By:  Bernsen, Jackson                                 S.B. No. 1685
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                       AN ACT
 1-1     relating to the regulation and promotion of the oyster industry in
 1-2     this state.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 431, Health and Safety
 1-5     Code, is amended by adding Section 431.006 to read as follows:
 1-6           Sec. 431.006.  COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAW; MOLLUSCAN
 1-7     SHELLFISH.  A person who is subject to this chapter and who handles
 1-8     molluscan shellfish, as that term is defined by Section 436.002,
 1-9     shall comply with Section 436.105.
1-10           SECTION 2.  Section 436.103, Health and Safety Code, is
1-11     amended to read as follows:
1-12           Sec. 436.103.  FEE ON OYSTER SALES; PENALTIES.  (a)  The
1-13     first [A] certified shellfish dealer who handles, stores, packs,
1-14     labels, unloads at dockside, or holds oysters taken from the water
1-15     of this state shall pay the state [department] a fee of $1 for each
1-16     barrel of oysters processed by the certified shellfish dealer.
1-17           (b)  For purposes of assessing the fee required by this
1-18     section, three 100-pound containers of oysters is the equivalent of
1-19     one barrel of oysters.  A certified shellfish dealer may not pack
1-20     oysters in containers that, when packed, exceed 110 pounds in
1-21     weight.  A dealer who violates this subsection is liable for a
1-22     penalty of $5 for each container that exceeds 110 pounds.
1-23           (c)  A certified shellfish dealer shall pay a fee or penalty
1-24     imposed by Subsection (a) or (b) [this section] not later than the
 2-1     20th [30th] day of the month following the month in which the
 2-2     barrel of oysters was handled.  A [certified shellfish] dealer who
 2-3     fails to pay the fee or penalty in full within the prescribed
 2-4     period is liable for the amount of the fee or penalty and an
 2-5     additional [a] penalty of 10 percent of the amount of the fee or
 2-6     penalty due.  On certification by the comptroller that a fee is
 2-7     past due, the [The] department may suspend, until the fee, penalty,
 2-8     or additional penalty is paid, the shellfish certificate of a
 2-9     certified shellfish dealer who fails to timely pay the fee,
2-10     penalty, or additional penalty in full. The department, on
2-11     certification from the comptroller that a certified shellfish
2-12     dealer has refused to pay a fee, penalty, or additional penalty on
2-13     written demand, may revoke the shellfish certificate of a certified
2-14     shellfish dealer who refuses to pay a fee, penalty, or additional
2-15     penalty [on written demand of the department].
2-16           (d) [(c)]  The comptroller [department] shall collect
2-17     [deposit] fees and penalties [collected] under this section and may
2-18     adopt rules, forms, and procedures for submission of fees and
2-19     penalties under this section.  Each month the comptroller shall
2-20     report to the department the fees and penalties that are submitted
2-21     to the comptroller.
2-22           (e)  Before any other disposition of the fees and penalties
2-23     collected under this section is made, two percent of the amount of
2-24     the fees and penalties shall be deposited in the state treasury for
2-25     appropriation for the use of the comptroller in the administration
2-26     and enforcement of this section.  The remainder of the fees and
 3-1     penalties collected under this section shall be deposited to the
 3-2     credit of the oyster sales account in the general revenue fund to
 3-3     be allocated each year [quarter to the department] for
 3-4     oyster-related activities, including:
 3-5                 (1)  collecting bay water and shellfish meat samples;
 3-6                 (2)  contracting for [water] sample analysis for
 3-7     classification and opening or closing of oyster harvesting areas;
 3-8                 [(2)  the study of organisms in oysters that are
 3-9     harmful to consumers of oysters;]
3-10                 (3)  marking the boundaries of areas that are
3-11     designated open or closed under this subchapter [the education of
3-12     the public on health issues relating to oyster consumption];
3-13                 (4)  studying oyster diseases and other concerns
3-14     affecting the availability of oysters for harvest;
3-15                 (5)  studying organisms that may be associated with
3-16     human illness and that can be transmitted through the consumption
3-17     of oysters;
3-18                 (6)  promotion and advertising of the Texas oyster
3-19     industry by the Texas Department of Agriculture, including
3-20     information, education, and training to consumers on safe and
3-21     proper handling of oysters; and
3-22                 (7)  other oyster-related activities authorized or
3-23     required by this chapter [the sanitary handling of oysters at the
3-24     wholesale, retail, and consumer level; and]
3-25                 [(5)  the optional additional marking of the boundaries
3-26     of areas declared closed by the director].
