1-1           WHEREAS, Despite a healthy economy, the number of Americans
 1-2     without health insurance is at a decade high with an estimated 43
 1-3     million people, or 16 percent of the population, lacking health
 1-4     insurance coverage; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Nearly one quarter of all Texans lack health
 1-6     insurance, giving Texas the dubious distinction of having one of
 1-7     the highest rates of uninsured in the country; and
 1-8           WHEREAS, Demographic analysis of uninsured Texans reveals
 1-9     that they are predominantly low-wage workers and their families;
1-10     and
1-11           WHEREAS, State welfare reform efforts have succeeded in
1-12     moving many Texans from welfare to work, but the long-term success
1-13     of reform is jeopardized because these workers earn enough to lose
1-14     their Medicaid eligibility yet do not earn enough to afford
1-15     traditional health insurance coverage; and
1-16           WHEREAS, Texans lacking health insurance cite the expense of
1-17     coverage as the primary reason for forgoing it, and those whose
1-18     health care needs go unaddressed are 50 to 70 percent more likely
1-19     to be hospitalized for conditions that could have been avoided had
1-20     medical attention been accessible to them; and
1-21           WHEREAS, The burden of providing health care to uninsured
1-22     Texans falls on county indigent health care programs, hospitals,
1-23     and individual physicians and costs taxpayers an estimated two to
1-24     four billion dollars per year; and
 2-1           WHEREAS, This emerging health care crisis poses a threat to
 2-2     our thriving economy, which in turn will negatively impact all
 2-3     Texans, regardless of their own health coverage; and
 2-4           WHEREAS, State policymakers are actively addressing the
 2-5     issues of managed care and the health insurance needs of Texas
 2-6     children and citizens requiring long-term care; addressing the
 2-7     expansion of health insurance coverage to those lacking it will
 2-8     promote the overall health of Texans, which in turn will protect
 2-9     our strong economy; now, therefore, be it
2-10           RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas
2-11     hereby urge the governor, lieutenant governor, and the speaker of
2-12     the house of representatives to establish and provide resources,
2-13     including staffing, for a Blue Ribbon Task Force to conduct an
2-14     in-depth study of the uninsured issue; and, be it further
2-15           RESOLVED, That the Blue Ribbon Task Force be directed to
2-16     perform targeted studies of the unique problems faced by Texans
2-17     lacking health coverage that also suffer from asthma,
2-18     cardiovascular disease, smoking-related illnesses or diabetes;
2-19     review demographic trends of data, as specific as possible,
2-20     relating to the uninsured population; examine other states'
2-21     programs, laws, and systems to address the lack of affordable
2-22     health coverage; evaluate existing programs in Texas that address
2-23     the uninsured and indigent health care needs, including government,
2-24     public, and private initiatives; and develop a market-based
2-25     improvement plan, including financing tools and models, to ensure
2-26     that Texans have access to affordable health care coverage; and, be
 3-1     it further
 3-2           RESOLVED, That the task force be composed of nine members:
 3-3     three members representing the public to be appointed by the
 3-4     governor, three members of the senate to be appointed by the
 3-5     lieutenant governor, and three members of the house of
 3-6     representatives to be appointed by the speaker of the house, with
 3-7     the chair to be elected by the members; and, be it further
 3-8           RESOLVED, That for the appointments, efforts be made to
 3-9     include representatives from the business community, consumers,
3-10     insurers, academics, health care providers, and others with
3-11     expertise and interest in the Texas health care delivery system;
3-12     and, be it further
3-13           RESOLVED, That the proceedings and operations of the task
3-14     force be governed by such general rules and policies for joint
3-15     interim committees as the 76th Legislature may adopt and that such
3-16     rules and policies supersede the provisions of this resolution to
3-17     the extent of any conflict.
         _______________________________     _______________________________
             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House
               I hereby certify that S.C.R. No. 6 was adopted by the Senate
         on March 11, 1999; and that the Senate concurred in House amendment
         on May 28, 1999, by a viva-voce vote.
                                                 Secretary of the Senate
               I hereby certify that S.C.R. No. 6 was adopted by the House,
         with amendment, on May 25, 1999.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House