By:  Barrientos                                       S.B. No. 1441
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                       AN ACT
 1-1     relating to expanding the specialized telecommunications devices
 1-2     assistance program.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 56.021, Utilities Code, is amended to
 1-5     read as follows:
 1-6           Sec. 56.021.  UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND ESTABLISHED.  The
 1-7     commission shall adopt and enforce rules requiring local exchange
 1-8     companies to establish a universal service fund to:
 1-9                 (1)  assist local exchange companies in providing basic
1-10     local telecommunications service at reasonable rates in high cost
1-11     rural areas;
1-12                 (2)  reimburse local exchange companies for revenue
1-13     lost by providing tel-assistance service under Subchapter C;
1-14                 (3)  reimburse the telecommunications carrier that
1-15     provides the statewide telecommunications relay access service
1-16     under Subchapter D;
1-17                 (4)  finance the specialized telecommunications
1-18     [device] assistance program established under Subchapter E; and
1-19                 (5)  reimburse the department, the Texas Commission for
1-20     the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and the commission for costs incurred
1-21     in implementing this chapter and Chapter 57.
1-22           SECTION 2.  Subsection (a), Section 56.110, Utilities Code,
1-23     is amended to read as follows:
1-24           (a)  An advisory committee to assist the commission in
 2-1     administering this subchapter is composed of the following persons
 2-2     appointed by the commission:
 2-3                 (1)  two persons with disabilities that impair the
 2-4     ability to effectively access the telephone network other than
 2-5     disabilities described by Subdivisions (2)-(7);
 2-6                 (2)  one deaf person recommended by the Texas Deaf
 2-7     Caucus;
 2-8                 (3) [(2)]  one deaf person recommended by the Texas
 2-9     Association of the Deaf;
2-10                 (4) [(3)]  one person with a hearing impairment
2-11     recommended by Self-Help for the Hard of Hearing;
2-12                 (5) [(4)]  one person with a hearing impairment
2-13     recommended by the American Association of Retired Persons;
2-14                 (6) [(5)]  one deaf and blind person recommended by the
2-15     Texas Deaf/Blind Association;
2-16                 (7) [(6)]  one person with a speech impairment and one
2-17     person with a speech and hearing impairment recommended by the
2-18     Coalition of Texans with Disabilities;
2-19                 (8) [(7)]  two representatives of telecommunications
2-20     utilities, one representing a nonlocal exchange utility and one
2-21     representing a local exchange company, chosen from a list of
2-22     candidates provided by the Texas Telephone Association;
2-23                 (9) [(8)]  two persons, at least one of whom is deaf,
2-24     with experience in providing relay services recommended by the
2-25     Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; and
2-26                 (10) [(9)]  two public members recommended by
 3-1     organizations representing consumers of telecommunications
 3-2     services.
 3-3           SECTION 3.  Section 56.111, Utilities Code, is amended to
 3-4     read as follows:
 3-5           Sec. 56.111.  ADVISORY COMMITTEE DUTIES.  The advisory
 3-6     committee shall:
 3-7                 (1)  monitor the establishment, administration, and
 3-8     promotion of the statewide telecommunications relay access service;
 3-9                 (2)  advise the commission in pursuing a service that
3-10     meets the needs of persons with an impairment of hearing or speech
3-11     in communicating with other telecommunications services users; and
3-12                 (3)  advise the commission and the Texas Commission for
3-13     the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, at the request of either commission,
3-14     regarding any issue related to the specialized telecommunications
3-15     [device] assistance program established under Subchapter E,
3-16     including:
3-17                       (A)  devices or services suitable to meet the
3-18     needs of persons with disabilities [the hearing-impaired and
3-19     speech-impaired] in communicating with other users of
3-20     telecommunications services; and
3-21                       (B)  oversight and administration of the program.
3-22           SECTION 4.  The heading to Subchapter E, Chapter 56,
3-23     Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows:
3-25                             ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
3-26           SECTION 5.  Sections 56.151 through 56.154, Utilities Code,
 4-1     are amended to read as follows:
 4-3     ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.  The commission and the Texas Commission for
 4-4     the Deaf and Hard of Hearing by rule shall establish a specialized
 4-5     telecommunications assistance program to provide financial
 4-6     assistance to [certain] individuals with disabilities that impair
 4-7     the individuals' ability to effectively access the telephone
 4-8     network [who are deaf or have an impairment of hearing or speech]
 4-9     to enable the individuals to purchase specialized equipment or
4-10     services to provide telephone network access that is functionally
4-11     equivalent to that enjoyed by individuals without disabilities [an
4-12     impairment of hearing or speech]. The agencies may adopt joint
4-13     rules that identify devices and services eligible for vouchers
4-14     under the program.
4-15           Sec. 56.152.  ELIGIBILITY.  The Texas Commission for the Deaf
4-16     and Hard of Hearing by rule shall prescribe eligibility standards
4-17     for individuals, including deaf individuals and individuals who
4-18     have an impairment of hearing or speech, to receive an assistance
4-19     voucher under the program.  To be eligible, an individual must be a
4-20     resident of this state who has access to a telephone line in the
4-21     individual's home or place of business.