 4-1           (f)  Subtitles A and B, Title 2, Tax Code, apply to the
 4-2     comptroller's administration, collection, and enforcement of this
 4-3     section to the same extent as if the fee imposed under this section
 4-4     were a tax imposed under Title 2, Tax Code.
 4-5           [(d)  The department shall adopt rules, forms, and procedures
 4-6     to obtain from a certified shellfish dealer required to pay fees
 4-7     under this section information on the:]
 4-8                 [(1)  location of the oysters harvested;]
 4-9                 [(2)  identity of the harvesting boat;]
4-10                 [(3)  identity of the captain and the number of crew of
4-11     the harvesting boat; and]
4-12                 [(4)  identity of the receiving certified shellfish
4-13     dealer.]
4-14           SECTION 3.  Subchapter H, Chapter 436, Health and Safety
4-15     Code, is amended by adding Sections 436.104 through 436.108 to read
4-16     as follows:
4-17           Sec. 436.104.  OYSTER PROGRAM.  (a)  The department shall
4-18     conduct sanitary surveys, bay water and shellfish meat sampling,
4-19     and any other activities that are necessary to classify the bays
4-20     from which oysters are harvested from private leases or public
4-21     reefs and the director shall continue to designate those areas as
4-22     open areas as much as possible while protecting public health.
4-23           (b)  The department shall, subject to reasonable and prudent
4-24     safety concerns, conduct sampling activities at the earliest
4-25     possible time following the designation as a closed area of an area
4-26     from which oysters are harvested from private leases or public
 5-1     reefs:
 5-2                 (1)  if a question exists about the closure, to confirm
 5-3     the need for the closure; or
 5-4                 (2)  if there is reason to believe that the sampling
 5-5     will result in opening the area.
 5-6           (c)  In implementing the oyster program, the department shall
 5-7     follow standards that are at least as stringent as the guidelines
 5-8     adopted by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program.  The
 5-9     department's approach shall be consistent with the purpose and
5-10     intent of the National Shellfish Sanitation Program and the federal
5-11     Food and Drug Administration policy statements regarding the
5-12     consumption of raw molluscan shellfish.
5-13           Sec. 436.105.  TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS.  Molluscan shellfish
5-14     shall be refrigerated in air temperatures at or below 45 degrees
5-15     Fahrenheit at all times except during transfer from one storage
5-16     area or transportation vehicle to another.  Except for an immediate
5-17     transfer, molluscan shellfish may not remain unrefrigerated during
5-18     transfer from one storage area or transportation vehicle to
5-19     another.
5-20           Sec. 436.106.  TEMPERATURE ABUSE.  If temperature abuse of
5-21     oysters associated with possible Vibrio parahaemolyticus illnesses
5-22     is identified at any point in the market chain from harvest to
5-23     consumer, the department may not designate a harvest area as a
5-24     closed area unless the temperature abuse does not appear to be the
5-25     possible cause of the illness.
5-26           Sec. 436.107.  TEXAS OYSTER COUNCIL.  (a)  The Texas Oyster
 6-1     Council is created.
 6-2           (b)  The council is composed of:
 6-3                 (1)  two members appointed by the board from a list of
 6-4     nominations submitted by the Texas Oyster Growers and Dealers
 6-5     association;
 6-6                 (2)  two members appointed by the board from a list of
 6-7     oyster dealers who have held a shellfish certificate in this state
 6-8     for not less than six months of each of the three years preceding
 6-9     the nomination and who are certified at the time of appointment;
6-10                 (3)  one representative appointed by the chairman of
6-11     the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference; and
6-12                 (4)  two consumer members appointed by the speaker of
6-13     the house of representatives.
6-14           (c)  Members of the Texas Oyster Council serve one-year terms
6-15     expiring August 31 of each year and may be reappointed at the end
6-16     of a term.
6-17           (d)  A member of the Texas Oyster Council may not receive
6-18     compensation for service on the council and may not be reimbursed
6-19     for expenses incurred by the member while conducting the business
6-20     of the council.
