1-1     By:  Duncan                                           S.B. No. 1427
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 12, 1999; March 15, 1999, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on Veteran Affairs and
 1-4     Military Installations; April 22, 1999, reported favorably by the
 1-5     following vote:  Yeas 3, Nays 0; April 22, 1999, sent to printer.)
 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-7                                   AN ACT
 1-8     relating to the powers of the Lubbock Reese Redevelopment
 1-9     Authority, including the power of eminent domain, the imposition of
1-10     taxes, and the issuance of bonds.
1-12           SECTION 1.  Section 396.001, Local Government Code, is
1-13     amended by adding Subdivision (6) to read as follows:
1-14                 (6)  "Eligible project" means a project necessary or
1-15     incidental to the industrial, commercial, or business development,
1-16     redevelopment, maintenance, and expansion of new and existing
1-17     businesses on the property, now or formerly known as Reese Air
1-18     Force Base, described in Section 396.009, including the
1-19     acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance, enhancement, or
1-20     disposal of:
1-21                       (A)  roads, bridges, and rights-of-way;
1-22                       (B)  housing;
1-23                       (C)  real and personal property;
1-24                       (D)  police, fire, medical, cultural,
1-25     educational, and research services, equipment, institutions, and
1-26     resources;
1-27                       (E)  other community support services;
1-28                       (F)  flood control, water, wastewater treatment,
1-29     and all other utility facilities; and
1-30                       (G)  other infrastructure improvements.
1-31           SECTION 2.  Section 2311.001, Government Code, is amended by
1-32     adding Subdivision (6) to read as follows:
1-33                 (6)  "Eligible project" means a project necessary or
1-34     incidental to the industrial, commercial, or business development,
1-35     redevelopment, maintenance, and expansion of new and existing
1-36     businesses on the property, now or formerly known as Reese Air
1-37     Force Base, described in Section 2311.026, including the
1-38     acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance, enhancement, or
1-39     disposal of:
1-40                       (A)  roads, bridges, and rights-of-way;
1-41                       (B)  housing;
1-42                       (C)  real and personal property;
1-43                       (D)  police, fire, medical, cultural,
1-44     educational, and research services, equipment, institutions, and
1-45     resources;
1-46                       (E)  other community support services;
1-47                       (F)  flood control, water, wastewater treatment,
1-48     and all other utility facilities; and
1-49                       (G)  other infrastructure improvements.
1-50           SECTION 3.  Section 396.004, Local Government Code, is
1-51     amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
1-52           (e)  The authority is created to undertake eligible projects
1-53     as defined in Section 396.001(6).
1-54           SECTION 4.  Section 2311.021, Government Code, is amended by
1-55     adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
1-56           (e)  The authority is created to undertake eligible projects
1-57     as defined in Section 2311.001(6).
1-58           SECTION 5.  Subsection (a), Section 396.005, Local Government
1-59     Code, is amended to read as follows:
1-60           (a)  The authority may exercise, on approval by and in
1-61     coordination with the governor, all the powers necessary or
1-62     convenient to carry out a purpose of this subchapter, including the
1-63     power to:
1-64                 (1)  sue and be sued to the extent permitted by law,
 2-1     and plead and be impleaded, in its own name;
 2-2                 (2)  adopt an official seal and alter it as considered
 2-3     advisable;
 2-4                 (3)  adopt and enforce bylaws and rules for the conduct
 2-5     of its affairs that are not inconsistent with this subchapter;
 2-6                 (4)  acquire, hold, own, and dispose of its revenues,
 2-7     income, receipts, funds, and money from every source;
 2-8                 (5)  select its depository;
 2-9                 (6)  set the fiscal year for the authority;
2-10                 (7)  establish a complete system of accounts for the
2-11     authority;
2-12                 (8)  invest funds in accordance with Chapter 2256,
2-13     Government Code;
2-14                 (9)  acquire, use, own, rent, lease, accept, hold, or
2-15     dispose of any property, or licenses, patents, rights, and other
2-16     interest in that property, by purchase, exchange, gift, assignment,
2-17     condemnation, sale, lease, or any other means, including
2-18     rights-of-way or easements, and hold, manage, operate, or improve
2-19     that property, to perform a duty or exercise a power under this
2-20     subchapter;
2-21                 (10)  sell, assign, lease, encumber, mortgage, or
2-22     otherwise dispose of any property comprising the base property, or
2-23     any interest in that property, release or relinquish any right,
2-24     title, claim, lien, interest, easement, or demand, however
2-25     acquired, and, notwithstanding any other law, conduct any
2-26     transaction authorized by this subdivision by public or private
2-27     sale;
2-28                 (11)  lease or rent any land or buildings, structures,
2-29     or facilities located on the base property to any person to carry
2-30     out the purposes of this subchapter;
2-31                 (12)  request and accept any appropriations, grants,
2-32     allocations, subsidies, guaranties, aid, contributions, services,
2-33     labor, materials, gifts, donations, or money from the federal
2-34     government, the state, any public agency or political subdivision,
2-35     or any other source;
2-36                 (13)  operate and maintain an office;
2-37                 (14)  appoint and determine the duties, tenure,
2-38     qualifications, compensation, and removal of officers, employees,
2-39     agents, professional advisors, and counselors, including financial
2-40     consultants, accountants, attorneys, architects, engineers,
2-41     appraisers, and financing experts, as considered necessary or
2-42     advisable by the board;
2-43                 (15)  borrow money as necessary to acquire, improve, or
2-44     operate facilities on the base property, not to exceed an amount
2-45     determined by the governing body of the municipality;
2-46                 (16)  fix, revise, charge, and collect rents, rates,
2-47     fees, and charges for its facilities and services;
2-48                 (17)  exercise the powers granted to municipalities
2-49     under Chapter 380 for expansion of economic development and
2-50     commercial activity; [and]
2-51                 (18)  adopt an annual operating budget for all major
2-52     expenditures before the beginning of the fiscal year; and
2-53                 (19)  exercise those powers granted to general law
2-54     districts in Chapter 49, Water Code, and to municipal utility
2-55     districts in Chapter 54, Water Code, and provide all other utility
2-56     services on an immediate basis without the need for other state
2-57     regulatory approvals and has the unrestricted right to delegate the
2-58     exercise of these powers and the provision of these services to a
2-59     neighboring municipality or other utility providers as may be
2-60     necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes for which the
2-61     authority was established.
