1-1     By:  Armbrister                                       S.B. No. 1487
 1-2           (In the Senate - Filed March 12, 1999; March 15, 1999, read
 1-3     first time and referred to Committee on State Affairs;
 1-4     April 7, 1999, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 9,
 1-5     Nays 0; April 7, 1999, sent to printer.)
 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-7                                   AN ACT
 1-8     relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation
 1-9     and the Texas Turnpike Authority division of the Texas Department
1-10     of Transportation to implement an automated enforcement system on
1-11     toll roads; providing criminal penalties.
1-13           SECTION  1.  Section 224.156, Transportation Code, is amended
1-14     to read as follows:
1-15           Sec. 224.156.  OFFENSES AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEE; NOTICE.
1-16     (a)  A person commits an offense if the person operates a vehicle
1-17     on a state highway facility without paying the proper toll.  An
1-18     offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine
1-19     not to exceed $250.
1-20           (b)  In the event of nonpayment of the proper toll, on
1-21     issuance of proper notice of nonpayment, the registered owner of
1-22     the nonpaying vehicle is legally bound to pay both the proper toll
1-23     and an administrative fee.
1-24           (c) [(b)]  The commission by rule and a transportation
1-25     corporation by order of its board of directors may respectively fix
1-26     an administrative fee, not to exceed $100, to recover the cost of
1-27     collecting an unpaid toll.  The notice of nonpayment to the
1-28     registered owner shall be sent by the department by first-class
1-29     mail not later than 30 days after the date of the alleged failure
1-30     to pay and may require payment not sooner than 30 days after the
1-31     date the notice was mailed.  The registered owner shall pay a
1-32     separate toll and administrative fee for each event of nonpayment.
1-33           (d) [(c)]  If the registered owner of the vehicle fails to
1-34     pay the proper toll and administrative fee within the time
1-35     specified by the notice of nonpayment issued under this section,
1-36     the registered owner shall be cited as for other traffic violations
1-37     for the nonpayment, and the owner is legally bound to pay a fine[,
1-38     not to exceed $250,] for each event of nonpayment.  Neither the
1-39     legal obligation to pay nor the actual payment of the fine affects
1-40     the legal duty of the owner for any other fine or penalty
1-41     prescribed by law.
1-42           SECTION 2.  Section 224.157, Transportation Code, is amended
1-43     by amending Subsections (a), (c), and (d) and adding Subsection (e)
1-44     to read as follows:
1-45           (a)  In the prosecution of a violation under Section
1-46     [Sections 224.155 and] 224.156, proof that a [the] vehicle passed
1-47     through a toll collection facility without payment of the proper
1-48     toll, including but not limited to proof by video, photographic, or
1-49     electronic recording, together with proof that the defendant was
1-50     the registered owner of the vehicle when the offense [failure to
1-51     pay] occurred, establishes the commission of the offense by
1-52     [nonpayment of] the registered owner.
1-53           (c)  It is a defense to prosecution of a violation
1-54     [nonpayment] under Section [224.155 or] 224.156 that the motor
1-55     vehicle in question was stolen before the offense [failure to pay
1-56     the proper toll] occurred and was not recovered by the time of the
1-57     offense [failure to pay], but only if the theft was reported to the
1-58     appropriate law enforcement authority before the earlier of:
1-59                 (1)  the occurrence of the offense [failure to pay]; or
1-60                 (2)  eight hours after discovery of the theft.
