By Zaffirini                                          S.B. No. 1588
         76R5071 DLF-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to fraud control procedures for the Medicaid managed care
 1-3     program.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 533, Government Code, is
 1-6     amended by adding Section 533.012 to read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 533.012.  INFORMATION FOR FRAUD CONTROL.  (a)  Each
 1-8     managed care organization contracting with the commission under
 1-9     this chapter shall submit  to the commission:
1-10                 (1)  a description of any financial or other business
1-11     relationship between the organization and any subcontractor
1-12     providing health care services under the contract;
1-13                 (2)  a copy of any contract between the organization
1-14     and a subcontractor relating to the delivery of or payment for
1-15     health care services; and
1-16                 (3)  a description of the fraud control program used by
1-17     any subcontractor that delivers health care services.
1-18           (b)  Each managed care organization contracting with the
1-19     commission under this chapter shall submit to the commission
1-20     specific information relating to each encounter in which a health
1-21     care service was provided to a recipient under the contract.
1-22           (c)  The information submitted under this section must be
1-23     submitted in the form required by the commission. The information
1-24     submitted under Subsection (a) shall be updated as  required by the
 2-1     commission.
 2-2           (d)  The commission's office of investigations and
 2-3     enforcement shall review the information submitted under this
 2-4     section as appropriate in the investigation of fraud in the
 2-5     Medicaid managed care program. The comptroller may review the
 2-6     information in connection with the health care fraud study
 2-7     conducted by the comptroller.
 2-8           SECTION 2.  Section 533.005, Government Code, is amended to
 2-9     read as follows:
2-10           Sec. 533.005.  REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS.   A contract
2-11     between a managed care organization and the commission for the
2-12     organization to provide  health care services to recipients must
2-13     contain:
2-14                 (1)  procedures to ensure accountability to the state
2-15     for the provision of health care services, including procedures for
2-16     financial reporting, quality assurance, utilization review, and
2-17     assurance of contract and subcontract compliance;
2-18                 (2)  capitation and provider payment rates that ensure
2-19     the cost-effective provision of quality health care;
2-20                 (3)  a requirement that the managed care organization
2-21     provide ready access to a person who assists recipients in
2-22     resolving issues relating to enrollment, plan administration,
2-23     education and training, access to services, and grievance
2-24     procedures;
2-25                 (4)  a requirement that the managed care organization
2-26     provide ready access to a person who assists providers in resolving
2-27     issues relating to payment, plan administration, education and
 3-1     training, and grievance procedures;
 3-2                 (5)  a requirement that the managed care organization
 3-3     provide information and referral about the availability of
 3-4     educational, social, and other community services that could
 3-5     benefit a recipient;
 3-6                 (6)  procedures for recipient outreach and education;
 3-7                 (7)  a requirement that the managed care organization
 3-8     make payment to a physician or provider for health care services
 3-9     rendered to a recipient under a managed care plan not later than
3-10     the 45th day after the date a claim for payment is received with
3-11     documentation reasonably necessary for the managed care
3-12     organization to process the claim, or within a period, not to
3-13     exceed 60 days, specified by a written agreement between the
3-14     physician or provider and the managed care organization;
3-15                 (8)  a requirement that the commission, on the date of
3-16     a recipient's enrollment in a managed care plan issued by the
3-17     managed care organization, inform the organization of the
3-18     recipient's Medicaid recertification date;  [and]
3-19                 (9)  a requirement that the managed care organization
3-20     comply with Section 533.006 as a condition of contract retention
3-21     and renewal; and
3-22                 (10)  a requirement that the managed care organization
3-23     provide the information required by Section 533.012 and otherwise
3-24     comply and cooperate with the commission's office of investigations
3-25     and enforcement.
3-26           SECTION 3.  The change in law made by Section 2 of this Act
3-27     applies only to a contract with a managed care organization entered
 4-1     into or renewed on or after the effective date of this Act.  A
 4-2     contract entered into before the effective date of this Act is
 4-3     governed by the law as it existed immediately before the effective
 4-4     date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that
 4-5     purpose.
 4-6           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
 4-7     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 4-8     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 4-9     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
4-10     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
4-11     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
4-12     passage, and it is so enacted.