By:  Bernsen                                          S.B. No. 1685
         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.
         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                       AN ACT
 1-1     relating to the release of information associated with food borne
 1-2     illness, regulation of the distribution of molluscan shellfish,
 1-3     collection and use of the Oyster Sales Fee, regulation of the
 1-4     harvesting of molluscan shellfish, promotion and advertisement of
 1-5     the Texas Oyster Industry, and research regarding oyster diseases
 1-6     and organisms associated with oysters which may cause human
 1-7     illness.
 1-9           SECTION 1.  DEFINITIONS.  For the purposes of this act:
1-10     "Interim Control Plan for Vibrio parahaemolyticus (ICPVp)" means
1-11     the plan adopted by the ISSC to provide guidance to state shellfish
1-12     control authorities when dealing with the naturally occurring
1-13     marine bacterium, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, until such time as
1-14     definitive guidelines are incorporated into the NSSP Guide for the
1-15     Sanitary Control of Molluscan Shellfish.  "Interstate Shellfish
1-16     Sanitation Conference (ISSC)" means the voluntary organization of
1-17     state shellfish control agency representatives, in cooperation with
1-18     federal agency representatives, the shellfish industry, and
1-19     academicians and researchers, which provides guidance for sanitary
1-20     control of molluscan shellfish in this country.  "National
1-21     Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP)" means the cooperative
1-22     state-federal-industry program for sanitary control of molluscan
 2-1     shellfish administered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
 2-2     that is adequate to insure that the shellfish produced in
 2-3     accordance with program guidelines will be safe and sanitary.
 2-4           SECTION 2.  Section 81.046, Health and Safety Code, is
 2-5     amended by adding a new subsection (e) to read as follows:
 2-6           Sec. 81.046.  Confidentiality.  (a)  Reports, records, and
 2-7     information furnished to a health authority or the department that
 2-8     relate to cases or suspected cases of diseases or health conditions
 2-9     are confidential and may be used only for the purposes of this
2-10     chapter.
2-11           (b)  Reports, records, and information relating to cases or
2-12     suspected cases of diseases or health conditions are not public
2-13     information under Chapter 424, Acts of the 63rd Legislature,
2-14     Regular Session, 1973 (Article 6252-17a, Vernon's Texas Civil
2-15     Statutes), and may not be released or made public on subpoena or
2-16     otherwise except as provided by Subsections (c), [and] (d), and
2-17     (e).
2-18           (c)  Medical or epidemiological information may be released:
2-19     (1) for statistical purposes if released in a manner that prevents
2-20     the identification of any person; (2) with the consent of each
2-21     person identified in the information; (3) to medical personnel,
2-22     appropriate state agencies, or county and district courts to comply
2-23     with this chapter and related rules relating to the control and
2-24     treatment of communicable diseases and health conditions; (4) to
2-25     appropriate federal agencies, such as the Centers for Disease
2-26     Control of the United States Public Health Service, but the
 3-1     information must be limited to the name, address, sex, race, and
 3-2     occupation of the patient, the date of disease onset, the probable
 3-3     source of infection, and other requested information relating to
 3-4     the case or suspected case of a communicable disease or health
 3-5     condition; or (5) to medical personnel to the extent necessary in a
 3-6     medical emergency to protect the health or life of the person
 3-7     identified in the information.
 3-8           (d)  In a case of sexually transmitted disease involving a
 3-9     minor under 13 years of age, information may not be released,
3-10     except that the child's name, age, and address and the name of the
3-11     disease may be released to appropriate agents as required by
3-12     Chapter 261, Family Code.  If that information is required in a
3-13     court proceeding involving child abuse, the information shall be
3-14     disclosed in camera.
