By Nixon                                              S.B. No. 1881
         76R13024 KLA-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the powers, duties, and operations of the Nacogdoches
 1-3     County Hospital District.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Sections 7, 9, and 10, Chapter 431, Acts of the
 1-6     60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, are amended to read as
 1-7     follows:
 1-8           Sec. 7.  (a)  The board of directors shall have the power and
 1-9     authority to issue and sell its bonds in the name and upon the
1-10     faith and credit of such hospital district for the purchase,
1-11     construction, acquisition, repair or renovation of buildings and
1-12     improvements and equipping the same for hospital purposes, and for
1-13     any or all of such purposes.  At the time of issuance of any bonds
1-14     by the district a tax shall be levied by the board sufficient to
1-15     create an interest and sinking fund to pay the interest on and
1-16     principal of said bonds as same mature, providing such tax together
1-17     with any other taxes levied for said district shall not exceed 75
1-18     cents on each $100 valuation of taxable property in any one year,
1-19     within the district subject to hospital district taxation.  No
1-20     bonds shall be issued by such hospital district except refunding
1-21     bonds until authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of
1-22     the district voting at an election called for such purpose.  The
1-23     order for bond election shall specify the date of the election, the
1-24     amount of bonds to be authorized, the maximum maturity thereof, the
 2-1     maximum rate of interest they are to bear, the place or places
 2-2     where the election shall be held, the presiding judge and alternate
 2-3     judge for each voting place and provide for clerks as in county
 2-4     elections.  Notice of any bond election (except one held under the
 2-5     provisions of Section 8, in which instance notice shall be given as
 2-6     provided in Section 3) shall be given as provided in Article 704,
 2-7     Revised Statutes, and shall be conducted in accordance with the
 2-8     general laws of Texas pertaining to general elections, except as
 2-9     modified by the provisions of this Act.
2-10           (b)  Refunding bonds of the district may be issued for the
2-11     purpose of refunding and paying off any outstanding indebtedness it
2-12     has issued or assumed.  Such refunding bonds may be sold and the
2-13     proceeds thereof applied to the payment of outstanding
2-14     indebtedness, or may be exchanged in whole or in part for not less
2-15     than a like principal amount of such outstanding indebtedness
2-16     provided that, if refunding bonds are to be exchanged for a like
2-17     amount of said outstanding indebtedness, such refunding bonds shall
2-18     bear interest at the same or lower rate than borne by the debt
2-19     refunded, unless it is shown mathematically that a saving will
2-20     result in the total amount of interest to be paid on said refunding
2-21     bonds, and provided further that if such refunding bonds are to be
2-22     sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of any such
2-23     outstanding indebtedness, same shall be issued and payments made in
2-24     the manner specified by Chapter 503, Acts of the 54th Legislature,
2-25     1955, as amended (Article 717k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
2-26           (c)  Bonds of the district shall bear interest not to exceed
2-27     six percent per annum, shall mature within 40 years of their date,
 3-1     shall be executed in the name of the hospital district and in its
 3-2     behalf by the president of the board and countersigned by the
 3-3     secretary in the manner provided by Chapter 204, Acts of the 57th
 3-4     Legislature, Regular Session, 1961 (Article 717j-1, Vernon's Texas
 3-5     Civil Statutes), as amended, and shall be subject to the same
 3-6     requirements in the matter of approval by the Attorney General of
 3-7     Texas and registration by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the
 3-8     State of Texas as are by law provided for approval and registration
 3-9     of bonds issued by counties.  Upon the approval of such bonds by
3-10     the attorney general and registration by the comptroller, the same
3-11     shall be incontestable for any cause.
3-12           (d)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a), (b), and (c), the board
3-13     may issue and sell its bonds, notes, or other obligations payable
3-14     from the sales and use tax revenues of the district to acquire land
3-15     for the hospital system or for the purchase, construction,
3-16     acquisition, repair, or renovation of buildings, improvements, and
3-17     equipment related to the hospital system.
3-18           Sec. 9.  (a)  The board shall determine:
3-19                 (1)  the type, number, and location of buildings
3-20     required to establish and maintain an adequate hospital system; and
3-21                 (2)  the type of equipment necessary for hospital care.
3-22           (b)  The board may:
3-23                 (1)  acquire real property, facilities, and equipment
3-24     for the district for use in the hospital system in the manner
3-25     determined by the board;
3-26                 (2)  lease to physicians, individuals, companies,
3-27     corporations, or other legal entities or acquire by lease or by
 4-1     lease-purchase agreement real property, facilities, or equipment
 4-2     for use in the hospital system on terms determined by the board to
 4-3     be in the best interest of its residents; and
 4-4                 (3)  sell or otherwise dispose of district real
 4-5     property, facilities, or equipment on terms determined by the board
 4-6     to be in the best interest of its residents [The board of directors
 4-7     is hereby given complete discretion as to the type of buildings
 4-8     (both as to number and location) required to establish and maintain
 4-9     an adequate hospital system].