1-61           (d)  A registered owner who is a lessor of a vehicle involved
1-62     in an offense under Section 224.156, or concerning which a notice
1-63     of nonpayment was issued under that section, [Section 224.156] is
1-64     not liable in connection with that offense or notice of nonpayment
 2-1     if, not later than 30 days after the date the notice of nonpayment
 2-2     is mailed, the registered owner provides to the court, or to the
 2-3     department or the transportation corporation, a copy of the rental,
 2-4     lease, or other contract document covering the vehicle on the date
 2-5     of the offense [nonpayment], with the name and address of the
 2-6     lessee clearly legible.  Failure to provide this information within
 2-7     the period prescribed renders the lessor liable as the registered
 2-8     owner.  If the lessor provides the required information within the
 2-9     period prescribed, the lessee of the vehicle on the date of the
2-10     violation is considered to be the owner of the vehicle for purposes
2-11     of this subchapter and is subject to prosecution [for failure to
2-12     pay the proper toll] as if the lessee were the registered owner.
2-13     The[, if the] department or the transportation corporation must
2-14     send [sends] a notice of nonpayment of the proper toll to the
2-15     lessee by first-class mail within 30 days after the date of receipt
2-16     of the required information from the lessor.
2-17           (e)  It is a defense to prosecution of a violation under
2-18     Section 224.156 that the motor vehicle in question was a used
2-19     vehicle transferred before the offense occurred, provided that
2-20     written notice of transfer was submitted to the department in
2-21     accordance with Section 520.023.  If the transferor provides the
2-22     required information within the period prescribed, the transferee
2-23     of the vehicle is considered to be the owner of the vehicle for
2-24     purposes of this subchapter and is subject to prosecution as if the
2-25     transferee were the registered owner.
2-26           SECTION 3.  Subsection (b), Section 224.158, Transportation
2-27     Code, is amended to read as follows:
2-28           (b)  Any law enforcement officer [of the Department of Public
2-29     Safety] has the authority to seize a stolen or insufficiently
2-30     funded transponder and to return it to the department or the
2-31     transportation corporation, except that an insufficiently funded
2-32     transponder may not be seized sooner than 30 days after the date
2-33     the department or the transportation corporation has sent a notice
2-34     of delinquency to the holder of the account.
2-35           SECTION 4.  Subchapter F, Chapter 224, Transportation Code,
2-36     is amended by adding Section 224.160 to read as follows:
2-37           Sec. 224.160.  AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY.  The
2-38     commission may use such technology, including but not limited to
2-39     automatic vehicle license tag identification photography and video
2-40     surveillance, either by electronic imaging or photographic copy, as
2-41     it deems necessary to aid in the collection of tolls and the
2-42     enforcement of toll violations, including tolls on temporary toll
2-43     projects authorized by Section 222.102.
2-44           SECTION 5.  Section 361.253, Transportation Code, is amended
2-45     to read as follows:
2-46           Sec. 361.253.  OFFENSES AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEE; NOTICE.
2-47     (a)  A person commits an offense if the person operates a vehicle
2-48     on a turnpike project without paying the proper toll.  An offense
2-49     under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to
2-50     exceed $250.
2-51           (b)  In the event of nonpayment of the proper toll, on
2-52     issuance of proper notice of nonpayment, the registered owner of
2-53     the nonpaying vehicle is legally bound to pay both the proper toll
2-54     and an administrative fee.
2-55           (c) [(b)]  The authority may fix, revise, charge, and collect
2-56     the administrative fee, so as to recover the cost of collecting the
2-57     unpaid toll, not to exceed $100.  The notice of nonpayment to the
2-58     registered owner shall be sent by first class mail not later than
2-59     30 days after the date of the alleged failure to pay and may
2-60     require payment not sooner than 30 days from the date the notice
2-61     was mailed.  The registered owner shall pay a separate toll and
2-62     administrative fee for each event of nonpayment.
2-63           (d) [(c)]  If the registered owner of the vehicle fails to
2-64     pay the proper toll and administrative fee within the time
2-65     specified by the notice of nonpayment issued under this section,
2-66     the registered owner shall be cited as for other traffic violations
2-67     for the nonpayment, and the owner is legally bound to pay a fine[,
2-68     not to exceed $250,] for each event of nonpayment.  Neither the
2-69     legal obligation to pay nor the actual payment of the fine shall
 3-1     affect the legal duty of the owner for any other fine or penalty
 3-2     prescribed by law.