3-15           (e)  Reports, records, and information furnished to or
3-16     collected by a health authority or the department as part of food
3-17     borne illness or suspected food borne illness investigation or
3-18     epidemiological investigations related to food borne illness or
3-19     suspected food borne illness which pertain to the locations and
3-20     handling practices where suspect food may have been served, product
3-21     labeling and records, distribution agents, methods, and handling
3-22     practices, sources of products, sample collection and laboratory
3-23     analysis, and/or any other non-medical information which may aid in
3-24     determining causes and/or routes of transmission of food borne
3-25     illness or suspected food borne illness shall not be considered
3-26     public information under Chapter 424, Acts of the 63rd Legislature,
 4-1     Regular Session, 1973 (Article 6252-17-a, Vernon's Texas Civil
 4-2     Statutes), but shall be released by the health authority or
 4-3     department upon written request to any licensed or certified member
 4-4     of the implicated industry.  Information related to food borne or
 4-5     suspected food borne illness may be released to protect public
 4-6     health only when a case control study has established an
 4-7     epidemiological link to an implicated food.
 4-8           [(e)] (f)  A state or public health district officer or
 4-9     employee, local health department officer or employee, or health
4-10     authority may not be examined in a civil, criminal, special, or
4-11     other proceeding as to the existence or contents of pertinent
4-12     records of, or reports or information about, a person examined or
4-13     treated for a reportable disease by the public health district,
4-14     local health department, or health authority without that person's
4-15     consent.
4-16           SECTION 3.  Sections 431.002 and 431.005, Health and Safety
4-17     Code, are amended as follows:
4-18           Sec. 431.002.  Definitions.  Add a new definition, "(24)
4-19     'Molluscan shellfish' means an edible species of oyster, clam, or
4-20     mussel that is shucked, in the shell, fresh, or fresh frozen, in
4-21     whole or in part, as defined by the National Shellfish Sanitation
4-22     Program.", and renumber all subsequent definitions.
4-23           Sec. 431.005.  Provisions Regarding The Sale of Food, Drugs,
4-24     Devices, or Cosmetics.  The provisions of this chapter regarding
4-25     the selling of food, drugs, devices, or cosmetics, shall be
4-26     considered to include the manufacture, production, processing,
 5-1     packaging, exposure, offer, possession, and holding of any such
 5-2     article for sale; and the sale, dispensing, and giving of any such
 5-3     article, and the supplying or applying of any such articles in the
 5-4     conduct of any food, drug, or cosmetic establishment.  Molluscan
 5-5     shellfish shall be regulated under the provisions and rules of
 5-6     Chapter 436 of this code at all levels of the market chain from
 5-7     harvest to consumer.
 5-8           SECTION 4.  Section 436.103, Texas Health and Safety Code, is
 5-9     amended to read as follows:
5-10           Sec. 436.103.  Oyster Sales Fee; Penalties.  (a)  A certified
5-11     shellfish dealer who handles oysters taken from the waters of this
5-12     state shall pay the [department] state a fee of $1 for each barrel
5-13     of oysters processed by the certified shellfish dealer.  A barrel
5-14     of oysters is equivalent to three one-hundred pound sacks of
5-15     oysters.  A dealer who packs oysters in sacks exceeding 110 pounds
5-16     is liable for a penalty of $5.00 per sack of those sacks found
5-17     exceeding 110 pounds.  These penalties shall be payable under the
5-18     same terms established in this section for payment of fees.
5-19           (b)  A certified shellfish dealer shall pay a fee imposed by
5-20     this section not later than the 20th day of the month following the
5-21     month in which the barrel of oysters was handled.  A certified
5-22     dealer who fails to pay the fee in full within the prescribed
5-23     period is liable for a penalty of 10 percent of the amount due.
5-24     The department may suspend, upon certification by the Comptroller
5-25     that a fee or penalty is past due, until the fee or penalty is
5-26     paid, the shellfish certificate of a certified shellfish dealer who
 6-1     fails to timely pay the fee or penalty in full.  The department,
 6-2     upon certification from the Comptroller that a certified dealer has
 6-3     refused to pay a fee or penalty on written demand, may revoke the
 6-4     certificate of compliance of a certified dealer who refuses to pay
 6-5     a fee or penalty on written demand of the [department] Comptroller.
