)
26-15    of this section, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas shall
26-16    increase each annuity payable by the system on September 1, 1999,
26-17    other than an annuity under Subsection (a), Section 824.304,
26-18    Section 824.404, or Section 824.501, Government Code, by 10
26-19    percent, which is a benefit equivalent to the benefit provided by
26-20    using a 2.2 percent multiplier for computing annuities.
26-21          SECTION 30.  (a)  Notwithstanding Section 824.1011,
26-22    Government Code, as amended by this Act, a person who is receiving
26-23    a standard service or disability retirement annuity under Section
26-24    824.203 or Subsection (b), Section 824.304, Government Code, on the
26-25    effective date of this Act and who married after retirement but
26-26    before that date may, before September 1, 2000, replace the annuity
 27-1    by selecting an optional annuity and designating the person's
 27-2    spouse as beneficiary as if the person had married after the
 27-3    effective date of this Act.
 27-4          (b)  Notwithstanding Section 824.1011, Government Code, as
 27-5    amended by this Act, a person who retired before September 1, 1992,
 27-6    and is receiving a standard disability retirement annuity under
 27-7    Subsection (b), Section 824.304, Government Code, on the effective
 27-8    date of this Act may before September 1, 2001, replace the annuity
 27-9    by selecting an optional annuity described by Section 824.308,
27-10    Government Code. An optional annuity  selected under this
27-11    subsection shall be actuarially reduced according to the ages of
27-12    the retiree and the designated beneficiary at the time the annuity
27-13    is selected.
27-14          SECTION 31.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999, except
27-15    Section 14, which takes effect at the beginning of the 1999-2000
27-16    school year.
27-17          SECTION 32.  The importance of this legislation and the
27-18    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
27-19    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
27-20    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
27-21    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
27-22    and that this Act take effect and be in force according to its
27-23    terms, and it is so enacted.
                                                               S.B. No. 1128
         ________________________________   ________________________________
             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House
               I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1128 passed the Senate on
         April 28, 1999, by a viva-voce vote; May 18, 1999, Senate refused
         to concur in House amendments and requested appointment of
         Conference Committee; May 20, 1999, House granted request of the
         Senate; May 30, 1999, Senate adopted Conference Committee Report by
         the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.
                                                 Secretary of the Senate
               I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1128 passed the House, with
         amendments, on May 14, 1999, by a non-record vote; May 20, 1999,
         House granted request of the Senate for appointment of Conference
         Committee; May 30, 1999, House adopted Conference Committee Report
         by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House