By:  Shapiro                                          S.B. No. 1196
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                       AN ACT
 1-1     relating to consent to the purchase or application for, and
 1-2     designation of owners or beneficiaries of, certain life insurance
 1-3     policies.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Chapter 113, Acts of the 53rd Legislature,
 1-6     Regular Session, 1953 (Article 3.49-1, Vernon's Texas Insurance
 1-7     Code), is amended to read as follows:
 1-8           Sec. 1.  Any person of legal age may apply for insurance on
 1-9     his life in any legal reserve or mutual assessment life insurance
1-10     company and in such application designate in writing any person,
1-11     persons, partnership, association, corporation or other legal
1-12     entity, or any combination thereof, as the beneficiary or
1-13     beneficiaries, or the absolute or partial owner or owners, or both
1-14     beneficiary and owner, of any policy or policies issued in
1-15     connection with such application; and with respect to any such
1-16     policy or policies any such beneficiary or owner so designated
1-17     shall at all times thereafter have an insurable interest in the
1-18     life of such person, except as provided in Section 4 of this Act [3
1-19     hereof].
1-20           Sec. 2.  Any person of legal age whose life is insured under
1-21     any existing or future policy of insurance by any legal reserve or
1-22     mutual assessment life insurance company may, in the manner and to
1-23     the extent permitted by the policy, designate in writing as the
1-24     beneficiary or beneficiaries thereof any person, persons,
 2-1     partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any
 2-2     combination thereof, and in addition, in any manner and to any
 2-3     extent not prohibited by the terms of the policy, may transfer or
 2-4     assign in writing any such policy or any interest, benefit, right
 2-5     or title therein to any person, persons, partnership, association,
 2-6     corporation or other legal entity, or any combination thereof, and
 2-7     with respect to any such policy any such beneficiary, transferee or
 2-8     assignee shall at all times thereafter have an insurable interest
 2-9     in the life of such person, except as provided in Section 4 of this
2-10     Act [3 hereof].
2-11           Sec. 3.  Any person of legal age may consent in writing to
2-12     the purchase of or the application for an individual or group
2-13     insurance policy or policies issued by any legal reserve or mutual
2-14     assessment life insurance company by a third party or parties and
2-15     in such written document consent to or designate any person,
2-16     persons, partnership, association, corporation or other legal
2-17     entity, or any combination thereof, as the absolute or partial
2-18     owner or owners or beneficiary, or any combination thereof, of any
2-19     policy or policies issued in connection with such consent or
2-20     designation; and with respect to any such policy or policies any
2-21     such owner or beneficiary shall at all times thereafter have an
2-22     insurable interest in the life of such person, except as provided
2-23     in Section 4 of this Act.
2-24           Sec. 4.  Notwithstanding the provisions thereof, no person,
2-25     persons, partnership, association, corporation or other legal
2-26     entity, or any combination thereof, directly or indirectly engaged
 3-1     in the business of burying the dead shall have or obtain, directly
 3-2     or indirectly, any insurable interest in the life of any person by
 3-3     virtue of Sections 1, [or] 2, or 3 of this Act [hereof], or shall
 3-4     have an insurable interest in the life of any person unless such
 3-5     insurable interest be established under and by virtue of other
 3-6     applicable statutory or common law.
 3-7           Sec. 5[4].  The provisions of this Act are cumulative of
 3-8     existing law in Texas, statutory and otherwise, on the question of
 3-9     insurable interest. This Act is enacted in specific recognition of
3-10     the provisions of Article 21.23 of the Texas Insurance Code, 1951,
3-11     that the interest of any beneficiary in a life insurance policy is
3-12     forfeited if the beneficiary is the principal or an accomplice in
3-13     bringing about the death of the insured.
3-14           This Act shall be liberally construed to effectuate its
3-15     purposes, and its provisions are not to be limited or restricted by
3-16     previous declarations or holdings of the Courts of Texas defining
3-17     the term insurable interest.
3-18           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999, and
3-19     applies only to an insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery,
3-20     or renewed on or after January 1, 2000.  A policy delivered, issued
3-21     for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2000, is governed by the
3-22     law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this
3-23     Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
3-24           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
3-25     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
3-26     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 4-1     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 4-2     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.