 6-6           [(c)  The department shall deposit fees and penalties
 6-7     collected under this section to the credit of the general revenue
 6-8     fund to be allocated each quarter to the department for
 6-9     oyster-related activities, including:]
6-10                 [(1)  contracting for water sample analysis for
6-11     classification and opening and closing of oyster harvesting areas;]
6-12                 [(2)  the study of organisms in oysters that are
6-13     harmful to consumers of oysters;]
6-14                 [(3)  the education of the public on health issues
6-15     relating to oyster consumption;]
6-16                 [(4)  the sanitary handling of oysters at the
6-17     wholesale, retail, and consumer level; and]
6-18                 [(5)  the optional additional marking of the boundaries
6-19     of areas declared closed by the director.]
6-20           [(d)  The department shall adopt rules, forms, and procedures
6-21     to obtain from a certified shellfish dealer required to pay fees
6-22     under this section information on the:]
6-23                 [(1)  location of the oysters harvested;]
6-24                 [(2)  identity of the harvesting boat;]
6-25                 [(3)  identity of the captain and the number of crew of
6-26     the harvesting boat; and]
 7-1                 [(4)  identity of the receiving certified shellfish
 7-2     dealer.]
 7-3           (c)  The comptroller may adopt rules, forms, and procedures
 7-4     for submission of fees under this section.
 7-5           (d)  Fees and penalties collected under this section shall be
 7-6     submitted to the Comptroller.  The Comptroller shall report to the
 7-7     department monthly the fees and penalties submitted.
 7-8           (e)  Before any other allocation of the fees collected under
 7-9     this section is made, two percent of such fees shall be deposited
7-10     in the state treasury for the use of the comptroller in the
7-11     administration and enforcement of this section.  The remainder of
7-12     the fees and penalties collected under this section shall be
7-13     deposited to the credit of the Oyster Sales account in the general
7-14     revenue fund to be allocated each year for oyster related
7-15     activities including, but not limited to:
7-16                 (1)  collecting bay water and shellfish meat samples;
7-17                 (2)  contracting for sample analysis for classification
7-18     and opening or closing of oyster harvesting areas;
7-19                 (3)  marking of the boundaries of classified areas;
7-20                 (4)  studying oyster diseases and other concerns
7-21     affecting the availability of oysters for harvest;
7-22                 (5)  studying organisms which may be associated with
7-23     human illness which can be transmitted through the consumption of
7-24     oysters;
7-25                 (6)  promotion and advertising of the Texas Oyster
7-26     Industry by the Texas Department of Agriculture, including
 8-1     information, education, and/or training to wholesalers, retailers,
 8-2     and consumers on safe and proper handling of oysters; and
 8-3                 (7)  as otherwise set out in the other provisions of
 8-4     this law.
 8-5           (f)  The provisions of Subtitle A and B, Tax Code, are
 8-6     applicable to the comptroller's administration, collection, and
 8-7     enforcement of this section to the same extent as if this were a
 8-8     tax imposed under Title 2 of the Tax Code.
 8-9           SECTION 5.  Subchapter H, Health and Safety Code is amended
8-10     by adding a new Section 436.104 as follows:
8-11           Sec. 436.104.  OYSTER LEASE PROGRAM.  (a)  The department
8-12     shall conduct the necessary activities to allow production of
8-13     oysters from private oyster leases during the months of May through
8-14     October of each year.
8-15           (b)  The department shall conduct such sanitary surveys, bay
8-16     water and shellfish meat sampling, and any other activities that
8-17     are necessary to classify the bays where oysters are harvested from
8-18     private leases and/or public reefs and shall maintain those areas
8-19     in the open status as much as possible while protecting public
8-20     health.
8-21           (c)  The department shall, using reasonable and prudent
8-22     safety concerns, conduct sampling activities at the earliest
8-23     possible time following closures of areas where oysters are
8-24     harvested from private leases or public reefs to confirm the need
8-25     for the closure if any questions exist about the closure.
