1-1     By:  Brown                                            S.B. No. 1309
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 11, 1999; March 15, 1999, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Natural Resources;
 1-4     April 6, 1999, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
 1-5     Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 6, Nays 0; April 6, 1999,
 1-6     sent to printer.)
 1-7     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 1309                   By:  Brown
 1-8                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-9                                   AN ACT
1-10     relating to the clarification of issues involved in consolidation
1-11     of the  enforcement authority of the Texas Natural Resource
1-12     Conservation Commission; providing penalties.
1-14           SECTION 1.  Section 7.002, Water Code, is amended to read as
1-15     follows:
1-16           Sec. 7.002.  ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY.  (a)  The commission may
1-17     initiate an action under this chapter to enforce provisions of this
1-18     code and the Health and Safety Code within the commission's
1-19     jurisdiction as provided by Section 5.013 of this code and rules,
1-20     orders, permits, or other decisions adopted under those provisions.
1-21     The commission or the executive director may institute legal
1-22     proceedings to compel compliance with the relevant provisions of
1-23     this code and the Health and Safety Code and rules, orders,
1-24     permits, or other decisions of the commission.
1-25           (b)  The commission may call and hold a public hearing and
1-26     issue orders on an alleged violation under this code or the Health
1-27     and Safety Code within the commission's jurisdiction or under a
1-28     rule, order, permit, or other decision of the commission or take
1-29     any other action authorized by this chapter as the facts may
1-30     warrant.
1-31           (c)  The commission may  administer oaths, receive evidence
1-32     at the hearing, issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of
1-33     witnesses and the production of papers and documents related to the
1-34     hearing, and make findings of fact and decisions with respect to
1-35     administering the provisions of this code and the Health and Safety
1-36     Code within the commission's jurisdiction or the rules, orders, or
1-37     other decisions of the commission.
1-38           SECTION 2.  Section 7.068, Water Code, is amended to read as
1-39     follows:
1-40           Sec. 7.068.  FULL AND COMPLETE SATISFACTION.  Payment of an
1-41     administrative penalty under this subchapter [is full and complete
1-42     satisfaction of the violation for which the penalty is assessed
1-43     and] precludes any other civil [or criminal] penalty for the same
1-44     violation and precludes any criminal penalty for the same violation
1-45     unless the commission, before the payment of the administrative
1-46     penalty, has provided notice to the alleged violator of the
1-47     agency's intent to prosecute criminally.
1-48           SECTION 3.  Section 7.107, Water Code, is amended to read as
1-49     follows:
1-50           Sec. 7.107.  DIVISION OF CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  Except in a
1-51     suit brought for a violation of Chapter 28 of this code or of
1-52     Chapter 401, Health and Safety Code, a civil penalty recovered in a
1-53     suit brought under this subchapter by a local government shall be
1-54     equally divided between:
1-55                 (1)  the state; and
1-56                 (2)  the local government that brought the suit.
1-57           (b)  The state shall deposit its part of a penalty recovered
1-58     in a suit brought by a local government for a violation of Chapter
1-59     371, Health and Safety Code, or a rule or order adopted under that
1-60     chapter to the credit of the used oil recycling account.
1-61           SECTION 4.  Section 7.141, Water Code, is amended to read as
1-62     follows:
1-63           Sec. 7.141.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
1-64                 (1)  "Air contaminant" has the meaning assigned by
 2-1     Section 382.003, Health and Safety Code.
 2-2                 (2)  "Appropriate regulatory agency" means the
 2-3     commission, the Texas Department of Health, or any other agency
 2-4     authorized to regulate the handling and disposal of medical waste.
 2-5                 (3)  "Class I industrial solid waste" has the meaning
 2-6     assigned by Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code.
 2-7                 (4)  "Class I nonhazardous industrial solid waste" has
 2-8     the meaning assigned by Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code.
 2-9                 (5) [(2)]  "Corporation" and "association" have the
2-10     meanings assigned by Section 1.07, Penal Code, except that the
2-11     terms do not include a government.
2-12                 (6)  "Discharge" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-13     26.001 to the term "to discharge."
2-14                 (7)  "Hazardous waste" has the meaning assigned by
2-15     Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code.
2-16                 (8)  "Industrial solid waste" has the meaning assigned
2-17     by Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code.
2-18                 (9) [(3)]  "Large quantity generator" means a person
2-19     who generates more than 50 pounds of medical waste each month.
2-20                 (10) [(4)]  "Medical waste" includes animal waste, bulk
2-21     blood and blood products, microbiological waste, pathological
2-22     waste, sharps, and special waste from health care-related
2-23     facilities as those terms are defined in 25 T.A.C. Section 1.132
2-24     (Texas Department of Health, Definition, Treatment, and Disposition
2-25     of Special Waste from Health Care-Related Facilities).  The term
2-26     does not include medical waste produced on farmland and ranchland
2-27     as defined by Section 252.001(6), Agriculture Code.