4-22           Sec. 56.153.  VOUCHERS.  (a)  The Texas Commission for the
4-23     Deaf and Hard of Hearing shall determine a reasonable price for a
4-24     basic specialized telecommunications device or basic specialized
4-25     services to provide telephone network access from a home or
4-26     business [for the deaf (TDD or TTY)] and distribute to each
 5-1     eligible applicant a voucher that guarantees payment of that amount
 5-2     to a distributor of new specialized telecommunications devices
 5-3     described by Section 56.151 or to a provider of services described
 5-4     by that section.
 5-5           (b)  A voucher must have the value printed on its face.  The
 5-6     individual exchanging a voucher for the purchase of a specialized
 5-7     telecommunications device or service is responsible for payment of
 5-8     the difference between the voucher's value and the price of the
 5-9     device or service.
5-10           (c)  The commission and the Texas Commission for the Deaf and
5-11     Hard of Hearing by rule shall provide that a distributor of devices
5-12     or a provider of services will receive not more than the full price
5-13     of the device or service [a specialized telecommunications device]
5-14     if the recipient of a voucher exchanges the voucher for a device or
5-15     service that the distributor or provider sells for less than the
5-16     voucher's value.
5-17           (d)  An individual who has exchanged a voucher for a
5-18     specialized telecommunications device is not eligible to receive
5-19     another voucher before the seventh anniversary of the date the
5-20     individual exchanged the previously issued voucher unless, before
5-21     that date, the recipient develops a need for a different type of
5-22     telecommunications device or service under the program because the
5-23     recipient's disability changes or the recipient acquires another
5-24     disability.
5-25           (e)  An individual is not eligible for a voucher if the Texas
5-26     Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has issued a voucher to
 6-1     another individual in the individual's household for a device or
 6-2     service to serve the same telephone line.
 6-3           (f) [(e)]  The Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of
 6-4     Hearing shall:
 6-5                 (1)  process each application for a voucher to
 6-6     determine eligibility of the applicant; and
 6-7                 (2)  give each eligible applicant a voucher on payment
 6-8     of a $35 fee.
 6-9           (g) [(f)]  The Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of
6-10     Hearing shall maintain a record regarding each individual who
6-11     receives a voucher under the program.
6-12           (h) [(g)]  The Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of
6-13     Hearing shall deposit money collected under the program to the
6-14     credit of the universal service fund.
6-15           Sec. 56.154.  COMMISSION DUTIES.  (a)  Not later than the
6-16     45th day after the date the commission receives a voucher a
6-17     telecommunications device distributor presents for payment or a
6-18     voucher a telecommunications service provider presents for payment,
6-19     the commission shall pay to the distributor or service provider the
6-20     lesser of the value of a voucher properly exchanged for a
6-21     specialized telecommunications device or service or the full price
6-22     of the device or service for which a voucher recipient exchanges
6-23     the voucher.  The payments must be made from the universal service
6-24     fund.
6-25           (b)  The commission may investigate whether the presentation
6-26     of a voucher for payment represents a valid transaction for a
 7-1     telecommunications device or service under the program.  The Texas
 7-2     Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing shall cooperate with
 7-3     and assist the commission in an investigation under this
 7-4     subsection.
 7-5           (c)  Notwithstanding Section 56.153(a), the commission may:
 7-6                 (1)  delay payment of a voucher to a distributor of
 7-7     devices or a service provider if there is a dispute regarding the
 7-8     amount or propriety of the payment or whether the device or service
 7-9     is appropriate or adequate to meet the needs of the person to whom
7-10     the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing issued the
7-11     voucher until the dispute is resolved;
7-12                 (2)  provide that payment of the voucher is conditioned
7-13     on the return of the payment if the device is returned to the
7-14     distributor or if the service is not used by the person to whom the
7-15     voucher was issued; and
7-16                 (3)  provide an alternative dispute resolution process
7-17     for resolving a dispute regarding a subject described by
7-18     Subdivision (1) or (2).
7-19           SECTION 6.  Subsection (a), Section 56.155, Utilities Code,
7-20     is amended to read as follows:
7-21           (a)  The commission shall allow a telecommunications utility
7-22     to recover the universal service fund assessment related to the
7-23     specialized telecommunications [device] assistance program through
7-24     a surcharge added to the utility's customers' bills.
7-25           SECTION 7.  (a)  In accordance with Subsection (c), Section
7-26     311.031, Government Code, which gives effect to a substantive
 8-1     amendment enacted by  the same  legislature  that codifies the
 8-2     amended statute, the text of Section 56.021, Subsection (a),
 8-3     Section 56.110, Sections 56.111, 56.151, 56.152, 56.153, and
 8-4     56.154, and Subsection (a), Section 56.155, Utilities Code, as set
 8-5     out in Sections 1 through 6 of this Act, gives  effect  to  changes
 8-6     made  by Chapter 149, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular
 8-7     Session, 1997.
 8-8           (b)  To the  extent of any conflict, this Act prevails over
 8-9     another Act of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999,
8-10     relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted
8-11     codes.
8-12           SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
8-13           SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the
8-14     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
8-15     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
8-16     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
8-17     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.