By Cain                                               S.B. No. 1203
         76R6893 SMH-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to remedies for unequal appraisals of property by an
 1-3     appraisal district.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 41.43(b), Tax Code, is amended to read as
 1-6     follows:
 1-7           (b)  A protest on the ground of unequal appraisal of property
 1-8     shall be determined in favor of the protesting party unless the
 1-9     appraisal district establishes that the appraisal ratio of the
1-10     property does [is] not exceed by at least 10 percent [greater than]
1-11     the median level of appraisal of:
1-12                 (1)  a reasonable and representative sample of other
1-13     properties in the appraisal district;
1-14                 (2)  a sample of properties in the appraisal district
1-15     consisting of a reasonable number of other properties similarly
1-16     situated to, or of the same general kind or character as, the
1-17     property subject to the protest; or
1-18                 (3)  a reasonable number of comparable properties
1-19     appropriately adjusted.
1-20           SECTION 2.  Sections 42.26(a) and (b), Tax Code, are amended
1-21     to read as follows:
1-22           (a)  The district court shall grant relief on the ground that
1-23     a property is appraised unequally if the appraisal ratio of the
1-24     property exceeds by at least 10 percent the median level of
 2-1     appraisal of:
 2-2                 (1)  a reasonable and representative sample of other
 2-3     properties in the appraisal district; [or]
 2-4                 (2)  a sample of properties in the appraisal district
 2-5     consisting of a reasonable number of other properties similarly
 2-6     situated to, or of the same general kind or character as, the
 2-7     property subject to the appeal; or
 2-8                 (3)  a reasonable number of comparable properties
 2-9     appropriately adjusted.
2-10           (b)  If a property owner is entitled to relief under
2-11     Subsection (a)(1), the court shall order the property's appraised
2-12     value changed to the value as calculated on the basis of the median
2-13     level of appraisal according to Subsection (a)(1).  If a property
2-14     owner is entitled to relief under Subsection (a)(2), the court
2-15     shall order the property's appraised value changed to the value
2-16     calculated on the basis of the median level of appraisal according
2-17     to Subsection (a)(2).  If a property owner is entitled to relief
2-18     under Subsection (a)(3), the court shall order the property's
2-19     appraised value changed to the value as calculated on the basis of
2-20     the median level of appraisal according to Subsection (a)(3).  If a
2-21     property owner is entitled to relief under more than one of those
2-22     subsections [both Subsection (a)(1) and Subsection (a)(2)], the
2-23     court shall order the property's appraised value changed to the
2-24     value calculated on the basis of the median level of appraisal that
2-25     results in the lowest [lower] appraised value.  The court shall
2-26     determine each applicable median level of appraisal according to
2-27     law, and is not required to adopt the median level of appraisal
 3-1     proposed by a party to the appeal.  The court may not limit or deny
 3-2     relief to the property owner entitled to relief under a subdivision
 3-3     of Subsection (a) because the appraised value determined according
 3-4     to another [the other] subdivision of Subsection (a) results in a
 3-5     higher appraised value.
 3-6           SECTION 3.  Section 42.26(d), Tax Code, is repealed.
 3-7           SECTION 4.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
 3-8           (b)  The change in law made by this Act applies only to
 3-9     review of an appraisal of property that was initiated by the filing
3-10     of a  notice of protest with an appraisal review board on or after
3-11     the effective date of this Act.  Review of an appraisal of property
3-12     that was initiated by the filing of a notice of protest with an
3-13     appraisal review board before the effective date of this Act is
3-14     governed by the law in effect on the date the notice of protest was
3-15     filed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
3-16           SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
3-17     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
3-18     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
3-19     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
3-20     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.