8-26           (d)  The department shall, using reasonable and prudent
 9-1     safety concerns, conduct sampling activities at the earliest
 9-2     possible time following closures of areas where oysters are
 9-3     harvested from private leases or public reefs if there is reason to
 9-4     believe that the sampling will result in opening the areas.
 9-5           (e)  The department shall follow the Vibrio parahaemolyticus
 9-6     guidelines of the National Shellfish Sanitation Program when they
 9-7     are officially incorporated into the NSSP.  Until then, the
 9-8     department shall follow the current Interstate Shellfish Sanitation
 9-9     Conference Interim Control Plan for Vibrio parahaemolyticus (ICPVp)
9-10     and any modifications that may be adopted at subsequent ISSC
9-11     meetings, with the following stipulations:
9-12                 (1)  Illnesses used for implementing ICPVp actions
9-13     shall be confirmed by laboratory analysis as being caused by the
9-14     same virulent strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus before any action
9-15     is implemented.
9-16                 (2)  If a closure of an area occurs because of
9-17     illnesses confirmed as being caused by the same virulent strain of
9-18     Vibrio parahaemolyticus the area shall be opened when twenty (20)
9-19     samples of oyster meats collected in a fourteen-day period from the
9-20     area in addition to the ongoing routine Vibrio parahaemolyticus
9-21     research do not result in the finding of the causative virulent
9-22     strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
9-23           (f)  The department shall implement a monitoring and
9-24     enforcement program which investigates possible temperature abuse
9-25     on product from harvesting through retail.
9-26                 (1)  If temperature abuse of oysters is identified
 10-1    during the monitoring program, the department shall initiate
 10-2    enforcement action against all entities involved in the abuse.
 10-3                (2)  If temperature abuse of oysters associated with
 10-4    possible Vibrio parahaemolyticus illnesses is identified at any
 10-5    point in the market chain from harvest to consumer, the department
 10-6    shall not close any harvest areas unless the temperature abuse does
 10-7    not appear to be the possible cause of the illness.
 10-8          (g)  The guidelines established in (e), (1), and (2) above
 10-9    shall become effective on the effective date of this Act and shall
10-10    remain in effect until such time as more definitive guidelines are
10-11    provided in the ICPVp or Vibrio parahaemolyticus guidelines are
10-12    officially incorporated into the NSSP.
10-13          SECTION 6.  Subchapter I, Chapter 436, Health and Safety
10-14    Code, is amended by adding Section 436.116 to read as follows:
10-15          Sec. 436.116.  TEXAS OYSTER COUNCIL.  (a)  There shall be a
10-16    Texas Oyster Council.
10-17          (b)  The council shall advise the Board regarding the
10-18    following:
10-19                (1)  the criteria for opening and closing of oyster
10-20    harvest areas under this chapter;
10-21                (2)  the development of standards and procedures
10-22    relating to the licensing of molluscan shellfish processors under
10-23    this chapter;
10-24                (3)  the content of the rules adopted to implement this
10-25    chapter;
10-26                (4)  other such matters pertaining to oysters that the
 11-1    involved agencies or the oyster industry may bring before the
 11-2    council for consideration; and
 11-3                (5)  any other functions requested by the board in
 11-4    implementing and administering this chapter.
 11-5          (c)  The council shall establish procedures for:
 11-6                (1)  meetings;
 11-7                (2)  submission, consideration, and resolution of
 11-8    issues; and
 11-9                (3)  reporting the council's activities to the
11-10    legislature.
11-11          (d)  The council shall adhere to all laws pertaining to
11-12    public meetings and shall post meeting dates and agenda in the
11-13    Texas Register.
