By:  Brown                                             S.C.R. No. 4
                            SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           BE IT RESOLVED by the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, That
 1-2     a joint committee, composed of six members of the senate appointed
 1-3     by the lieutenant governor and six members of the house appointed
 1-4     by the speaker of the house, arrange for the canvass of the votes
 1-5     cast for governor and lieutenant governor at the general election
 1-6     held on the first Tuesday in November, 1998, and that a joint
 1-7     session of the senate and house be held in the hall of the house of
 1-8     representatives at 2 p.m., Monday, January 18, 1999, for the
 1-9     purpose of counting the votes, receiving the report, and hearing
1-10     the declaration of the results of the canvass; and, be it further
1-11           RESOLVED, That the senate and house sit in joint session at
1-12     12 noon on Tuesday, January 19, 1999, for the inauguration of the
1-13     governor-elect and lieutenant governor-elect of Texas as determined
1-14     by the canvass of the votes; and, be it further
1-15           RESOLVED, That a joint committee, composed of five members of
1-16     the senate appointed by the lieutenant governor and five members of
1-17     the house appointed by the speaker of the house, make arrangements
1-18     for the joint session and oath-taking ceremony on January 19, 1999;
1-19     and, be it further
1-20           RESOLVED, That the Department of Public Safety of the State
1-21     of Texas be, and is hereby, instructed to close all entrances to
1-22     the Capitol on Tuesday, January 19, 1999, except for those vehicles
1-23     approved by the inaugural committee as necessary for use in
1-24     connection with the ceremony and the program following.