2-28                 (11)  "Municipal solid waste" has the meaning assigned
2-29     by Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code.
2-30                 (12)  "On-site sewage disposal system" has the meaning
2-31     assigned by Section 366.002, Health and Safety Code.
2-32                 (13)  "Point source" has the meaning assigned by
2-33     Section 26.001.
2-34                 (14)  "Pollutant" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-35     26.001.
2-36                 (15)  "Pollution" has the meaning assigned by:
2-37                       (A)  Section 26.001 of this code with regard to
2-38     water; and
2-39                       (B)  Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code,
2-40     with regard to solid waste.
2-41                 (16)  "Processing" has the meaning assigned by:
2-42                       (A)  Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code,
2-43     with regard to solid waste;
2-44                       (B)  Section 371.003, Health and Safety Code,
2-45     with regard to used oil; or
2-46                       (C)  Section 401.003, Health and Safety  Code,
2-47     with regard to radioactive waste.
2-48                 (17)  "Release" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-49     361.003, Health and Safety Code.
2-50                 (18) [(5)]  "Serious bodily injury" has the meaning
2-51     assigned by Section 1.07, Penal Code.
2-52                 (19) [(6)]  "Small quantity generator" means a person
2-53     who generates 50 pounds or less of medical waste each month.
2-54                 (20)  "Solid waste" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-55     361.003, Health and Safety Code.
2-56                 (21)  "Solid waste facility" has the meaning assigned
2-57     by Section 361.003, Health and Safety Code.
2-58                 (22)  "Underground storage tank" has the meaning
2-59     assigned by Section 26.342.
2-60                 (23)  "Used oil" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-61     371.003, Health and Safety Code.
2-62                 (24)  "Waste" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-63     26.001.
2-64                 (25)  "Water" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-65     26.001.
2-66           SECTION 5.  Section 7.173, Water Code, is amended to read as
2-67     follows:
2-69     INTERNATIONAL BORDER].  (a)  A person commits an offense if the
 3-1     person violates a rule adopted by the commission under Chapter 366,
 3-2     Health and Safety Code, or an order or resolution adopted by an
 3-3     authorized agent under Subchapter C, Chapter 366, Health and Safety
 3-4     Code[, in a county that is contiguous to an international border].
 3-5           (b)  Except as provided by this subsection, an offense under
 3-6     this section is a Class C misdemeanor.  If it is shown on the trial
 3-7     of the defendant that the defendant has been previously convicted
 3-8     of an offense under this section, the offense is punishable under
 3-9     Section 7.187(1)(A) or Section 7.187(2)(A) or both.
3-10           SECTION 6.  Section 7.187, Water Code, is amended to read as
3-11     follows:
3-12           Sec. 7.187.  PENALTIES.  (a)  A person convicted of an
3-13     offense under this subchapter is punishable by:
3-14                 (1)  a fine, as imposed under the section creating the
3-15     offense, of:
3-16                       (A)  not more than $1,000;
3-17                       (B)  not less than $1,000 or more than $50,000;
3-18                       (C)  not less than $1,000 or more than $100,000;
3-19                       (D)  not less than $1,000 or more than $250,000;
3-20                       (E)  not less than $2,000 or more than $500,000;
3-21                       (F)  not less than $5,000 or more than
3-22     $1,000,000;
3-23                       (G)  not less than $10,000 or more than
3-24     $1,500,000; or
3-25                       (H)  not more than twice the amount of the
3-26     required fee;
3-27                 (2)  confinement or imprisonment for a period, as
3-28     imposed by the section creating the offense, of [not to exceed]:
3-29                       (A)  not more than 30 days in jail;
3-30                       (B)  not more than 90 days in jail;
3-31                       (C)  not more than 180 days in jail;
3-32                       (D)  not more than one year or less than 180 days
3-33     in a state jail;
3-34                       (E)  not more than two years or less than 180
3-35     days in a state jail or in the institutional division;
3-36                       (F)  not more than five years or less than two
3-37     years in the institutional division;
3-38                       (G)  not more than 10 years or less than two
3-39     years in the institutional division;
3-40                       (H)  not more than 15 years or less than two
3-41     years in the institutional division;
3-42                       (I)  not more than 20 years or less than two
3-43     years in the institutional division; or
3-44                       (J)  not more than 30 years or less than two
3-45     years in the institutional division; or
3-46                 (3)  both fine and confinement or imprisonment, as
3-47     imposed by the section creating the offense.
3-48           (b)  In this section, "institutional division" has the
3-49     meaning assigned by Section 1.07, Penal Code.