11-14          (e)  The council shall be composed of the following members:
11-15                (1)  three members appointed by the Board of Health
11-16    from a list of nominations submitted individually by oyster dealers
11-17    who have been certified in Texas for at least twelve months of each
11-18    year of the three years preceding the nomination;
11-19                (2)  two members appointed by the Board of Health from
11-20    a list of nominations submitted individually by oyster dealers who
11-21    have been certified in Texas for at least six months of each year
11-22    of the three years preceding the nomination;
11-23                (3)  one representative appointed by the Chairman of
11-24    the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (I.S.S.C.);
11-25                (4)  one member from the Texas A & M Sea Grant Program;
11-26    and
 12-1                (5)  one public member appointed by the governor.
 12-2          (f)  A person is not eligible for appointment as a public
 12-3    member if the person or the person's spouse:
 12-4                (1)  is a harvester, processor, or wholesaler regulated
 12-5    by this chapter;
 12-6                (2)  is employed by a harvester, processor, or
 12-7    wholesaler regulated by this chapter;
 12-8                (3)  is a retailer of molluscan shellfish; or
 12-9                (4)  is employed by a retailer of molluscan shellfish.
12-10          (g)  The council shall meet and elect a chairperson from its
12-11    members and shall conduct other such meetings as it may deem
12-12    necessary to deal with matters brought before the council.
12-13          (h)  The council shall not provide compensation or
12-14    reimbursement of expenses to its members.
12-15          (i)  Members will serve for a period of one year and may be
12-16    reappointed at the conclusion of their term.
12-17          (j)  The Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference
12-18    representative and the Texas A&M Sea Grant representative shall be
12-19    appointed by their respective organization or agency.
12-20          SECTION 7.  Title 3 of the Agriculture Code is amended by
12-21    adding Chapter 47 to read as follows:
12-22                    Chapter 47.  TEXAS OYSTER PROGRAM.
12-23          Sec. 47.001  PROMOTION AND ADVERTISEMENT (a)  The department
12-24    may:
12-25                (1)  promote and advertise the Texas Oyster Industry
12-26    including, but not limited to:
 13-1                      (A)  use current market research to develop an
 13-2    oyster marketing plan to increase consumption of Texas oysters;
 13-3                      (B)  conduct a public relations campaign to
 13-4    create a responsible and accurate image of the Texas Oyster
 13-5    Industry; and
 13-6                      (C)  provide information, education, and/or
 13-7    training to wholesalers, retailers, and consumers on safe and
 13-8    proper handling of oysters.
 13-9          (b)  The department, following guidance of the Oyster
13-10    Advisory Committee established in Section 47.002, may use a portion
13-11    of the Oyster Sales Fee funds provided for administrative purposes.
13-12          Sec. 47.002.  OYSTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a)  The
13-13    commissioner shall appoint an Oyster Advisory Committee to provide
13-14    guidance and direction on the programs and activities established
13-15    under this subchapter and expenditures of the funds appropriated
13-16    for this subchapter.  Members of the advisory committee shall serve
13-17    without compensation or reimbursement of expenses.
13-18          (b)  The advisory committee shall meet and elect a
13-19    chairperson from its members and shall conduct other such meeting
13-20    as it may deem necessary to provide guidance and direction to the
13-21    department.
13-22          (c)  The advisory committee shall be composed of the
13-23    following nine members:
13-24                (1)  six members appointed by the commissioner from a
13-25    list of nominations submitted individually by oyster dealers who
13-26    have been certified in Texas for a least twelve months of each year
 14-1    of the three years preceding the nomination;
 14-2                (2)  two members appointed by the commissioner from a
 14-3    list of nominations submitted individually by oyster dealers who
 14-4    have been certified in Texas for at least six months of each year
 14-5    of the three years preceding the nomination; and
 14-6                (3)  one member appointed by the commissioner
 14-7    representing consumer interests.
 14-8          (d)  The advisory committee shall develop its own by-laws
 14-9    under which it shall operate.  These by-laws shall stipulate that
14-10    five members shall constitute a quorum sufficient to conduct
14-11    meetings and business of the advisory committee.
