By Fraser                                             S.B. No. 1556
         76R8949 DB-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the control of health insurance fraud; providing civil
 1-3     penalties.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Chapter 3, Insurance Code, is amended by adding
 1-6     Subchapter K to read as follows:
 1-8           Art. 3.97-1.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
 1-9                 (1)  "Health care provider" has the meaning assigned by
1-10     Section 35.01, Penal Code.
1-11                 (2)  "Insurer" means:
1-12                       (A)  a health insurer, including a life, health,
1-13     and accident insurer, or a health and accident insurer, a health
1-14     maintenance organization, or any other person operating under
1-15     Chapter 3, 10, 20, 20A, 22, or 26 of this code who is authorized to
1-16     issue, issue for delivery, or deliver policies, certificates, or
1-17     contracts of insurance in this state;
1-18                       (B)  an approved nonprofit health corporation
1-19     that:
1-20                             (i)  is certified under Section 5.01(a),
1-21     Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil
1-22     Statutes); and
1-23                             (ii)  holds a certificate of authority
1-24     issued by the commissioner under Article 21.52F of this code; or
 2-1                       (C)  an insurer authorized by the department to
 2-2     write workers' compensation insurance in this state.
 2-4     CLAIMS; DISPLAY ON FORMS.  (a)  If an insurer provides a form for a
 2-5     person to use to make a claim against a policy issued by the
 2-6     insurer or to give notice of a person's intent to make a claim
 2-7     against a policy issued by the insurer, the insurer shall provide
 2-8     on that form, in comparative prominence with the other content on
 2-9     the form, a statement as follows: "Any person who knowingly
2-10     presents a false or fraudulent claim for the payment of a loss is
2-11     guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confinement in
2-12     state prison."
2-13           (b)  The statement required in Subsection (a) of this article
2-14     must be preceded by the words:  "For your protection, Texas law
2-15     requires the following to appear on this form."
2-16           Art. 3.97-3.  INSURER ANTIFRAUD PLANS.  An insurer may adopt
2-17     an antifraud plan under this article.  If the insurer adopts an
2-18     antifraud plan, the insurer shall annually file that plan with the
2-19     insurance fraud unit.  The plan must include:
2-20                 (1)  a description of the insurer's procedures for
2-21     detecting and investigating possible fraudulent insurance acts; and
2-22                 (2)  a description of the insurer's procedures for
2-23     reporting possible fraudulent insurance acts to the insurance fraud
2-24     unit.
2-26     SHARING.  (a)  In the course of investigating insurance fraud
2-27     claims, an insurer may share information with other insurers
 3-1     concerning:
 3-2                 (1)  whether health care goods or services were
 3-3     provided;
 3-4                 (2)  whether health care goods or services were
 3-5     medically necessary under professionally accepted standards;
 3-6                 (3)  the nature of the health care goods or services
 3-7     provided;
 3-8                 (4)  the date on which health care goods or services
 3-9     were provided;
3-10                 (5)  the medical record of goods or services provided;
3-11                 (6)  the condition treated or diagnosis made; or
3-12                 (7)  the identity and applicable license of the
3-13     provider or the recipient of health care goods or services.
3-14           (b)  Before providing information as permitted by this
3-15     article to another insurer, an insurer must provide a copy of that
3-16     information to each health care provider that the information
3-17     concerns.
3-18           (c)  An insurer may not provide information under this
3-19     article if the information is provided with malice, fraudulent
3-20     intent, or bad faith.
3-21           (d)  This article does not affect or modify common law or a
3-22     statutory privilege or immunity.
3-23           SECTION 2.  Chapter 6, Title 71, Revised Statutes, is amended
3-24     by adding Article 4512q to read as follows:
3-26           Sec. 1.  DEFINITION.  In this article, "health care provider"
3-27     has the meaning assigned by Section 35.01, Penal Code.
 4-1           Sec. 2.  UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT.  (a)  A health care provider
 4-2     violates this article if the health care provider intentionally or
 4-3     knowingly presents or causes to be presented to a person a bill for
 4-4     medical treatment and knows that the treatment:
 4-5                 (1)  was not provided; or
 4-6                 (2)  was unreasonable or medically or clinically
 4-7     unnecessary.
 4-8           (b)  A violation of this article by a health care provider
 4-9     constitutes cause for the revocation or suspension of the
4-10     provider's license, permit, registration, certificate, or other
4-11     authority or other disciplinary action against the health care
4-12     provider.
4-13           Sec. 3.  CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  A health care provider that
4-14     violates this article is liable to the state for a civil penalty
4-15     not to exceed $2,000 for each violation.
4-16           (b)  On request of the Texas Department of Insurance or an
4-17     agency that regulates the health care provider, the attorney
4-18     general shall file suit to collect the penalty in a district court
4-19     in Travis County or in the county in which the violation occurred.
4-20           (c)  The attorney general may recover reasonable expenses
4-21     incurred in obtaining a civil penalty under this section, including
4-22     court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, reasonable investigative
4-23     costs, witness fees, and deposition expenses.
4-24           (d)  A civil penalty recovered under this section shall be
4-25     deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general
4-26     revenue fund.
4-27           (e)  A health care provider is not liable under this section
 5-1     for an isolated billing error.
 5-2           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
 5-3           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
 5-4     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 5-5     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 5-6     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 5-7     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.