6-21           (e)  A person is not eligible for appointment as a consumer
6-22     member of the Texas Oyster Council if the person or the person's
6-23     spouse:
6-24                 (1)  is a harvester, processor, or wholesaler regulated
6-25     under this chapter;
6-26                 (2)  is employed by a harvester, processor, or
 7-1     wholesaler regulated under this chapter;
 7-2                 (3)  is a retailer of molluscan shellfish; or
 7-3                 (4)  is employed by a retailer of molluscan shellfish.
 7-4           (f)  The Texas Oyster Council shall elect a presiding officer
 7-5     from among its members.
 7-6           Sec. 436.108.  POWERS AND DUTIES OF TEXAS OYSTER COUNCIL.
 7-7     (a)  The Texas Oyster Council shall:
 7-8                 (1)  advise the board on the criteria used by the
 7-9     director under Section 436.101 to designate growing areas as open
7-10     or closed areas;
7-11                 (2)  advise the board on the development of standards
7-12     and procedures relating to the licensing of molluscan shellfish
7-13     processors under this chapter;
7-14                 (3)  advise the board on the content of the rules
7-15     adopted to implement the provisions of this chapter relating to
7-16     molluscan shellfish;
7-17                 (4)  perform any other functions requested by the board
7-18     in implementing and administering the provisions of this chapter
7-19     relating to molluscan shellfish; and
7-20                 (5)  review information brought before the council
7-21     relating to molluscan shellfish.
7-22           (b)  The Texas Oyster Council is entitled to:
7-23                 (1)  obtain information that is furnished to the
7-24     department or developed by the department as part of an
7-25     investigation of a food-borne illness that is suspected of being
7-26     related to molluscan shellfish, including:
 8-1                       (A)  location and handling practices where
 8-2     suspect food may have been served;
 8-3                       (B)  product labeling and records;
 8-4                       (C)  distribution agent, methods, and handling
 8-5     practices;
 8-6                       (D)  sources of product;
 8-7                       (E)  sample collection and laboratory analysis;
 8-8     and
 8-9                       (F)  any other nonmedical information that may
8-10     aid in determining causes or routes of transmission of food-borne
8-11     illness or suspected food-borne illness; and
8-12                 (2)  review the information provided under Subdivision
8-13     (1) and report to the department on any matter of concern.
8-14           (c)  The Texas Oyster Council may establish procedures for:
8-15                 (1)  meetings of the council;
8-16                 (2)  submission, consideration, and resolution of
8-17     issues before the council; and
8-18                 (3)  reporting relating to the council's activities.
8-19           (d)  A member of the Texas Oyster Council who receives
8-20     information under Subsection (b) from confidential communications
8-21     or records, as identified by the department, may not disclose the
8-22     information outside of the council or the department.  The
8-23     department, by providing to the council public information that is
8-24     confidential or otherwise excepted from public disclosure under
8-25     law, does not waive or affect the confidentiality of the
8-26     information for the purposes of state or federal law or waive the
 9-1     right to assert exceptions to required disclosure of the
 9-2     information.
 9-3           (e)  The Texas Oyster Council is subject to Chapter 551,
 9-4     Government Code.  The Texas Oyster Council is not required to
 9-5     conduct an open meeting to deliberate confidential communications
 9-6     and records provided under this section relating to the
 9-7     investigation of a food-borne illness that is suspected of being
 9-8     related to molluscan shellfish.
 9-9           SECTION 4.  Title 3, Agriculture Code, is amended by adding
9-10     Chapter 47 to read as follows:
9-11                      CHAPTER 47.  TEXAS OYSTER PROGRAM
9-12           Sec. 47.001.  DUTIES.  (a)  The department may:
9-13                 (1)  promote and advertise the Texas oyster industry;
9-14                 (2)  use current market research to develop an oyster
9-15     marketing plan to increase consumption of Texas oysters;
9-16                 (3)  conduct a public relations campaign to create a
9-17     responsible and accurate image of the Texas oyster industry; and
9-18                 (4)  provide information, education, or training to
9-19     consumers on safe and proper handling of oysters.
9-20           (b)  The department, in consultation with the advisory
9-21     committee appointed under Section 47.002, may use money
9-22     appropriated to the department to implement this chapter for
9-23     administrative expenses related to this chapter.
9-24           Sec. 47.002.  OYSTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a)  The
9-25     commissioner shall appoint an Oyster Advisory Committee to provide
9-26     guidance and direction on the programs and activities established
 10-1    under this chapter and expenditures of the money appropriated for
 10-2    this chapter.