4-10           (c)  The hospital system may include domiciliary care and
4-11     treatment of the sick, wounded and injured, out-patient clinic or
4-12     clinics, dispensaries, geriatric domiciliary care and treatment,
4-13     convalescent home facilities, necessary nurses, domiciliaries and
4-14     training centers, blood banks, community mental health centers, and
4-15     research centers or laboratories, and any other facilities deemed
4-16     necessary for hospital care by the directors.
4-17           (d)  The district, through its board of directors, is further
4-18     authorized to enter into an operating or management contract with
4-19     regard to its facilities or a part thereof[, or may lease all or
4-20     part of the buildings, facilities, and other property owned by it
4-21     upon terms and conditions considered to be to the best interest of
4-22     its inhabitants, provided that in no event shall any lease be for a
4-23     period in excess of 25 years from the date entered.  The district
4-24     shall be empowered to sell or otherwise dispose of any property
4-25     (real or personal) or equipment of any nature upon terms and
4-26     conditions found by the board to be in the best interest of its
4-27     inhabitants].
 5-1           Sec. 10.  (a)  The board of directors of such district shall
 5-2     have the power to prescribe the method and manner of making
 5-3     purchases and expenditures and entering into contracts for
 5-4     construction by and for such hospital district, and also shall be
 5-5     authorized to prescribe all accounting and control procedures.  In
 5-6     purchasing goods or services or entering into contracts for
 5-7     construction, the board may determine the method that provides the
 5-8     best value to the district, including:
 5-9                 (1)  competitive bidding;
5-10                 (2)  competitive sealed proposals;
5-11                 (3)  catalogue purchase;
5-12                 (4)  a group purchasing program; or
5-13                 (5)  an open market contract.
5-14           (b)  In determining what is the best value to the district,
5-15     the board shall consider:
5-16                 (1)  the purchase price;
5-17                 (2)  the reputation of the vendor and of the vendor's
5-18     goods or services;
5-19                 (3)  the quality of the vendor's goods or services;
5-20                 (4)  the extent to which the goods or services meet the
5-21     district's needs;
5-22                 (5)  the vendor's past relationship with the district;
5-23                 (6)  the total long-term cost to the district of
5-24     acquiring the vendor's goods or services; and
5-25                 (7)  any other relevant factor that a private business
5-26     entity would consider in selecting a vendor.
5-27           (c)  The state auditor may audit purchases of goods or
 6-1     services by the district.
 6-2           (d)  The board may adopt rules and procedures for the
 6-3     acquisition of goods or services.
 6-4           (e)  To the extent of any conflict, this section prevails
 6-5     over any other law relating to the purchasing of goods and
 6-6     services.
 6-7           (f)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, Chapters
 6-8     2151 and 2254, Government Code, do not apply to purchases of goods
 6-9     and services made under this section.
6-10           (g)  The board may incur obligations, including a lease or
6-11     lease-purchase agreement for real property, facilities, or
6-12     equipment for use in the hospital system payable from the pledged
6-13     sales and use tax revenues of the district.
6-14           (h)  Pending receipt of accounts receivable, the board may
6-15     borrow money for the payment of maintenance and operating expenses
6-16     of the district.  A loan obtained by the district must be repaid
6-17     not later than one year after the date on which the loan is made.
6-18           (i)  [All contracts for construction or purchases involving
6-19     the expenditure of more than $10,000 may be made only after
6-20     advertising in the manner provided by Subchapter B, Chapter 271,
6-21     Local Government Code.]  The provisions of Article 5160 relating to
6-22     performance and payment bonds shall apply to construction contracts
6-23     let by the district.
6-24           (j)  The district may acquire equipment for use in its
6-25     hospital system and mortgage or pledge the property so acquired as
6-26     security for the payment of the purchase price, but any such
6-27     contract shall provide for the entire obligation of the district to
 7-1     be retired within five years from the date of the contract.
 7-2           (k)  The district may allocate a portion of its annual sales
 7-3     and use tax revenue, not to exceed one-fourth of one percent, to
 7-4     encourage economic development in the district as described by
 7-5     Section 52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution.
 7-6           (l)  Except as permitted by this section and as permitted by
 7-7     Sections 7 and 8, the district may incur no obligation payable from
 7-8     any revenues of the district (taxes or otherwise) except those on
 7-9     hand or to be on hand within the then current and following fiscal
7-10     year of the district.
7-11           SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
7-12     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
7-13     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
7-14     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
7-15     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
7-16     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
7-17     passage, and it is so enacted.