14-12          (e)  an advisory committee member shall serve for a
14-13    three-year term with the terms of three members expiring August 31
14-14    of each year.  For the first appointment upon adoption of this act,
14-15    the commissioner shall appoint two members from the list submitted
14-16    under (c)(1) and one member from the list submitted under (c)(2) or
14-17    the consumer representative to serve for periods of one year, two
14-18    years, and three years to establish the rotation.
14-19          (f)  A person may continue to serve on the advisory committee
14-20    at the conclusion of his/her term if reappointed.
14-21          SECTION 8.  Subchapter C, Chapter 87, Education Code, is
14-22    amended as follows:
14-24          Sec. 87.201.  Texas A & M University at Galveston; Role and
14-25    Mission.  (a)  Texas A&M University at Galveston is a special
14-26    purpose institution of higher education for undergraduate
 15-1    instruction in marine and maritime studies in science, engineering,
 15-2    and business and for research and public service related to the
 15-3    general field of marine resources.  The institution is under the
 15-4    management and control of the board of regents of The Texas A&M
 15-5    University System, with degrees offered under the name and
 15-6    authority of Texas A&M University at College Station.  The board of
 15-7    regents of The Texas A&M University System shall have the authority
 15-8    to designate Texas A&M University at Galveston as a branch of Texas
 15-9    A&M University; however, such designation, if made, shall not
15-10    change the role and mission of Texas A&M University at Galveston as
15-11    specified in this section.
15-12          (b)  Texas A&M University at Galveston shall be a research
15-13    institute supporting the marine sciences and oceanography programs
15-14    at Texas A&M University and The University of Texas at Austin.
15-15    Research endeavors benefitting the academic strength of Texas A&M
15-16    University and The University of Texas at Austin or the economic
15-17    strength of the State of Texas shall be conducted, with emphasis on
15-18    establishing and maintaining an internationally recognized research
15-19    institute to be named the Texas Institute of Oceanography.  The
15-20    Texas Institute of Oceanography may also contract with other
15-21    institutions of higher education to provide research and other
15-22    related services.  Texas A&M University at College Station and The
15-23    University of Texas at Austin are authorized to offer upper-level
15-24    and graduate courses in marine sciences and oceanography at the
15-25    Texas Institute of Oceanography that are supportive to their marine
15-26    sciences and oceanography academic programs.  Funding for research
 16-1    should be from private sources, competitively acquired sources, and
 16-2    appropriated public funding.
 16-3          (c)  Within the established programs, and using funds and
 16-4    grants provided in other specific legislation and/or obtained from
 16-5    other sources, the Texas A&M University at Galveston, Marine
 16-6    Biology Department, may support the expansion and production of
 16-7    oysters from private oyster leases during the months of May through
 16-8    October of each year and shall study the possible impacts of
 16-9    conditions observed on public harvest outside this time period,
16-10    including but not limited to:
16-11                (1)  the department may conduct studies to investigate
16-12    and provide information about oyster diseases and other concerns
16-13    which may affect the availability of oysters for harvest.  These
16-14    studies shall consider the effects of natural environmental
16-15    conditions such as but not limited to salinity, temperature,
16-16    turbidity and other natural environmental conditions, as well as,
16-17    factors which may not be part of the natural environment such as
16-18    but not limited to chemical contamination, freshwater inflow
16-19    alterations, and ballast water discharges; and
16-20                (2)  the department may conduct studies to investigate
16-21    and provide information about organisms which may be associated
16-22    with human illness which can be transmitted through the consumption
16-23    of oysters, particularly Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio
16-24    vulnificus.  The studies shall consider factors such as but not
16-25    limited to natural occurrence, contamination, and effects of time,
16-26    temperature, and handling practices on the organisms.
 17-1          SECTION 9.  The importance of this legislation and the
 17-2    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 17-3    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 17-4    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 17-5    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
 17-6    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
 17-7    passage, and it is so enacted.