2-62           SECTION 6.  Section 2311.022, Government Code, is amended to
2-63     read as follows:
2-64           Sec. 2311.022.  Powers and Duties of Authority.  The
2-65     authority has and may exercise, on approval by and in coordination
2-66     with the governor, all the powers necessary or convenient to carry
2-67     out or to effect a purpose of this chapter, including the power to:
2-68                 (1)  sue and be sued to the extent permitted by law,
2-69     and plead and be impleaded, in its own name, and in such a suit the
 3-1     authority may not be required to give security for costs or a
 3-2     supersedeas or cost bond in an appeal of a judgment;
 3-3                 (2)  adopt an official seal and alter it as considered
 3-4     advisable;
 3-5                 (3)  adopt and enforce bylaws and rules for the conduct
 3-6     of its affairs not inconsistent with this chapter;
 3-7                 (4)  acquire, hold, own, and dispose of its revenues,
 3-8     income, receipts, funds, and money from every source;
 3-9                 (5)  select its depository or depositories;
3-10                 (6)  set the fiscal year for the authority;
3-11                 (7)  establish a complete system of accounts for the
3-12     authority;
3-13                 (8)  invest funds in accordance with Chapter 2256;
3-14                 (9)  acquire, use, own, rent, lease, accept, hold, or
3-15     dispose of any real, personal, or mixed property, licenses,
3-16     patents, rights, and other interest in that property, by purchase,
3-17     exchange, gift, assignment, condemnation, sale, lease, or any other
3-18     means, including rights-of-way or easements, and hold, manage,
3-19     operate, or improve that property, to perform the duties and
3-20     exercise any of the powers under this chapter;
3-21                 (10)  sell, assign, lease, encumber, mortgage, or
3-22     otherwise dispose of any real, personal, or mixed property
3-23     comprising the base property, or any interest in that property,
3-24     release or relinquish any right, title, claim, lien, interest,
3-25     easement, or demand, however acquired, and conduct any of those
3-26     transactions by public or private sale, notwithstanding any other
3-27     law;
3-28                 (11)  lease or rent any land or buildings, structures,
3-29     or facilities located on the base property to any person to effect
3-30     the purposes of this chapter;
3-31                 (12)  request and accept any appropriations, grants,
3-32     allocations, subsidies, guaranties, aid, contributions, services,
3-33     labor, materials, gifts, donations, or money from the federal
3-34     government, this state, any city, any public agency, any political
3-35     subdivision, or any other sources;
3-36                 (13)  operate and maintain an office;
3-37                 (14)  appoint and determine the duties, tenure,
3-38     qualifications, compensation, and removal of officers, employees,
3-39     agents, professional advisors, and counselors, including financial
3-40     consultants, accountants, attorneys, architects, engineers,
3-41     appraisers, and financing experts, as are considered necessary or
3-42     advisable by the board;
3-43                 (15)  borrow money as necessary to acquire, improve, or
3-44     operate facilities on the base property, not to exceed an amount
3-45     determined by the governing body of the city;
3-46                 (16)  fix, revise from time to time, charge, and
3-47     collect rents, rates, fees, and charges for its facilities and
3-48     services;
3-49                 (17)  exercise powers granted to a municipality under
3-50     Chapter 380, Local Government Code, for expansion of economic
3-51     development and commercial activity; [and]
3-52                 (18)  adopt an annual operating budget for all major
3-53     expenditures before the beginning of the fiscal year; and
3-54                 (19)  exercise the powers granted to general law
3-55     districts in Chapter 49, Water Code, and to municipal utility
3-56     districts in Chapter 54, Water Code, and provide all other utility
3-57     services on an immediate basis without the need for other state
3-58     regulatory approvals and has the unrestricted right to delegate the
3-59     exercise of these powers and the provision of these services to a
3-60     neighboring municipality or other utility providers as may be
3-61     necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes for which the
3-62     authority was established.
3-63           SECTION 7.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b) and
3-64     (c) of this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
3-65           (b)  Sections 1, 3, and 5 of this Act take effect only if the
3-66     Act of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, relating to
3-67     nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes takes
3-68     effect.
3-69           (c)  Sections 2, 4, and 6 of this Act take effect only if the
 4-1     Act of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, relating to
 4-2     nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes does
 4-3     not take effect.
 4-4           SECTION 8.  The importance of this legislation and the
 4-5     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 4-6     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 4-7     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 4-8     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
 4-9                                  * * * * *