By: Ellis S.C.R. No. 23 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-1 WHEREAS, The Office of Court Administration operates under 1-2 the direction of the Texas Supreme Court to provide administrative, 1-3 technical, and research assistance to all Texas courts and to 1-4 develop and implement court guidelines and rules of procedure that 1-5 foster an effective and efficient judicial system; and 1-6 WHEREAS, Texas court rules currently allow courts to have 1-7 their proceedings recorded and broadcast under certain 1-8 circumstances; with the exception of the Eighth Court of Appeals, 1-9 however, no court in the Texas judicial system has made explicit 1-10 provision for media coverage of court proceedings; and 1-11 WHEREAS, The Eighth Court of Appeals' local rules provide 1-12 specific guidelines for media agencies making pool arrangements to 1-13 avoid disruption of proceedings by an excessive number of cameras 1-14 in the courtroom; similar guidelines could help other Texas courts 1-15 operate more effectively and efficiently, and development of a 1-16 uniform set of guidelines would ensure consistency in court 1-17 interactions with the public media throughout the state; and 1-18 WHEREAS, In accordance with its powers and duties, the Office 1-19 of Court Administration, whose responsibilities include research 1-20 functions to further the establishment of innovative court programs 1-21 and technology systems that promote efficient judicial 1-22 administration, should undertake a study of media pooling 1-23 arrangements for courtroom coverage and develop the appropriate 1-24 guidelines for such arrangements; and 2-1 WHEREAS, Aspects of courtroom media coverage that warrant 2-2 study include the use of media pooling agreements by broadcast news 2-3 organizations for the mutual sharing of audio and visual 2-4 recordings; notice to the court for the use, operation, and 2-5 placement of media equipment; the conduct of media personnel; and 2-6 criteria for the restriction of media coverage in cases involving 2-7 juveniles and other cases considered sensitive; and 2-8 WHEREAS, In the interest of justice, media coverage 2-9 guidelines regarding the photographing, broadcasting, or recording 2-10 of courtroom proceedings should not affect the court's power to 2-11 control and administer access by the media to the courtroom; now, 2-12 therefore, be it 2-13 RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas 2-14 hereby direct the Office of Court Administration to study and 2-15 develop uniform guidelines for media pooling agreements for 2-16 courtroom coverage; and, be it further 2-17 RESOLVED, That the Office of Court Administration solicit and 2-18 consider the opinions and advice of the judiciary in developing the 2-19 uniform guidelines; and, be it further 2-20 RESOLVED, That the secretary of state forward an official 2-21 copy of this resolution to the executive assistant of the Office of 2-22 Court Administration.