3-50           SECTION 7.  Section 7.351, Water Code, is amended to read as
3-51     follows:
3-52           Sec. 7.351.  CIVIL SUITS.  (a)  If it appears that a
3-53     violation or threat of violation of Chapter 16, 26, 28, or 34 of
3-54     this code or Chapter 361, 371, 372, or 382, Health and Safety Code,
3-55     or a provision of Chapter 401, Health and Safety Code, under the
3-56     commission's jurisdiction, or a rule adopted or an order or a
3-57     permit issued under those chapters or provisions has occurred or is
3-58     occurring in the jurisdiction of a local government, the local
3-59     government or, in the case of a violation of Chapter 401, Health
3-60     and Safety Code, a person affected as defined in that chapter, may
3-61     institute a civil suit under Subchapter D in the same manner as the
3-62     commission [in a district court] by its own attorney for the
3-63     injunctive relief or civil penalty, or both, as authorized by this
3-64     chapter against the person who committed, is committing, or is
3-65     threatening to commit the violation.
3-66           (b)  If it appears that a violation or threat of violation of
3-67     Chapter 366, Health and Safety Code, under the commission's
3-68     jurisdiction or a rule adopted or an order or a permit issued under
3-69     that chapter has occurred or is occurring in the jurisdiction of a
 4-1     local government, an authorized agent as defined in that chapter
 4-2     may institute a civil suit under Subchapter D in the same manner as
 4-3     the commission by its own attorney for the injunctive relief or
 4-4     civil penalty, or both, as authorized by this chapter against the
 4-5     person who committed, is committing, or is threatening to commit
 4-6     the violation.
 4-7           SECTION 8.  Subsections (d) and (e), Section 361.017, Health
 4-8     and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
 4-9           (d)  In matters relating to industrial solid waste and
4-10     hazardous municipal waste, the commission shall[:]
4-11                 [(1)]  consider the public health aspects and the air
4-12     pollution control and ambient air quality aspects[; and]
4-13                 [(2)  consult with the attorney general's office for
4-14     assistance in determining whether referral to the attorney general
4-15     for enforcement is mandatory under Section 361.224 or whether
4-16     referral is appropriate, in the commission's discretion, for the
4-17     disposition of enforcement matters under this chapter.]
4-18           [(e)  If referral is determined to be mandatory or
4-19     appropriate, the commission shall consult with the attorney
4-20     general's office for assistance in determining whether criminal or
4-21     civil enforcement action should be taken.  The commission shall use
4-22     all available enforcement options].
4-23           SECTION 9.  Section 366.016, Health and Safety Code, is
4-24     amended to read as follows:
4-25           Sec. 366.016.  EMERGENCY ORDERS.  The commission or
4-26     authorized agent may issue an emergency order concerning an on-site
4-27     sewage disposal system under Section 5.513 [5.517], Water Code.
4-28           SECTION 10.  Subsection (d), Section 382.015, Health and
4-29     Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
4-30           (d)  The commission is entitled to the remedies provided by
4-31     Subchapter L, Chapter 5, Water Code, and Subchapters B, C, and D,
4-32     Chapter 7, Water Code, [Sections 382.082-382.085] if a member,
4-33     employee, or agent is refused the right to enter public or private
4-34     property as provided by this section.
4-35           SECTION 11.  Subsection (b), Section 382.023, Health and
4-36     Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
4-37           (b)  If it appears that this chapter or a commission rule,
4-38     order, or determination is being violated, the commission, or the
4-39     executive director if authorized by the commission or this chapter,
4-40     may proceed under Subchapter B, C, or D, Chapter 7, Water Code
4-41     [Sections 382.082-382.084], or hold a public hearing and issue
4-42     orders on the alleged violation, or take any other action
4-43     authorized by this chapter as the facts may warrant.
4-44           SECTION 12.  Sections 5.117 and 26.2171, Water Code, and
4-45     Section 371.043, Health and Safety Code, are repealed.
4-46           SECTION 13.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
4-47           SECTION 14.  (a)  The changes in law made by this Act apply
4-48     only to an offense or violation committed or an action commenced on
4-49     or after the effective date of this Act.  For purposes of this
4-50     section an offense or violation is committed before the effective
4-51     date of this Act if any element of the offense or violation occurs
4-52     before that date.
4-53           (b)  An offense or violation committed or an action commenced
4-54     before the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in
4-55     effect when the offense or violation was committed or the action
4-56     commenced, and the former law is continued in effect for that
4-57     purpose.
4-58           (c)  The change in law relating to court jurisdiction made by
4-59     Section 7.351, Water Code, as amended by this Act, prevails over an
4-60     amendment to that section by any other Act of the 76th Legislature,
4-61     Regular Session, 1999, regardless of the relative dates of
4-62     enactment.
4-63           SECTION 15.  The importance of this legislation and the
4-64     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
4-65     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
4-66     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
4-67     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
4-68                                  * * * * *