By:  Harris                                           S.B. No. 1813
         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.
         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                       AN ACT
 1-1     relating to the regulation of pawnbrokers and pawnshop employees.
 1-3           SECTION 1.  Section 371.002, Finance Code, is amended to read
 1-4     as follows:
 1-5           Sec. 371.002.  Purposes.  The purposes of this chapter are
 1-6     to:
 1-7                 (1)  prevent fraud, unfair practices, discrimination,
 1-8     imposition, and abuse of state residents;
 1-9                 (2)  exercise the state's police power to ensure a
1-10     sound system of making pawn loans and transfers of personal
1-11     property by and through pawnshops;
1-12                 (3)  prevent transactions in stolen property and other
1-13     unlawful property transactions by licensing and regulating
1-14     pawnbrokers and pawnshop employees;
1-15                 (4)  provide for licensing and investigation fees;
1-16                 (5)  provide minimum capital requirements for
1-17     pawnbrokers;
1-18                 (6)  ensure financial responsibility to the state and
1-19     its residents and compliance with federal, state, and local law,
1-20     including rules and ordinances; [and]
1-21                 (7)  assist local governments in the exercise of their
1-22     police power; and
 2-1                 (8)  prevent overburdening of court dockets by
 2-2     providing an administrative procedure for disputes over lost or
 2-3     damaged pledged goods.
 2-4           SECTION 2.  Section 371.059, Finance Code, is amended to read
 2-5     as follows:
 2-6           Sec. 371.059.  Approval; Issuance of License.  (a)  Subject
 2-7     to Subsection (b), the [The] commissioner shall approve the
 2-8     application and issue a license if the commissioner finds that[:]
 2-9                 [(1)]  the applicant is eligible for the license[;] and
2-10                 (1)  for an application for a new license which the
2-11     applicant proposes to use to operate a pawnshop at a facility
2-12     which, at the time of the filing of the application, is not an
2-13     existing licensed operating pawnshop, the facility is not within
2-14     two miles of an existing licensed operating pawnshop;
2-15                 (2)  for an application for the relocation of an
2-16     existing license which the licensee proposes to use to operate a
2-17     pawnshop at a facility which, at the time of the filing of the
2-18     application, is not an existing licensed operating pawnshop, the
2-19     facility is not within one mile of an existing licensed operating
2-20     pawnshop; or
2-21                 (3)  for an application for the relocation of an
2-22     existing license and the existing operating pawnshop to which it
2-23     relates, the pawnshop, at the time of the filing of the
2-24     application:
2-25                       (A)  has been in operation in its current
2-26     location by the licensee and the licensee's predecessors for a
 3-1     period of at least three years; and
 3-2                       (B)  is proposed to be relocated to a facility
 3-3     that is either:
 3-4                             (i)  less than one mile from its current
 3-5     location; or
 3-6                             (ii)  not within one mile of an existing
 3-7     licensed operating pawnshop.
 3-8           (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(3), the commissioner may
 3-9     approve an application for the relocation of a licensed operating
3-10     pawnshop that at the time the application is filed has not been in
3-11     operation in its current location for at least three years or needs
3-12     to relocate marginally more than one mile from its current location
3-13     if the necessity for relocation was caused by circumstances beyond
3-14     the applicant's control.
3-15           (c)  A determination of distance for purposes of this section
3-16     is based on a measurement taken from the front door of a facility
3-17     to the front door of the other facility.  For a facility not in
3-18     existance at the time the application is filed, the location of the
3-19     front door of the proposed facility must be indicated on
3-20     architectural drawings or comparable professionally prepared
3-21     drawings depicting the facility and the entire boundary of the lot
3-22     or parcel of land to which the facility is to be attached [(2)  for
3-23     an application for an original license in or the relocation of a
3-24     pawnshop to a county with a population of at least 250,000.]
3-25                       [(A)  there is a public need for the proposed
3-26     pawnshop; and]
 4-1                       [(B)  the volume of business in the community in
 4-2     which the pawnshop will conduct its business indicates a profitable
 4-3     operation is probable].
 4-4           SECTION 3.  Section 371.064(a), Finance Code, is amended to
 4-5     read as follows:
 4-6                 (a)  Not later than December 1, a pawnbroker shall pay
 4-7     to the commissioner for each license held an annual fee of $125
 4-8     [$100] for the year beginning the next January 1.
 4-9           SECTION 4.  Section 371.071, Finance Code, is amended to read
4-10     as follows:
4-11           Sec. 371.071.  APPLICATION FOR [NOTICE OF] RELOCATION.
4-12     [(a)]A pawnbroker who wishes to move a pawnshop from the location
4-13     provided on the license must make application to the
4-14     commissioner([:]
4-15                 [(1)  give notice to the commissioner] before the 30th
4-16     day preceding the date the pawnbroker moves [the new location is
4-17     not subject to Section 371.059(2); or]
4-18                 [(2)  make application to the commissioner before the
4-19     60th day preceding the date the pawnbroker moves if the new
4-20     location is subject to Section 371.059(2)].
4-21           [(b)  When the commissioner receives a notice under
4-22     Subjection (a)(1), the commissioner shall amend the license
4-23     accordingly.]
4-24           SECTION 5.  Section 371.072, Finance Code, is amended to read
4-25     as follows:
4-26           Sec. 371.072.  NET ASSETS REQUIREMENT.  (a)   Except as
 5-1     provided by Subsection (b) [this section], a pawnbroker shall
 5-2     maintain net assets of at least $150,000 that are used or readily
 5-3     available for use in the business of each pawnshop.