 10-3          (b)  A member of the advisory committee may not receive
 10-4    compensation for service on the committee and may not be reimbursed
 10-5    for expenses incurred while conducting the business of the advisory
 10-6    committee.
 10-7          (c)  The advisory committee is composed of:
 10-8                (1)  six members appointed by the commissioner from a
 10-9    list of nominations submitted individually by molluscan shellfish
10-10    dealers who have held a shellfish certificate issued under Chapter
10-11    436, Health and Safety Code, for not less than 12 months of each of
10-12    the three years preceding the nomination;
10-13                (2)  two members appointed by the commissioner from a
10-14    list of nominations submitted individually by molluscan shellfish
10-15    dealers who have held a shellfish certificate issued under Chapter
10-16    436, Health and Safety Code, for not less than six months of each
10-17    of the three years preceding the nomination and who may not submit
10-18    a nomination under Subdivision (1); and
10-19                (3)  one public member who represents consumer
10-20    interests appointed by the commissioner.
10-21          (d)  The advisory committee shall meet and elect a presiding
10-22    officer from among its members and shall adopt bylaws for the
10-23    conduct of its activities.  The bylaws must provide that five
10-24    members constitute a quorum sufficient to conduct meetings and
10-25    business of the advisory committee.
10-26          (e)  Advisory committee members serve staggered three-year
 11-1    terms, with the terms of three members expiring August 31 of each
 11-2    year.  A member of the committee may be reappointed.
 11-3          SECTION 5.  Subchapter C, Chapter 87, Education Code, is
 11-4    amended by adding Section 87.207 to read as follows:
 11-5          Sec. 87.207.  MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH PROGRAMS.  (a)  The marine
 11-6    biology department of Texas A&M University at Galveston may:
 11-7                (1)  support the expansion and production of oysters
 11-8    from private oyster leases during the months of May through October
 11-9    of each year; and
11-10                (2)  study the possible impacts of conditions observed
11-11    on public harvest outside that period.
11-12          (b)  The marine biology department may investigate and
11-13    provide information about oyster diseases and other concerns that
11-14    may affect the availability of oysters for harvest.  The
11-15    investigation shall consider the effects of natural environmental
11-16    conditions, including salinity, temperature, turbidity, and other
11-17    natural environmental conditions, and shall also consider factors
11-18    that may not be part of the natural environment, including chemical
11-19    contamination, freshwater inflow alterations, and ballast water
11-20    discharges.
11-21          (c)  The marine biology department may investigate and
11-22    provide information about organisms that may be associated with
11-23    human illness that can be transmitted through the consumption of
11-24    oysters, particularly Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio
11-25    vulnificus.  The investigation must consider factors such as
11-26    natural occurrence, contamination, and the effects of time,
 12-1    temperature, and handling practices on the organisms.
 12-2          SECTION 6.  In making the initial appointments of the Oyster
 12-3    Advisory Committee members under Section 47.002, Agriculture Code,
 12-4    as added by this Act, the commissioner of agriculture shall
 12-5    appoint:
 12-6                (1)  two members from the list submitted under
 12-7    Subdivision (1), Subsection (c), Section 47.002, Agriculture Code,
 12-8    as added by this Act, and one member from the list submitted under
 12-9    Subdivision (2), Subsection (c), Section 47.002, Agriculture Code,
12-10    as added by this Act, to serve a term expiring August 31, 2000;
12-11                (2)  two members from the list submitted under
12-12    Subdivision (1), Subsection (c), Section 47.002, Agriculture Code,
12-13    as added by this Act, and one member from the list submitted under
12-14    Subdivision (2), Subsection (c), Section 47.002, Agriculture Code,
12-15    as added by this Act, to serve a term expiring August 31, 2001; and
12-16                (3)  two members from the list submitted under
12-17    Subdivision (1), Subsection (c), Section 47.002, Agriculture Code,
12-18    as added by this Act, and the public member appointed under
12-19    Subdivision (3), Subsection (c), Section 47.002, Agriculture Code,
12-20    as added by this Act, to serve a term expiring August 31, 2002.
12-21          SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
12-22    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
12-23    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
12-24    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
12-25    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
12-26    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
 13-1    passage, and it is so enacted.