 3-3           SECTION 6.  Section 361.254, Transportation Code, is amended
 3-4     by amending Subsections (a), (c), and (d) and adding Subsection (e)
 3-5     to read as follows:
 3-6           (a)  In the prosecution of a violation under Section [361.252
 3-7     or] 361.253, proof that a [the] vehicle passed through a toll
 3-8     collection facility without payment of the proper toll, including
 3-9     but not limited to proof by video, photographic, or electronic
3-10     recording, together with proof that the defendant was the
3-11     registered owner of the vehicle when the offense [failure to pay]
3-12     occurred, establishes the commission of the offense by [nonpayment
3-13     of] the registered owner.
3-14           (c)  It is a defense to prosecution of a violation
3-15     [nonpayment] under Section [361.252 or] 361.253 that the motor
3-16     vehicle in question was stolen before the offense [failure to pay
3-17     the proper toll] occurred and was not recovered by the time of the
3-18     offense [failure to pay], but only if the theft was reported to the
3-19     appropriate law enforcement authority before the earlier of:
3-20                 (1)  the occurrence of the offense [failure to pay]; or
3-21                 (2)  eight hours after the discovery of the theft.
3-22           (d)  A registered owner who is a lessor of a vehicle involved
3-23     in an offense under Section 361.253, or concerning which a notice
3-24     of nonpayment was issued under that section, [Section 361.253] is
3-25     not liable in connection with that offense or notice of nonpayment
3-26     if, not later than 30 days after the date the notice of nonpayment
3-27     is mailed, the registered owner provides to the court or the
3-28     authority a copy of the rental, lease, or other contract document
3-29     covering the vehicle on the date of the offense [nonpayment], with
3-30     the name and address of the lessee clearly legible.  Failure to
3-31     provide this information within the period prescribed renders the
3-32     lessor liable as the registered owner.  If the lessor provides the
3-33     required information within the period prescribed, the lessee of
3-34     the vehicle on the date of the violation is considered to be the
3-35     owner of the vehicle for purposes of this section and is subject to
3-36     prosecution [for failure to pay the proper toll] as if the lessee
3-37     were the registered owner.  The[, if the] authority must send
3-38     [sends] a notice of nonpayment of the proper toll to the lessee by
3-39     first class mail within 30 days after the date of receipt of the
3-40     required information from the lessor.
3-41           (e)  It is a defense to prosecution of a violation under
3-42     Section 361.253 that the motor vehicle in question was a used
3-43     vehicle transferred before the offense occurred, provided that
3-44     written notice of transfer was submitted to the department in
3-45     accordance with Section 520.023.  If the transferor provides the
3-46     required information within the period prescribed, the transferee
3-47     of the vehicle is considered to be the owner of the vehicle for
3-48     purposes of this section and is subject to prosecution as if the
3-49     transferee were the registered owner.
3-50           SECTION 7.  Subchapter G, Chapter 361, Transportation Code,
3-51     is amended by adding Section 361.2545 to read as follows:
3-52           Sec. 361.2545.  AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY.  The
3-53     authority may use such technology, including but not limited to
3-54     automatic vehicle license tag identification photography and video
3-55     surveillance, either by electronic imaging or photographic copy, as
3-56     it deems necessary to aid in the collection of tolls and the
3-57     enforcement of toll violations.
3-58           SECTION 8.  (a)  The changes in law made by this Act apply
3-59     only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this
3-60     Act.  For the purposes of this Act, an offense is committed before
3-61     the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs
3-62     before that date.
3-63           (b)  An offense committed before the effective date of this
3-64     Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed,
3-65     and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose.
3-66           SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the
3-67     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
3-68     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
3-69     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 4-1     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
 4-2     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
 4-3     passage, and it is so enacted.
 4-4                                  * * * * *