 5-4           (b)  A pawnbroker who held a license under the Texas Pawnshop
 5-5     Act prior to September 1, 1999 shall maintain net assets used or
 5-6     readily available for use in the business for that existing license
 5-7     in an amount of at least the net assets requirement associated with
 5-8     the license as the requirement existed on August 31, 1999.  The net
 5-9     assets requirement of this subsection remains in effect without
5-10     regard to a change in ownership or relocation of the license. [If a
5-11     change in ownership or a relocation from a municipality occurs, the
5-12     net assets requirement for a pawnbroker is an amount equal to the
5-13     sum, rounded to the next higher multiple of $5,000, of:]
5-14                 [(1)  the pawnbroker's outstanding loans on the date of
5-15     the change of ownership or relocation;]
5-16                 [(2)  the value of the pawnbroker's inventory on that
5-17     date; and]
5-18                 [(3)  an amount equal to five percent of the sum of the
5-19     amounts described by Subdivisions (1) and (2).]
5-20           [(c)  The net assets requirement of Subsection (b) may not
5-21     be:]
5-22                 [(1)  less than the amount of net assets required
5-23     immediately before the date of the change of ownership or
5-24     relocation; or]
5-25                 [(2)  more than $150,000.]
5-26           [(d)  Subject to Subsection (b), a pawnbroker shall maintain
 6-1     for each pawnshop net assets that are used or readily available for
 6-2     use in the business of the pawnshop of at least the amount required
 6-3     on:]
 6-4                 [(1)  August 31, 1981, if the pawnbroker held a license
 6-5     on that date; or]
 6-6                 [(2)  June 20, 1987, if the pawnbroker held a license
 6-7     on that date but did not hold a license on August 31, 1981.]
 6-8           (c) [(e)]  Net assets must be represented by a capital
 6-9     investment unencumbered by a lien or other encumbrance and subject
6-10     to a claim by a general creditor.
6-11           (d) [(f)]  In this section, "capital investment" means:
6-12                 (1)  common or preferred shares and capital or earned
6-13     surplus as those terms are defined by the Texas Business
6-14     Corporation Act if the pawnbroker is a corporation; or
6-15           (2)  a substantial equivalent of items described by
6-16     Subdivision (1), as determined by generally accepted accounting
6-17     principles, if the pawnbroker is not a corporation.
6-18           (e) [(g)]  Subsection (b) shall [This section does not] apply
6-19     to a change in ownership that is:
6-20                 (1)  a transaction involving a different owner who had
6-21     a significant family or business relationship with a prior owner
6-22     before the transaction;
6-23                 (2)  a transaction in which:
6-24                       (A)  only the number or proportionate ownership
6-25     of owners of a business changes; and
6-26                       (B)  an individual who was not an owner before
 7-1     the transaction is not an owner after the transaction; or
 7-2                 (3)  a change in ownership that occurs by testate or
 7-3     intestate disposition.
 7-4           SECTION 6.  Section 371.101(a), Finance Code, is amended to
 7-5     read as follows:
 7-6           (a)  An individual who begins employment at a pawnshop must
 7-7     apply to the commissioner for a pawnshop employee license not later
 7-8     than the 75th [30th] day after the date employment begins.
 7-9           SECTION 7.  Section 371.106(a), Finance Code, is amended to
7-10     read as follows:
7-11           (a)  Not later than December 1, a pawnshop employee license
7-12     holder shall pay the commissioner an annual fee of $15 [$10] for
7-13     the year beginning the next January 1.
7-14           SECTION 8.  Section 371.167(a), Finance Code, is amended to
7-15     read as follows:
7-16           (a)  A pawnbroker shall replace pledged goods that are lost
7-17     or damaged while in the pawnbroker's possession with like kind
7-18     merchandise.  The replacement is subject to approval by the
7-19     commissioner, and the pledgor must exhaust this administrative
7-20     remedy with respect to the lost or damaged pledged goods before
7-21     seeking redress in the courts.
7-22           SECTION 9.  Section 371.258, Finance Code, is amended by
7-23     adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
7-24           (c)  The commissioner shall reinstate an expired pawnshop
7-25     license if, not later than the 180th day after the date on which
7-26     the license expired, the pawnbroker pays the commissioner the
 8-1     delinquent $125 annual fee plus a reinstatement fee of $1,000.
 8-2     After a pawnshop's license has expired, the commissioner shall send
 8-3     notice of reinstatement rights to the delinquent pawnbroker via
 8-4     certified mail promptly upon expiration of the license.
 8-5           SECTION 10.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
 8-6     The changes in law made by this Act to Sections 371.059 and
 8-7     371.071, Finance Code, apply only to applications filed on or after
 8-8     the effective date of this Act.
 8-9           (b)  An application filed before the effective date of this
8-10     Act is covered by the law in effect when the application was
8-11     submitted, and the former law is continued in effect for that
8-12     purpose.
8-13           (c)  The net assets requirement of an existing license on the
8-14     effective date of this Act remains in effect at the net assets
8-15     requirement that existed immediately before the effective date of
8-16     this Act and that law is continued in effect only for that purpose.
8-17           SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
8-18           SECTION 12.  The importance of this legislation and the
8-19     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
8-20     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
8-21     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
8-22     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.